THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY OIBOULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY llNTH YEAR—No. 37 Knli-ral M Nci-wid I'liiBH Mutter I'lllillHhml r<ial Offlt'r, Wi-aUlclcl, N. J. WESTPIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1959 'fll 38 Page*—10 C«nt» Booster Dance smorial Day Will Honor Public Meeting Tuesday iservance Set WHS Athletes Will Air Transit Problem Will Present Reese Trophies, Plaques At June 5 Event Nov. 2 Referendum On ZoningRealtors Sponsor 9 !e Marshal The We.ttflcld School Boosters Change Called 'Pretty Positive Session; Large Association will hold its 12th an- inual Parade nual spring dance Friday, June 5, A -Nov. 2 referendum on the con- niucndod according to Planning Attendance Urged to honor members of the Wcst- troversial laboratory-office zone Ronnl recommendations and rein- fleld High School wrestling and amendment wus seen an ""pretty tvoduccii al the next Council inoot- iwshul of the Memorial spring athletic teams and their positive" by Councilman Marshall ng May 25. It was emphasized Nancy F. Reynolds, chairman he to be held Saturday, coaches, it was announced by Cooledgo Monday night ut the by Mayor II. Emerson Thomas f the transit committee, West- bill be Stanley H. "Doc" Booster president J. Stuart Smart. Town Council meeting. that this will he the first rending ield Board of Realtors, today an- J>rld War I veteran, and The affair will take place at the on the amended proposal and there- lounced the group has extended nander of Martin Wall- In announcing that there would Masonic Temple in Westfield froir be no Immediate action on the pro- fore a month will elapse before invitations to nil service and fra- 3, American Legion, 8 p.m. to 12 midnight, tmd mu SHIRLEY MUMFORD DAVID MCALLISTER posed amendment, which WAS In- the public hcarlnc takes place. Lornal organizations to attend the ke, senior vice eom- sic will be provided by Harry troduced Feb. 9, Councilman Cool- mblic meeting concerned with the I the Westfteld American The recommended changes nro ransit situation Tuesday. The Geetlein and his Manhattnneers. Red Gross Chapter To edge suld the measure .will be minor ones, according to Council-' hd chairman of the Me- By holding the dance nt this Two Awarded ommlttee has requested their co- committee, announced Hold Annual Meeting man Cooledge. He said they basi- operation in the effort to assure date, according to Mr. Smart, it cally provide additional restrictions i this year's celebration. will be possible to present trophies a maximum attendance. |rade will assemble at The annual meeting of the West- 21-Acre Site designed to protect nearby prop- to the most valuable player on $400 Scholarships erty owners. Many presiding officers have «s- at the South avenue spring athletic teams, including field chapter of the American Red Said Needed For surcd her, Miss Reynolds said, parking lot. Memorial biiseball, track, golf and tennis, Cross will he held Wednesday eve- Annuttl Winners The proposed amendment pro- "that overy effort will be made to trill b<! held at the Plaza in addition to the wrestling team. ning at 8 o'clock in the chapter's Town Recreation vides for creation of four isonos alert their membership through pr 1 monument, the Rev- CHIEF ALBERT PF1RRMANN Booster plaques will also be pre- headquarters, 321 Elm street. Elec- Named by Club on the town's perimeter In which group notices and telephone con- • Cemetery, and at Fuii- sented to all seniors on these tion of officers and presentation of labomtory-reaoareh type installa- tact during the 48 hours Immedi- awards are on the agenda. The Wcstfleld Recreation Com- tions can bo constructed. Approx- |ietery. An address will teams. Basketball and swimming The Woman's Club of West- mission last week recommended itely preceding the meeting." ed at Fail-view Cemetery Chief Marks 30th teams were honored at dinners Mrs. Elmo Edwards, Wostflold Held announced today that the mutely 130 acres are involved. that "the recreational needs of the Residents of the affected areas Giles Atwood, transit commit' William Baumer. following the conclusion of their chapter Gray Lady,, will play the two $400 teaching scholarships town of Wcstfleld are such that ee member, also announced that regular seasons. A special trophy i-fmn, giving a demonstration of which are awarded annually will have objected strenuously to tho eke said that more than the 21 acres adjacent to Tamaques proposal, Earl "Doo" Brown, organist, will i and civic organizations Year With Force will be awarded to the outstand- musicnl therapy used with patients be given this year to Miss Shirley Purk should be retained for rccre- Deferred until the next meeting play selections preceding the [ticipate in the annual ing girl athlete in high