4 . .<+ * % 'f , < ) fr 'i AP* 3 12 l 4f MO1. # Wt w . * #< ': TH E 9 F s I c l A L GAZETTE 0 F TH E COLCNY AND P8OTECTORATE 0F KENYA Publisbed under ibe Aqthoriiy ef His Extellency the Governor qf the Colony and Prpiecitlrate nf Kenya. + è( è 7 V è 7 -7 -V V - - . ' Vol. XXX - No. 7 ) NAIROBI, February 7, 1928. ( PRICE 50 CENTS. Registered ZS Z NQWSPRPQZ Z llle Q. P. 0. Poblished every Yllestkye Z( T 7.....2 . - - - . - -i - --i 7 7 - . - .-Z 1 JZ - - Z -'Z è T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S . PAGR Govt. Notice No. 61 - A rrivals, Departures, Appointm ents, etc. .. .-. 94 Proclam atioll No. l6- M eeting of Legislative Council . 95 ); ,, 17- The Diseases of Animals Ordinance . 95 Gpvt. Nclice N o. 62- The K enya and U ganda Railway Ordinance, 1927 96 ') V - Executi:e Council- A ppointm ent . 97 64- The Liquor Ordinance- Nyanza Licensing Court . 97 65- In H . M . Suprem e Court of Kenya- Appointment 97 66- The Em ploym ent of N atives Ordinance- A ppointment 97 #) 67- The Crkm inal Procedure Ordinance- Appointm ent 97 $% 68-The Cotlon (Tax) Ordinance . 98 r # # z ? ' 69- The Registration of Trade M arks Ordinance- Trade M ark renewed . 98 General Notices Nos 92-1 15 .. .. .. .. 98. GOVERNM RNT NOTICE No. 61. ARR IV ALS. .N. arn t . J M, Preller V. R. Cox J. McRae R. 17. H oskins do J T. Ferguson do S. H . Schwartzel . d o. P. L.. Shingler 1st appt. C. T. Jackson Leave H. W . Gauld DEPA RTU RES. ' Name. Rank. 1j f)n olefa avpe poor inTetm) meninta. tion ij oate oj- pepa rture. ' R. T. H. Anderson S'uperintendent of police f Leave 25th Jan-, 1928 H G. walby Senior oversu.er, p. w. Deot. ) do 29th Jan., 1928 o w 'yartt Ktoeu Inspector, veterina-f y- oept c'l(' do or. P. c. c. Garnbam sanitation omcer. M edical . do do A . E. w w ebb clerlc, Mecijcat oepar:m ent do do H . yz Hellyer carpentty Instruetor, Kabete Reform atoryt do do G. G Roberts Assistant Au-litor do do R c M ii.s sanita,y Inspeetc.r, M edfcal do do H. G. oldfield o istriet os cer do do H. A. Heppes 'relegraph iospector do 28th Jan 1 p28 L. shoolman Asst Glvt. coast Ageni d 29th Jan., 1928 R. o. pbîmister 2nd oflieer, uaue steamers, x.. u. R. M . do -31st Jan.. 19 -.8 w . v. E Lewis clerk Kenya and uganda Railway do :1 29t-, Jan., 192: F. W 7 ovee do d t) do t'1o 2 do ' ' ' A 'Y 'Mt$C()nue1l Travelling Inspector of Accounts l ' K & U . (4 ly do h do Ai ' E: MplfeMine . - Driver, K & . (.J . RJJ'. do t do - x. .y. yexyjjny . : . G uard , K. a. U . k.1 :jp' . clo C $'$ d'o M fss H. M . Norton Clerk, K. & (J Rly. do t do ' :': . :. APPOINTM ENTS. Lrzlwlllkyv'.trx A. Fklrup-qloxss, to be Resident Commis- sioner, Naivaslka, witll effeet from February 6th, 1928. ' . , . s. :0064 / 14. 'W ILIUIAM GEOIIGE M ACLEOD M ACDGNAIZD, to be Aeting lleputy .'Postmaster General, Post and Telearaphs . Departme/t-, Witlt effeet from ' tlle 22nd December, 1927. llAztErEnlclt CIIAIIZàS GAMBLII, Itesident M agistrate, to be Resideut M agistrate, M ombasa, Coas't Province, with effeet f rom 6th dax of February, 1928. lt. W '. M . M XTTAM, M .sc., M.a.c.v. s.? to be Acting Assistant Cllief Veterinary Research Oficer, Depart- nlent of A/riculture, with effeet from 20th J'anuary, 1928. K >:xsrA Axp 'UCANI)A RAILwAV. H>:RU>:1t'r , ARTTA'I;R BAILRY, Assistant Al'eollntant, to be Aeting Seniol- A.ssi st an t Aeeountant ,wit'n effect f rom 1 St Ja' nuary ) 1928 . ' ' J . E'. S. MERIR IICK. for Col. qnial Secrctar, . C olony and Protectorate of K enya. PROCLAMATION No. 16. COLON Y AND PROTE CTORATE OF KEN YA . MEEYING OF LEGISLATW E COUNCTL. PROCLAMATION. T, Edward M Tilliam M acleay Grigg, K night Comm ander of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M ichael and Saint G eorge, K night Oom m ander of the Royal Victorian Order, Com panion of the Distinguished Service Order, upon whom His Majesty has conferred the decoration of the Military Cross, Lietltenant-oolonel in His Majesty's Army (retired), Governor and Comm ander-in-chief of the Colony and Protectorate of K euya, in exercise of the powers vested in m e by Instructions under tlae ltoyal Sign M anual and Signet, dated the 11th day of Septem ber, 1920, do llereby direct that a Session of the Legislative Council be held at the M emorial H all, Nairobi, on truesday, the 27th day of A'Iarcll , 1928, at 