Settlement Patwari Examination-2015 Date 25/11/2015 Time 11:00AM 12:30PM For Shimla division: NOTE: In case of any query please contact Settlement Office Shimla at 0177-2622109/0177-2623995/0177-2624640 Sr. No. Roll No. Name of Candidate Father's Name Permanent/ Correspondence AddressSub Division Name of District Center 1 252898 Raghuvir Singh Rati Ram Khanna Building KNH , Shimla, Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai 2 252899 virender Kumar Daulat Ram V.Naya Post offic-Shallai Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai District-Sirmour 3 252900 Mahan Singh Devi Ram C/o Mis.Puja Verma Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai ShoopNo.16A,S.D.A-Complex Basement Excisc office Kusmpti Block No-35 4 252901 Dinesh Madan Singh C/0 Ravi Kumar Local Bus stand Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Shimla Urban Distt.Shimla 5 252902 Roshan Lal Daulat Ram C/0 Ravi Kumar Local Bus stand Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Shimla Urban Distt.Shimla 6 252903 Amar Singh Tulsi Ram C/o Lal Chand sharma Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Gorkhulodge Kusumpati 7 252904 Lakshmi Devi Kala Ram V. Gandal PO Wasni Teh pachhad Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Pachhd Distt. Sirmour HP 8 252905 Neha Kumari Kaka Ram V-Gandal Wasni Tes-Pachhad pachhad Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Disst-Sirmour 9 252906 Naria Sania Ram Stat Bank of Patiala Kasumpti Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Shimla 10 252907 Mamta Sunder Singh V-Sidhoti Post Office Panog Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai The Shiliai Disst. Sirmour 11 252908 Kiran Sunder Singh V-Sidhoti Post Office Panog Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai The Shiliai Disst. Sirmour 12 252909 Reena devi Sunder Singh V-Sidhoti Post Office Panog Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai The Shiliai Distt. Sirmour 13 252910 Radha Patti Ram V-Sidhoti Post Office Panog Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai The Shiliai Distt. Sirmour 14 252911 Rajesh Kumar Purna Ram V.Gandal Post offic.Wasni pachhad Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Tehsil-Pachhad Distt Sirmour 15 252912 Maya Ram Nomu Ram C/o Mr Verma Shiv Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Niwas,Estate (Dingal Esbate) Post A.G Shimla Tehsil-Shimla Urban Distt- Shimla 16 252913 NiteshThakur Balbir Singh V.Gundal-Ser P.Oand Tehsil- pachhad Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Bagthan/Pachhad Distt- Sirmour 17 252914 Sita Ram Rattan Singh V.Bansnwa P.O Shillai Sirmaur Govt College Shillai Bella.Tehsil.Shillai Distt. Siromur 18 252915 Jyotika Thakur Roshan Lal V.Sarsoo Tehsil -Pachhad P.O- pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Sarsoo Distt-Sirmour 19 252916 Bhagwant Singh Jagat Singh V.P.O-The.Shillai Distt Sirmour Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai 20 252917 Bindu Ram Mani Ram Bindu Ram C/0Bharat Bhawan Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Post Kasumpti Distt-Shimla 21 252918 Dalip Singh Shuoa Ram V-Tapra p/oJhakando Tehsil- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai Rohanat Distt Sirmour 22 252919 Raksha Devi Mohi Ram V-Bagnal Post Jhakando tehisl- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai Rohnat Distt-Siromour 23 252920 Dalip Chet ram Kharkahan Post-Kharkahan Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil Shillai Sub The-Rohnat Distt-Sirmour 24 252921 Prakash Jagar sIngh Post Office-Koti Bounch Tehsil- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shilli Distt-Siromur 25 252922 Vipan Kumar Mohar Singh V.Aorodi Post office-Koti Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Bounch S.T-Ronhat Distt- Sirmour 26 252923 Ajay Sharma Raju Ram V-Shankholi P/0.Kharkahan The-Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai Distt-Sirmour 27 252924 Kamlesh Sharma Daya Ram V-Bindla Mallah Tehsil-Shilli Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Distt-Sirmour 28 252925 Kapil Dev Daya Ram V.Bindla.P.O.-Millah.Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai Distt.Sirmour 29 252926 Govind Ram Sahi Ram R/oJaswal Niwas Anji Near Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil-Ghorachoki P.O.Tara Devi Distt-Shimla 30 252927 Rahul Dev She Dev Singh V.Lana Baka P.O-Dinger kinner pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil Pachhad Distt-Siromur 31 252928 Arvind Katoch Sunder Singh V.Bakewari P.O-Bhelan Tehsil- pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pacnnad Distt-Sirmour 32 252929 Manoj Kumar Rattan Singh Chuahan Cottage Shakti Vihar Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Panthaghati Shimla P.O-Beolia Tehsil-Shimla 33 252930 Anil Sharma Rambhaj Sharma Anji Gaon P.O.Tara Devi Tehsil- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shimla 34 252931 Alpna Thakur Balbir Singh V.Gundal-Ser P.O Bagthan pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt-Siroumr 35 252932 Kalpna Sharma Gopal Chand V.Lachora P.Okujji Tehsil pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt-Sirmour 36 252933 Manisha Tikka Ram V.Kando P.O.Kando Bhatnol Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil-Shillai Distt-Sirmour 37 252934 Attar Singh Shupa Ram Banshwa P.O-Bella