10 The Death Knight-Ed Stark Issue #222 To keep your campaign lively, sometimes Vol. XX, No. 5 you need a little extra-powerful un-life. October, 1995 16 The Necrology of the Penanggalan Paul F. Culatta Publisher TSR, Inc. Some forms of undead are so terrifying and fell that even mighty paladins can fall Associate Publisher prey to their powers. Brian Thomsen Editor-in-Chief Pierce B. Watters FICTION Editor Anthony J. Bryant On the Scent at Slabs John Gregory Betancourt Associate editor 46 What’s an innkeeper to do when his dead boss won’t leave Dave Gross him alone, and then asks to be fixed up with the heir to the Fiction editor throne? Barbara G. Young REVIEW Art director Larry W. Smith Role-playing Reviews-Rick Swan Editorial assistant 26 Rick investigates voodoo, necromancers, and a new grimoire. Michelle Vuckovich Production Staff Tracey Isler FEATURES Subscriptions First Quest-Douglas Niles Janet L. Winters 8 Tarzan may have fired his imagination, but it was a high U.S. advertising school student who provided the fuel. Cindy Rick Sage Advice-Skip Williams U.K. correspondent 35 This month, the sage answers questions on PLAYERS OPTION™: and U.K. advertising Combat & Tactics. Carolyn Wildman DRAGON®Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published Kingdom is by Comag Magazine Marketing, Tavistock monthly by TSR, Inc., 201 Sheridan Springs Road, Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QE, United Lake Geneva, WI 53147, United States of America. Kingdom; telephone: 0895-444055. 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Zelinski Eight ways to give 0-level bad guys an edge over powerful PCs. Secrets of the Sunless Seas-Wolfgang Baur COVER 90 In the depths of the Underdark, the powerful aboleths use This month's cover by West Coast artist glyph magic. Hung Mac was part of his portfolio sub- mission. We felt it was too cool to let it A Slither in The Dark-Gregory W. Detwiler just sit in the file drawer, so it became a 96 A retired officer of the British Raj reflects on his encounter most appropriate cover for our Undead issue. with a fierce creature of the Mythos. DEPARTMENTS 4 Letters 103 Libram X 6 Editorial 108 Gamers Guide 59 Convention Calendar 112 Dragonmirth 72 Floyd 120 TSR Previews magazine. Changes of address for the delivery of the above address; include sufficient American part without first obtaining permission in writing from subscription copies must be received at least six postage or Internation Reply Coupons with the return the publisher. 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Next, between two high walls an arms length apart, he would climb to the top and down again, simply using the Dear Dragon: strength of his legs and arms-fully You ask readers to send you a SASE. I armed. don't know how to proceed with a SASE Their source? The Marshall of France, since I do not live in the United States. 14th century. Benoit Chassé We also have proof you can see today.
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