Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited 1895 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by the Caledonian Society of Sheffield The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. i&,teotton of Pat.ant o6.. TPade Map • Bl'aneh and Statlonen' Rall Regtatl'B.tlon. SPECIALTY IN WHISKY. "Jlnlb AS SUPPLIED TO THE BRITISH ROYAL COMMISSION, VICTORIA HOUSE, CHICAGO, AND LEADING CLUJIS AND MESSES IN L~DJA. As a Scotch Whisky there is nothing finer than " llul~ Scottie," made from the purest selected material, and blended with the greatest of care. Invalids requiring a genuine stimulant will find in " llul~ Scottie" Whisky one d the purest form. For Medicinal purposes it equals old Brandy. · The "LANCET1' says--" This Whisky contains 41 •75 per cent. of absolute alcohol, equal to 86·28 per cent. of proof spirit. The residue, dried at 100° C., amounts to 0·25 per cent. It is a well matured and excellent whisky." No hlghel' Medical Testimony ls enjoyed by any Bl'and. As a guarantee of the contents, every bottle is enveloped in wire and be&r11 the Proprietor's seal in lead, without which none is genuine. COLUJIBUN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO, 1808. UITBlUU.TIONil BXJIIBITlON, !JLASOOW, 1888. First Award at "World's Fair," Ohioago, For Purity of Quality, Superior Excellence, MellowneSB of Flavour and Highest Standard of Merit. Reffetered Proprietor: JAMES MENZIES, GLASGOW. res:-68 BATH "STREET. 1• ,_"_ ADVERTISEMENTS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ,·:···-1 '1:0 the " Bul'ns Clubs " of Scotland. The ''.Scottish Minstrel.'' .·';I A Selection of Favourite Songs, &c., harmonised and arranged for Male Voices. EDITED BY ALEX. PATTERSON. No. 1. There was a 1-d was born in Kyle Solo and Chorus. 'T,T,B. 2d 2. Of a' the airts the wind can blaw T.T.B.11. 2d 3. Afton Water T.T.B.B.1' 3d 4. A man's a man for a' that Solo and Chorus. T.T,B, 2d 5. The deil cam fiddlin' thro' the toun T.T.B, 3d - 6. Corn Rigs ... Solo and Chorus. T.T.B,B• 3d 7. Burns' Grace T.T.B,B, 3d 8. 0 Willie brew'd a peck o' maut (Shore) T.T.B, 3cl 9. Auld Lang Syne ' , . , Solo and Chorus. T.T.B, 2d" 10. Jessie the l!'lower o' Dunblane ... T.T.B.B. 3d 11. Green thorn of the hill of Ghosts T,T,B,B, 3d 12. Scots wha hae T.T.B, 3d P. S. &: Co. would C8Jll the special attention of" Burns Clubs" to No. 7 of this series. Th8 lhening Citizen says:-" A most curious and interesting_eompoaition, intended for the Burns Clubs of Scotland and all over the world, is the setting of the liiles •Some hae meat and eanna eat.• It is emphatica.lly a devotional •grace before meat,• as the old aa.ying has it, and ought to permeate e•ery Burns Club, The com~is Mr. Montague Smitli-, wno wrote it for a. special purpose, and now properly sends it everywhere. At the ba.cli: of it is appropriatelyprinted Williani Byrd's a.ncient •Non nobis Domine,' an• the two together form artistic adjuncts to a social efflliq." , SCOTrISH PART SONGS FOR MIXED VOICES. (As sung by the GLASGOW SELECT CHom, &c.) STRATHCLYDE SERIE8, Staff, lid and 3d; Sol-fa, Id STRATHEARN SERIES, Staff, 2d and 3d; Sol-fa, Id ._, ' GLENIFFER SERIES (in Books), • • Staff, 2d; Sol-fa, 2d (As sung by the...... TANNAHILL CHOIR.) Lists Fl'ee on AJ;jplloatlon• .... I 4t ., l The Largest Stock of Musical Instruments in the United King~om ) for Bale, Hire, or Hire Purchase System. ----....