' ... '1 , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 190t |0anrlfp0tpr Eopnitte IfproUi A Chest X-Ray Costs You Nothing—Have Your Chest Checked Today! Armge Dslly-Net Press Run Lights Placed Fifty*fifth Wedding Anniversary State Official The Weather A b o u t T o w n For tho Week Ending FotMMt M O. a. W etker Buriuu No Herald Novomber 18, 1950 At PTA Meet ^ **1-1 A il Ylldajr. olondsr, Hght abowoiu hi Hr. iad Ml*. Agr Xud of Tomorrow At Crossings Ootani Rood lift tA sr 10,133 •ftomoon rlionglagtonnowDqnulh iMod, N. Jr^ whiTi tSwy wUI be ihu oveulag: coMcr, hlkb ncor.SS; Nomber ot tko Audit tonigbt, now ■qunlln and much fU M U o f Mr. and Mra. O corfi E- Steele's in Bolton to Be Dr. LaVeme Strong Ad* ooldor; lowMt aboot 18. Htrach of ISO Woodaido Avo., that No issue of the Manchester Buieua o f ClrcnlutkmD Manchester— A City o j VUIage Charm dty, o w r Thankaglvinr. and be Evening Herald will be Protected by Red dresses Members of the II mint at the wedding of tbeir published tomorrow, MO. Douglaa H. Rand and Mias Flashing Signals Washington School D onthy Jane Hlraeh. Saturday at Thanksgiving Day. VOL. LXX, NO. 48 (CtaaftM admtWug ae Fufu 1 8 ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS four o’clock in the rirat Preaby- New Haven, Nov. 22 — Four Dr. LaVeme Strong, state read­ terlan CSiurch. Ridgewood. Other highway grade croaaings on the ing consultant, who addressed the relatives and friends will leave oi^ New Haven Railroad’s Hartford- Washington Parent-Teacher Asao- Saturday to attend the ceremony" Wllllmantlc line have been equip­ Holiday Death Mercury May [ Unhappy Search in Train Wreck and reception to follow at the ped with flashing light type of clation at Its meeting last eve­ Dewey Blasts Road Ridgewood Rika Club. Manchester highway creasing s tea ls which ning In the West Side Rec, proved Allies Drive Eight will be placed Into operation on an accomplished speaker and one ToU of 188 Sets Hit Five Above The traditional ThanksgivinR Dale Book Friday, November Z4. They are; who held the close attention ot Steele's Crossing In Bolton, one- In Probe of Wreck feoUval will be held this evening her audience. Dr. Strong pointed at T;80 in the Covenant-Congrega­ half mile east o f Steele’s Station; Miles in 1st Push Tonight Daggett's Crossing In Andover, out that success in reading starts A New Record Zero ill East tional church, with a program by when the child la In the Brat and home talent A apeclal Thanks­ Dr. Laubeck will speak at South about one mile west of Andover second grades. She said Ameri­ Which Took 77 Lives giving offer will be received. A Methodist church. Station; Tyler’s Crossing In An­ cans now value education more social Ume will follow, with re­ November 2S, 24 and 26 dover, approximatel.v oiie-hair 77 Die in Railroad Ac* Record Cold Weather on freshments In charge of the La­ mile west of Andover Station; and for our youth, and every child Of Giant Offensive Bazaar sponsored by Corner­ Mr. and Mrs. William J. Douglas should have the right to learn as New York Nov. 24—<;P)— G ov.« major disaster In a year on the Way Here; Some Snow dles’ Aid society. W rlghfa C'rossing In Pomfret, a cident; Traffic Mishaps stone club at St. Bridget’s hall. little more than a mile eaat of much as he can. Statistica show Thomas E. Dewey said today that railroad. preliminary evidence indicates Dewey said commission flndings Is Due; Tennessee Friday, November 24 Pomfret Station. Mr. and Mra. William J. Doug­ by the late Rev. Francla Waite, that children are reading much Kill 83; Others Die in "a MurArthiir on Hand' to Hostesses who presided at the human failure" was the cause of showed the express which plowed District American Legion meet­ None of theae croaslnga previ­ las, former residents of the H>ob- | who was pastor of the Talcottville better today, and that both oral Shootings and Fires Has Fall of 7 Inrlies Chiiiesti Reds refreshment table, "men’s night," ing, American Legion Home. ously has had any protective de­ Congregational church at that and silent reading should be prac­ the Thanksgiving Eve Long Island iqto the rear of a stalled train. S o p Kick*off; Says; at the- Women’s Club meeting aonvills section of Vernon and i \ Saturday, November 26 vices other than the atandard time. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas came ticed throughout their achool ca­ Bring the Children! Railroad wreck which took 77 I had passed through one warning Monday evening in the South cross buck signs. now of Rutland, Vermont, will to this country from Belfast, Ire­ reer for better understanding of By The Associated Press lives. 