THE WILSON ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 395 MEMBERSHIPROLL .Founder fLife Member *Sustaining Member Others-Active Members Abbott, Jackson Miles, 814 - 13th St., Alexandria, Virginia ............................................ 1948 Abraitys, Vincent, Sergeantsville, New Jersey .................................................................... 1956 *Ackermann, Fred J., 1298 Edanola Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio .......................................... 1956 Adams, Alexander B., Bradfordwoods, Pennsylvania ..................................... _.................. 1956 Adams, William Hensley, Jr., Wildlife Building, Auburn, Alabama ~~~~.~~~........~.~._~~~~~~1951 *Adelson, Richard Henry, 34 Wensley Drive, Great Neck, L.I., New York .................... 1938 Adler, Max, 612 Arlington Rd., Bangor, Michigan ............... _~~~~~~~.................................... 1956 *Afsprung, Arthur E., 3308 Bishop St., Cincinnati 20, Ohio .............. .._........................... 1948 *Aldrich, John Warren, 21 W. Spring St., Alexandria, Virginia ...................................... 1930 *Alexander, Donald C (hild), 16 Pleasant St., Nahant, Massachusetts ............. ~~_~~~_....... 1937 *Alexander, Gordon, Dept. of Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado ~~~~~~1936 Alexander, Maurice M(yron), Dept. of Forest Zoology, New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse 10, New York ............. .................................................................. 1945 Allen, A (rthur) A (ugustus), Fernow Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York .~~. 1914 Allen, Robert P (orter) , Box 205, Tavernier, Florida ........................................................ 1947 *Allin, A (lbert) E (llis) , Provincial Laboratory, Fort William, Ontario ........................ 1943 Allyn, P (aul) Richard, 709 Myers Building, Springfield, Illinois ................................ 1944 Almon, Lois, Box 235, State College, Mississippi .............................................................. 1958 *Alperin, Irwin M., 187 Cedar Lane, Babylon, New York ................................................ 1939 Altemus, Edward Lee, Lafayette Ave., Fort Washington, Pennsylvania ........................ 1954 Altsheler, Mrs. Yancey R (oberts), 2412 Dundee Road, Louisville 5, Kentucky ............ 1954 Amadon, Dean, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York 24, New York ........................................................................................ 1935 Ammon, Walter L., 2607 Kessler, Midland, Texas ............................................................1958 Anaka, William, Spirit Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada .................................................... 1957 Anderson, Anders H (arold), 3221 E. Kleindale Rd., Tucson, Arizona ............................ 1937 Anderson, Frank G., Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland ......................................................................................................................... 1951 Anderson, John M., R.R. 3, Winous Point, Port Clinton, Ohio ~~~._..._~~~..~~~~~.~............ ~.~_ ... 1938 Anderson, Walter M (ichael) , 113 N. Lore1 Ave., Chicago 44, Illinois .................... ~~~_.~.1956 Anderson, William Deans, 3100 Beverly Rd., Austin 3, Texas ........................................ 1950 Anderson, William S(herwood), 125 N. James St., Peekskill, New York .................... 1957 tAnnan, Ormsby, 270 Birch Street, Winnetka, Illinois ........................................................ 1956 Anthes, Clarence A (bin) , 707 N. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, Wisconsin .................... 1939 Anthony, Jesse D., 722 - 1stAve., East, Grand Rapids, Minnesota ................................ 1944 *Arbib, Robert S( imeon), Jr., 807 Crystal Springs Rd., Hillsborough, California ...... 1947 Armington, Sven, Blanchegatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden ........................ ~~.~~~~~_............... 1948 *Armstrong, Virginia, Old Concord Rd., South Lincoln, Massachusetts ........................ 1939 Amett, John Hancock, Jr., Harrisburg State Hospital, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ........ 1944 Arnold, Elting, 4914 Dorset Ave., Chevy Chase 15, Maryland ........................................ 1941 Amy, Samuel A., 6515 Willston Drive, Apt. 2, Falls Church, Virginia .......................... 1947 *Aronoff, Arthur Edward, 11 Fifth Ave., New York 3, New York .................................... 1948 Ashton, Randolph, 800 Crown St., Morrisville, Pennsylvania .......................................... 1941 Atkeson, Thomas Zephaniah, P.O. Box 1643, Decatur, Alabama .................................... 1953 Austin, Mrs. Harold C., 1116 Mandana Rd., Oakland 10, California .............................. 1950 Austin, Oliver L (uther), Jr., Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Florida .................... 1930 Axtell, Harold H., Buffalo Museum of Science, Humboldt Park, Buffalo 11, N. Y. .... 