Official Publication of the Associated Students of Gonzaga University. li>ss&ai«s -_ .... Pg. 2 Thursday Ski UN( _ Liberal Arts Boxing Sure i-g. 3 Holy Names Mixer ^_ Friday Sealer Name . ._ . --PR. 2 Montana Uinw Saturday Spwial Section. '.. ., J»g 2 I'orlland Hockey Sun J.ij A isOClatl j. '-.- Pg- t Sodality Monday Gonzag Bulletin Collegiate Views On College News Vol. XXI Z802 Spokane, Washington, November 9,1939 Number 8 Broadway Hit STUDENT BODY OFFICERS G/ee C/ub Set In Rehearsal for Coast Trip December 4 Is Selected Plan To Spend Week In As Tentative Date SECOND SESSION '" Making Appearances ALPHA SIGMA NO In Coast Cities. For Thriller. OFARTSGROliP SOLOISTS FEATURED FATHER TEATS DIRECTS TO EXPAND ROLL: Champagne and Owens In IN NEAR FUTURE HELD TUNIGUT Tour Will Be Forerunner of Crowded Schedule ot Straight Leads: Loie rue liberal Arts academy, bead Tin- • ,-•;..• ,..., Httplci uf Alpha | Concerts. Angle By Mulligan. Siginn Nil. Nations! Jesuit Honor- mi by t-'uUiur liauni^i J Haherty SJ. will hold >U second KCUlai 4i > Society, wilt take in nine new :•'(:.:. a new precedent In Ulea tin member* son* time this week. The i uiuetibi; tonight in tlic PrvalUentn ulh ofOCa at ft 30 p. tii Thin will be nub ln|"i. the Gonzaga organisa­ mm- men will be chosen from the j tion has tentatively arranged a honor roll n( the senior class The the tirsl tnveUUK davuteJ to Uu *agn Dramatic tkHii'ty, has been purpose for wlucb the academy I.air ui northern Coast cities for lha set U-nlaiivW} lor December 3 and b. It* of rtie various departments .'...• tounded. latter purl ol thin month Father 4 in '.lie university auditorium. Fa­ will submit prospective nwn« to, ,P.•.-;•:i Logan. SJ, Dean of Uen. Puttier Edgar J Taylor, dean of Dr. John HayJ.n and I'rolesboi ther Leo J Yeaut. SJ will direct Samuel Dugley, both of the l-:-i; lias s|N>Dt the week ^. Uie ruad, the play through th* t*« evening in ulttc.i and Father Leo J Robin- . i :.'. •.•..: lor nppearancea performances -<iii proaldenl or the university, j Hah deparUuent. v.ill IK^IQ Ike and ln.ni those names the nine will roeattaut with a review ui Norman Wrtdrraaacaa will be given. If Cast til 1'iuJiUC rutra ul Uie I-.I- ;..]..:. I ., ;.,(..•' uooa. 'The i'u- orrangeioenta . .ii. be completed, at Ii.rniajice an- Jack Champagtte, turv of the Liberal OoUeija." Tile Yakiu.ii. Hverelt, Seattle. Taculna. junior arm student, rJ»b Carl}, tli>- .i.i.'. I irds of the organization buuk is a [itiifoMipnical auaJy'is «>f llellingliaiii. " Aberdeen, Olyinpta sophomore debater uud Kenuit I m,- in graduations and the • the conillcl between Uie two Op- and tf'orlland The group will leave Owens, standout artist of lost, withdrawal i>f 1-resident Dick Lnv- poatni; philoaophies ui cuverunient Spukane Uouday mortutig. Novem­ year's production. Romantic uiicr- in who has gone to Lindbergh and edueatlon. humiuuain and hu­ ber 3! I<*r liieir first appearance at i-al will i" supplied I.-. IJ'U Mulli- field in ami Diego, California, KafL mere are at the present time only,' J live member* In the chapter: Mr. t ««i;i Ulvea Kevlrw Ai'ioiupanying Uie members of WUIH'I- >t'l« M • l After an ojarn tl inclusion of the gke club fur special numbers Following the reactions ui thir­ Ralph Schlosser, Hill Royce, Paul |( tM, \siil officers pictured here seem to be in a happy frame of mind. it's beonuae thc}'ro still look- i-'oerater'a bu»k. Mr William Co>ld. will be auluista ToTu SkeHmgLun. teen people ul a HwrtlualisUc se- Derr, Harvey Tauten and Don I>lr- 1,,^ back on their wntum ki directing the- Harvmt Ball. Nest major AHOL' activity la Gouzaga night. In HJ , will give a review of ode o! Dave llufiord. Tuny 1'inskl and iince. lliv play builds l» a pwwurtltl Btllle S< hi •!•. Uie present vice order, ttu'v air, itrutkly Tbompaoo. Jim Bryant, Jc* Hwontitoakl, Ed llamaober, and Hugh Croluau. itorUiuer Adler'S latest books, St J one p tunc Vercollo I tang an The crescendo a3 one of tile prraldMI and u proajieetlve candl- Thomas and the Uenliles." which quartet, aicompanieil by Karl Mil' rt d and the I i lor it shillsdate for all-coast < vill be MUSIC CONSERVATORY discusses the placs of Ucrtolastic tou, will likewise be a tcatured at­ Character U> another the new president BILL E 1^'litlosoptiy in the present day. traction. Jack ChtHIJTt*" interprets Uw ! TSS L°EADER njlc of the debonair dete<tive who tsf of Alpha Si[;mn No Inaugural-1 IRE-MED FORMAL A.I a sequel to tilts, t-'alher Ha' After Four i< .