The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Augustus was sensible that mankind is governed by names; nor was he deceived in his expectation, that the senate and people would submit to slavery, provided they were respectfully assured, that they still enjoyed their ancient freedom. —Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Editor-in-Chief Ronald Hamowy Professor Emeritus of History, University of Alberta Assistant Editors Jason Kuznicki Research Fellow, Cato Institute Aaron Steelman Director of Research Publications, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Consulting Editor Deirdre McCloskey Professor of Economics, University of Illinois, Chicago Founding and Consulting Editor Jeffrey D. Schultz A project of the Cato Institute Copyright © 2008 by SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: [email protected] SAGE Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Singapore 048763 Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The encyclopedia of libertarianism / editor Ronald Hamowy. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4129-6580-4 (cloth) 1. Libertarianism—Encyclopedias. I. Hamowy, Ronald, 1937- JC585.E53 2008 320.51’2—dc22 2008009151 This book is printed on acid-free paper. 080910111210987654321 Publisher: Rolf A. Janke Acquisitions Editor: Jim Brace-Thompson Production Editor: Tracy Buyan Copy Editor: Heather Jefferson Typesetter: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Proofreader: Penelope Sippel Indexer: Julie Sherman Grayson Cover Designer: Ravi Balasuriya Marketing Manager: Amberlyn Erzinger Contents List of Entries vii Reader’s Guide xi About the Editors xv Contributors xvi Editor’s Introduction xxi General Introduction xxv Entries A 1 L 277 B 23 M 309 C 45 N 347 D 111 O 363 E 133 P 369 F 165 R 411 G 201 S 449 H 217 T 499 I 233 U 517 J 261 V 521 K 269 W 529 Index 547 List of Entries Abolitionism Censorship Abortion Charity/Friendly Societies Acton, Lord Children Adams, John Childs, Roy A. Affirmative Action Chodorov, Frank American Revolution Cicero Anarchism Cities Anarcho-Capitalism Civil Society Anti-Corn Law League Civil War, U.S. Antitrust Clark, Ed Aquinas, Thomas Classical Economics Aristotle Coase, Ronald H. Arts and Public Support Cobden, Richard Assurance and Trust Coercion Coke, Edward Banking, Austrian Theory of Collectivism Bastiat, Frédéric Common Law Bauer, Peter Communism Becker, Gary S. Competition Bentham, Jeremy Comte, Charles Bill of Rights, U.S. Condorcet, Marquis de Bioethics Conscience Black Markets Conscription Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von Consequentialism Branden, Nathaniel Conservatism Bright, John Conservative Critique of Libertarianism Brown, John Constant, Benjamin Buchanan, James M. Constitution, U.S. Buckle, Henry Thomas Constitutionalism Bureaucracy Contractarianism/Social Contract Burke, Edmund Corruption Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques Cosmopolitanism Crime. See Restitution for Crime; Retribution for Crime Campaign Finance Culture Cantillon, Richard Capitalism Capital Punishment Decentralism Cato’s Letters Declaration of Independence vii viii The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Declaration of the Rights of Man Gambling and of the Citizen Garrison, William Lloyd Delegation Genetics Democracy Gladstone, William Ewart Development, Economic Globalization Dicey, Albert Venn Glorious Revolution Diderot, Denis Godwin, William Division of Labor Goldwater, Barry Douglass, Frederick Government Drug Prohibition Great Depression Dunoyer, Charles Dutch Republic Harper, Floyd Arthur “Baldy” Hayek, Friedrich A. Economics, Austrian School of Hazlitt, Henry Economics, Chicago School of Health Care Economics, Experimental Heinlein, Robert Economics, Keynesian Herbert, Auberon Education Hess, Karl Emerson, Ralph Waldo Hobbes, Thomas Eminent Domain/Takings Hodgskin, Thomas English Civil Wars Hospers, John Enlightenment Humanism Entrepreneurship Humboldt, Wilhelm von Environment Hume, David Epicureanism Hutcheson, Francis Epstein, Richard A. Equality Illicit Drugs Euthanasia Immigration Evolutionary Psychology Imperialism Existentialism Individualism, Methodological Externalities Individualism, Political and Ethical Family Individualist Anarchism Fascism Individual Rights Federalism Industrial Revolution Federalists Versus Anti-Federalists Intellectual Property Feminism and Women’s Rights Internet Ferguson, Adam Interventionism Fisher, Antony Islam Foreign Policy Italian Fiscal Theorists Foucault, Michel Freedom Jacobs, Jane Freedom of Speech Jefferson, Thomas Freedom of Thought Jouvenel, Bertrand de Free-Market