_ i b '’ V '•• •• , .1 ’ ^ V ' ' ■■• ; ■■ FRIDAY, JANUARY #1, 1»64 «® SEOTSEN V jStanrlt^Btfr lEwning li^rald Aierafg Dally Net Pteas Kne Far tlw WMk DaM servloes o f the UJB. C on fer­ Auraaiy 95^ 1964 The VTW Poet will sponsor Course to Stop FORRBNT Rally Set Sunday ence of Mayors and to urge Rahi aadiag aatiiy seafood night from 6 to 12:80 Curtis Wants them to jedn. 8 and M mm. Marla. Piojaa- l ^ u t Town ajn. for membera and guests Manchester’s board of direc­ Smoking Plan tors—sound or sOnk Moo 13,881 85 «a‘ 46i.- eaaiair'L ^ By Youth Council $ 5 iwm. sUda projeoton, to n ig h t tors, earlier this month voted vuCUm AiMtt b r e ^ , aaU . M lgli 66 4a 9)1^1^ . 3fr. and Mrs. Gordon lUxdc- To Negotiate the town’s partlcipatian In the A ICMohester agency Is «• WELDON DRUG CO. I ad CXraiilattMi win ot 58 Marion Dr. will be John B. Cumer- HI, an en- TIm Manoheater Christian conference, at an annual ooat Maneh0$tmr^A Cky of Vlttagf Charm gineman third class ip the Unit­ peoted to ^Mosor a ‘Tlve-Oajr 901 Main SWVeL 948-5991 boat and hoetesa Sunday from Y outh OourcB wlH present its o f 8100. Plan to atop Smoking,” the » - 8 to 6 pjn. at the LuU Junior ed States Coast Guard and son Bus Contract Youth Week RaBy Service from Mayor Mahoney attended last ■ult of a meeting last idght at (CliaaWlad AdverUsfaig oa Paga 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Kuaeum. of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Currier siunmer’s annual conference in VOL. LXXXm . NO. 104 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CpNN., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1964 Jr., 29 Auburn Rd., is serving to 7 pjn. Sunday at Second Manchester H l^ School, »c- The poBsibillty of negotiating OoncTMutloaal Chunrii, 385 N. Texas, as part of his vacation ooirdhv to the Rev. Abram W. Die Bntiah American Club aboard the cutter, Half Moon, next year’s school bus trans­ Main St. ’The Rev. K. EJnar and returned convinced of the Sangrey of Bolton. MID-WINfER SALE win sponsor a dance for mem­ which is currently undergoing many benefits to be derived refresher training at the Naval portation contract rather than Raek, pastor of Trinity Cove­ WliHe he WMdd not divulge bers and guests tomohrow from submitting it to Md Is being from membership. 50% Merchandise Bonus Lava Devastates 9 pjn. to 1 aon. at the club­ Station at Guantanamo Bay, nant CAuircb, wUl open the ac- the name of the agency, ^ considered by the board of edu­ Uvltiee with an Introduction to ’This year’s conference will be said there was enough entluui- On Sale Items house. Charles Varrick’s orcHes- Cuba. ’The ship will return to cation. held in New York City, May Prosecution Nears Finish its home port Staten Island, N. the theme, "The PecuHar Ones.” aam among eiglit persona at­ Third of Island tn will furnish the music. The board has given Supt. of 24-27. Printed Envelopeai Billheads Y., in mid-February. After the kitroduoUon, peur- tending the information meet­ Schools William H. Curtis and The organization sends avail­ or Business Cards Sunset Rk>ekah Lodge will tldpanta wiU form discussion ing to go ahead with plans. JAKARTA, liKhmaaia Spaceship Dead- Business Manager D ouglas groups. A worship ssrvice, pre­ able niaterial and information (AP) — Mount RokiUenda meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd The Rockville Airea Family Pierce permlsion to discuss to the general manager and O. J. Mills of Hartford spoke Boy 1000 At Regular Prloa Campers Association will met ceded by supper, wiU close the and showed a film desoritoing In Hoffa Jury Bribe Trial on Palae bland haa erupt­ FeUows Hall. Officers will re­ and Get 000 Free negotiating the contract for one rally with the Methodist Youth mayor of participating towns. ed, forcing 2,200 persons hearse at 7:30 p.m. Refresh­ Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the year only with Elmer ’Thrall, the plan. He r^Hseents the FeUowahip of South Methodist In addition. It makes avail­ to flee and devastating a ments will be served by Mrs. Lottie Flak Building at Henry owner of the Manchester School able space in Its Washington Seventh-day Adventlet diurch, ELEANOR BUCK William Ewing and a commit­ Park, Rockville. Parents are Church' taking part. and was invited by a group of third of the small isiaiid, Bus Service and holder of the office for any mayor with busi­ Sales Rqfveeentatlve For CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. Antara news agency re­ tee. reminded to bring material for present three-year transporta­ Those plannigig to attend sire Htunriiester area reeWenta to re­ ness there and assists