·--- PATERSON, SONS &. Co., I 152 BUCHANAN. STREET, GLASGOW; 27 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH.; AYR, DUMFRIES, PAISLEY, and KILMARHOOK. I , ~- ! ADVERTISEMENTS. FURNITURE. • CARPETS. ·CURTAINS. • •000•0•••000•000000oOHooOOoo.oo Oo••OooOOoooOooo.ooooooooooooooOOoooOoooooo".oooooooOooooOooooOooo•••••ooooooOooooOoooooooooOooooOOoooOOoooOoo _lrefi. $tewart & f e., / 42 UNION I STREET, ~~ G L_A S G 0 W. ····································-············································································· ············-············ CATALOGUES AND 0 ESTIMATES FREE. • I ~ ADVERTISEMENTS. KILM:.A.RN"OOK "B U R NES u M 0 Nr U M E N Te ISITED by thousands from all parts of the World. A veritable" Shrine" of the" ImmortaE V Bard" of Scotland. l The Monument occupies a cmnmanding position in the Kay Park. From the top a most· extensive and interesting view of the surrounding Country can be obtained. The magnificent Marble Statue of the Poet, from the chisel of W. G. Stevenson, A.R.S. A., Edinburgh, ls admitted to be the finest in the World. The Museum contains many relics and mementoes of the Poet's life, and the mo~t valuabl& and interesting collection of the original MSS. i_n existence, among which are the following·- Tam o' Shanter. Cotter's Saturday Night. The Twa Dogs. Address to a Young Friend. Etc., etc. The famous " M'Kie " Library also forms part of this collection, and is made up of m:iny hundred volumes of Burns literature, including a copy of the famous first Edition of the Poet's: Works. · The Monument is open from 10 .t.. M. till dusk, every day (Sundays excepted). Visitors are requested to sign their names in the Visitors' book. ADVERTISEMENTS. LlVER LADIES and all who suffer f'om CORNS, BUNIONS, THOMPSON'S o' ENLARGED TOE JOINTS, SPARKLING should send for a Packet of M. F. Thompson's Celebrated French Corn Plaster. Liver Salt. 1 Relievr-s the pain inst;mtly. and effec­ Cooling, Refreshing, tually cures. Thin as silk, and can be worn with the tigl:test boot. and Purifying. Pachets, 1s. 11d. ; postfree, 14stamps, CURJ<~S -;;JI LIVER M. F. T H 0 M PS 0 N, COMPLAINTS, HOM~OP1>\THIC CHEMIST, BILIOUSNESS, SICK· NESS, HEADACHE, GLASGOW: 17, Gordon S!!:ee!:_ CONSTIPATION, and EDINBURGH : 97, Princes Street. STOMACH DIS· MANCHESTER : 7, St. Ann $1rect. ORDERS, and PURI· FIES the BLOOD. STRANCE RESULT OF USJNC THOMPSON'S CORN PLASTER. BEWARE OF "Walking- is now~' pleasure to W'IC ; indeed, J IMITATIONS. Bottle•, 1/6 and 2/6 ; o:----~rcfe f it tn <I riving!" Po•tage, 3d. THOMPSON'S HYGIENIC ECZEMA. SKIN CREAM Effectually cures ECZEMA, Skin Affections, Pimples, Black Specks,1and Blotches on the Skin, Tan, Freckles Abscesses, Tumours, Styes on Eyelids, Boils, Chapped Hands, U.icers, Bad Legs, and Unhealthy Soreil of every kind. THE YOUNGEST CHILD CAN USE THIS MARVELLOUS SKIN CREAM. Bottles, b l~d, 2e 3d, 3e 9d, and 7s 6d; pestage 3d. THOMPSON HoM<EOPATHIC AND F rom M 1F • ' DISPENSING CHEMIST. 17 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW. "DEAR Sm.