![House of Representatives](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2016 No. 89 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was If a carbon tax would be imposed, all In southern West Virginia, that means called to order by the Speaker pro tem- of this would change. According to the we might not be able to redevelop our pore (Mr. WOMACK). nonpartisan Congressional Budget Of- former mine sites to their full poten- f fice, a carbon tax would hurt our econ- tial. It could even halt the much-need- omy. It would raise prices and diminish ed Hobet mine redevelopment. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO people’s purchasing power. It would re- Noncompliant counties also might TEMPORE duce the number of hours people not be able to build new highways. For The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- worked, resulting in lost wages. It southern West Virginia, that could fore the House the following commu- would also disproportionately hurt mean long planned highway projects nication from the Speaker: low-income families and raise energy are put on the back burner again. WASHINGTON, DC, prices for seniors and families. This week, we will vote in the House June 7, 2016. West Virginia already has one of the on a bill to put the brakes on the I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE highest unemployment rates in the Na- EPA’s latest actions. We will give the WOMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on tion. What we need are policies that States time to catch up before the EPA this day. create more jobs, encourage companies tries to impose yet another standard. PAUL D. RYAN, to expand and hire, diversify our econ- We will protect public health while en- Speaker of the House of Representatives. omy, and reinvest in our people. suring implementation of new ozone f Our coal miners and our coalfields standards that don’t cripple our econ- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE have suffered enough. They can’t afford omy. a tax on the very energy West Virginia This is a commonsense bill that de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- produces. serves bipartisan support. ant to the order of the House of Janu- The message is clear: West Virginia f ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- needs more jobs and reinvestment, not nize Members from lists submitted by a carbon tax. HONORING ANITA DATAR the majority and minority leaders for IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW OZONE STANDARDS The SPEAKER pro tempore. The morning-hour debate. Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from The Chair will alternate recognition Speaker, the EPA is at it again. It is New York (Mrs. LOWEY) for 5 minutes. between the parties, with each party writing yet another rule that will hurt Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to limited to 1 hour and each Member our economy and could make it harder honor an extraordinary public servant, other than the majority and minority for us to build new roads and create Anita Datar, who was tragically killed leaders and the minority whip limited jobs. late last year during the despicable ter- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- In this economy, when West Virginia rorist attack at the Radisson Blu Hotel bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. has one of the highest unemployment in Bamako, Mali. f rates in the Nation, the last thing we Anita, only 41 years old, was senior need is more red tape. We don’t need director for field programs for the CARBON TAX more bureaucrats getting in the way of international development firm, Palla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The our State’s ability to develop our re- dium. She went to Mali on a USAID- Chair recognizes the gentleman from sources. supported research project focused on West Virginia (Mr. JENKINS) for 5 min- The new ozone standards the EPA women’s reproductive health. utes. wants to impose on States would hurt Raised in New Jersey, Anita devoted Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. manufacturing, drilling, mining, and her entire career to international pub- Speaker, the House will vote this week agricultural operations, hurting the lic health and development. She start- on a resolution of disapproval on a car- families who depend on these jobs. ed as a Peace Corps volunteer in Sen- bon tax, a new tax that would greatly The EPA is ratcheting up its ozone egal, and then continued to travel hurt my State of West Virginia. standard on States. Most States and throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Latin West Virginia is the second largest counties haven’t even met the 2008 America, and the Caribbean, helping producer of coal in the United States. ozone standard, and now the bar is vulnerable communities escape poverty The coal mined in West Virginia made being raised again. This is unrealistic. and disease. this country what it is today. It made Counties not in compliance with the Anita founded a nonprofit organiza- the steel that built skyscrapers and the new standard could find it even harder tion that connects low-income women ships that won world wars. to attract and build new developments. in developing countries to quality b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3465 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:39 Jun 08, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JN7.000 H07JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 7, 2016 health services. She was especially children here in the U.S. but also son Institute, which helps fight addic- committed to expanding access to fam- across the world who are lacking in the tion. ily planning services and treating and nutrition to develop and grow as Wheelock Whitney was a man with a preventing HIV. human persons, fully alive. May we great heart. He lived to help others and Anita’s son, Rohan, is in the gallery who have so much work to provide strived to make Minnesota a wonderful today with his father, David. They will bread for the world, especially for place to live, and we will all miss him. join Anita’s friends and colleagues at a those in the first 1,000 days of their f reception this evening at the U.S. In- lives, from conception to early child- THE FAILURE OF HOUSE stitute of Peace to remember Anita hood. REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS and celebrate the mark her work left As the Members of this people’s on so many. House return from the Memorial Day (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given Rohan recently moved to my home adjournment, bless them with the wis- permission to address the House for 1 district in New York. Rohan, we are dom and perseverance to attend to the minute.) proud and honored to have you in our pressing needs of all who hunger and Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, Repub- community. Your mom made the world thirst, for sustenance, and for justice. licans in Congress have failed to pass a a better place through her passion, May all that is done this day be for budget or to adequately address the spirit, and dedication to helping oth- Your greater honor and glory. health crises that we have brewing in ers. Her selfless commitment to service Amen. this country, including one in my own is one of the many indelible legacies f hometown of Flint, Michigan. Anita bestowed on Rohan and all those Now, this week, Speaker RYAN is try- who had the honor of knowing her. THE JOURNAL ing to distract the focus from Repub- I would also note that the Senate The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- lican Party leader and presumptive passed, on February 1, 2016, a bipar- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- nominee Donald Trump’s racist and tisan resolution, S. Res. 347, honoring ceedings and announces to the House bigoted remarks toward Mexican the memory and legacy of Anita Ashok his approval thereof. Americans and Muslim Americans. Datar; condemning the terrorist attack Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Releasing white papers is not enough in Bamako, Mali, on November 20, 2015; nal stands approved. to offset what the leader of your party and extending heartfelt condolences f is saying every day about American and prayers to the family, friends, and citizens. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE colleagues of Anita Ashok Datar, par- Last week, for example, Donald ticularly her son, Rohan; and the indi- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Trump questioned the ability of an viduals touched by the life of Anita from Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) come for- American Federal judge to do his job— Ashok Datar or affected by her death, ward and lead the House in the Pledge this is a direct quote—because ‘‘he’s a including the dedicated development of Allegiance. Mexican.’’ He even doubled down on professionals and volunteers that con- Mr. EMMER of Minnesota led the this extreme position, questioning tinue to selflessly engage in critical Pledge of Allegiance as follows: whether a Muslim American judge humanitarian and development efforts. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the could also properly do his job based on The text of S. Res. 347 can be found United States of America, and to the Repub- his religion, based on his beliefs.
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