EVEttlKG LEDGEK-PMLADELP- HIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917 DELICIOUSLY WHIMSICAL BARRIE PLAY AND DIVERTING CROOK MELODRAMA HEAD NEW BILLS CASTS i J-- BARllIE PLAYERS saw the cheating cheaters, whlcn Marcln's FEATURED IN CURRENT ATTRACTIONS "CHEATING CHEATERS" fertile hraln ovolvcd, spilling surprises right "Shore acrjes" comes 1 HIS MAGIC SPELL and left In a frightfully reckless manner, ""-- "1 Tho cast Is fully capable. Kvelyn yyr . slslHsMsMlHBs .'-.- f ' m x r" CHEATS THE CHEATERS Vaughnn Is seen hero In a leading part for again xo walnut 'sl. tho first time. Sho Is convincing ns n " His "A Kiss for Cinderella" Un- "crook" nnd ns a "lady Tho suavo man- But There's No Cheating in ner of Martin L. Alsop Is as effective In tho Old Favorite Upon Its Return locks Delicious Realm of the drawing room as In back of nn nutomatld .lS iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL aaaLBIR''iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Measure of Thrills, Laughs revolver, while Anno Sutherland's manipu- Here Thrills as of Fancy KxliliisissisisisisisisiH sisisisisisisisisisilOssisisisisiB lation of her wad of chewing gum la a HK and Surprises character study In Itself, James JIarlowo Is Yoro tho best lowbrow, dircdevll cracksman ADAMS AIDS HIM who never falters before a stage safo Been MAUDE Slionr! ACHES, In PLAY BY In such it In n long Kdouard drama four acta by Jam MAX MARCIN lolo time. AHerne. Staged by Frank V Utirand Is ns u muslo teacher convincingly luadlck. I'lNDEIUILtiA Whimsical comedy nn sympa- lIi;,"n,l,',, I,erry Henry Horton A t.ms FOP. 'jB Italian ns refined spaghetti. One llerry cl lv Sir Jamea M. liarrle. CHEATING rilKATintS. n melodrama In four thizes with Sydney Hooth as tho horo torn KranU M. Headlck Charlea Frohman. Ilroad Street 11. The Brothers M 'ini marnn t'rofluced bv A. V. Joel antra oods n 1 between ccnfilctlng emotions. II. li. ...ttobert Crate Theatre, Sftevn tun Ill'ltirU Toune Nat Uerry '.'.' rtSfin ii..ftla. Morton Selten ll'lluiti . ..latnea Marlowe Iloyil Antonio Verdi. i.'.1n i'SWv.' ' Ml" Florence Davenport llr' William lMmianl Uurnntl i Willie mr"1'-- .' Ri.r. WnTlClnderella) ...Maud,. Mama leprae llrookton ...Martin I.. AMop llerry....... Mlai Kthel Wtthman ' niiwn - en urncKton "In Again and Out Acain" Glohe ... .Miss Louisa Valentin. ,:.V.u llnar.1 David Torrence ,nne aumeriautl iSf'V'V.ct, Kerry y ltn win ,i"7u Wallace Jackaon Nan I arey, alias Ruth llroclitoti. on Frenchman's Hay, coast of 13elyn Headline honors at tho Globe last night Maine. "Hayln1 Time." Maloney . Ada Itoihell Vauahnn Act 2 An- fi Peyton Ira !,nznrr . rnnU IllnnrMM com- Tho Uerry Home. "The Wadding .Ilobert Carter Mrs Talmer wcro nwarded to tho tabloid musical niversary." Jj.rle Thereae ... ftlmone Cornet .Winifred Hnrrla edy. Again Again." 3 H'rry ... Helen WHrd tlrace Palmer . ..Oypay O'Brien "In nnd Out The cast Aci Llht and the storm at sea. Adrlenne Woerner Tom Palmer ...Silney llooth Is headed by Lew Uortlon and, Francis and Act 4 Winter In "the Berry Home." Hdwnrd . Uleanor Davlaon Palmer .Arthur llarrv He JIar. An chorus also added Oretchen Annela (hMen Phil l'rnatnn .t. M. Itollrkv attractive Memories wcro ...'nun sianicy I letener Harvey to tho success of tho offering. stirred to life at tho Wal- Kntherlne Brook i.. pocior Holmes John Hharkey Din-ke- n. nut last evening by the presentation of h.nnr.. jiauueu 'Ihe onion of Aria I. II ami III place "In Minstrel Land" was offered by Charlotte Wairenton. a nurae. taken "Shore Acres," that charming old play lidV Maude Leslie. IT ".I0 Cfjthr ,',,rbs of New Tork In the Ilarr nnd Kverctt. while 1'lelson and month of .September. orforcd new the which has ever delighted Its audiences. Act I Home of OeorRe lioldlo their sketch, "After ACT I noon. Rrockton. After- Dog Show " Half of tho orchestra circle at the Wal- Venus of Mllo and Another (an Artist's nut The Btudlo) ACT II Tho I'nlmor home, tile miles dis- Other nets which wcro well received In- Street Theatre was turned over to tant. Lute tho next afternoon. nlmost two hundred seamen from the ACT II Act Same an I. cluded "Tho Final Arbiter," with Lawrence navr 1 in Act NIrM. yard Leaguo grtnt A Moment In the Street. (Thn curtain will deacend for thirty aeeonda and at Island through the cour- 2 Celeste et ( le. "ChcatinR Cheaters' numbers Constnnco is Mcso- - Grat nnd company! Charles Horn tesy Scene yf TalmadRc the to Indicate lapeo of fifteen mlntitci). Itodg-crs- of tho management In conjunction with a A l.ady Intenenea. Gipsy O'Brien anions tho comeliest potamlnn Act IV oiric-- of tho National Detective company In tho offering, "Old Hill " gJ;J,, Chamber In Miss fk Smilifl mountain Rirl in the D. Blng-cr- sj the United