-I cannot speak THE toohighlyo/yourNer>vetonlne. - LllllS• TBIUTlfft: It has done me a great deal of good. I bless the day I saw 'I your advertisement ; it is not like most advertisements ; It tells the truth ! " NERVETONINE Is a POSITIVE CURE for ALL NERVOUS TROUBLES, DEBILITY, NEURALGIA, • Rheumatism, Sciatica, Loss of Nerve and Brain Power, Sleeplessness, Headache. etc., e~c., Bottles, 1/9, 2/9, 4/6, of all Chemists. Or Postage Free from M. F. THOMPSON, Thousands of Testimonials. See THOMPSON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH, Free. · ~o~I~~~~m.~~~~JI~?to~6:ls:~k~~g noNF GEr s BRUSHES. PERFUMES, AND EVERY - - -=' TOILET REQUISITE. S THE ADDRESS, ' NOTE GLENCAIRN PRESERV.E WORKS, KIL:M.A.RN"OCK. Glasgow Office : 15 . COLLEGE STREET. AGENTS IN ALL IMPORTANT TOWNS. ..... CJl >-i 0 ~ .. >-i PROPRIETORS- ~ I CLASCOW MARYHILll G. & J. MACLACHLAN. TOWN OFFICE-26 AND 27 ST. ENOCH SQUARE. i\DVERTISEMENTS • your Wine .Merchant, ·Gr.acer, or at all the Public Bars for the undernoted articles. 1VL_ D_:19 UNSWEETENED GIN Admitted the safest Stimulant ever put before the Public UNRIVALLED AS A STOMACH TONIC. M.D.'S Unsweetened is recommened -=========-- by the Doctors as the best stimulant for Stomach and Liver. pr- Try what the Doctors recommend. MELROSE DROVER & COY., LEITE:_ The Dreaded INFLUENZA, CHOLERA, CHOLERAIC, and ordinal')' DIARRH~A, a.nd all Infectious Diseases need no longer be feared, a.s they can &11 either be Prevented or Cured by the d,aily use of , 1"-E -Z»-..'S ANTtM·IOROBE BRANDY. SOLE MAKERS: MELROSE DROVER & CO., LEITH. ADVERTISEMENTS. ~8LJIS80W '&· SOlfTH•WESTER~• RAIL'\tV" A Y •;aE Gr,ASGOW & SorTH-WESTERN LINE, besides ' traversing the entire country historieally associated with the memory of Burns, serves many of the principal Towns in Scotland, and, in, conjunction with the Midland and other Railways, has connections to all parts of ~cotland, England, and Ireland. · · In addition to the Express Train Service which it provides to and from the more important of the towns made faiµous by Burns, Coaching Tours are given during the Summer Season, affording the best. opportunity for visiting the more remote1 places and scenes which boast of the Poet's association. The following is the List of Drives:- FROM A YR' STATIOJl Conveyances run at frequent intervals between the Station and Burns' Cottage, Alloway Kirk, Burns' Monument, The Auld Brig o' Doon, etc. To Straiton on Mondays by Char-a-Banc, passin'­ Auchendrane, the scene of Scott's " Ayrshire Tragedy; ' Blairquhan Castle, etc., (28 Miles Drive.) To (Julzean on Wednesdays by Char-a-Banc, embracing Maybole and Culzean Castle, (30 Miles Drive.) To Ba.llochmyle on Fridays by Char-a-Banc, wholly in the Country classic by Burns, (28 Miles.. Drive.) FROM MAUCHLINE STATION On Mondays and Thur!days bI Char-a-Banc, passing the Castle of Montgomerie, near to which Burns and Highland Mary took their last farewell, Willie's Mill, Mossgiel, The Braes of Ballochmyle, etc., (24 Miles Drive.) ---·-·--- Full partzeulars of Trains, Fares, Tours, &-c., on application to the Superintendent of the Line, St.
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