2012-2013 Grant Report Master List Program Title Program Component (if applicable) Recipient Purpose Value Approval Grant Term Grant Funding Location postcode Special confidentiality provisions – Notes (GST Incl) date (months) Y/N and reason (if yes) $ (00/00/00) Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of New England Ecology and control methods: Managing the $80,300 24/01/13 36 Armidale NSW 2351 N/A invasive weed Poa annua in the Australian sub- Antarctic Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Newcastle The Role of Magnetospheric Plasma Waves in $145,717 30/01/13 48 Callaghan NSW 2308 N/A Driving Space Weather Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Australian National University Predicting change: Will morphological constraints $165,000 14/02/13 36 Canberra ACT 2600 N/A on hydraulic function limit acclimation of subantarctic plants to a warmer climate? Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Department of Primary Industries, Status and trends of Macquarie Island Albatrosses $73,350 27/02/13 48 Hobart TAS 7000 N/A Parks, Water and Environment and Giant Petrels: management and conservation of threatened seabirds Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Tasmania Sea ice microbial community dynamics in a $100,023 7/03/13 36 Sandy Bay TAS 7005 N/A changing climate Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Tasmania Conservation genetics of Antarctic seabirds and $99,440 7/03/13 48 Sandy Bay TAS 7005 N/A seals: population connectivity and past glacial refugia Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A The University of Melbourne Development of contaminant metal removal $140,800 8/03/13 48 Melbourne VIC 3000 N/A systems suitable for implementation in cold regions Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Macquarie University Grass of the Oceans: quantifying biodiversity, $165,000 12/03/13 36 North Ryde NSW 2109 N/A environmental and climatic connectivity from a decade-long capture of Southern Ocean diatoms Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Macquarie University Residual toxicity and risk assessment of petroleum $165,000 18/03/13 48 North Ryde NSW 2109 N/A hydrocarbons in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic soils Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Curtin University Antarctic Black Carbon Records of Past Climate $89,100 18/03/13 36 Bentley WA 6102 N/A and Fire Emissions Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Melbourne Bromine control of the mercury flux into the $108,449 18/03/13 24 Melbourne VIC 3000 N/A biosphere of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic regions Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Melbourne Energetics and dynamics of Polar Lows based on $161,150 18/03/13 36 Melbourne VIC 3000 N/A high resolution model output Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Melbourne The analysis of Antarctic upper air and surface $102,233 21/03/13 48 Melbourne VIC 3000 N/A temperature trends since the IGY and the identification of their causes using climate model analyses Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A RMIT University Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the last frontier: $164,811 25/03/13 48 Melbourne VIC 3001 N/A quantifying the environmental impacts and environmental impact reduction strategy for Australia’s Antarctic infrastructure Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A RMIT University GPS Radio Occultation for studying the Antarctic $165,000 25/03/13 36 Melbourne VIC 3001 N/A Atmosphere and Climate Analysis Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Deakin University Signature biomarkers for contaminant exposure $120,725 17/04/13 36 Geelong VIC 3220 N/A associated with sewage and refuse legacy waste disposal sites in Antarctic fish and bivalves Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence Protecting Antarctica Macquarie University Grass of the Oceans: quantifying biodiversity, $165,000 23/04/13 38 North Ryde NSW 2109 N/A Variation to (Program 3.1) environmental and climatic connectivity from a grant term - decade-long capture of Southern Ocean diatoms original FA execution 12/3/2013 Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Griffith University The seasonal dynamics of Persistent Organic $165,000 22/04/13 36 Nathan QLD 4111 N/A Pollutants in coastal Antarctic waters from a coupled, vertically resolved fugacity food web model Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Adelaide Modelling ocean wave / sea ice interactions: $43,753 2/05/13 36 Adelaide SA 5000 N/A experimental validation and assimilation into operational models Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Adelaide The Windmill-Bunger connection: a key to $6,050 2/05/13 24 Adelaide SA 5000 N/A geodynamic models for the Precambrian Australian- Antarctic continent Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of Tasmania Quantification and prediction of marine biodiversity $165,000 23/05/13 36 Sandy Bay TAS 7005 N/A at a range of geographical and ecological scales for spatial protection and management Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Australian National University Antarctic Mass Balance: Data Mining and $165,000 6/06/13 36 Canberra ACT 3600 N N/A Assimilation of Geodetic Observations Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Australian National University What is happening in Enderby Land? $146,197 6/06/13 36 Canberra ACT 200 N N/A Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A Southern Cross University Toxicity of chemically and physically dispersed fuels $113,520 11/06/13 36 Lismore NSW 2480 N N/A on Antarctic marine biota - applicability of dispersant use for fuel spill response planning Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence N/A University of New South Wales Robotic Science on the High Antarctic Plateau $110,000 20/06/13 48 Sydney NSW 2052 N NA Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Fitzroy Valley Carbon Farming Project $55,000 30/05/13 12 Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765 N/A Sector Initiatives Corporation Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Yalata Community Inc Yalata Carbon Farming Feasibility and Assessment $52,250 31/05/13 14 Ceduna, SA 5690 N/A Sector Initiatives Project Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Tiwi Land Council Inc The project will implement findings of Phase I of the $201,500 31/05/13 14 Winnellie, NT 821 GST excl Sector Initiatives Tiwi Carbon Study (Tiwi Land Council/ CSIRO research project). The project will provide access to knowledge and information necessary to participate in the CFI; organise workshops to observe and participate in early dry season programs; undertake planning for implementation, review and monitoring; and provide training in the use of North Australian Fire Information (NAFI) data. Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation A feasibility assessment and development of a $50,000 31/05/13 9 Cairns, QLD 4871 N/A Sector Initiatives business plan for a Savanna Burning project on the Kuuku I’yu Northern Kaanju Homelands. Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Aboriginal Carbon Fund Limited Aboriginal Carbon Fund project $330,000 30/05/13 24 Alice Springs NT 870 N/A Sector Initiatives Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Aboriginal Land Council of Community Consultation to Assess Carbon Farming $49,900 31/05/13 14 Launceston, TAS 7250 N GST Excl Sector Initiatives Tasmania Initiative Capabilities on Tasmania Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change SA Arid Lands Natural Resources This project will work in conjunction with a five $408,424 3/06/13 32 Port Augusta, SA 5700 N GST Excl Sector Initiatives Management Board yearly review of the entire South Australian Arid Lands Regional Natural Resources Management (NRM) Plan to provide a document that has climate change and the carbon economy fully integrated into the regional plan. This will be achieved through a community engagement model, and will provide the structure and available data so that on ground NRM activities are directed by the best available science. This approach will ensure that the greatest NRM benefit is derived from the carbon economy and any potential negative impacts are minimised. The revised plan will provide clear guidance for carbon project developments in the region. Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council Mapoon Carbon Project $49,500 4/06/13 12 Mapoon QLD 4874 N N/A Sector Initiatives Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Carpentaria Land Council Business Feasibility Assessment $54,450 4/06/13 12 Cairns QLD 4870 N N/A Sector Initiatives Aboriginal Corporation Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Northern and Yorke Natural Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change in the $414,342 5/06/13 36 Clare SA 5453 N N/A Sector Initiatives Resources Management Board Northern and Yorke NRM Region Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund The SAVANNA ALLIANCE Securing a Share of the Carbon Farming Market $330,000 5/06/13 24 Katherine NT 0850 N N/A Sector Initiatives (AUSTRALIA) CORPORATION LIMITED Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Regional Natural Resources Management Planning $438,001 5/06/13 37 Port Lincoln, SA 5606 N GST Excl Sector Initiatives Management Board for Climate Change in the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region Carbon
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