D!LGt Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGION XII 'Irf.dDo, ttalo3.y .r tftarr.h.r. Prime Regional Covemmem Center, Car?€fter Hilt, Rorsnadal City, 9505 Tel/Fax t{os.: (@3)228{650. (0el}228-1421. Ena0: nall@r€gion12.dil&gov.ph . Website r€gion12.dit&gov.ph ADMIN (083) 22&7960. FTNANCE (m3) 22&7959. LGIIBD (083 ) 877-2969. LC{DD (B?\A77 2971 I.lEMORANDUM TO ALL RIATF XII MEMBERS, ALL RTF ON COVID-1g MEIIIBERS, LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVES, DILG PDs / cD / CLGOO OF COTABATO CrTY AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT ]OINT RIATF - EID XII - RTF ON COVID 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - O32 DATE October 06, 2O2O Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 2020-032 entitled "Policy Guidelines and Recommendations Relative to the Management of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation in Region 12", which was approved during the RIATF-EID XII - RTF on COVID-19 Joint Virtual Meeting on September 30, 2020. For information, guidance and/or appropriate action. fi'r, JOSEPHINE CABRTDO-LEYSA, CESO III- Regional Director, DILG XII Chair, RIATF 12 OPCIN: IEY/RTT/ATS The Dll,i Regbn nL imbued )/tth integrtOL @mpet hce ond pmfdssionolism, dnd Llvfirg lJp to o PeoccJul, Accountoble, anal Dyntmic wo*ing enrltunmenE @mmlts to deltver quallq, stwlces thm4gh ovedight functlotl cdqatay development inte^r.ntio& incantivc, anil rcwords dnd ddminlsttative oss,[stance to locol governrnent unlts We uphold aastotuer sat$actio, ond continuol imptuvement oI our Quoliot Monogernent qEf,am's efrectiyeness, compliana to dppli@ble lows, n les dhd tegulationt and Intematlonol stanilards for a highly Da,ewrd Ordert, Sef-Reltont, Environment-frien.lly ond Globall, Comrytttlvr SOCCSKSARGEN. (l,UPAD DOSE). .l I EEB @@LB REGI xll Republic of the Philippines Regionol lnler-Agency Tosk Force on Emerging lnfeclious Diseoses xll- Regionol Tosk Force COVID -19 EXCERPTS FROM THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE JOINT VIRTUAL MEETING OF THE REGIONAL TNTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE ON EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASE (RIATF-EID) XII - REGIONAL TASK FORCE COVID-19 HELD ON SEPTEMBER 3O,2O2O 9:00 AM PRESENT: HON. SUHARTO MANGUDADATU Governor, Sultan Kudarat Province/ Chairperson of RTF on COVID-19 JOSEPHINE CABRIDO.LEYSA, CESO III Regional Director, DILG xll/ Chairperson, RIATF-EID XII ARISTIDES CONCEPCION TAN, MD Regional Director, DOH-CHD xll/ Co-Chairperson, RIATF-EID XII MINDA C. MORANTE Regional Director, OCD XII HON, RONNEL C. RIVERA City Mayor, General Santos City TERESITA SOCCORO C. RAMOS Regional Director, NEDA XII ALLAN G. FARNAZO, CESO IV Regional Director, DepEd XII (Rep. by Ismael Ngitngit Jr.) PBGEN MICHAEL F. DUBRIA Regional Director, PRO XII (Rep. by R3 Chief, PTCOL'OHN Amante Q. Suriaga ) MACARIO D. GONZAGA Regional Director, LTO XII PATERNO REYNATO R PADUA Regional Director, LTFRB XII ATTY. SERVILLANO SANTIAGO LORENZO III Regional Director, DOJ -PAO XII JEANY T. TEDERA Regional Director, DOF-BLGF XII CATHERINE T. APELACIO Regional Director, PIA XII AKMAD J, USMAN Regional Director, DBM XII JUDE CONSTANTINE S. ]AUGAN Regional Director, DTI XII BASIR M. IBRAHIM Regional Director, DPWH XII ,ocELYN C. SANTOCELDES Regional Director, CHED XII ARLAN M. MANGELEN Regional Executive Director, DA XII (Rep. by ARD Zaldy Boloron) ALIMBZAR ASUM, CESO V Regional Director, DICT Min. Cluster 3 ARMIN H. HAUTEA Regional Director, DOT XII RAFAEL Y. ABROGAR II Regional Director, TESDA XII FROILAN B. JAMIAS Regional Director, NTC XII XII NILO J. GEROCHE Regional Director, DOE ATTY. FELIX S. ALICER Regional Director, DENR XII CEZARIO JOEL C. ESPEJO Regional Director, DSWD XII (Rep by ARD Bonifacio Selmo, Jr.) RAYMUNDO G. AGRAVANTE Regional Director, DOLE XII (Rep. by Francis Paul Arca) MGEN IUVYMAX R I..rY Commander, 6rH lD, PA, AFP (Rep. by lLt Martinez) MARYANN V. LUCERO Regional Head, PMS XII PSR RONAN E. GARCIA MEDAFC - RDC XII PSR RICHLY LYNDON B. MAGTULIS RSDC, RDC XII $$- LAILYN A. ORTIZ, CESO V Asst. Regional Director, DILGXII/ Head Secretariat, RIATF-EID XII ARD JEROME B. BARRANCO AssL Regional Director, OCD XII/ Head Secretariat, RTF on COVIDl9 GUESTS: PD MARGARITA H. BAYNOSA DILG Sultan Kudarat PD SAMUEL CAMAGANACAN DILG Sarangani PD ROCHELLE MAHINAY.SERO DILG South Cotabato CLGOO SARAH ALAMADA DILG Cotabato PLTCOL LINO C CAPELLAN PRO XII RENZ ANTHONY SUMAPAL CHED XII JOSE C, BARROQUILLO, JR. IPHO, South Cotabato ALAH BABY C. VINGNO IPHO, South Cotabato ENGR MANUEL VILORIA DPWHXII GWENNETH COLLADO NEDA XII ELBERT CAPECIO DTI XII GUILBERT SIMENE DICT MFO ERICKCEORGE UY DICT MFO NAPOLEON GIO ABSENT: HON. STEVE C. SOLON Governor, Sarangani Province HON. REYNALDO S. TAMAYO, JR Governor, South Cotabato Province HON. NANCYA. CATAMCO Governor, Province of Cotabato ATTY. ELIORDO U. OGENA City Mayor, Koronadal City HON. ANGELO O. MONTILLA