I tr( rbn ,l 1 ArtA 09AA '198455 t L-r-- t...cA !i.ft*: .latAA:*4,.,.. .{. RAGHUNATH )b*-rpr'. L i C t: l',.,:r i:: D STAMP VE NOOR t"'..... ,.,.:'.1,.: ..r; , r O-Od-_'OOi'o7' ZO t.c - r,h;?y3,fth, nan.',ll,fr;jii]_.1.", :. Apartments, co_op. Houshg societ/ I adrr 4d, s€cufrtDERABAD AFFIDAVIT tr election to Greater Hyderabad MunicipalCorporation tfom Ward No. 137, Vinayak Nagar. I T# ti: "i;, dii : {1#^ lxIi:T^Tf t,:^il i?:i.'_ t;.# HITH: ..*0." a,,h e a bove [::?1',J'#',#,.: ::iil"i::::J": :il:::' E,ec,ion, d o 1. I am a candidate set up by TELANGANA | RASHTRA SAM|TH| (TRS) political party. X ch.ll"3;.,.'..'",-, /,'t: I, 0 [0I ?015 -{ & 'I . 2 2. Details of PAN and status of filing of lncome tax return: sl. NAMES Permanent The financial Total income No Account Year Shown ln Number For lncome (PAN) Which the last Tax Return (in lncome-tax Rupess) return Has been filed 1. Chelimilla Rajamani-Self ABJPC6519Q 2074-2075 Rs.2178830-00 2. Chelimilla Ba lam allaiah-spouie ACCPCl603R 2014-20L5 Rs.3227710-00 The following case(s) is/are pending against me in which cognizance has been taken by the court: sl. Offence Description No. (a) The details of cases *t'er" tt e iou,t- hii t"t en NIL congnizance, Sections of the Act and description of the offence for which cognizance taken: (b) Name of the Court, Case No. and Oate-iordeiEking NIL coqn iza nce: (c) Details of Appeal (S)/Apptication (S) toil*Eior, (if *V) NIL filed against the above order (S): Cases in which I have been convicted by a Court of law: The details of cases, S".tions of tt,e AElrd dEcripti* of the offence for which convicted: Name of the Court (s), Case lto. and Oate 1g-i order Punishment im That lgive herein berow the detairs of the assets (movabre and immovabre etc,) of myself, my spouse and all dependants: A. Details .of movable assets: sl. Description Self Spouse No. I Cash ln hand Rs. 3,00,000-00/- Rs. 2,00,000-00/- Details of Deposits in Bink 1) Rs. 343046-00/- 1) Rs. 376418-00/- in accounts (FDRs, Term Deposits in saving account in saving account in and all other types of Deposits Axis bank, Diamond Axis bank, Diamond including saving accounts), Point Branch, Point Branch, Deposits with Financial Secunderabad. lSecunderabad. lnstitutions, Banking Non 2)Rs. 2169-00/- in 2) Rs. s221-ssl- in Financial Companies and Co_ savrng | account in I savrng account in operative societies and the Dena ] Bank, R.p. I oena Bank, R.p. amount in each such I deposit I Road bra nch, Road bra nch, Secunderabad. Secunderabad. 3) Rs. 46565.50/- in 3) Rs. 46565.50/- in saving account(Joint saving account(Joint ffi Account) in Dena *'Y Account) in Dena Bank, R.P. Road Bank, R.P. Road bra nch, branch, Secunderabad Secunderabad c\.rLa" , cle9z-\6{ L^ 4) Rs. 97508-00/- in 4) Rs. 97508-00/- in saving account saving account (joint (joint account) in account) in Karur Karur Vysya Bank, Vysya Bank, East East Anandbagh Anand Bagh branch, branch, Hyderabad. Hyderabad 5) Rs. 1.000-00/- in 5) Rs. 20590655-10 saving account, in in Current account in State Bank of Bank of Baroda, Hyderabad, East Bowenpally Branch, Anand Bagh branch, Secunderabad. Hyderabad 6) Rs. 1436s310-00/- 6) Rs. 487732-t0 in in Current account in Current account in lClCl Bank, vasavi Bank of Baroda, nagar branch, Bowenpally Branch, Secunderabad. Secunderab. 7) Rs. 16507056- 00/- in Current account in lclCl Bank, vasavi nagar branch, Secunderabad. (iii) Details of investment in Bonds, Debentures/shares and units in companies Mutual Funds and others and the amount. NIL NIL (iv) Details of investment in NSS, lnsurance Policies lnsurance Policies Postal Savings, lnsurance with LIC of lndia for with LIC of lndia for Policies and investment in any total amount of Rs. total amount of Rs. Financial lnstrument in Post 64s694-OO/- s74000-00/- office or lnsurance Company and the amount. (v) Personal loans/advance given Loans and Advances Loans and Advances to any person or entity of total Rs. of total Rs. 4303986- including firm, Company, Trust 27L9092-OO/- 00/- etc, and other receivables from debtors and the amount. (vi) Motor 1)Toyota lnnova Car 1)Fortuner Car vide Ve h i cl es/Ai rcraft s/Yatch s/Sh i ps vide Registration Registration No. AP- (details of Make, Registration No. AP-10-BE-8181, 29-AZ-2025, Year of No. etc, Year of Purchase and Year of Purchase: Purchase: 2O!3, amount. 