The Leaguer USPS 267-840 The Official Publication of the University I titer scholastic League VOL LXIV. NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1979 AUSTIN, TEXAS Public education on UIL needed, Johnson claims Supt. Jack Johnson of Southlake was —Calculator applications contest. The unanimously elected chairman, and Bill council unanimously approved a motion Vardeman of Levelland vice-chairman, approving the calculator contest, and al­ during final action of the League Legis­ lowing director Dr. John Cogdell to make lative Council, which held its annual needed adjustments as the contest evolves gathering November 3-4 at Austin's Mar­ further. riott Inn. The calculator contest will replace the Johnson, who succeeds Joe B. Scrivner slide rule contest beginning with the of Irving as leader of the 20-member rule­ 1980-81 school year. making body, told the members it was —Approved a recommendation that a imperative that the public be informed committee be appointed by the council of the League program and the impor­ chairman and the League director to con­ tance of keeping it in the hands of sist of two public school administrators educators. and one debate coach from each confer­ "In just the past year, we've begun to ence. The committee will work on tight­ contact our community leaders and to tell ening the debate rules, updating the de­ the story of the Interscholastic League, bate manual and recommending any ad­ but we must continue to sell our program ministrative changes which would im­ to the public," Johnson said. "The UIL is prove the district and regional debate the finest organization of its type in the competition. nation, and it'll be our job to educate our Appointments to the committee are COUNTRY STROLL—Burkburnetfs Andrew Daniels (156) and Patsy Norman of El public and let them know that the League forthcoming. Paso coasted to impressive wins at the state cross country meet, held Saturday, Dec I didn't get where it is today by accident, Other non-athletic considerations in­ but rather by the dedicated efforts of edu­ cluded : in Georgetown. For full results, see page 7. cators who developed a purely amateur —The unanimous approval of a recom­ program based on equal and fair competi­ mendation banning the acceptance of tion." monetary awards or other valuable con­ "In his parting words, outgoing chair­ siderations as prizes in music contests Orders reach record high man Scrivner echoed Johnson's senti­ or participating in a contest offering such ments. considerations. If you waited until yesterday to junior high and elementary levels. "We're in a new era, a new day in Persons, teams or music organizations order material from the UIL state of­ Another influence on the order de­ which all institutions have come under found in violation of the rule would be fice that you'll be needing tomorrow, luge is the new Prescribed Music List, public scrutiny," he said. "We—the pub­ ineligible for a 12-month period following odds are you may not receive it in which serves a four-year period. lic school people—know the benefits of participation in the contest. The rule does time. "Our publications order library the UIL program, but it's not enough that not prevent uniformly pro-rating rebates For a variety of reasons, the people are filling orders as quickly as we alone know. We must spread the word or other monies to be given to each school League publications order library is possible, and we still have not man­ throughout our communities if the or participant in the contest, however. running about six weeks behind, said aged to keep up with the demand," League is to remain the amateur and edu­ —The State Marching Band Contest, Bailey Marshall, League director. Marshall said. "School people can ex­ cational organization it has been and is hosted by the University of Texas De­ Publications orders were setting all- pedite the operation by ordering at today." partment of Music, was amended so that time highs, Marshall said, thanks in least six-weeks ahead of time, double- Items brought before the council dealt a region may certify two bands earning part to the increased interest in checking all order and payment primarily with athletics. Two academic a Division I from each high school con- League contests, especially in the figures, and being patient." subjects discussed were: (See UIL, page 7) Policy committee proposals okayed Council orders review of spring meet structure A study of the overall League spring sory or mental disabilities which make it —Ordered the League office to continue of problems of competition with regard meet structure as well as a review of all impossible for them to compete effec­ selecting regional sites under present to the large schools. League activities which account for loss tively with students who do not have stated procedures as well as ordered the The Athletic Committee was ordered to of student and staff time are in the such disabilities; (2) A school whose reclassification and realignment pro­ study the feasibility of the inclusion of works, the result of action taken by the students are enrolled in the school as cedures be continued. Also ordered was soccer for Conference AAAAA schools Legislative Council, November 3-4 in part of a process of rehabilitation for the continuing of a study of the reclassi­ only, and the council passed a proposal Austin. law violations. fication procedures ont he off-years. banning live animal mascots present at The proposals, offered for considera­ In other action on Policy Committee The council also ordered continued League contests, and prohibiting such tion by the newly-formed Policy Commit­ matters, the council: policies for selecting state contest direc­ items as cannons, firearms or pyrotechnic tee, set in motion plans to appoint a com­ —designated the Policy Committee to tors and judges, and policies for report­ devices at UIL events. mittee and/or consultant to study the serve as the Awards Committee, rather ing alleged violations, as well as granting Items failing to win council approval feasibility of changing the Spring Meet than forming a new panel. authority to League directors to edit and included: structure and/or dates, and review all —Approved the study of the music clarify the Constitution and Contest —A request to score all eight finalists League activities with the idea of mini­ program in the standardized awards sys­ Rules as necessary. mizing loss of student and staff time in the State swim competition. tem and ordered the present awards In final action, the council approved from regular school time in the various structure for music be continued for the —A request by the Texas Association the payment from League funds for state UIL events. next two years. of Broadcasters which would allow The council also redefined a passage in —Authorized the council chairman representatives to National committees, broadcasters to cover State basketball the Constitution and Contest Rules re­ and League director to appoint a com­ passed a resolution opposing sponsorship and baseball tournament games, using garding membership to state: Exception: mittee comprised of members from vari­ of Southwest Athletic Conference events their own crews where feasible. At pres­ (1) A school whose students are enrolled ous interest groups to study problems by the alcohol beverage interests, and ent, state basketball and baseball tourna- in that school because of physical, sen­ related to the UIL transfer rules. ordered a study by the Policy Committee (See Council, page 7) inside Frills? Music and $$ Thel980's Elsewhere Just how expensive are extra­ Music directors need be wary Dr. Bailey Marshall continues Editorials Page 2 curricular activities in the of over-communication. Dr. his discerning look at the Journalism page 3 high school. An interesting Nelson Patrick has some 1980's and the problems Drama page 4 point of view, page 2. comments. Page 4. they'll pose. Page 6. Music page 5 Athletics page 6 editorials Page 2 Director's corner Assistance needed in TILF fund-raising drive By BAILEY MARSHALL to serve the public school students of arship funds are established in honor of ticipation in other extracurricular activi­ League Director Texas. loved ones and relatives. ties, leadership and service activities in Col. Walter Kerbel, TILF board direc­ There are two basic types of scholar­ the school and community, overall grades The Texas Interscholastic League tor, heads up a group of individuals who ships available. and college entrance exam test scores, and Foundation (TILF) is "one of a kind." 1. Those grants that specify the con­ on financial need. There is no similar program among the have done much for the public school stu­ dents. They give of their time and money test a student must participate in and, Since its inception, the TILF program nation's many extracurricular activities has awarded more than $2 million to de­ and are continually looking for ways to in some cases, which college or university associations. the student must attend upon gradua­ serving Texas high school graduates. It is increase the scholarship funds. This past year, TILF awarded more tion as well as which particular field of a program totally unique to Texas and Currently, school administrators are than $210,000 in scholarship grants to study. one which needs our support. being mailed letters asking for contribu­ students attending Texas colleges and 2. Those scholarships from the general If you know of a person who might like tions to the program and urging admin­ universities. The students earned eligi­ TILF fund which are open to any student to contribute to this worthy cause, con­ bility for the scholarship grants by par­ istrators to be on the lookout for poten­ placing first through fourth in regional tact Dr.
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