6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! Somewhat warmer is the preclidion for today, with owal1 high temperature about 62; low, 44. r.tabl1lhed lStG Vo1.19. No. 194-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday. May 10, 194.1-Five Cents • • • House Passes ree -Tur IS I I Eleel Turner Senate Group Votes 10.5-30 Percent Tax Slash Defeats E!e~ To Argonne . EHorito Limit Willie Executed Wearing.:S!~~~ ~:.~~s' Would Sta~ HRICOPTER BURNS AnER CRASH Use of Troops Atomic Board ST. MARTINVILLE, La. (A') - WASffiNGTON (JP)-A prece­ Prof. Louis A. Turner, head of ThllS July 1 Willie Francis tnade his second dent-shattering $402,000,000 meas­ the physics department, has been trip to tile electric chair yester­ ure to bolster Greece and Turkey against Communist domination elected to the board of governors day, wearing his Sunday pants and WASHINGTON (IP) - The sen­ was passed by the' house last of the Argonne Nationallabor~tory ate finance committee voted yes­ his "Sunday heart." night, 287 to 107. for a three-year term. terday to cut income taxes by 10.5 The same chair which spared On the final roll call, 127 Re­ He and Dr. Paul E. Klopsteg of to 30 percent this July 1. his life through a mechanical tall­ Over a full year's operation, publicans and 160 Democrats Iowa State college were elected ilt ure a year ago, took it this time, committee experts estimated, the voted tor it. Agalnst the measure the annual meeting of the labora­ took it quickly, and apparently bill would save individual taxpay­ were 93 Republicans, 13 Demo­ tory's council of representatives painleSlSly. ers $4,000,000,000. They would crat.s and Rep. Marcantonio AI.­ NY). Tuesday to succeed Dr. Arthur H. Electrocutioner Grady J arrett reap only half of that saving, how­ Compton of Washington univer­ threw the switch al 12:05 p.m. ever, in the last half of 1947, Con....-men of both partie!! (COT) and again at 12:06, and at The smallest taxpayers will ruarded It luccelllltuUy from sity, St. Louis, and Dean Ovid W. 12:10 Willie Francis was pronoun­ ret the biggest percental'e de­ all attempts to deny the admtn­ Eshbach, whose terms expired ced dead. ductions If the bill cleat'S the sen.­ iltratlon tbe rl&'ht to use troops Monday. He told me two days ago that ate ..eta the approval 01 the and "'lltary material In the ef­ The Argonne National labora­ he was going to "wear my Sunday house and President Truman, tort. Otber attempts to limit Ut& tory, to be located near Chicag() pants and my Sunday heart to the and goes on the law books. The prol'l'&lll aIM were defeated. I'I!places the wartime Manhattan chair. Big taxpayers, of course, would Final approval followed four project. Under supervisionlof the Ain't going to wear no beat­ gain the bluest individual bene­ days of tllrbulent house debeale atomic energy commission, its up pants to see the Lord," he ms. A lIELICOPTER, damaged while makln.. a dive durin.. a demonstration for hJ .. h school studenia at Floyd dominated by angry legislative re­ purpose is to stimUlate research in said. "Been busy talking mY New withholding rates would Bennett field In New York, bursts Into fla.mes after landing on an airport apron. The craft lost Its tall action to Russia's postwar actlvi- atomic energy. wa.y Into heaven tor the past take effect July 1. assembly when It struck the .. round durlnr a dive. The pilot pulled the airship up and was able to ny It to The University of Iowa is among year. Them folks eSllectlnr me The bill approved by the senate a nearby apron away from the Cl'owd of pupils before the cra h. The pilot was unhurt. (AI> WIREPHOTO) WASB1NGTON (lP)-Four of the 25 midwestern universities and to come In style." committee is an amended version Iowa's ell'bt GOP repre!llenla­ scientific institutions that have Willie paid the' legal penalty for ot house bill No. 1, introduced by tlves voted for and tour voted been participating members of the the killing of Andrew Thomas, a Chairman Knutson (R-Minn.) of Chinese Stage Rice Riots in Shanghai ap1.nst tM bill which pa.necI laboratory. The council of repre­ druggist of St.