•- reacheu tke aolution of the murder ed at Gon2flga. The baste Idea of In order to show OMUtag*> new- tl Roach, engineering sfifilcnl lieriy will conduct a discuaaloa ot Tbe pruopeouve appearance of 'lected president of the i the attitude of present day uni- the club on the Coast marks the by playing the cbaractera ul the the organliatlon la to honor those >>' acquired music conacrvatory to DISPLAYS NOVEL Is f vtrsm,;3 1 participants against eacli other. Student*, who hnvn attained dUH|UH public, on open house apon- .lor class alonday after a Jhrce-way t"*"" «Khol»alk Philo- lirat tune that the local aggrega- Unctlon In acholarstilp. in service, sore.1 by the Junior U-agTic will be | |race with Seaton Daly and Don""'pliyL . In tills discussion, constant had appeared In that region "A terrific success uu Uruadway fervnee will IM made to Ulchael •,,,, IUI years Previous appear- where it played for a long engage­ and in loyalty to the university, to i held Sunday afternoon from 3 to TICKE1IWI1UT1 MOTIIIIU IIFI j Ul ratine. Balloting look place In so nominating the students from 6p.ni. , —— | senior philosophy .classes, lendaii's thesis, presented last t with enlliusiaatic ap- ment, "The Thirteenth Chair." em­ 1 ?ar for bin Mr A degree. In thr id I II rev tor Lyle aloore. ploy* everything in stage tech­ ihrir departments.-each Dean will TIM newly acquired eonserva-i Tickela are now on sale for the John Keha and Purvey Taufcn V lake these three Lblngs into con- lory, historic residence of pioneer!Mendel clubs Formal Invitational were selected as co-vice presidents." .CSIS. It poll Was •;; -ui of the !• ger. more lundauiiHilally nique to present a bulfling uud en­ m j more than tertaining ahow." ..:..'.• eather sideratlon ' Spokane days is of outstanding in- ] dance at one dollar sUly-fiv« cents [when returns between the two end- k universlUea oi uio UU1M schooled group Yeats. He also u.i.:.. Ihat Uie prog- («.w..g«wM tJieilrstof the Jes-' terest to many Spokane, people ' per couple. The dance will be held led W a deadlock. Through prefer-1*~" " J? £?**. M%!^,£*Z' "P**1 (omlur resa oxhlbtVed by the actors point„„s uit schools west of the Rockies to W|,o connect it with early memo-, December 1. -Each man in the club j enco of the class, the tic will not. approval of SchulaaUc 1 luloaophy. Und#r Ulc diri,v..VI.Hhliv ol busl- '^"lestabliah a chapUr of Alpha Sigma ' ies. Tiio open-house and tea will,*»U he.rrapooatbls ior o« ucket |U broken aa4 ooth me* will atrvc.| • iftoss manager Joe Hehrena and taJ r 1 formancee - pn.-sente<l at Uou- Nu Chapters bavc now been es-once again give ihcm opportunity j and an invitation" announced Ken-; in the only oU«r race for I i I'll I l (' I 111 | ii 1)1 II11/t Francis .Caei. give club president. laga. tabliahcd at Loyota and Han Fran-1 to renew acquaintances ny DalqulsL genoral chairman. office, Marvin Arlhuni. welter- rill I fl I IIIW III II III Jl 't-'" group is attempting the most ciaco university. Incidental organ music will be -A novel effect has been gained ,««a*l boxer from Sandpoint, LJu-, "U"W" * *" '-V„. ™T-,'lul'b't,'W3 V'1*'*'" >lt >»**«*• daat Lialed * TWO tOUn l /IncU IW Thi- cast is as follows: Helen provided (or the occasion and a'hy photogrsphing the Uckcta and : •*>• «™ »ut on top of Ray Hare.f IIIIOT 101101 FTP ^ * "** "" "•* O'Neil, Marjonc Vincent; Will string tno will render several se- programs with let lenng done mold varsl y rlgh half. MUul uUftlrLLl L "" ;U> **" *" lW" lt',r""U ,CVB" Crosby, William Mulligan: Mrs lecllona The 'Gonzaga quartet will English style. The detail of this ' Holph Schlosser was named sec IHWW1 VU»1M ->MJ » »i , lxrta uJ „ number of Informal ap- Crosby, Grace Champagne: Roacoe PLATFORUM BACKS also appear. | work was dene by John Kellh, en-. ****** •«* &>*> Bcaudoin picked as i ' +— : penrances. TWF formal-winter con- Crosby. William Flaherty: Rosalie 1 vanccs made in the Educati gineertng student, who makes pho-. trcaaurer by unanimous vote of the j In accord with the great ad-, Cl.n luia already lam set tor Dc- lAOrange. Wenuna La Croix, Hel­ c IparUuenva ca t ol Gonzaga Ulc . the Bduca Dl- en Trent, Robert Johnson; Tim HOCKEY TEAM .tography and-lettering his nobby. ! '««- I\ Ho^ n Librar""»»>1 OyI ha'" s bee ^^"n ImprovedM ". cember 10. inmied.ateiy (oUowmg Donahue, Jack Champagne, Mary Flynil ReCOUntS , Program dance . «Tm,WOMOw dbeing! • IP*^.™ <*!?&• "V ^""Ithe tour- East wood, Kay MUlan. the second consecutive year Travels Abroad j£medica3l ^Z,"terminology. "\Fr.|» •• -»—«Linden« «•"« Rules» lender Uw «upervi»ion of Fptber Gomafa's Platforum organisaUon: I Doctors and their wive, arc be- fn FfOS/l Ballot : ^T.
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