Nisei candidate for dean at NEW YEAR SPECIAL ISSUE ISSN: 0030-8579 UC Davis School of Medicine Davis, Ca. group's secretary, said Ku­ Support foc Dr. Lindy magai's achievements in Fumio Kumagai, 51, chief medicine and as adminis­ PACIFIC CITIZEN of the ~ndocrinology de­ trator are well-established partment at Univ. of Cali­ by his long service. National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League fornia School of Medicine Kumagai's involvement Whole #2025 (Vol. 88) January 5--12, 1979 25e u.s. Postpaid 15 Cents at Davis, to be appointed to recruit qualified minori­ dean of the school of medi­ ties to UCD's school of cine was arun.mced this medicine goes back four past week by the La Raza years, "long before Mr. California MOOical Assn. Bakke appeared on the Dr. Joseph Flores. the scene", Flores added. In Sacramento, Frank Iwama, national JACL le­ JACL to file redress bill Nisei seeks gal counsel, said letters of support for tre Wyoming­ San Francisco wh~re we are, as an organi­ tion's legislative proposal, In keeping within the L.A. school born Nisei physician A series of public activi­ zation, prepared to take and, from a suggestion by parameters of the proposal should be ~dressed to ties recounting the 1942 our case to tre American Mineta, on a possible Con­ accepted by the National board seat Chancellor James H. Evacuation of Japanese public in an all-out cam­ gressional ruling on the Su­ Council last July at Salt Meyer, UC Il:ivis, Davis, Americans serve as an ed­ paign. The Committee is preme Court decisions in Lake City, the Committee Los Angeles Ca. 95615. The appoint­ ucational prelude to intro­ only the planning force be­ the Hirabayashi, Kore­ discussed two alternative Because of Proposition ment process is expected duction of a redress bill in hind the drive for Redress, matsu, and Yasui cases. proposals, a tax check-off M last November, Los An­ to close by the end of J an­ Congress this mid-sum­ and the real success of this Mineta indicated that plan and a plan for direct geles school board candi­ uary, he added. mer. campaign will depend to a these could be incorporat­ appropriations. dates are to be elected this Kumagai was graduated The public relations great extent on the indi­ ed into the Redress bill. Tateishi and Mamiya are spring (Mar. 'lJ) from geo­ in medicine from Univ. of timetable was formed dur­ vidual efforts of the total .At the meet;ing were: to discuss both proposals graphical districts. Till Utah in 1954, interned at ing a Dec. 9-10 meeting of membership of JACL and Ron- Mamiya, legislative sub­ with various members of now, board members were the National JAU Com­ the Japanese American committee chainnan; Dr. Clif­ Massachusetts Memorial ford Uyeda, JACL Nat'l Pres.; Congress in Washington, elected at-large. Hospitals, completed resi­ mittee for Redress here at community." Dr. Jim Tsujimura, Nat'l v.p.; in late January. Among the 65 in the race dency at Boston City Hos­ JACL Headquarters. In preparation for the Karl Nobuyuki, JACL exec dir.; The final decision of a in four districts is busi­ pital and Univ. of Utah in Following the meeting, weekend meeting, a two­ J.D. Hokoyama, asst. dir.; and Debbie Nakatomi, JACL staff; draft for a Redress bill will nessman Sam Fujimoto, an 1958. He was appointed to Tateishi told the Pacific hour discussion on Re­ and Jeff Ely. Mineta's legislative be determined by the Na­ outspoken btlciing op~ the Univ. of Utah College Citizen: dress was held Dec. 8 with aide. tional Committee when it nent, of Gardena seeking of Medicine faculty (1958- "Thus far, the focus of Congressman Norman Mi­ The thrust of the week­ Continued on Page 9 the District 7 seat held by 69) and to UC Davis facul­ the Committee's work has neta, who is giving his sUJr end meeting was a discus­ incumbent Phillip Bardos, ty since Aug. 1969. He is been in-house-that is, to port and assistance to sion of possible modifica­ who voted for the board's married and has three chil­ set the preliminary stages JACL's Redress efforts in tions to the bill and a time­ JACL probes desegregation plan and dren. He·also served on the of the campaign. However, Congress. The discussion table of events in the cam­ Omtlnged on Pqe 14 ContiDued on Back Page we're at the point now focused on the organiza- pajgn. revocation of Nisei's license Asian/Pacific grol:1ps push choices San Fnmcisco The fair hearing rights for President's immigration panel of a Nisei real estate bro­ ker and builder in Bakers­ W8sh~oo The Japanese American Act should apply to Guam. American Samoa. Puerto Rico. field have been violated by Asian/Pacific American Citizens League and the theVirginI lands.andotherU . the Calif. Real Estate Com­ groups