20L3, amount: Rs. amount: Rs. L46s7gs-OO/- 278O828-OO{-. 2)Eicher Truck vide Registration No. TS- 08-UA-0207, Year of Purchase: 2074, amount Rs. L24LOOO-00/- (vii) Jewelry, bullion and valuable Gold jewellery Gold jewellery thing (give details of weight and weighing about 50 weighing about 25 value) tholas valuing about tholas valuing about Rs. 1250000-OO/- Rs. 625000-00/- ' ch 'Pq;--*-^' 4 (viii) Any other assets such as value NIL NIL of Claims/interest (ix) Gross Total Value Rs. 23855657-60/- Rs.45206492.151- B. Details of lmmovable assets: Sl.No Description Self Spouse (i) Aericultural Land 1)village, N angu nu ru 1)Kowkuntla Village, Location (s) Survey number (s) mandal, Medak Dist Chevella Mandal, in Survey No's: 1205, R.R.Dist in Survey t2o6/A, L2O6/A7 & No's: 34 & 36 L207. 2)Gatla Malyala village, Nangunuru mandal, Medak Dist in Survey No. s27 /Al4 3)Ch inna manga laram village, Moinabad Mandal, R.R.Dist in Survey No's. 177/A/L,2 &3. Area (Total measurement in 1)5 Acres & t2 14 Acres and 33.5 acres) G u ntas. Guntas 2)6 Guntas 3)7 Acres 28 Guntas Whether inherited property NO NO (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of 1)30-11-2006 27-11-20tL self acquired property 2)1-09-2009 3)0s-06-2000 Cost of Land (in case of 1)Rs. 496s00-00/- Rs.2226000-00/- purchase) at the time of 2)Rs. 10s00-00/- purchase. 3)Rs. 470000-00/- Any lnvestment on the land by way of development, NIL NIL construction etc. Approximate Current market 1)Rs. 790000-00/- Rs. 2800000-00/- va lue 2)Rs. 20000-00/- 3)Rs.2100000-00/- (ii) Non-Agricultural Land NIL Plot No.180 at Location(s) Survey number(s) Bollaram village, Medak District in Survey No. Area (Total measurement in Not applicable 241.66 Sq.Yards sq.Ft) Whether inherited property Not applicable NIL (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of Not applicable 01-12-1994 self acquired property Cost of Land (in case of Not applicable Rs.14600-00/- 'oYA'\Y,' purchase) at the time of purchase u.-h. Any lnvestment on the land Not ap plica ble NIL by way of development, construction etc. Approximate Current market Not applica ble Rs. 100000-00/- value (iii) Commercial BuildinEs Shop No. B-19, 1)Shop No.53 & 54 (including apartments) Bowenpally Market at Vinayaknagar, -Locations(s) yard, in Survey No's: Malkajgiri Mandal, -Survey numbers(s) 81/2 and 83 R.R.Dist in Survey No's: 74 & 75. 2)Shop No.B-31, Bowenpally Market Yard, in Survey No's: 87/2 and 83 Euilt up Area (Total 126.66 Sq.Yards 1)239 Sq.Fts measurement in Sq.ft) 21L26.66 Sq.yards Whether inherited property NO NO (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of 04-05-2004 7\22-tO-2007 self acquired property 2)04-0s-2004 Cost of property (in case of Rs.925000-00/- 1)Rs.83000-00/- purchase) at the time of 2) Rs.92s000-00/- pu rchase Any investment on the NIL NIL property by way of development, construction, etc Approximate Current market Rs. 2500000-00/- 1)Rs. 500000-00/- value 2)Rs. 2s00000-00/- (iv) Residential Buildines 1)House in Plot No. 1)House in Plot No. (including apartments) 70 at Radha Soami 71 at Radha Soami -Location (s) Co-operative Co-operative -Survey number (s) Housing Colony, Housing Colony, Thokatta Village, Thokatta Village, under Secu nderabad u nder Secu nderabad Cantonment in Cantonment in Survey No. 155. Survey No. 155. 2)House No.30- 2)House No.30- 167179 on part of !587 /2 on Plot no. Plot no. 19, at 28, at Chandragiri Chandragiri colony, colony, Malkajgiri Malkajgiri Municipality, Municipality, R.R.Dist R. R. Dist in Survey in Survey No's. 68/1, No's. 68/1, 70/t and TOlL and 77 7t Area (Total measurement in 1)232 Sq.Yards 1)232 Sq.yards sq.ft) 2)106.66 Sq.yards 21266.66 Sq.yards Built up Area (Total 1)s000 sq.ft L)s000 Sq.ft measurement in Sq.ft) 2)1s00 Sq.ft 2)1500 Sq.Ft Whether inherited property NO NO 6!*R"" (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of u19-08-200s 1)19-08-200s self acqu ired property 2)10-05-2000 2122-05-1997 Cost of property(in case of 1)Rs. 2s00000-00/- 1)Rs.2s00000-00/- purchase)at ffi the time of 2)Rs. 8s000-00/- 2)Rs. 260000-00/- ,ch &,F-,-_*,.^ i pu rchase. Any lnvestment on the land 1)Rs. 4285531..s0/- 1)Rs.4286s31.50/- by way of development, 2)Rs.4286531.50/- 2)Rs.4286531.50/- construction etc. Approximate Current market 1)Rs. 20000000-00/- 1)Rs.20000000-00/- va lue 2)Rs.
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