§ 319.1 9 CFR Ch. III (1±1±98 Edition) Subpart GÐCooked Sausage Subpart PÐFats, Oils, Shortenings 319.180 Frankfurters, frank, furter, hotdog, 319.700 Margarine or oleomargarine. weiner, vienna, bologna, garlic bologna, 319.701 Mixed fat shortening. knockwurst, and similar products. 319.702 Lard, leaf lard. 319.181 Cheesefurters and similar products. 319.703 Rendered animal fat or mixture 319.182 Braunschweiger and liver sausage or thereof. liverwurst. Subpart QÐMeat Soups, Soup Mixes, Subpart H [Reserved] Broths, Stocks, Extracts Subpart IÐSemi-Dry Fermented Sausage 319.720 Meat extract. 319.721 Fluid extract of meat. [Reserved] Subpart RÐMeat Salads and Meat Spreads Subpart JÐDry Fermented Sausage [Reserved] 319.760 Deviled ham, deviled tongue, and similar products. Subpart KÐLuncheon Meat, Loaves and 319.761 Potted meat food product and dev- Jellied Products iled meat food product. 319.762 Ham spread, tongue spread, and 319.260 Luncheon meat. similar products. 319.261 Meat loaf. Subpart SÐMeat Baby Foods [Reserved] Subpart LÐMeat Specialties, Puddings and Nonspecific Loaves Subpart TÐDietetic Meat Foods [Reserved] 319.280 Scrapple. Subpart UÐMiscellaneous 319.281 Bockwurst. 319.880 Breaded products. 319.881 Liver meat food products. Subpart MÐCanned, Frozen, or Dehydrated Meat Food Products AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 450, 1901±1906; 21 U.S.C. 601±695; 7 CFR 2.17, 2.55. 319.300 Chili con carne. SOURCE: 35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, unless 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. otherwise noted. 319.302 Hash. 319.303 Corned beef hash. 319.304 Meat stews. Subpart AÐGeneral 319.305 Tamales. 319.306 Spaghetti with meatballs and sauce, § 319.1 Labeling and preparation of spaghetti with meat and sauce, and simi- standardized products. lar products. Labels for products for which stand- 319.307 Spaghetti sauce with meat. ards of identity or composition are pre- 319.308 Tripe with milk. scribed in this part shall show the ap- 319.309 Beans with frankfurters in sauce, propriate product name, an ingredient sauerkraut with wieners and juice, and statement, and other label information similar products. in accordance with the special provi- 319.310 Lima beans with ham in sauce, sions, if any, in this part, and other- beans with ham in sauce, beans with bacon in sauce, and similar products. wise in accordance with the general la- 319.311 Chow mein vegetables with meat, beling provisions in part 317 of this and chop suey vegetables with meat. subchapter, and such products shall be 319.312 Pork with barbecue sauce and beef prepared in accordance with the special with barbecue sauce. provisions, if any, in this part and oth- 319.313 Beef with gravy and gravy with beef. erwise in accordance with the general provisions in this subchapter. Any Subpart NÐMeat Food Entree Products, product for which there is a common or Pies, and Turnovers usual name must consist of ingredients and be prepared by the use of proce- 319.500 Meat pies. dures common or usual to such prod- Subpart OÐMeat Snacks, Hors d'Oeuvres, ucts insofar as specific ingredients or Pizza, and Specialty Items procedures are not prescribed or pro- hibited by the provisions of this sub- 319.600 Pizza. chapter. 318 VerDate 20<JAN>98 08:22 Feb 09, 1998 Jkt 179031 PO 00000 Frm 00314 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179031.TXT 179031-3 Food Safety and Inspection Serv. (Meat, Poultry), USDA § 319.5 § 319.2 Products and nitrates and bone particle size, calcium, and PER nitrites. requirements of this paragraph, it may Any product, such as frankfurters also be used in the formulation of meat and corned beef, for which there is a food products in accordance with standard in this part and to which ni- § 319.6. trate or nitrite is permitted or required (b)±(d) [Reserved] to be added, may be prepared without (e)(1) An essential amino acid con- nitrate or nitrite and labeled with such tent of at least 33 percent of the total standard name when immediately pre- amino acids presents in ``Mechanically ceded with the term ``Uncured'' in the Separated (Species)'' shall be accepted same size and style of lettering as the as evidence of compliance with the pro- rest of such standard name: Provided, tein quality requirement set forth in That the product is found by the Ad- paragraph (a) of this section. For pur- ministrator to be similar in size, fla- poses of this paragraph, essential vor, consistency, and general appear- amino acid content includes isoleucine, ance to such product as commonly pre- leucine, lysine, methionine, pared with nitrate and nitrite: And pro- phenylalanine, threonine, and valine vided further, That labeling for such content, and the total amino acids product complies with the provisions of present include isoleucine, leucine, ly- § 317.17(c) of this subchapter. sine, methionine, phenylalanine, threo- nine, valine, tyrosine, arginine, histi- [44 FR 48961, Aug. 21, 1979] dine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, and § 319.5 Mechanically Separated (Spe- hydroxyproline