are seeking the Organization of Chinese territorites and pa;sessions; missioner, theNationalJA­ Presidential appointment Americans are also plan­ (2) immigratim admis ions CL charged th5 past week ning to support Lee aoo quotas; of an Asian American or (3) refugee adnllssions and re­ (Jan. 3). Pacific Islander to the Masaoka while the Asian settlement policies and pro­ The JACL has been in­ newly established Select Pacific American Federal gram; and vestigating since April 19- Commission on Immigra­ Employees Council (4) the socio-ec<JlOmlC and p0- litical impacts of immigration 78 the matter involving Ro­ tion and Refugee Policy, (APAFEC) is endorsing policies. bert J . Matsumoto, presi­ announced Mark Tajima, forrner Rep. Patsy M ink as PAC urges Asian Ameri­ dent of Great Western Washington Coordinator well as Lee and Masaoka, cans and Pacific Islanders Builders, a firm involved for the PacificlAsian Coa­ Tajima reported. to immediately send let­ in constructim of residen­ lition (PAC). The recently established ters of support for EUen tial homes am apartments PAC has eooorsed Ellen select commission is to Lee and Mike Masaoka to for many years in Los An­ Ma Lee, an attorney and study existing laws, poli­ President Carter at the geles and Kern cOlmties. acting project director of cies, and procedures gov­ White House, Washington, Commissioner David H. the One Stop Immigration erning the admission of D.C. 20500. The letters Fox filed charges to have Center in Los Angeles, and immigrants and refugees should stress the need for Matsumoto' real estate Mike Masaoka, a former to the United States and to As ianiPacific American broker's license re\ oked JACL Washington repre­ make administrative and representation on the because of alleged discrim­ sentative and civil rights legislative recommenda­ Commission. It also would ination against a black fa­ tions to the President and activist who was instru­ be helpful for persons to mily in the purchase of mental in bringing about Congress. contact their oongre men their horne from Great The specific topics to be significant improvements for their upport in getting We tern Builders. studied by the Commission PaCific CrtlZen ArchIVes in immigration laws for an Asian or Pacific Island­ Tatsuml Miyajima of West Los Angeles Includes his favor­ Accusation wa not upon include: prevention of a sale but Asian Ameriams in the (1) whether and to what extend er American appoi nted to ite rocking chair before Jotnlng the Army convoy on the eve past several decades. the Immigrant and Nationality the Commi sion. ", of departing for Manzanar In March. 1942. Cootinued on Page 9 Sugiyama cited for efforts in reorganizing U.S. Civil Service Washington the commissiooers make. of tho e throughout the ernment. Shigeki J. Sugiyama re­ In presen~ the award, Federal workforce." An Army v teran and ceived the Civil Service Commission Chairman From June 1977 through pa t national JAU presi­ Commissioners' Award Alan K. Campbell praised the present, Sugiyama dent. ugiyama ha been for Distinguished Service the employees for "demon­ served as a central coordi­ with th ·vil for his efforts in support of strated diligeD::e in their nator for the Persormel Civil Service Reform and work, innovation in getting task forces which d v l­ Reorganizatioo which be­ things done, and enthusi­ oped the major propo als came law last year. asm for the p..Iblic serv­ and then a isted in draft­ Sugiyama was one of a ice." He noted: "The civil ing the legi lation and in group of 32 people who service refonns, by pro­ the tracking and analysis were cited for developing viding greater incentives of ongressiooal Action. the text and supporting for improved performance which i vital in th I w­ materials for the first ma­ and greater tJeXlblllty tor making proce '. jor overhaul in the Civil managers to get thei r jobs Presid nt Carter ub­ Service system in 95 years. done, will bring a new mitted the Reform pro­ The award is the highest spirit to the everyday work posals to Coogress on 2-PACIFIC cmZEN I New Year Special: Jan. 5-12, 1979 When Douglas MacArthur 'reigned' in Japan By Mas Manbo Wear Daily's man in Tokyo. pC's Japan Correspondent • Besides the news agencies, the Occu- • Mas Manbo, a PC contributor from Ja­ pan, recollects what it was ~e to gr~t some pation authorities were in need of of prewar Mainland acquamtances nght af­ English-speaking help, so that meant a ter V -J Day in Tokyo. This is another phase lot of jobs for the Nisei. One of the first of Japanese American history that is being fellows who went through wartime in unfolded in fuD with the forthcoming book, Japan to wear a U.S.
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