1 signal and one slop signal at full By The Associated Press "Boys Will Eat Christ* Methodist church, were Mra. Ray American Legion Auxiliary Arrive, Desire 'The new signals are the stand­ reach the flfty-flfth anniversary land. Both are enjoying good health what la taught them. The nation counted a rocord Dewey, who cut short a Florida speed of between 60 and 65 miles The season’a coldest weather , , mas Dinner at Home"; Cooper. Mra. B. F. Crehore. Mrs. CTirlatmaa sale. J. W. Hale store. ard flashing light signals of the of their wedding, Saturday, No­ at the present time. ResMilng In the Home vacation to lead one of the several per hour. H. B. DeWolf and Mrs. Walter 9:30 a. m. breaking number of accidental (werspread the entire eastern half very lastest type. As a train ap­ vember 26. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas have two Dr. Strong advocated the cus­ Investigations of the wreck start- xj,e warning signal wa.a a mile fSiincHe Rrlease 30 deaths over the Thanksgiving of the country today. Temperatures Qlliek Hearing Doll. Tuesday, November, 26 proaches they provide red flash­ from 2 to 4 o’clock their daughter, other daughters, Mary, Mrs. tom of parents reading In the eci today, made hla statement after and a half from the scene of the Washington PTA mlllUry whist from the Rockies as far east ns the ing light indicatlona along the Dorothy, Mrs. Hsrbert W. Lyons, George L. Grazladlo of Henry home, library books and maga­ reus holiday. a meeting with the State Public accident. ----- I More U. S. I*riHonpps Advertisement— at West Side Rec, 8 p. m. highway In each direction. The will keep "open hou'se" for her street this town, and Esther, Mrs. zines, which Influences the chil­ A craah on the Long Island Rail­ Service .Commisaion. Stressing that the investigation Appalachians fell from 20 to 40 Wednesday, November 29 powerful red beams flash alter­ parents at her home, 36 Cottage William M. Anderson, df Hemlock dren to form home reading habits, road Thanksgiving Eve, killing 77 ilake reservations today for As the Governor spoke there had "just started." the governor degrees in 24 hours. Russia Urges They Be Tokyo. Nov., 24.— (JP)— Christmas sale of L,adles‘ Aid nately S.*! to 45 times a minute, street, Rutland, and in the evening street. They have four grandchil­ which arc Important. persons, waa the main factor in were demands for quick action by declared; ’Thanksgiving Dinner at The Blue their operation starting automa­ Fritiuy and Saturday Arctic air. bringing many record- Uniteil Nations forces attack­ Society of Zion Lutheran church, 6 from 7 to 9. dren and five great grandchildren. Miss Genevieve Scannell, who Is booating the toll to a new high national, state and city officials to "Whatever the causes, human Allowed to l*rescnt Willow. 2S10 Main Street, Glas­ tically at least 20 seconds prior to Mr. Douglas and tha former A family dinner is planned for reading consultant for the town, breaking low temperatures, extend­ ed today on all wintry fronts tonbury. Tel. S-S78S. Full course p. m. for the holiday. put an end to the carnage on the ed to the Gulf States and was en­ the time the train will reach the Miss Mary Doggart were married Sunday at the home of Mr. and referred to the readiness of chil­ A survey showed a death toll of Charge Against U. 8. in a powerful bid to end the ’Turkey dinner gS— children under Amaranth Military whist, Ma­ crossing, allowing ample time for in Talcottville, November 28, 1896, Long Island. It waa the second (Ceatlnued on Page Fourteen) tering the Atlantic Coantal area Mra. Douglaa In Rutland. dren to read, and said the new 188, surpassing last year's record -10 $1 .9 9 . Dinner served 12 to 2. sonic Temple, 8 p. m. vehicles which may be on the Friday morning. At Meeting , Today Korean war by Christma.5. method o f teaching in several high of 181. It also was far ahead They advanced as much as tracks to clear them, and for ap­ groups, according to a child's lev­ Jo-Jo the Clown Unequalled low temperatures for Lake Success, Noy. 24—(IF) — A proaching vehicles to be brought representatives of the CYP club of the 114 accidental deaths in this time of year were particularly eight miles. The attack be­ Burr Appoiutecl and the Pilgrim Fellowship of the el, is far superior to the old meth­ 1948; 128 in 1947 and S3 in 1946. nine-member Chinese Communist to a complete stop before reaching od of teaching the children in one prevalent In Illinois and the Ohio gan in bitter cold.
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