10 a.m . Given under m y lland at Nairobi on this Qnd day of Felnruary, 1928. ED W ARD G IUG G , Gorerno'r. GO1) SM TE TH E K ING.. PROCLAMATION N O. 1?. Those portions of Proclamation No. 70, datetl tha 12th day of Oetober, 192.7, deelariny Farm L.O. TH E. DISEASE,S OF ANIM ALS OIRDINANCE/. No. 3447/14, ATr. A. Atherton, Nyeri, North Lchaptev 157 oj fl,lt, Re-clàell Edifion, Seoiion 4.) Nyeri District, and that portion of L.O. No. AND 4428, Forest T'teserve, Nyeri, North Nyeri THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL Distriet, leased as a forest eoncession t.o M rs. CLAUSE.S ORDINANCE . G. Barry, includîng the main road passing througla the eoncession, to be infectecl arets (C/zt-fpftlr 1 oj fJ): Reriued ftfïfftl'n,, Section 13.) (Ttinderpast). GOVERNMENT No'TIcF, N(7. 231 ()F 1919. That portion of Prodlam ation No. 84, datecl the PROCLAwIATION. 231-:1 day of Novamber, 192.7, deelaring Fftrm TN EIXIKIRCTSE of the powers thereunto enabling L.O'. No. 3443 the Afisses H anbury, Nyeri, North N. yeri D!l:strict m e, I hereby deeqare the following farm s to, ba ., to ba an infectecl area infected areas îor the purposes of tha said Disaases (Rinderpest). of Anim als Ordinanee :- Ttlxosmlas:s'l'. That portion of Proclam ation No. 28, datecl the 28th day of April, 1927, deelaring Farms L.O. Farm L.O. No. 3459, M ajor A. Kingtlom , Nyeri, Nos. 392.4, 3925 azicl 3929, M essrs. A. W . South Nyeri Distriet. H emphill &r Partners, M au, Ravine Distriet, Farm L.O. No. 2744, M r. T . M oore, Nanyuki, to be ilïfeeted areas (Contagious Bovine Pleuro- N orth Nyeri Distriet. pneumonia). Farm L.O. No. 4704, M agor Armstrong, Nanyuki, North Nyeri Distriet. That portion of Proelam ation No. 29, datetl the 5th day of M ay, 1927, declaring Farm s L.O. CoxTAolot:s Bovrxx PruEtrlto-lax>ltrz'lolrrA. Nos. 3. 913 arld. 3914, M essrs. H em plzill 2Balter T'he Nurthern Frontier Province. k W atson, M olo, Nakuru Distriet, to be lnfeetctl And further 1 clo hereby cleclare that fhe follow- areas (Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia). ing portions o.f Proelam atlons are revoked :- That portion of Proelam ation No. 64, datatl the 7th day of September, 192,7, clqçlaring Farm L O NO 4160 lltalia,n A'Tission, Nyeri Hill H . T-T. BRASSEY.EDW ARDS, 'Farm , Nyeri, South Nyeri District, to b. e an infected. tzrea (Xinderpest). Acting f-ll?,f flj Fnf 6?-f?z(t.?-p O/J,ccp-. 0t$ TH E OFFTCTAL GAZETTE February 7, 1928. GOVERNMENT XOTICE N 0. 62 K ENYA AN D UGANDA R M LW AY ORD INANCE , 1927. N oqrlcE. IN EXEIR CTSE of the powers conferred lzpon him by section :$ 6 of the Kenya artcl Uganda Railway Ordinance, 1927 , 'H'is E xcellency tlle Governor in Council has been pleaséd to approve the form appearing itl the Schedule hereto for the purposes oi' the said section. By comm aud of H is Excellency the G overnor in Courlcil. N airobi. This 4th day of February, 1928. J. E. S. M ERRICK , Cleïk to tlte A'zcczffïrc Couneil. SCFTEDU LE . K .U .R. 771 K ENYA AND UGANDA RM LW AY . zs b; EM IAL 1f 0. ..................... CONSIGNM ENT NOTE OIFA' FE1t'S .W STJ FOR EX PORT GOODS ONLY. JtR ly . IP r O . 1q' O . Authorîsed for use uncler Seetion 86 (2) (h) of the Kenya and Uganda Vailway Ordinance 192 l 'v lde Notifittati on in lfenya' G ovorn l'nent Gazette No . of . , 1928 and 'Uganda Governl-nezlt G azette lvo . t- 1 a- s,l .'3 . The High Com missiener for Transport hereby gives N OTICE that he has alternative rates for the earriage cf tlle underm entioned goods at eitller ef which rates the goods n:ay Le eonsigned at the sentler's OP'1'ION (1) a higher rate at whieh the goods are ca l'ried at tlle risk ()f the Hifzh Comnlissioner and (2) a lower rate charged upon the terms of the following special contract : To TI-IE 1-11g1-1 CowlwllssloxElt Folt TERANSPOIIT. .. ... .. .... ............ .station - (Goods Department) Receive the undermentioned goods for earri age at the Iower rate subject to the condl' ti ()n that you . shall not l)e li able for loss ) damage, miseonveyance ) misdelivery7 élelay ()1. detenti on of or to such goods exeept upon procf that sucll loss, dam age, 1) tl seonveyan ee 7 m isdeli vert!r 7 clelay or detenti on arose from the wi lf ul misconduct of ). taur servants.
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