Andrews University Digital Commons @ Andrews University Annual Research Brochure Office of Research and Creative Scholarship 2014 2014 Research at Andrews Andrews University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/researchbrochure Recommended Citation Andrews University, "2014 Research at Andrews" (2014). Annual Research Brochure. Book 1. http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/researchbrochure/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship at Digital Commons @ Andrews University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Annual Research Brochure by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Andrews University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. RESEARCH AT ANDREWS Siegfried H. Horn Excellence in Research & Creative Scholarship Andrews University or canoeing down the St. Joseph River. This enabled the researchers to get to Hosts the First Annual know one another both professionally Andrews Research and personally. Matias Soto, a materials science PhD Gary Burdick Conference (ARC) student at Rice University, expressed his Pure & Applied appreciation for the personal and small- Sciences group feel of the conference. “All the The first Andrews Research Conference researchers had the opportunity to get to Gary Burdick joined (ARC), titled “Early Career Researchers know each other outside of the confer- the Andrews University in STEM,” was held at Andrews ence setting,” he said. This distinguishes faculty in 1999 and is University May 7–11, 2014. Participants ARC from other conferences. “We also currently professor of included presenters from universities had the opportunity to get to know fac- physics and associate dean for research in around North America and Andrews ulty and staff from Andrews at different the School of Graduate Studies & Research. University science, technology, moments. I think the time spent outside Under Gary’s leadership, the Office of Re- engineering and mathematics the conference in other activities made a search & Creative Scholarship has developed (STEM) faculty members. Most of the big difference,” he said. an electronic application and review process presenters were Adventist graduate Participants appreciated the op- for the Institutional Review Board and simpli- students or early career faculty either portunity to meet and network with fied the annual Faculty Research/Creative at non-American or non-Adventist other researchers, and some are already Scholarship Activity Report. The office has universities. The conference included looking forward to collaborating with implemented a “Merit Release Time” award, presentations by each of the attendees one another on their projects. “I made giving top performing faculty researchers the in areas of chemistry, biochemistry, some good contacts,” Johnson Luma opportunity to take a three-credit release biology, mathematics, physics, said. Luma is an undergraduate student from their regular teaching load. The office engineering, computer science, and pursuing a degree in civil and environ- has also developed a simplified Internal materials science. mental engineering at the University of Faculty Research Grant application process The conference was sponsored by the Tennessee, Knoxville. “I never connected with a seven-member peer review commit- North American Division of Seventh-day research to anything spiritual,” he said. tee, creating a fairer, more transparent grant Adventists and the STEM departments “After the conference, I know that as I award process. at Andrews University. The Office of Re- research, I will be dealing with what God The office has been proactive in extend- search & Creative Scholarship organized has created. We are all learning about ing the Annual Celebration of Research the event along with STEM coordinator, parts of His creation.” program with a published abstract book, and Rachel Boothby. Thanks to the generos- The second annual Andrews Research in expanding the annual Honors Research ity of the sponsors, attendees were able Conference will be held from May 13- Poster Symposium to include all recipients of to participate in the conference at no 17, 2015 with a focus on early career the Undergraduate Research Scholar Award cost except their travel expenses. At- researchers in the social sciences. and other undergraduate researchers. In tendees traveled from as far west as the Adventist graduate students, post-docs, addition, the office has provided funding for California Institute of Technology and as and early career faculty in the social these students to present the results of their far south as Montemorelos, Mexico and sciences (anthropology, communication, research at regional or national conferences. the University of the West Indies. community and international develop- At Gary’s initiative, the Research website The conference consisted of oral pre- ment, psychology, social work, etc.) are has been developed to include up-to-date sentations followed by evening leisure invited to present. More information can information regarding external and internal activities, such as a picnic at the beach be found at andrews.edu/research/arc. grants, undergraduate research, graduate research, as well as faculty and student research resources. Andrews University strives to be known for its culture of research and creative scholar- ship, an institution where research is part of our academic fabric. Gary is instrumental in Peter Lyons presents shaping that culture and helping us achieve his research on that identity. the “Structure and function of a unique Gary has published one book, two book proteolytic enzyme.” chapters, more than 60 scientific peer- reviewed journal articles and made over 50 professional presentations. He has also received a number of honors, including the 2004 North Central Regional Young Inves- tigator Award by Sigma Xi, the 2001 Award for Excellence in Faculty Research, and the 2013 Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award. 16—Summer 2014, Volume 5 Siegfried H. Horn Excellence in Research & Creative Scholarship Award Recipients 2014 Greg Roy Gane Marcia Kilsby Constantine Religion & Theology Professional Programs Arts, Humanities Roy Gane’s dedication Marcia received her & Education to excellence has led PhD in educational Greg Constantine, him to write 10 books, leadership and Master emeritus research 29 chapters for different of Science in medical professor of art and books, eight articles for technology from artist-in-residence, has always mixed humor encyclopedias, and 58 articles for professional Andrews University. She is a specialist in and scholarship in the lectures given during and academic journals. Altogether, Roy has blood banking technology and certified as his 42 years as a professor of art at Andrews published more than 4,500 pages, which would a medical technologist by the American University, as well as dozens of off-campus equal a 3,000 foot-long scroll. Society for Clinical Pathology and as a presentations in the United States and Eu- Roy, who is professor of Hebrew Bible clinical laboratory scientist by the Agency rope. He directed 15 summer tours to Europe, and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at the for Medical Laboratory Personnel. and journeyed there an additional 19 times Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Marcia started her academic career at for his own enrichment, or in connection with attained international recognition as one of Andrews University in 1983. She is currently art exhibits and publication debuts. the foremost scholars in the book of Leviti- professor and chair of the Department of Greg has been referred to as an “evange- cus with the publication of his book, Cult and Medical Laboratory Sciences. Under her list” of art, but his goal has been to introduce Character. Moreover, with his authorship of the leadership, the department has grown people to his world of art and artists, not nec- NIV Application Commentary: Leviticus, Num- considerably. essarily to convert them into being artists. bers, published by Zondervan, he became the Marcia is a contributing author to more Greg is a prolific painter and exhibitor, hav- first Seventh-day Adventist to have written a than 30 publications, including the NCA ing held 47 one-person exhibits in the United volume in a major non-Seventh-day Adventist Review for the Clinical Laboratory Sciences States and Europe (18 of them in premier Bible commentary series. One of the signifi- and Blood Banking Terminology. She has done New York City galleries). In addition, he was cant contributions of this volume is that the numerous presentations to churches, local included in 64 group shows. He has received Sanctuary doctrine, which is so foundational schools and university forums. 19 research grants from Andrews University to Seventh-day Adventist theology and has Marcia is passionately committed to and various other sources. profound implications for the Christian life, mission outreach, evidenced by her multiple He has had six books published: three has now become accessible to the broader trips to countries around the world, includ- widely acclaimed 80-page books of his Evangelical world. He also authored the ing Jamaica, Trinidad-Tobago, Haiti, Kenya, drawings infused with sophisticated humor: Leviticus and Numbers portions of The Baker Eritrea, India and North Korea, to assist with Vincent van Gogh Visits New York, Leonardo Illustrated Bible Commentary and was the training and improvement of infrastructure in Visits
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