content. cies). (2) A prerequisite for label approval (a) Mechanically Separated (Species) for products consisting of or containing is any finely comminuted product re- ``Mechanically Separated (Species)'' is sulting from the mechanical separation that such ``Mechanically Separated and removal of most of the bone from (Species)'' shall have been produced by attached skeletal muscle of livestock an establishment under an establish- carcasses and parts of carcasses and ment quality control system. Such a meeting the other provisions of this plant quality control system shall pro- paragraph. Examples of such product vide the controls and information nec- are ``Mechanically Separated Beef'', essary to assure that the product will ``Mechanically Separated Veal'', ``Me- meet the requirements described in chanically Separated Pork'', and ``Me- § 319.5(a) and to enable establishment chanically Separated Lamb''. At least personnel and program employees to 98 percent of the bone particles present monitor the system for effectiveness. in such product shall have a maximum The system shall include a written de- size no greater than 0.5 millimeter in scription of the methods used by the their greatest dimension and there establishment to maintain uniformity shall be no bone particles larger than of the raw ingredients used in manufac- 0.85 millimeter in their greatest dimen- turing product, to control the handling sion. The product resulting from the and processing of the raw ingredients separating process shall not have a cal- and the finished product, and shall con- cium content exceeding 0.75 percent, as tain provisions for chemical analyses a measure of a bone solids content of of the product and other procedures to not more than 3 percent, and shall have determine and assure compliance with a minimum PER of 2.5 (except as modi- standards for the product. For purposes fied in paragraph (e)(1) of this section). of this paragraph, a lot shall consist of Such product also shall have a protein the ``Mechanically Separated (Spe- content of not less than 14 percent and cies)'' designated as such by the opera- a fat content of not more than 30 per- tor of the establishment or his or her cent, or it shall be deemed to be prod- agent from the product produced from uct for processing. Such product failing a single species of livestock in no more to meet the bone particle size, calcium, than one continuous shift of up to 12 or PER requirements of this paragraph hours. All units of any lot must be shall only be used in producing animal available for inspection by program fats. Where such product meets the employees. Analysis of a sample of at 319 VerDate 20<JAN>98 08:22 Feb 09, 1998 Jkt 179031 PO 00000 Frm 00315 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179031.TXT 179031-3 § 319.6 9 CFR Ch. III (1±1±98 Edition) least 1 pound from each lot to verify methods of analysis may be submitted contents of fat, protein, and calcium in to the Administrator to determine ``Mechanically Separated (Species)'' their acceptability based upon their ac- shall be performed by the operator of curacy, repeatability, reproducibility, the establishment or his or her agent and lowest level of reliable measure- to assure that finished product will ment, as demonstrated by at least 3 meet the requirements in § 319.5(a), ex- laboratories. Copies of AOAC's ``Offi- cept that such analyses with respect to cial Methods'' may be obtained from: fat, protein, and calcium content shall AOAC, 2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite be required to be performed with re- 400, Arlington, VA 22201. Copies of spect to only one randomly selected lot USDA's Chemistry Laboratory Guide- of every five lots if the preceding ten book may be obtained from: Super- analyses and all such analyses per- intendent of Documents, Government formed by the Department during the Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. preceding ten analyses period establish This incorporation by reference was ap- compliance with the requirements of proved by the Director of the FEDERAL § 319.5(a), and that no analyses with re- REGISTER on December 30, 1981 and spect to fat or protein content shall be March 15, 1982. These materials are in- required where the finished product is corporated as they exist on the date of represented as product for processing. the approval. A notice of any change in An analysis of a sample of at least 1 the sections of the AOAC methods or pound to verify essential amino acid the Chemistry Laboratory Guidebook content and/or protein efficiency ratio cited herein will be published in the in ``Mechanically Separated (Species)'' FEDERAL REGISTER.) The plant quality shall be performed by the operator of control system shall be subject to peri- the establishment or his or her agent odic review, and the approval of such at the rate of at least one per month system may be terminated in accord- during production to assure that fin- ance with § 318.4(g)(2) of this sub- ished product will meet the require- chapter.
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