him In K and B, Inc. (AP)—(Sovemment attor­ ported today. Antara said the children to make valentines tion contract which expires this reminded to brit^ a box lunch. making necessary contacts. port oh the non-rellgloua plan. For Moon ‘Sea’ Crash The Laches of the Assump­ to be taken to a children’s hos­ Soda wiU be sold at the church. The speaker said that the Phonea 648-5768 or 648-9409 neys predict they will com­ no caaualtlee were report­ year. The superintendent’s bud­ Last night’s Informal discus­ 185 Spmoe Street tion win meet Monday at 8 pan. pital for patients to send their get estim ates $98,400 for this Chairman plan sta/^ on Sunday evening plete their jury-tampering ed. It did not say when the sion explored the possibility of erufHion had begun. ’The In the dumeh haU. Mrs. Doris friends. service, an increase o f $7,400 Alexander LeMay of 153 a bi-partisan statewide group, and continues through Thurs­ charges late next week Andette wiU demonsbrate cer­ over this year. Woodland St. has been named day, and he would be available agency aaid large lava 23 Mayors Meet which could foster better un­ against Teamsters Presi­ flow s were streaming amics, afiter which members ’The Rev. Ray C. HoUis Jr. of Negotiating rather than writ­ chairman of French Night derstanding of town problems to present the plan ki Manches­ Photo Probe win be eUe to woric on a piece South Methodist Church will ing bids was sought by the which is observed annually by ter at a date in February or dent James R. Hoffa and down the 2,871-foot vol­ Down at Mory’s at the state capitol, Mahoney cano’s aouUiem flank. An of their own. li^ . Henry Shel­ conduct a service Sunday at superintendent because of un­ the Knights of Columbus. It will said. M arch. five others. ly wiS be chairman for ^ e eve­ 6:40 am . in the chapel of Man­ usual transportation problems be held Feb. 10 beginning at spoolal "Wa daUnitaly axpect to fin- urgent call was sent out Slated to Hit ning. Redreehments will be chester Memorial Hospital. ’Ihe looming next fall at Highland 6:30 p.m. with a barbecue Mayor Francis Mahoney and lah up next weak,’’ said chief for food and medical sup­ SATURDAY ONLY str vied. Rev. Robert Shoff, pastor of Park and Keeney St. Schools. chicken dinner at the organiza­ 23 other Connecticut mayors, roaaoutbr Jamea Neal of Waah- plies. Palae, near Flores At 4:24 A.M. the Church of the Nazarene, About 240 pupils from these tion’s home. were guests of. New Haven Sigton. at the conciuaion Friday Island in southeastern In­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran will serve as hospital chaplain schools will have to be "farmed of Uie trial’s second week before donesia, has a population Atty. Oiler Angers of Hart­ Mayor Richard Lee last night NEW Church sA observe an “After- next week. out” to churches and/or other a t the legendary M ory’ s reS' U.S. Dist. Court Judge Frank of 12,000. ’The volcano last PASADENA, C alif. Sunday Evangelism Festival” schools until the school addi. ford will be the guest speaker. W ilson. erupted in 1628, Antara His topic of discussion will deal taurant in New Haven. Sunday during 10 a.m. worship. The French Club of Manches­ tlons, now on the drawing ’The meeting was an Informal Defense attorneys said they aaid. (AP) — Scientists were with New England descendants Distribution of tracts, "Too Lit­ ter will sponsor a rununage sale boards, are completed. Dr. get-together, to acquaint the CRESS cannot estimate how much time jubilant today that the tle, Too Late,” and "Your Op ’Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. at Orange Curtis has said. ’The target date of the French. mayors of the principles and 'K'fiow* Try ’em today they will take until the govern­ camera-packed Ranger 6 portunlty, the Pastor’s Class,’ Hall. Members may bring arti­ for com pletion is Jan 1, 1966. Reservations and tickets for PIE ment rests its case. " spacecraft was heading di­ will take place at the close of cles to the hall Monday from 7 ’Transporting the pupils was members and friends may be ’The six art accused of trying Events the service. Communion will be to 9 p.m. the alternative chosen by the obtained by contacting Lionel hamburgers to influence jurors in Hoffa’a rectly to an area on the administered. board recently in preference to Lessard 'of 169 Lyness St. Personal Notices 1962 con spiracy trial at Nash­ moon under consideration The Regina D’ltalia Society the superintendent’s recommen ticket chairman; Alexander Le- M ' Qonald'S 59c ville. That, trial ended with a :'or future astronaut land­ The Rev.
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