school, at the East Orange Veterans Ad- Mumford, daughter of Mr. and atlonnl purposes." meeting as the audience is sc»ted. bused on performance during the ministration Hospital. Mrs. n. E. Mumford of 325 East wa.i passage of a bill to vacate to honor America's war Named to Top The New Jersey State Depart- He appears through the courtesy school year. Dudley avenue, and David (Tim) portions of Boynton avenue and of Elisabeth Local 161 of the McAllister, son of Mr. and Mrs. ment of Conservation and Develop- Laurel place for purchase by the Igion post will conduct Post in 1951 Arrangements for the dance ment hns been conducting u sur- Munor Park Swim Club. The American Federation of Musician* ces at the World War I have been made by the Booster John T. McAllister of 744 Cres- nd the Wuatfleld Rotary Club. Joseph Freeman cent parkway. vey of the town's recreational hib has not yet settled details of It at Broad street und Police Chief Albert PArnnann dance committee, of which Frank needs, it was reported. This re- tho project, Mayor Thomas noted. The meeting, to be held in |»iue. A brief address will will complete his 30th year with Oertel and Larry Shaffer are co- Miss Mumford haa participated port is expected to bo finished In Exact location of the pool, its park- Westflcld High School lit 8 p.m., by Commander Albeit the Westfield Police Department chairmen, assisted by Lou Minkel, Heads Lions Club n Spanish, Literary and Dramatic another week, Howevor, prelimi- nit area and entry way liavo boon will bo addressed by Sen. Robert er. The Wcstfield High tomorrow. He joined the depart- Paul Wolfgang, Wy Wilday, Jack clubs, Future Teachers group, nary indications from the aurvey the subject of complaints by resi- C. Crane, Earl T. Moore, president |nd will play a selection, ment May 16, 1929, was advanced Stern and Les Myers. Mr. Oertel choir, sports, Y-Teens, volunteer show that the town's recreational dents In the area, of the New Jersey Central Rail- community organizations to sergeant Feb. 1, 1941 and ap- pointed out that the spring dance Officers Named work at Muhlenberg Hospital, nnd facilities are inadequate, accord- oad, and Mayor II. Emerson pointed chief Oct. 10, 1951. Phillip Mlnnlcino of 023 Boyn- nemorial wreaths at the is "a well deserved tribute to the For Next Year church fellowship. She plans to ing to the commission. ton avenue told tho Council that Thomas. fthc monument. A volley Born in Newark in 1900, lie at- boys and girls of Westfield Senior attend the University of Vermont, the engineering committee of the Russell W, Scott, song kldci High School in their outstanding and' hopes to teach in the ele- The commission also Raid it "still •red by the Legion drill tended schools there und upon Joseph W. Freeman was named feels, after duo consideration to Manor Park group has revised its f the Funwood-Scotch Plains Ro- •e squad. Tapi will be graduating from high school de- contribution to fine sportsman- president of the Westfteld Lions mentary grades. tary Club, will lead the audience ship, and it achieves a vital ob- other sites for tho two tennis plans for the pool's location, orig- buglers from the high cided to learn the plumbing trade. Club Thursday night in the Moun- Mr. McAllister is a member of courts to be built on the north uiilc inally set for a site close to Boyn in singing "America," and a group nd. After completing his apprentice- jective of the Boosters by recog- tainside Inn. He succeeds Robert the high school band, and also of Explorer Scouts will serve aa nizing merit and fostering in- of town, that the North Euclid lo- ton avenue, because of the objec- arade will proceed via ship he joined the • Plumbers and Rellly in the post. ilance bands which have played cation is the most logical, econom- tions. He said the plans now show- ushers and will deliver questions Steamfttters Union of Plainfield creased interest in sports activi- for many, of the town's school to the panel In a question and eet, Elm street, Orchard ties." Other officers nominated by the ical and central spot." ed the pool will be close to Cen- nd Mountain avenue to und worked as a plumber journey- committee headed by George Riley dances. Ho is treasurer of his tral avenue. He presented a peti- answer period following the talks. |>Iutionary Cemetery, man until joining the local police Jr. were as follows: First vico senior class and Is a member of tion from Central avenue resident! R. ft. Barrett it., president of program will be held un- department. president, Alva C. Sapp; second Student Council. He has earned and others objecting to the Intent the Board of Realtors, will pre- plrcction of the Sons and Ho is a member of the" Atlas Borough Revue vice president, George j.
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