E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012 No. 85 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was B, 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 25th In- in Elk Rapids, Michigan. He and his called to order by the Speaker pro tem- fantry Division. On June 6, 1969, while wife of 42 years, Christine, raised three pore (Mr. BARTON of Texas). serving as a radio-telephone operator children. f at Fire Support Base Crook in Thai Nin On behalf of the citizens of Michi- Province, when the base came under in- gan’s First District, it’s my privilege DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tense rocket and mortar attack, Spe- to recognize Clarence Szejbach, an TEMPORE cialist Szejbach secured his radio and American hero, for his service, sac- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- followed the company commander to rifice, and continued patriotism. fore the House the following commu- the defense perimeter to observe and nication from the Speaker: report enemy movements. Exposing f WASHINGTON, DC, himself to the rain of enemy fire, he as- ENSURING CHILD CARE FOR June 7, 2012. sisted in resupplying ammunition to WORKING FAMILIES ACT I hereby appoint the Honorable JOE BAR- troops in the bunkers. When the enemy TON to act as Speaker pro tempore on this blew gaps in the wire defenses and at- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The day. tempted to breach the perimeter, he Chair recognizes the gentleman from JOHN A. BOEHNER, helped lead and organize a reaction Washington (Mr. MCDERMOTT) for 5 Speaker of the House of Representatives. force which beat back the hostile minutes. f surge. After the battle subsided, he Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, ear- lier this month, I introduced the En- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE moved with the command group through the combat area to inspect suring Child Care for Working Families The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- enemy casualties and equipment. As Act to help low-income workers stay in ant to the order of the House of Janu- the group searched the area, a wounded the workforce. My bill creates a guar- ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- enemy soldier threw an anti-tank gre- antee of Federal child care assistance nize Members from lists submitted by nade at the company’s commander. for children up to the age of 13 in fami- the majority and minority leaders for Specialist Szejbach unhesitatingly lies with incomes up to 200 percent of morning-hour debate. moved in front of the officer, deflected the Federal poverty level. This pro- The Chair will alternate recognition the armed weapon, and then picked it gram would be matched with State between the parties, with each party up and threw it. The grenade exploded funds and administered by the State. limited to 1 hour and each Member as it left his hand, inflicting severe Low-income families and single par- other than the majority and minority wounds on him. ents have been bearing the brunt of leaders and the minority whip limited Specialist Four Szejbach’s extraor- this recession. They want to work, but to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall dinary heroism and devotion to duty often can’t afford reliable and appro- debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. were in keeping with the highest tradi- priate child care, so they are forced to f tions of the Armed Forces and reflect either leave their jobs or to leave their great credit upon himself, his unit, and kids in unhealthy or dangerous envi- HONORING CLARENCE ‘‘SONNY’’ the United States Army. ronments. For many poor people, there SZEJBACH Clarence ‘‘Sonny’’ Szejbach was simply are no better options. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The awarded the Distinguished Service In the 1990s, Federal assistance for Chair recognizes the gentleman from Cross on December 7, 1969, the second- child care programs was established to Michigan (Mr. BENISHEK) for 5 minutes. highest military decoration that can be address this very problem. It was cre- Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, let it awarded to a member of the United ated to help low-income families tran- be known that it’s an honor and pleas- States Army. Mr. Szejbach, however, sition from welfare to paychecks. Over ure to pay tribute to Clarence ‘‘Sonny’’ was unaware that he received this the years, funding for this program has Szejbach for his extraordinary heroism honor until nearly 42 years later, when dwindled, despite growing demand. The in connection with military operations an Antrim County Veterans Service Of- Temporary Assistance for Needy Fami- involving conflict with an armed hos- ficer discovered the citation in his per- lies, the TANF legislation, was passed tile force in the Republic of Vietnam, sonnel file. in 1996 to ‘‘end welfare as we know it.’’ for which he was awarded the Distin- Clarence Szejbach returned to his But we failed to provide the necessary guished Service Cross. childhood home of northern Michigan support services to enable poor work- Clarence Szejbach served as a United after his injuries to take over the fam- ing families to succeed. One of those States Army Specialist 4 in Company ily business, Ed and Son Food Market, services is high-quality child care. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3581 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jun 08, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JN7.000 H07JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 7, 2012 Today, only one of six children eligi- ernment and private space programs by ate jobs at every turn. Even though 56 ble for Federal child assistance re- inspiring and training America’s next percent of Americans think jobs should ceives it. Twenty-two States have generation of explorers, engineers, sci- be Congress’ number one priority, Re- waiting lists for child care. And fami- entists, and leaders. publicans have failed to pass even one lies in 37 States were in worse cir- For emphasis, with nearly 600,000 significant jobs bill. Instead, they work cumstances in February of 2011 than graduates of the program, Space Camp to create another false panic about a they were in February of 2010 as the has a 30-year track record of success in so-called fiscal cliff if they aren’t al- child care waiting list continues to inspiring young people to pursue suc- lowed to immediately extend hundreds grow, copayments rise, eligibility cessful careers, particularly in STEM of billions of dollars in tax giveaways tightens, and reimbursement rates fields. Space Camp alumni include to the wealthiest 1 percent of Ameri- stagnate. NASA mission control directors, NASA cans. After three decades of wage stagna- scientists, NASA engineers, executives Mr. Speaker, there are only two real tion in this country, with paychecks of corporations, State government offi- fiscal cliffs that I see. One is the fiscal failing to keep up with the cost of cials, national news correspondents, as cliff that will push our entire govern- health care, housing, and education, well as soldiers and aviators who de- ment over if they can make good on child care has become an unaffordable fend America’s freedom every day. their threats and force our Nation into necessity for too many Americans. Graduates of Space Camp include three default and shut the government down. A related problem that we also must NASA astronauts and one astronaut The second fiscal cliff is one that Re- acknowledge is the gender wage gap. from the European Space Agency. publicans are pushing American fami- Women only earn 77 cents for every Space Camp contributes to the future lies over the edge of when they cut off, dollar earned by men, according to the of America’s exceptionalism in science, mind you, cut off the emergency exten- Census Bureau. Yet two-thirds of the engineering, and research by instilling sion of critical unemployment benefits women are now either the primary an exciting, life-changing educational for millions of Americans who are breadwinners or co-breadwinners in experience with values of leadership, struggling to find a job. their family. So when there are wage teamwork, and hard work. Space Republicans are telling struggling gaps, entire families suffer. That Camp’s 30th anniversary is the perfect Americans that there is a fiscal cliff if means less money for food on the table opportunity to recognize their impor- you are out of work; they have to cut and everything else that a family needs tant work and incredible achievements. off your employment benefits. They are to survive. I congratulate Space Camp on their telling struggling Americans that Two days ago, Senate Republicans 30 years of unparalleled success and there is a fiscal cliff if you are poor and blocked a bill introduced by Senator wish them well and salute them as hungry; they have to cut your food BARBARA MIKULSKI that would they embark on their next 30 years. stamps. But somehow, if you are rich strengthen the Fair Labor Standards f and a defense contractor, Republicans make it their business to protect you Act’s protections against pay inequi- POVERTY AND UNEMPLOYMENT ties based on gender. As President from facing any cliff or falling off of Obama said, Republicans have once The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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