1950 Badger, Lester R., R.R. 1, Excelsior, Minnesota ................................................................ 1957 Baepler, Donald H (enry), Dept. of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. 1955 f Bagg, Aaron Moore, Farm St., Dover, Massachusetts ...................................................... 1948 Baier, Mrs. John, R.D. 3, 600 Vine Hill Way, Martinez, California ................................ 1949 Bailey, Alfred Marshall, Museum of Natural History, City Park, Denver 6, Colorado 1928 *Bailey, Harold H (arris), Rockbridge Alum Springs Biological Laboratory, Route 2, Goshen, Virginia ............................. ................................................................................ 1908 Baillie. James Little, Royal Ontario Museum, Queens ’ Park at Bloor, Toronto 5, Ont. 1939 Baird, James, Norman Bird Sanctuary, Third Beach Road, Middletown, Rhode Island 1954 396 December 1958 Vol. 70, No. 4 MEMBERSHIP ROLL 397 IBaker,’ Bernard W., R.D. 1, Judson Rd., Spring Lake, Michigan . ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~.~~.~... 1938 tBaker, John H (opkinson) , 1130 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York ~~~~~.......~~~~~~~~~~~.....1930 Baker, Maurice F (rank), Wildlife Bldg. API, Auburn, Alabama ~~~ . .._~..._ 1947 *Baker, Paul S fearnan), 21 Woodlot Lane, Huntington, L.I., New York . .._~~~~~~~ 1946 Baker, Rollin Harold, The Museum, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 1938 Baker, William C Calvin) , 559 Euclid St., Salem, Ohio ~~~~~~. .. .._.~~..~.~~ ~~_ ~~~._...1931 Baldwin, Mrs. Amy G., 6335 Kimbark Ave., Chicago 37, Illinois . ~~..~~~~~._~. .. ~~~.~~..1943 Baldwin, Paul H., Dept. of Zoology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 1956 *Ball, Kathleen E., 11719 - 133rd St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ~~~~~~~~_ . .. ~. 1946 *Balsam, Mrs. Amos Parker, 2209 E. Stratford Court, Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin .....~~~~~1949 Banks, Clinton S (eeger) , 202 Wilma Ave., Steubenville, Ohio ~~.~~~. ~~~~~.~.~.~.~1945 Banta, Edna, Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary, Route 6, Connersville, Indiana ~~..~~._......... ~~. 1945 *Barber, Mrs. Harold A., 23863 Fordson Dr., Dearborn, Michigan ~~~~~.~~~~~ 1952 Barbour, Llewellyn P (helps), 4780 Wood St., Willoughby, Ohio . ~~~~~~~~.~. ~~~ 1948 Bard, Fred George, Museum of Natural History, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada ~~~.....1946 *Barrett, Edward V., 1315 W. 79th St., Chicago 20, Illinois ~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ 1958 tBarte1, Karl E(mi1) Edgar, 2528 W. Collins St., Blue Island, Illinois .~~~.~~~..~~.~~~~~~. 1934 Barth, R. H., Jr., Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. 1957 Bartleson, Fred D (urant) , Jr., 3815 McGregory Blvd., Ft. Myers, Florida .~~~~~~~.~~ 1952 *Bartlett, Guy, 1053 Parkwood Blvd., Schenectady 8, New York ~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~.~..~...~~ 1938 Bartlett, Lfawrence) M(atthews), Dept. of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts . ~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~._ 1957 Bartlett, Wesley H., 122 South Ridgley, Algona, Iowa ~~~~~~ ~~~~..~~~~~.~~~~~~~_.~~ ~. 1936 *Bartsch, Paul, “Lebanon,” Gunston Hall Rd., Lorton, Virginia ..~~..~~.~~.~~ . ~~.~~...1894 Bastin, Eric W (alter), 43 Inglewood Dr., Apt. 2, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada ..~...~~~~~.1951 *Batchelder, Edgar M (arden) , 56 Orchard St., Marblehead, Massachusetts .~~~.~~~.~~~....1941 tBatts, H (enry) Lewis, Jr., 1211 Knollwood Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan ~~~~~~~~~~~.....1946 *Baxter, William, Jr., Route 2, Middletown, Delaware ~~~~.~~~ ~~..~.~~~~~~~1945 Baylor, Lfeslie) M (&on), 1302 S. Fourth Ave., Pocatello, Idaho ~~~~~~~~~~....~~..~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~1954 Beals, Everett K (err), 1310 N. 11th St., Manhattan, Kansas .~~. ~~~~ ~~_~~~ 1953 Beardslee, Clark Smith, 132 McKinley Ave., Kenmore 17, New York ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1942 Beardsley, M (argaret) Hortense, 330 N. Chestnut St., Ravenna, Ohio ..~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...~~1941 Bebb, Forrest, 1300 Boston Ave., Muskogee, Oklahoma ~~~~~...~. ~~..~~~~~~~~~. ~~~..~~ 1955 *Bebb, Maurice R (obert), 1234 Fondulac St., Muskogee, Oklahoma .~~~~~~~~~~~~...........~~~~1955 Becker, Ezra, New Albin, Iowa ~~~~~~..~.~~.~.. ~~~~.~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~...~~... 1957 Beddall, Mrs. Barbara Gfould), 2502 Bronson Road, Fairfield, Connecticut .........~~~~~~.1958 Beecher, Mrs. Barbara J., 330 Elm St., Bennington, Vermont ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~.1956 Beecher, William J (ohn) , Chicago Natural History Museum, Chicago 5, Illinois ..~~~~~~1948 Beer, James R(obert), Dept. of Entomology and Econ. Zoology, University of Min- nesota, St. Paul 1, Minnesota ..~..~~~~~~~~~~~~..~ . ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~..~~~~~~. 1957 Behle, William H farroun) , Dept. of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 1, Utah ~~~ ~~~~.~~~~~~...~~.
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