· Martinville, in a toe ways and means committee, Demos Offer SHANGHAI (IP) - Hungry for cost at China's basic food farther the house yesterday, authoria­ sentatives decided Tuesday to en­ holdup ' that nctte.d fQur dollars and passed by the house. Inr a $tOO,ooO,OO loan to Greece tor. large its participating membership ' rlee and angry at a government out of the reach ot the average and a watch. Thomas' brother, . Chairman. Millikin (R-Colo.) an­ wage-freezing program Shanghai person. and Turkey, to 30. I Glaude, who was chief of polite nounced the vote was 8 to 5. Repl . Cunningham, Boeven, A comparable laboratory has Chinese staged a wide variety of Owners of most rice shops re­ here at the time of the slaying, The principal change :from the All-New Labor LecomPte and TaUe voted for been established to serve the riots, strikes and sitdowns yester- {used to open up, despite a promise was among the witnesses yester­ measure passed by the house is by mayor K. C. Wu of better police the bill, and Reps. DolUver, northeast and a third may be set I' day. tile etrective date--J"uly 1. The day. protection. One shopkeeper was Gwynne, .JellllleR and MartIn up on the Pacific coast, Turner Francis went to the chair after house had voted to make the re­ -II I nS enale The demQnstrations, intermH- voted aralDli it. said. tenily in progress for several days, arrested for tiring a pistol at a a year's argument over the right duction retroactive to Jan. 1. BI I stepped up sharply as the continu- mob. Other shops were bombard­ He did not attend Tuesday.s of Louisiana to attempt an execu­ The senate committee inserted meeting in Chicago ,but Prof. WASHJNGTON (A') - In a ing currency Inflation pushed the ed with stones. ties, opposition cries that Presi­ tion a second time after a mechan­ a new reduction bracket giving dent Truman's program might James A. Jaco bs represented this ical accident had prevented the persons with net incomes between stormy night session of the senate, 'U1 iversity there. mean war, counter claims that it first tty. The fight went all the $79,728 and $302,396 a tax cut oC a group of 11 Democrats last nIght * * * * * * would stabilize peace. III 9888 Prof. Farrington Daniels of the way to the United states Supreme 15 percent rather than 20 percent introduced a complete substitute University of Wisconsin was re­ Court where the high justices di­ as provided in the hQuse bili. This The strength ot those s upport­ tor the union-curbing bill the Shoves Parlner to His Dealh elected chairman of the board of vided five to four last January in scale Of reductions 1s set up in the lng the measure was apparent governors and Prof. F. H. Spedding ruling against Francis, measure: chamber has been debating two NEW YORK (IP)-A long and boys in the Bowery bar&-but that from the ease with which they of Iowa state college was elected Only- ThuJ'llday the Supreme ThLrty per<'8Dt lor pel'llOD5 weeks. once-profitable panhandling part­ business had been terrible of late, beat back the amendments. And START LAST TRIP - WllJle at the end, a motion by H{)ll­ vice .chaiman. Court had turned down anot. he~ wlih net Incomes (after exemp­ Senator Murt'ay (D-Mont.), of­ nershIp between iwo elderly Bow­ which made Trudeau cranky and "Rep. Francis. condemned slayer, is plea, which Willie's lawyer had tions and deductions) of $1,000 fering it on behalf of himsell and ery characters, known in many an suspicious. field (D-Calit) to send it back to shown leaving the jail Itt New taken to WashiJtgton without the or less. ten colleagues, said it meets Pres­ eastside dive as "Good Times Fred After a hard day's "work" yes­ the foreign affairs committee for ORNI~OLOGISTS TO MEET changes were shouted down. Holi­ CEDAR FALi-S (JP)-The Iowa Iberia, La., for ne,arby St. Martins­ knowledge of the condemned A flat $67 "notch" reduction Jdent Trtunan's suggestions on la­ and Ed," ended yesterday-dis­ terday, he said, the pair had net­ solved, police said, when Fred ted only $6 dollars, they sto06 field could not even obtain a roU~ Ornithologists union will hold its ville to die in the electric chair. man. tor net incomes between $1,000 bor legislation and covers other as i, Francis walked his last half doz­ and $1,396, matters as well. But he did not pushed Ed in front of a subway on a subway platform last night call vote on his motion - hE! annual convention here today and (AP WIREPHOTO) needed one fifth of those present tomorrow. en steps on earth yesterday with­ Twenty percen1- for incomes specify that there was liPy presi­ train, to his death. awaiting a train, they got to ar­ out a flicker of fear or apparent from $1,396 to $79,7U. dential agreement to accept it, nor A postwar bUSiness slump Caus­ guing over division of the $6 dol­ to support his request :lor a roll­ excitement. Fifteen percent tor IDcomes Indicate whether administration ed it, pOlice said. lars. call, and could muster only 47 He caught my eye as the broad from $79,728 to $302,396.
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