Service Association. Utile Thlne's Accncy, New York city. The. following- morn, j Kahn nnd Hoone, dancers and 4a of its resourceful "crooks" W. GrilTith "In-rallfJ- The cast of Head thnt OLi.SBIH film spectacle. inc. tho Glnckers In n Juggling act; "Shore Acres" was headed by give animation to lively Henry Horton as Nathaniel Berry and (Some Weeks IMapse) that tolerance," at the Victoria and Carp, ragtime singers; Newklrk melodramatic farco at tho Garrick. What next ! Miss Florence Davenport, seen hero last Something like the dlniculty of pigeon-holin- g nnd the Homor sisters and Stono nnd Clear. season In Wo'vo had plnys another production, as Helen a moonbeam ami cataloguing It by DAN COLEMAN AMUSES crook beforo, but not Herry, Tho humorous roles wero given to the card-Inde- nttends the process of hmr until Jinx Mnrcln wroto "Cheating Chett-ers- " Louise Valentino nnd Ilobert Craig. Ethel foot-ligh- MAXINE "With Nixon Colonial classifying J M. Hurrle'H (lights of t ELLIOTT IS FOLKS AT THE CASINO havo wo ever 'Motoring Death' Wlshman 1 seen situations In which and Sa'mmy Itonan fitted excel- fancy Mere dispassionate, description Harc-tlev- motorcyclo In but It would ho n hhamo to spoil capital stunts on a lently Into tho Juvenile parts as the young- of the hcenes nnd drnmatlc framework of f Dan Coleman always brings with him a a "Mototltig With Death" Is tho feature net est children NEW I plot by revealing- of Jlartln Berry, the latter "A Kiss for Cinderella" may be as accurate GOLDWYN STAR galo of laughter when ho comes to town, It. It has been pointed at tho Nixon Colonial this week Tho per- part being taken by Frank M. Readlck. no out tho American Is now In- as the census and still hint of the witch- and last night when ho that drama former gives ono of tho most daring per- product Is conveyed. A .London hit tho Casino In digenous, thnt it sptlngs frcin tho ery of his Harry Hastings's Big rich formances of Its kind on tho vaudeville Continuing Plays lavey- whose body Is uh underfed as her Show ho was Just ns American soil and gives us pl.iys thnt reflect stugo and at one tlmo tides around a per- imagination Is nourished on poverty mid Statuesque Stage Beauty Pleases funny ns over. Tho pleco Is In nets tho real Amerlnan If that's so, like a human fly. Two successful offerings have entered tto and pendicular wall upon hardship, steps Into dreamland and enacts Stanley in ten scenes. "McNally'H tvo'ro all 'heaters of one sort or another. Hoslsta. n, mere slip of a woman, piescnted the final week of their Philadelphia Cinderella, accord- Theatre Patrons Flirtation." the If wo ono of poven engagements. Thcso nttrnctlons the classic fairy tale of name of tho first burlesque, Is lmcn't tho keys to a novel act In which sho demonstrated that are "The ing to the scope and limitations, whimsical, Odds" followed by Ilaldpato we've than herself was unable Thirteenth Chair" at tho Adelphl and "Jack "Fighting i.omo inlBhty clever vaudeville. a man much heavier comical, pathetic and tender, of her starved 111 Especially Wnlllngford. to lift her. Skipper and Castrup entertained o'Lantern" at the Forrest 'The Brat." cockney Actors In her real life Coleman's song, "Aro You An Amer- However that may be, we're comedy, 'with Maude Fulton, who enacts the title little ican, ' leap over tho lights nil cheaters with singing and and whllo Kramer drama are glorified Into hUperb personages 'INTOLERANCE", IS BACK geance. with a ven- cheating each other. So Jinx Jlarcln Is and Kent made a favorable Impression In a role In thin delightful comedy of her own lslon n fashion which In to a voto making, rcmnlns at the Lyric popu- of her after Assisting Coleman nro creditor unanimous of thanks comedy act. Other acts wero Eddie Hurdon, The superficial inechatilcr somewhat suggests. Maude Phil rotors, Alma from Maine to Frisco for showing us how by "Sir" Francis Dwycr, in a cy- larity of "Tho AVnnderer" at the Metropoli- Adams (above) is tho Bauer, Babo Burnettc, Elizabeth assisted "The Poor Little Melt Cllrl." Her awaken- STANLEY "FUhtlnr Odd." with Manlne tt imaginative slavey Tatl better to cheat our fellow cheaters. "Cheat- clonic comedy skit, and "Six Youngsters," In tan Opera Houso gives no sign of abate- It love passages and Cliarlca IXllton. Adapted from the little of liar Mallahan and tho Hunway A Is ment. Admirers of good acting ing brings with inevitable tiy nlmblo Four ing Cheaters" tho last word In sllckness a Juvenilo act A photoplay, "Como and scenic young policeman Play "Under Sentence," Uoi Cooper Megrue rie's latest fantasy, "A Kiss for nnd pleasing chorus makes for 'the, "good beauties to th'em In between tho nnlve who and Irvln S.
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