INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 5.344 JYOTISMATI (CELASTRUS PANICULATUS WILLD.) AN IMPORTANT MEDICINAL PLANT OF AYURVEDA Divya Vij1, Srishti Dhyani2, Rajesh Kumar Mishra3* 1P.G. Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, 3P.G. Scholar, P.G. Dept. of Dravyaguna Vigyan, Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan Evam Anusandhan Sansthan, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Jyotiṣmatī is an important medicinal plant which belongs to Celastraceae family generally known as Mālakāṅganī or black oil plant and has been in use from ages. Botanically it is known as Celastrus paniculatus Willd. It is climbing in nature with long slender like branches which are brown in colour. Plant of Jyotiṣmatī is broadly used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to cure many diseases and symptoms such as arthritis, asthma, antipyretic, amenorrhea, anti-paralysis, thermogenic, intellect-promoting, leprosy, leucoderma, nephropathy, abdominal dis- orders, sores and treatment of snake bite. This plant is naturally used in the treatment of vaginal discharge, burn- ing sensation, blood purification, asthma, paralysis, abdominal disorders etc. The seeds of Celastrus paniculatus have very hot potency, which means seed powder produces heat in the body and gives feeling of warmness after its consumption. This effect generally appears with larger dosage of Mālakāṅganī. However, smaller dosage may also increase heat in the body, but upto tolerable level. Therefore, its higher doses are chosen to be used in winter season and lower dosage for hot season. Its lower dosage is effective in management of several diseases. Celastrine and paniculatine are the two alkaloids present in the seeds. Keywords: Celastrus paniculatus, Jyotiṣmatī, Medhya, Anti-depressent, Śirovirecana. INTRODUCTION Jyotiṣmatī is an important and ancient Ayurvedic mahākaṣāya”1 by Caraka and considered to be an herb. It is used for its immense health benefits. It has effective Śirovirecana drug. Ācārya Śuśruta has men- been mentioned in Ayurvedic classics which are con- tioned Jyotiṣmatī under “Arkādigaṇa’’ and consid- sidered as Mālakāṅganī. The botanical source of this ered to be an effective for kṛmi and kuṣṭha. Among herb is Celastrus paniculatus Wild. It belongs to the Adhobhāgahara dravyas the latex of Jyotiṣmatī is Celastraceae family. In Āyurveda it is mentioned as used as a purgative agent. Vāgbhṭa emphasized the “Tree of Life”. The oil extracted from Jyotiṣmatī use of Jyotiṣmatī in kuṣṭha (skin disease) and seeds is known to have effect on Central Nervous bhagandara (fistula-in-ano). Dalhaṇa considered System. It is mentioned under “Śirovirecanopaga Jyotiṣmatī as Kākamardinikā which possess round Rajesh Kumar Mishra et al: Jyotismati (Celastrus paniculatus Willd.) An Important Medicinal Plant Of Ayurveda and red seeds yielding yellow oil. It is a large woody diam., depressed, globose, 3-valved, bright yellow, 3- liana commonly known as black oil plant, climbing 6-seeded. Seeds elliptic, 3.5-5.5 × 2-5 mm; aril or- staff tree and intellect tree. It is a large woody climb- ange-red. Flowering occurs from April-June. ing shrub with a yellowish bark which is referred to Phytochemistry7 as Jyotiṣmatī in Āyurveda, and the dark brown oil Celapagin, Celapanigin, Celapanin, Celastrine and extracted from the seeds called as Jyotiṣmatī oil2, Paniculatine are main phytochemicals. Celastrus oil3. The climbing shrub grows throughout Global distribution8 India at an elevation upto 1800m. Celestrus Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, paniculatus is a deciduous vine with stems upto 10cm Yunnan [Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, in diameter and 6m long with rough, pale brown ex- Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vi- foliating bark covered densely with small, elongated etnam; Australia, Pacific islands (New Caledonia)]. lenticles. The leaves are simple, broad, and oval in Botanical Synonyms9 shape with toothed margins. 4 Celastrus metzianus Turcz.; Celastrus nutans Roxb.; Vernacular names Celastrus pubescens Wall.; Celastrus rothianus Botanical name: Celastrus paniculatus Willd.; Eng- Schult.; Diosma serrata Blanco; Euonymus lish name: Black oil plant, climbing staff tree; Hindi euphlebiphyllus Hayata; Scutia paniculata G.Don name: Malkangini; Sanskrit name: Jyotiṣmatī, Sanskrit synonyms mentioned in different jyotishka, katabhi, kanguni; Malyalam: nighaṇṭu10-16 Cherrupunnari, puluruvam; Kannada: Karrigane; Tamil:Valuluvai; Telagu:Malkangini, peddamaveru Agnibhā, Agnibhāṣā, Alavaṇā, Bahnirucī, Durmadā, Taxonomical classification5 Jyotiṣkā, Jyotiṣmatī, Jyotiṣyā, Kākādanī, Kālā, Kingdom- Plantae; Sub-kingdom- Tracheobionta; Kaṇgunī, Kaṇguṇikā, Kaṭabhī, Kaṭvikā, Kinśukā, Superdivision- Spermatophyta; Division- Kuṭṭanī, Latā, Latafuṭakī, Latikā, Lavaṇā, Lavaṇī, Magnoliophyta; Class- Magnoliopsida; Subclass- Lavṇoktā, Mālakānganī, Paṇyalatā, Parāvatpadī, Rosidae; Order - Piṅgavī, Piṇyāka, Pītatailā, Salavaṇā, Sphuṭatwacā, Celastrales; Family- Celastraceae; Genus- Celastrus; Sūkṣamaphalā, Suvarṇā, Suwarṇalatikā, Triparṇī, Species- paniculatus Vegā, Vṛṣā (Table 1). Morphological description6 Properties & therapeutic uses Large deciduous twining shrubs, stem up to 23 cm in Rasa (Taste)- Kaṣāya, Tikta, Kaṭu; Guṇa (attrib- diam.; bark pale brown, rough and cracked, exfoliat- ute)- Tīkṣṇa, snigdha, sara; Vīrya (Potency)- Ūṣṇa; ing in small scales; branchlets pubescent or glabrous, Vipāka (Post digestive effect)-Kaṭu; Doṣakarma- with prominent elliptic lenticels; axillary buds small, Vāta-kaphahara; Karma- Virecanīya,vāmaka, 1-2 mm, triangular. Petiole 6-16 mm; leaf blade ellip- dīpana, medhya, kaṇḍughana, vrṇaśodhana; pāṇḍu tic, oblong, rectangular, ovate, or obovate to and visarpa nāśaka. (Table 2) suborbicular, 5-10 × 2.5-5 cm, glabrous, base Classical uses cuneate, margin serrate, apex mucronate to acumin- 17 ate; secondary veins 5-7 pairs, rarely abaxially pubes- According to Caraka saṁhitā cent at axil of veins. Thyrses terminal, 5-10 cm, 1- or Śirovirecana- Jyotiṣmatī is used for 18 2-ramous; rachis and pedicels occasionally with short Śirovirecana . tomentum; pedicels 3-6 mm. Flowers greenish, 5- It is used to treat Śirosūla (headache), pīnasa merous, dioecious, 2-3 × 1.2-1.8 mm; sepals free, roga (sinusitis), ardhāvabhedaka (hemicrania), imbricate, semiorbicular, ciliate; petals oblong to Kṛmija śiroroga, apasamāra (epilepsy), obovate-rectangular. Disk membranous, cupulate, gandhgyāna-nāśa (anosmia) and mūrchā (faint) 19 slightly 5-lobed. Stamens ca. 3 mm, inserted on mar- . gin of disk. Ovary globose. Capsule 1-1.3 cm in IAMJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August - 2019 (www.iamj.in) Page 1393 Rajesh Kumar Mishra et al: Jyotismati (Celastrus paniculatus Willd.) An Important Medicinal Plant Of Ayurveda Śirovirecana Mahākaṣāya- It is one of the drug According to Rāja-Nighaṇṭu32 mentioned in Śirovirecanopaga mahākaṣāya. So Vāta rog cikitsā- Jyotiṣmatī taila is used to treat it is used for Śirovirecana karma also20. vāta associated disorders. Dāhjawara (fever) - It is one of the contents It is used as a brain tonic mentioned in Candanādya taila. This taila is According to Cakradutta33 used for abhyanga in case of dāhjawara21. Yonivyāpada cikitsā- It is used in yonivyāpada Apasmāra (epilepsy) - It is used as a nasya in cikitsā. apasmāra cikitsā22. According to Vaṅgasena34 Viṣa cikitsā (Treatment of poison) - It is used Udara roga cikitsā- Jyotiṣmatī taila mixed with milk as a nasya in Viṣa cikitsā23. is used to treat sannipāta udara roga. Dant cikitsā (Dental treatment) - It is among one Some other medicinal uses of the contents mentioned in Tejohvādi cūrṇa. It External use: is used as a tooth paste in the diseases related to Oil is used externally. teeth and gums, like bleeding gums, pain and Oil massage is Vātanāśaka and vednāśāmaka, so itching24. it is used in paralysis, backache, arthritis and sci- According to Śuśruta saṁhitā25,26 atica. Udara rog cikitsā- Jyotiṣmatī taila with swarjikā Internal uses: kṣāra, hiṅgu and kṣhīra is given internally in Nāḍī-sansthāna: udara rog cikitsā. Ūṣṇa property enhances grasping power. Cow’s Vraṇa śodhana cikitsā (Treatment of wound)- ghee and Jyotiṣmatī oil mixture is used as a Jyotiṣmatī taila is used in Vraṇa śodhana cikitsā. medhya (memory enhancer). Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano)- Jyotiṣmatī taila Improves memory by medhya guṇa. is used in bhagandara śodhana cikitsā. Morphine addiction can be counteracted by daily Unmāda- Jyotiṣmatī is one of the ingredient consumption of 60 ml. of leaf juice of Jyotiṣmatī. mentioned in brahmyādi vartī and is used as Raktavaha-sansthāna: nasya, aṅjana, dhūmrapāna etc. Ūṣṇa property stimulates heart. Hence, improves According to Aṣṭāṅga hṛdaya27 cardiac output. Kuṣṭha cikitsā (Treatment of skin diseases)- It is used in hridyamandtā (bradycardia). Jyotiṣmatī taila is used in the treatment of sidhma Black oil of Jyotiṣmatī is used in beriberi. kuṣṭha Pācana-sansthāna: Unmāda cikitsā- Jyotiṣmatī is one of the constit- Due to its Kaṭu, Tikta and Ūṣṇa guṇa, it is used uent of unmādsūdanī vartī which is used as nasya, in agnimāndya (loss of appetite). aṅjana, lepa or dhūpa in unmāda roga28. Snigdha and Ūṣṇa guṇa improve peristalsis and Vraṇa (Treatment of wound)- It is among one of are therefore useful in overcoming vibandha the contents mentioned in vraṇa-ropaṇa taila. It is (constipation) and gulma. used for vraṇa ropaṇa29. Śwasanan-sansthāna: Bhagandara- Jyotiṣmatī taila is used in the treat- Due to its Kaṭu rasa, Ūṣṇa guṇa, kaphaghna
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