Index 1986-2019 by Tom Norton MA September 2019 1 Index to Co. Roscommon Historical and Archaeological Society Journal, 1986-20191 Tom Norton (Tom Norton was born in Roscommon Town and lived on Claw Inch island on Lough Ree until the late 1940s. Later, he went to school in Galway. He now works in Hampshire, England, as a freelance indexer and English teacher). The definite and indefinite articles are ignored in the alphabetical arrangement but are not inverted. For example, ‘The Famine’ will be found under ‘F’. The form of reference is volume number, followed by the page number. For example, ‘7.13’ is a reference to volume number 7, page 13. Volume/year numbers are as follows: 1=1986, 2=1988, 3=1990, 4=1992, 5=1994, 6=1996, 7=1998, 8=2000, 9=2002, 10=2006, 11=2009, 12=20132, 13=2016, 14=2019 1798 Rising and Col James Plunkett 7.100–1 memoirs 7.112–13 souvenir jewellery, advertisement, 1898: 7.13 Acheson, George R., photo 14.5 advertisements cornflour (1916) 13.156 farmhouse (1903) 9.118 Ford car (1916) 13.154 oil lamps (1916) 13.153 patent medicines (1890s) 7.36 patent medicines (1916) 13.152 servants encouraged to enlist (1915) 13.71 souvenir jewellery (1898) 7.13 agrarian violence ‘Agrarian violence in Kilbride & Kilgefin 1843-1844 13.43–5 Land League, and agrarian crime 9.59–61 land wars 12.51–60 ‘Roscommon Agrarian Unrest 1881-82’ 12.35–8 1 Copies of this index are freely available in electronic form from [email protected] 2 The volume number is not printed on the cover of this issue. 2 agricultural labourers, Co Roscommon 11.19–21 American Civil War, Irish soldiers, photo 14.164 An Coiméadaí, ‘A Cashel Plotted on Map in 1813’ 5.77 Anderson, Audrey, ‘The Old Barracks, Roscommon’ 3.21–3 Andrews, Sara, ‘Yesterday’ (memoir) 4.74 Anglo-Irish lordships, 15th century, map 5.35 archaeological survey, Roscommon Co. 2.63 archaeology, Ballaghaderreen Bypass road project 13.81–7 Ardakillen lake, crannog 1.53 Ardcarne 7.55–7 and the Famine 6.91–4 Arigna coal mining 10.90 culm, as domestic fuel 10.137–9 arms, search for, 19th century 6.97 ass, in car, photo 8.15 Athleague N.S., teacher training course (1923), photo 12.63 N.S. (1923), group photo 13.121 street scene (1920s), photo 2.50 Athlone bridges over Shannon (1556-1990) drawings 3.back cover canal (1925) 7.127–9 castle, central keep drawing 13.126 photo 13.122 constables 13.122–8 view from Shannon, photo 13.124 history, 19th century 8.64–6 military barracks, photo 12.106 Robinson’s Distillery 8.64–6 Aughnaderry N.S. (1922), group photo 9.62 Aughrim Protestant Church floor plan 14.11 graveyard plan 14.6 Lloyd monuments, photo 14.12 mural tablets, photo 14.12 Australia, headstones with Roscommon references 7.116–17 Ballagh Dowling family 12.127–31 N.S. (1948), boys group photo 12.45 N.S. (1953), group photo 10.111 Ballagh, Robert, painting of O’Donovan Rossa funeral 13.149 Ballaghaderreen aerial photo 13.81 3 Bypass road project 13.81–7 Cathedral of the Annunciation and St Nathy 14.150 mapping by Ordnance Survey, 19th century, 6.105-7, 109-11 Ballinagare Boys N.S. (1924), group photo 4.20 Castle, photo 4.18 Hermitage House 4.23 history 4.18–19 N.S. (1949), group photo 5.81 Ogham Stone 4.21 photo 5.81 poem about 4.22 Ballinamuck, Battle (1798) 14.163 Ballinasloe Show (c.1928), group photo 5.12 Ballinderry graveyard, photo 11.106 Romanesque lintel, description & drawing 7.138 Ballindrumlea (Ballindrimley) 1790s 5.97–8 1930s 6.23 history 7.139–40 Ballinlig, Goat Island Crannog, photos 14, 71–2 Ballinlough Church of Ireland, photo 14.133 history 2.42 Isaac Weld on 14.133 Ballintemple, medieval cross, drawings 1.35, 2.58 Ballintubber (Ballintober) Castle architectural features, drawings 3.14 history 1.27, 29; 8.67 photo, 7.124; 8.67 memoir 8.104–6 political offenders, release of (1907), photo 14.190 raid on police barracks (1823) 3.5–7 St Bride’s Church 7.108-11; 8.67 photo 8.69 Wheel, 8.71, 72 Ballybay N.S. (1926), (1948) and (1950), group photos, 5.107; 14.73 Ballyfarnon, drawing 8.119 Ballyforan, bridge on River Suck, drawing 1.39 Ballygar 12.121–6 Ordnance map 14.99 St. Mary’s Church 14.99-104; 14.back cover village, lithograph (1863) 14.102 Ballyleague, midwife appointed 11.129–30 4 Ballymoe Bridge (River Suck), Samuel Owens plaque, drawing 2.53 Ballymurray N.S. (1926), photo 14.73 Quaker meeting house drawing 12.back cover photo 12.8 Ballymurray N.S. (1946), group photo 7.146 Ballyroddy N.S. (1949), photo 14.74 Banks, Patrick, Private, life & times 8.79 Banshee (Bean Sídhe) 1.53; 4.11–12 Barrett, Peter, death 14.113–14 Barton, Roy L., ‘Roscommon in History’ 5.6–10 basket, back, drawing 9.front cover Baslick Church, articles/photos, 11.116-21; 12.83–7 Bayley, David see Delaney, Shane Beaufort, Daniel Augustus, Rev, visit to Roscommon Town (1808) 7.24–5 bee boles, photo 13.8 Beechwood Famine Pot, photo 14.56 Beechwood House 14.54–9 entrance, photo 14.54 Beggan, Gerard ‘Ballygar - The Hy Many Royal Seat’ 12.121–6 ‘Historic Fords and Weirs on the River Suck’ 14.47–8 ‘Reclaiming the Spoils of Annwfyn’ 14.28–46 ‘The Carmelite House of Holy Cross, Slewshancough, Diocese of Elphin’ 13.111–15 ‘The Cruffon Trail’ 14.49–53 ‘The placename ‘Elphin’ and the book ‘Taliesin’ 13.116–17 Beirne, Francis, Fr ‘A Glance at Elphin in Earlier Times’ 1.30 ‘Introduction’, vol 2 of Journal 2.4 Bekkers, Fiona, ‘The Ring’ 7.75–8 Belfast 12.47 Marian Price, wall mural, photo 12.47 Titanic Centre, photo 12.47 Belleek Castle Hotel, photo 3.27 Berry, Peter, ‘Rural Life in the Forties’ 8.122–3 bestiary, drawing 5.72 Betty, Lady 3.27 bicycles, ladies without lights on 11.130 ‘Big Houses’, Roscommon Co. 3.41 see also King House; Mote Park House; Mount Pleasant House; Rathmoyle House; Roxboro House; Strokestown Park House; Woodbrook House Bishop Hodson’s Grammar School, Elphin photo 1.30 Summer 1931, group photo 3.18 Black and Tans 5 activities in Galway Co 6.51–2 burning of Knockcroghery description 3.28 photo, 4.10; 13.104 blacksmithing 8.109–10 bog burial, Derrymaquirk 4.71–2 bogs 1814 survey 5.77 Callow Bog 4.41–2 Creggane Bog trackways 4.41–2 Drummin Bog, discovery of churn 8.87 wooden vessels from 11.40–7 Boher, poem about 4.33 Boland, Harry drawing, 14.front cover elected T.D. for Sinn Féin in 1918, for South Roscommon 14.17–22 photo 14.17 Book of Taliesin 14.37 Bowery district, New York, photo 14.163 Boyce, Angela, ‘St John and St Anne Stained Glass Window: Cathedral of the Annunciation and St Nathy, Ballaghaderreen’ 14.150–1 Boyle Cistercian abbey, Romanesque arch drawing 1.front cover view 9.10 and the Famine 6.90 memoir 6.5 Rockingham House 12.12–16 photos 12.13,15 The Shambles 11.65–7 workhouse, inmate statistics 11.115 Boyle, Maura, ‘Growing Up in Ballintubber’ 8.104–6 Boyne