Economy Judiciary Free Trade French Revolution Kant, Immanuel Friedman, David Kirzner, Israel M. Friedman, Milton Kleptocracy Fusionism Knight, Frank H. List of Entries ix La Boétie, Étienne de Nathan, Tonie Labor Unions Nationalism Laissez-Faire Policy Natural Harmony of Interests Lane, Rose Wilder Natural Law Lao Tzu New Deal Las Casas, Bartolomé de Nietzsche, Friedrich Law and Economics Nock, Albert Jay Law Merchant Nonaggression Axiom LeFevre, Robert Nozick, Robert Left Libertarianism Leggett, William Objectivism Levellers Oppenheimer, Franz Liability Ortega y Gasset, José Liberal Critique of Libertarianism Orwell, George Liberalism, Classical Ostrom, Vincent and Elinor Liberalism, German Liberty, Presumption of Paine, Thomas Liberty in the Ancient World Paternalism Limited Government Paterson, Isabel Locke, John Paul, Ron Peace and Pacifism Macaulay, Thomas Babington Philosophic Radicals MacBride, Roger Lea Physiocracy Madison, James Political Parties Magna Carta Popper, Karl Maine, Henry Sumner Pornography Mandeville, Bernard Positive Liberty Market Failure Posner, Richard A. Marriage Pound, Roscoe Marxism Praxeology Mason, George Price, Richard Material Progress Price Controls Mencken, H. L. Privacy Menger, Carl Private Property Mercantilism Privatization Methodological Individualism. Progress See Individualism, Methodological Progressive Era Meyer, Frank S. Prohibition of Alcohol Military-Industrial Complex Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph Mill, John Stuart Psychiatry Milton, John Public Choice Economics Minimal State Puritanism Mises, Ludwig von Pursuit of Happiness Molinari, Gustave de Money and Banking Racism Montaigne, Michel de Rand, Ayn Montesquieu, Charles Rawls, John de Secondat de Read, Leonard E. Mont Pelerin Society Regulation Murray, Charles Religion and Liberty x The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Rent Seeking Spooner, Lysander Republicanism, Classical State Responsibility Stigler, George J. Restitution for Crime Stirner, Max Retribution for Crime Stoicism Revolution, Right of Subsidiarity Ricardo, David Sumner, William Graham Rights, Individual. See Individual Rights Szasz, Thomas Rights, Natural Rights, Theories of Taft, Robert A. Right to Bear Arms Taxation Röpke, Wilhelm Tax Competition Rothbard, Murray Term Limits Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Thoreau, Henry David Rule of Law Tocqueville, Alexis de Tracy, Destutt de Say, Jean-Baptiste Transportation Scholastics/School of Salamanca Tucker, Benjamin R. Schumpeter, Joseph Tullock, Gordon Secessionism Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques Self-Interest Senior, Nassau William Urban Planning Separation of Church and State Utilitarianism Sexuality Shaftesbury, Third Earl of Virtue Sidney, Algernon Voltaire Simon, Julian Voluntarism Slavery, World Voluntary Contract Enforcement Slavery in America Smith, Adam War Social Contract. See Contractarianism/Social Contract War on Terror Social Darwinism War Powers Socialism Washington, George Socialist Calculation Debate Wealth and Poverty Social Security Welfare State Sociology and Libertarianism Whiggism Sowell, Thomas Wicksell, Knut Spencer, Herbert Wilberforce, William Spontaneous Order Wollstonecraft, Mary Reader’s Guide The Reader’s Guide is provided to assist readers in locating articles on related topics. It classifies articles into three general categories: Biographical, Policy, and Topical. Biographical Epstein, Richard A. Ferguson, Adam Acton, Lord Fisher, Antony Adams, John Foucault, Michel Aquinas, Thomas Friedman, David Aristotle Friedman, Milton Bastiat, Frédéric Garrison, William Lloyd Bauer, Peter Gladstone, William Ewart Becker, Gary S. Godwin, William Bentham, Jeremy Goldwater, Barry Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von Harper, Floyd Arthur “Baldy” Branden, Nathaniel Hayek, Friedrich A. Bright, John Hazlitt, Henry Brown, John Heinlein, Robert Buchanan, James M. Herbert, Auberon Buckle, Henry Thomas Hess, Karl Burke, Edmund Hobbes, Thomas Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques Hodgskin, Thomas Cantillon, Richard Hospers, John Childs, Roy A. Humboldt, Wilhelm von Chodorov, Frank Hume, David Cicero Hutcheson, Francis Clark, Ed Jacobs, Jane Coase, Ronald H. Jefferson, Thomas Cobden, Richard Jouvenel, Bertrand de Coke, Edward Kant, Immanuel Comte, Charles Kirzner, Israel M. Condorcet, Marquis de Knight, Frank H. Constant, Benjamin La Boétie, Étienne de Dicey, Albert Venn Lane, Rose Wilder Diderot, Denis Lao Tzu Douglas, Frederick Las Casas, Bartolomé de Dunoyer, Charles LeFevre, Robert Emerson,
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