Tehsil- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai Distt .Sirmour 38 252935 Dinesh Kumar Chander Singh V.Bhatnol P.O.Kando- Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Bahtnol.Sub Tehsil-Shillai Distt- Sirmour 39 252936 Vinod Kumar Sher Singh V.Nainidhar Tehsil-Shillai Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai P.O.Nainidhar 40 252937 Fakir Chand Dharm Singh V.Bagna .P.O Kandu Bhatnol Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil=Shilli 41 252938 Pradeep Kumar Jagar sIngh V.Juneli Office.Jurwa Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai.Distt Sirmour 42 252939 Dharmender Singh Ram Nath V.Madhana,Post office.Bhelan pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil-Pacchad Distt-Siromur 43 252940 Ravinder Kumar Kedil Ram V.Juneli Office.Jurwa Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai.Distt Sirmour 44 252941 Manoj Kumar lal Singh Mamal Post office.Loza Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Shillai Distt.Sirmour 45 252942 Pushp Lata Sahi Ram Panog Shillai Distt.Sirmour Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai 46 252943 VinodSharma Ram Swroop Runja P.O.Thakur Dwara pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Pachhad Distt,Sirmour 47 252944 Amit Kumar Jeet Singh Guwalt P.O.Gawalt Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Shillat Distt Sirmour 48 252945 Kuldeep sharma Devi Ram C/o P.K. Medical agency, Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai officers colony Kotlanala solan 49 252946 Sandeep Sharma Nant Ram Vill.Sharog PO Kando Bhatnol Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil Shillai Distt. Sirmour 50 252947 Ritender Chauhan Bhim Singh Chambiyara PO Bali Koh Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shallia distt.Sirmour 51 252948 Gita Ram Daulat Ram VPO Barri Tehsil Ronhat Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Distt.Sirmour 52 252949 Satpal Mohan Singh Vill. Dharwa PO Jhakndo Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Shillai distt. Sirmour 53 252950 Ravinder Rana Sabla Ram Vill Khalando PO Koti Bounch Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil Shillai distt. Sirmour 54 252951 Sanjeev Kumar Mohan Singh Vill. Dhoanji PO Kotla panjola pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Teshil Pachhad, distt, Sirmour 55 252952 Naveen Panch Ram VPO Panog TehsilShillai distt Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Sirmour 56 252953 Pratap Singh Basti Ram Ankur Villa B/o Sanjy Ghandhi Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai School near by sector-II New Shimla 57 252954 Sonika Sharma Suresh Kumar Vill Chakli Po Thakur dwara pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil Pachhad Distt Sirmour 58 252955 Balbir singh Jalam Singh Vill Lani PO Koti Bounch Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Ronhat Distt. Sirmour 59 252956 Kumari Neelam Prem Chand VPO Shillai Tehsil Shillai Distt Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Sirmour 60 252957 Padma Devi Dula Ram Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai 61 252958 Subash chander Sokh Ram Vill Chadena PO Jaihar Tehsil pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt. Sirmour 62 252959 AshokKumar Panch Ram C/o Lal Bhadur Post man GPO Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai The Mall Shimla-1 Tehsil & Distt. Shimla 63 252960 Vinod verma Sunder Singh Vill Khari PO Nainidhar Tehsil Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai ShillaiDistt. Sirmour 64 252961 Rameshwar Dutt Banarsi Dass Daron Devria P.O.Devria Tehsil pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt Sirmour 65 252962 Sanjay Sharma Prem Dutt Chowki P.O.Sarahan Pachhad pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Distt Sirmour 66 252963 Gulzari Lal Narpat Singh Maryog P.O .Gaura pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehisl.Pachhad Distt/Sirmour 67 252964 Dev Dutt Bahadur Singh V.Chimlti P.O Panwa Tehsil pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt.Sirmour 68 252965 Sunil Dutt Devinder Dutt S/o Devinder Dutt Ristter Panwa pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai P.O.Panwateh Pachhad Distt.Sirmour 69 252966 Vijay singh Mohinder Singh V.P.O.Sarahan S.V.N.Colony pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Pachhad Distt.Sirmour 70 252967 Yash Pal Kaka Ram Deval Tikkri P.O.Kujji pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Pachha Distt.Sirmour 71 252968 Sushil Kumar Hari Mohan V.Kathanji P.Otikker.Tehsil pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Pachhad Distt Sirmour 72 252969 Naresh Gumanu Parli P.O.Kandobhatnol Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Shillai Distt.Sirmour 73 252970 Radha Devi Mohar Singh Verma Niwas Shimla. Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai 74 252971 Vikas Ajay Pal V.Dimber Tehsil.Jaihar/Pachhad pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Distt Sirmour 75 252972 Anil Kumar Jai Singh V.Bashech pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai P.O.Jaihar.Tehsil.Pachhad Distt.Sirmour 76 252973 Neeraj Babu Paul Bain Ka Ghat Office Sharia pachhad Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Pachhad 77 252974 Pawan Ran Singh V.Jaswi P.O.Koti Bounch Shillai Sirmour Govt College Shillai Tehsil.Shillai
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