Centre, cannon, photo 12.46 boys, wearing skirts, photo 4.13 Boys Town, Roscommon connection 1.29; 9.114–15 Bradley, John, ‘A Crannog At Loughnaneane, County Roscommon’ 3.34–6 Brady, John ‘A Hundred Years On: St Bride’s Church, Ballintober’ 7.108–11 ‘An Unsolved Mystery - 1903’ 9.7–9 ‘Ballintubber by Reflection-A.D. 2000’ 8.67–9 ‘Ballintubber Castle’ 1.27, 29 ‘The Boys Town Connection-2002’ 9.114–15 ‘The City of Rogers: from Roscommon to Minnesota, USA’ (told by James Rogers) 10.70–1 ‘Father Flanagan of Boystown’ 1.29 ‘Introduction’, Journal vol 9 9.3 Brady, Niall, Dr 6 ‘Medieval Settlement Focus Moves to County Roscommon’ 9.65–6 ‘A New Study of Land Enclosure and Settlement in North Roscommon’ (co-author) 10.99–104 Brennan, Malachy, Canon, Very Reverend, ‘Troubled Curate Days’ (memoir) 6.51–2 Brennan, Mary, ‘The Groves of Kilteevan’ (song) 5.94 Brennan, William J., Justice, life & times 8.103 Brestagh, Ogham Stone, photo 3.25 brick making, Roscommon Co. 10.16–20 brick mould, drawing 10.19 bridal party, pony and trap, photo 13.105 brideóg, drawing 9.back cover Brideswell cam font, photo 13.132 plaque 2.53 Bristol-Jones, Penny, photo 14.70 Bromell, John, photo 6.97 broom, byre drawing 9.front cover Browne, Raymond, Very Rev., Fr. ‘The Last Priests of Lisanuffy’ 6.19–22 ‘Part of Original Documentation...New church in Strokestown’ 7.130–1 Bumlin Parish, census, 1841-51: 11.95–6 burial rites, Roscommon Co. 10.34–5 Burke, Brian, ‘Private Patrick Banks, 1251 88th Regiment’ 8.79 Byrne, Liam ‘Roscommon Solstice Choir: a brief history of the first five years (2013 to 2018)’ 14.154–62 ‘The Roscommon Courthouse Fire of 1882 - A Contemporary Document’ 10.94 Byrne, William Augustine (veterinary surgeon) book of cures and remedies 4.75 life 2.30–2 Byzantine coin article 11.4 drawing 11.front cover Cadiz, Lily, photo 14.14 Cadiz, Rosalind, photo 14.14 Cadiz sisters, photos 13.46 Cahill, Mary ‘The Gold Beads from Tumna, Co Roscommon’ 10.36–9 photo 14.72 Caldramoran race course (1859) 7.21 Callan, Denise, ‘King House’ 6.47 Callery, Jim, ‘Memories of Cloonahee’ 5.42–3 Caltra, Co Galway 6.51–2 Caltra cemetery, Ballinagare, gravestones 4.19 Cam census, 18th century 3.50–4 7 Co-operative Agricultural & Dairy Society Ltd 7.120–3 Canavan, Kitty, ‘Old St Peter’s (Athlone) 1795-1937’ 4.70 car, invoice (1940) 6.72 Carnacon House, Ballaghaderreen, photo 6.73 Carnadoe, poem about 5.66 Carnaska branch members of the University Interscholastic League, photo 12.131 church, bridal party, photo 13.105 carriage (19th century), photo 11.103 Carrick Classical Academy 11.77–9 Carroll, Angelina, ‘The Union Workshop in Cloonslanor’ (co-author) 5.85–8 Carrowcrin, medieval cross, drawing 1.34 Carrowntemple, medieval cross, drawings 1.34; 2.58 Carthy, Susan, ‘Disappearing Customs’ 8.121 Cartron, grave slabs 7.138 Casey, Michael, Canon, ‘Christmas in Frenchpark Long Ago’ 7.18–19 Casey’s Garage, Roscommon Town mechanics (1930s), photo 10.111 official opening (1952), photo 14.188 cashel, Coolteigue townland 5.77 Caslan Hills, pilgrimage, photos 14.64–7 Caslin, Leo, ‘List of Residents of Strokestown, 1920-1936’ 10.40–1 Cassidy, James, ‘Raheen Pipe Band’ 4.43–4 Castle St, Roscommon Town, shop scenes 6.114 (1900s), photo 7.76 (1920s), photos 7.95 Castle Tenison, photos 14.23–7 Castlecoote Boys N.S.
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