City Mayor, Tacurong City HON. JOSEPH A. EVANGELISTA City Mayor, Kidapawan City MGEN REUBEN S. BASIAO Commander, 10rH ID, PA, AFP COL POTENCIANO C CAMBA Commander, 1002ND BDE, PA, AFP MARILOU M. SUMALINOG Regional Director, OWWA XII SCPO ROEL P. SANDOVAL PCG, Southern Mindanao PSR ALFREDO P. HEBRONA, JR. INFRACOM, RDC XII LIZA D. HORA CSO REP, RPOC XII MAHMUD L KINGKINC Regional Director, DOST XII PSR ROLANDO S. DORIA EDC-RDC XII JOVITA SOLARTE Regional Director, DHSUD XII RESOLUTTON NO, 2020-032 September 30, 2020 POLICY GUIDELINES AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF coRoNAvlRUs DISEASE (COVID-l9) STTUATION IN REGION 12 \$ WHEREAS, PeT OMNIBUS GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY QUARANTINE IN THE PHILIPPINES with Amendments as of luly 16, 2O2O, the IATF approved the Implementation of the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ including the zoning concept, corresponding qualification, and its phased response or intervention; As of September 2,2020, Region 12 being placed under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) status, have to strictly observe the following to wit: ' Minimum public health standards shall be complied with at all times for the duration ofthe MGCQ; The movement of all persons shall be limited to accessing essential goods and services, for work in the offices or industries permitted to operate hereunder, and for other activities permitted under this Section. (As omended by Paragroph A(4)(a) of IATF Resolution No. 43, lune 03, 2020); Mass gatherings such as but not limited to, movie screenings, concerts, sporting events, and other entertainment activities, religious services, and work conferences shall be allowed provided that participants shall be limited to fifty percent (50olo) ofthe seating or venue capacity. (As omended by Paragraph A@)(d) of IATF Resolution No. 43, June 03,2O2O) WHEREAS, on September 16,2020, the President issued Proclamation No. 1021 (s. 2020) extending the period of State of Calamity throughout the Philippines due to Coronavirus Disease 2Ol9 declared under Proclamation No. 929 [s. 2020) WHEREAS, IATF Resolution No. 75-A dated September 28,202O pursuant to the appeals of the LGUs and recommendations of the IATF Screening and Validation Committee approved the following: a Effective October , 2020, the risk-level classifications of Provinces, HUCs, ICCs shall be as follows: the following provinces, HUCs and lCCs shall be placed under Modified General Community Quarantine until October 1, 2020, without preiudice to the declaration of localized Enhanced Community Quarantine as follows: For Mindanao: Region Xll: North Cotaboto; South Cotabato; Sarangani; Sultan Kudamt; General Sontos City ond Cotobato City a All provinces, HUCs and ICCs shall continue to observe the strict implementation of the following: lncolized communit t quarontine ond ovoilobility of identified quamntine focilities in priority or citical areas with community ,$1$ transmission, including private ond public establishmena, with concurrence of the Regional IATF; Immediote facilily-based quarantine or isolation of all returning citizens, suspect and probable cases; Scaling up of local health sysum focility, especially for community isolotion and critical core, including dedicated mechonicol ventilators, and lCU, isolation, and word beds for COVID-19 cases; WHEREAS, as ofSeptember 29,2020, DOH Xll COVID-19 Tracker revealed that the Region has a total of 1,201 conffrmed cases. There is an increase of two hundred three (203) COVID-19 cases for a span of 6 days, which is equivalent to an average of 33,83 cases per day. WHEREAS, during the meetin& the LCEs conveyed their observations that there are residents and a number of establishments failed to comply and or disregard the 50% requirement on Mass Gatherings as specified under Section 5 ltem 5 of IATF Omnibus Guidelines date d luly 3,2020; WHEREAS, with the increasing COVID-l9 cases in the region, concerns regarding the capacity of health care systems of some LGUs and the inadequacy of temporary treatment monitoring facilities [ffMFs) were raised for consideration; hence, the Body concurred and or approved the requests offive (5) LGUs for "Localized Lockdown", namely: 1. MunicinaliE of Kalarnans8 . Pumk Orchids Purok Malipayon ond Purok Santan, Barangay Cadiz; 2. Tacurong Citv. Sultan Kudarat . Purok Soranay, Barangoy San Pablo; . Purok 2, Barongay, Pobloction; . Notional Highway, Purok Molipayon, Barangay New Carmen; . Notional Highway corner BrW. San Pablo Road going to Purok Soranay; ond . Barangay Road going b Tacurong lnugrated Terminal, Brgy New lsabela 3. Surallah. South Cotabato . Borangay Libertad, Surallah 4. Pigcawayan. Province of Cotabato . Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4 & Zone 5, Barangay Presbitero; 5. Antipas. Province of Cotabato . Purok 58, Barangoy Poblacion
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