ROYAL DANISH EMBASSY Riga Danish volunteer soldiers in Latvia’s war of independence 1919 By PhD. Historian and Author MIKKEL KIRKEBAEK FOREWORD 1. When we celebrated the 25 years anni- versary of the re-establishment of dip- lomatic relations between Denmark and Latvia in 2016, Senior Researcher at the University of Latvia, Ph.D Didzis Klavins, wrote an elaborate and comprehensive article about the role of Denmark in the renewal of Latvia’s independence. It was very useful and contributed in shedding Hans Brask Ambassador light on the Danish-Latvian relationship during an important historical phase in Latvia but also in Denmark and Europe in general. actively present in assisting Latvia in establishing her nationhood. The role of F In 2018, we celebrate the 100 years an- the Danish state was less daring than in niversary of the establishment of the the early 1990s, but as President Guntis Latvian Nation. This time we have asked Ulmanis so kindly notes in his foreword, historian at the Royal Danish Defence H.B. the times were different in 1918 compared College, Ph.D. Mikkel Kirkebæk, to write to 1991. an article about the bilateral links during Latvia’s war of independence, which took I am very pleased that these two articles place throughout a historic period that demonstrate that the Danish-Latvian re- was equally difficult and problematic to lationship has been strong from the very Latvia, the Baltic States and Europe in beginning. We are proud to have played general. As in 1991, the turbulent time in a small role during the historical accom- 1918-19 also provided decisive opportuni- plishments of Latvians in the struggle for ties that Latvia and her Baltic neighbour- independence. As Mikkel Kirkebæk rightly ing were very skillful in exploiting. notes at the very end of his article about Latvia’s tough struggle: first of all, “the Mikkel Kirkebæk has accomplished new Latvians themselves freed Latvia”. This and enlightening research that shows will power of the Latvian people is an im- that Denmark – in terms of a contin- portant part of what we celebrate this year. gent of volunteering soldiers – was also 2 3 FOREWORD 2. In the course of history one can observe occasional reoccurrence of similar constel- lation of circumstances as the human nature and the political regularities that follow from it have not changed much over the decades, centuries and even millennia. In the world where the major developments are dictated by the global powers, such constellations of circumstances sometimes create a situation Guntis Ulmanis that may decide the destiny of a small na- President of Latvia, 1993–1999 tion, offering it “a window of opportunity”. Such constellations of circumstances that offered Latvia a “window of opportunity” oc- shall meet in the following pages. F curred at the end of the First World War and in the early 1990s. The following publication However there is also a starkly contrasting focuses on the former, but I would like to say side in our experiences and in these two G.U. a few words on the latter, of which I was an constellations of historical circumstances – a eye-witness and a participant. member of my family stood at the cradle of Latvia’s statehood and worked to consoli- The changes in the global correlation of date the newly acquired independence, but power caused by the First World War allowed in a couple of decades was forced to witness a shift of borders, thus opening an opportu- the European powers disregard the interests nity for the Baltic peoples, Latvians includ- of the small nations in their competition for ed, to gain their national independence. zones of influence in the world where it was Furthermore, it happened at a time when not easy for small nations to find allies. He the Latvian nation had matured for its own saw the USSR troops entering Latvia and statehood. It was an opportunity that could crushing its statehood along with the lives of not be missed and was used to a full extent. many of his compatriots as well as his own. One of the founding fathers of the Republic I, in turn, witnessed the withdrawal of the of Latvia was my great grand uncle Kārlis troops of the heir of the USSR, the Russian Ulmanis, then Prime Minister, (1918–1934), lat- Federation, from Latvia. I was also destined er President (1934 –1940) of Latvia whom you 4 5 to lead my country in its efforts to consoli- a predictable and loyal to democratic values risked their lives (and almost ten times as several historical aspects and levels and it is date and make irreversible its independence. buffer zone between their prosperous life- many were ready to do so) in order not only valuable to summarise the lessons that the Why our experiences, while containing strong styles and Russia which for them at that time to counter the international threat posed relevant historical developments have taught parallels, still were so different? Something was (and still largely is) an unpredictable by Bolshevism, but also to help our young us. Publications such as this one are of great must have changed in the world in our phenomenon. Yet I believe that the support state – was of considerable moral impor- help in this regard. I welcome this timely attitudes. received from the Western countries, includ- tance, showing that Latvia was not alone. The research effort that teaches us to learn from ing Denmark, was at least accompanied or Danish nation, also being relatively small, historical experience and to appreciate our In international politics of 1990s a similarly even strongly influenced by human empa- was capable of empathy for the Latvian trustworthy allies. benevolent constellation of circumstanc- thy and a sense of historical justice – same people and, being situated in our region, un- es had occurred: the collapse of the USSR, as the support that my predecessor Kārlis derstood the threat caused by the ideology same as the upheavals of the First World Ulmanis felt in Denmark in 1919. emerging towards the east. War, had created an opportunity for a shift of borders, thus opening for the former It is vital for nations, especially, for small During my presidency, I also received and Soviet republics a road to independence. The ones, in the name of their statehood and highly appreciated support from Denmark. above-mentioned withdrawal of the Russian future prosperity, not only resolutely to make Denmark has consistently supported us troops was the most important step in the use of the “windows of opportunity”, but also on our road towards the EU and NATO. The consolidation of our newly regained inde- to learn from the lessons taught by histori- open discussions with Danish politicians pendence as it made complete at the same cal precedents and similar constellations of and diplomats encouraged me. For example, time opening for us the road to international political circumstances. a significant turning point in our efforts to organisations as a guarantee of the continu- achieve the withdrawal of the Russian troops Latvia, I am sure, has learned much from the ity of our statehood. I was destined to take was a three-day visit of me as the President historical pre-war experience and drawn personal part in this process and consider of Latvia to Western Europe on 11th–13th April two fundamental conclusions. First, in our its successful completion in August 1994 as 1994, during which time I visited not only the geopolitical situation a small nation cannot one of the most important achievements continental powers France and the UK, but preserve both its independence and neutral- of my presidency. The withdrawal of the also Denmark. ity. In order to safeguard its independence, Russian troops was successful thanks both Latvia must be part of international security The current developments testify that to balanced and pragmatic work on the part and economy community. Thus, right after Denmark, too, has drawn an important con- of Latvian politicians as well as to a “window the regaining of our independence, accession clusion from the 20th century history: every- of opportunity” opened by a constellation of to international structures, first and fore- one must contribute to international security historical developments. First, at that point most the EU and NATO, was set as Latvia’s and in our region peace and integrity of Russia was far from the height of its might foreign policy priority. And second, in our borders cannot be taken for granted. Let me and had not yet clearly defined the course geopolitically sensitive situation, small na- just mention the most significant and latest of its future policies, including its relations tions absolutely need trustworthy allies. contribution of Denmark to security in the with the new neighbours; furthermore, it had region. Latvian Land Force Infantry Brigade to face many other topical issues in the close Denmark is one of such allies. As the follow- takes part in international peace-keeping proximity of its borders and within its tra- ing pages will illustratively show, already missions as part of the Danish Division and ditional sphere of interests. Second, Latvia in the aftermath of the First World War hold regular joint exercises. As of 2019 a part received support from the Western countries, the founding fathers of Latvia considered of this force, NATO multinational division including Denmark, support, without which Denmark as one of our most trustworthy North, will be based in Latvia. Thus we may this step, so important for our independence, allies. It was to Denmark that they, includ- say that the further described aspirations of would not have been possible.
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