Species abundance and distribution of mbuna in Lake Malawi National Park and other areas of Lake Malawi Item Type article Authors Amball, A.J.D.; Malekano, L.B.; Mkoko, B.J.; Mwale, G.P.; Msukwa, A.V.; Changadeya, W. Download date 27/09/2021 08:29:39 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/19271 AquaFish Tech Rep Issue No: 2, Nov 2003 Speciesabundance and distribution of mbuna in Lake Malawi National Parkand otherareas of Lake Malawi 1AggreyJD. Ambali, 1Lawrence B. Malekano, 'Boniface £ Mkoko, 'George P. Mwae, 2'3Amulike V. Msukwa, and 'Wisdom Changadeya 1Biotechno1ogyEco1ogy Research and Outreach Consortium, P.O. Box 403, Zomba. 2Department ofNational Parks and Wildlife, Lake Malawi National Park, P.O. Box 48, Monkey Bay, Malawi. 3Cunent address: Department ofAquaculture and Fisheries Science, Runda College, P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe. uiiimriiiuuiiuviit1iIii uiuIIuIIIIitIiuiiII!f1IIuuIIuI1iIIIuuI1 4 4 Introduction shore and its specialist cichlid communities. The cichlids of Lake Malawi are internationally rec- Since the establishment of LMNP, the major ognized as an outstanding example of rapid speci- comprehensive study of rock dwelling was the ation, with a potential to provide greater insght into survey conducted by Ribbink et a!. (1983). The the understanding of evolutionary processes. Df these study provided an inventory and abundance de- arethecolourfulrock-dwellingcichlidsiocally scriptions of specific taxa within the rocky areas known as mbuna. Because of their sedentary habits, of the lake.However, the study did not provide most of these mbuna rarely migrate long distances the numerical abundance of fishes. The current from their locality. The resultant isolation of commu- study was therefore carried out to assess the spe- nities has created species endemic not only to the lake cies abundance and distribution of the mbuna spe- but to certain restricted areas within the lake itself. In cies. turn, this aspect has led to adaptive speciation of fish species, which is more diverse than the Darwin Mat'r!us nnd Methods finches of the Galapogas Islands (Meyer, etal., 1990). Sac.pling The Government of Malawi through the Depart- Underwaterobservationswiththeaidof ment of National Parks and Wildlife established Lake SCUBA diving were employed during the months Malawi National Park (LMNP) in 1980. The park is of March and April 2002. SCUBA surveys were located at the southern part of the lake in Mangochi undertaken in the 100 m zone of the following and Salima districts. It comprises 13 islands, rocks areas of LMNP: two of the Maleri islands namely, and reefs, most of which are within Traditional Au- Maleri (5 sites) and Nakantenga(l), Chinyamwezi thority(TA) Nankumba inMangochidistrict. Island (1), Chinyankhwazi Island (1), Mumbo Is- Chinyamwezi and Chinyankhwazi reefs are in TA land (3), Thumbi West Island (6), Otter Point (I), Makanjila, while Boadzulu Island is in TA Mponda. Zimbawe Rock (1), Domwe Island (2), Ilala Gap The three Maleri Islands, namely Maleri, Nakan- (1), Thumbi East Island (1), Nkhudzi Spit(1), and tenga and Nankoma are within TA Maganga in Boadzulu Island (2). We selected sites covered by Salima district. The prima/ objective for the estab- Ribbink et a!. (1983) and where necessary few lishment of the park was to protect representatives sites were added to obtain extra information. of Lake Malawi's aquatic communities and their Eight other sites outside the national park, four in habitats with special reference to the rocky lake- Salima and another four in Nkhata Bay, were sur- 10 AqzcFish Tech. Rep. issue No: 2, Nov 2003 veyed for comparison of fish abundance inside papers of fish description. Fish colour has been and outside the protected areas. Selection of sites widely used for identification of fish (McElroy, was based on the need to assess humanactivities Kornficld & Everett, 1991; Snoeks 1991 and Ribbink such as impact of fishing on mbuna stocks and et a!., 1983). While we recognised that some species diversity; assess whether there has been a change have been formally described following the study of on fish species composition since the last study Ribbink el al. (1983), we used the temporally fish by Ribbink et al. (1983), and compare fish densi- names of Ribbink at al. (1983) for ease of compari- ties inside and outside protected areas. son. Mbuna species were identified from descrip- Fish relative abundance was investigated by under- tions and published colour pictures of Konings waler strip or point transect counts of fish (Table 1) (1990, 1995), Ribbink et a!. (1983) and original depending upon the slope and configuration of the Table 1. Sampling sites and abundance of mbuna species. ti strict iace Site IAbbre- Point/line Number of PIE Dominance I L viation IransectImbuna species I I Inside of Lake Malawi National Park S'alirna vlaleri VILC ine 23 1.73 )49 S'alima vlaleri [) vILD me 1.80 0.42 glima vialeri E vILE Jne 20 1.91 ).16 iina vlaleri ivtLF ine 18 1.87 0.25 Salima vlaleri FF&C vILFC inc 17 ).80 0.41 Salima "Takantenga 13 '/GA Line 33 1.52 0.69 AlangochiChinyamwezi MZ Line 12 1.41 ).77 an ochi hinyankhwazi KZ Line 12 ' 1.80 0.28 Mangochi viumbo A MBA inc 20 1.89 0.26 angochi vlumbo B vIBB oint 119 1.88 ).24 !'Ian ochi viumbo ABC oint 18 1.92 ).14 anochiIhumbi West A ['WA me 25 ).89 ).22 'fangochifhumbi WestB FWB mne 22 1.81 1.38 !angochifhurnbi West — ['WC Ane 6 1.81 — ).32 VW'angochi ChumbiWest £WD Sine 26 1.92 ).17 ochirhumbi West IE ['WE .me 28 1.83 0.35 Mangochil'humbi West FWF .me 30 1.76 ).41 gochiOtter Point )P joint 8 ).85 0.29 'ilangochiinibawe Rock R Point 1.32 0.82 tIangochi)omwe (1) )E1 .me 17 1.45 0.74 'tangochiDomwe 1) )E2 oint 15 1.33 • ).82 MangochiIlala Gap ___________________G .me 11 1.83 ).32 Iviangochifhumbi East A FEA inc 18 1.76 ).42 '1angochiNkhudzi Spit AKZ .me 16 1.88 0.21 l'Iangochi 3oadzulu A: West 3ZA .me 15 1.71 0.51 Mangochi 3oadzulu B: East ZB .me 14 1.88 0.23 Dutside of Lake Malawi National Park S'alima Mbenji Island vIllA. .me 121 1.90 ).25 9alima vlbenji Island 3 AJ1.13 inc 5 1.65 ).59 S'alima vibenji Island 2 vIJIC .me 20 1.88 ).24 S'aliina vlbenji Island ) MJID .me 29 )85 ).35 Vkhata-BayTkhata Bay Nkhata-Bay '.IBA Line 31 1.86 ).27 Nkhata-BayJkhata Bay VIayoka Peninsula ABB inc 18 1.86 0.29 \Ikhata.Baykhata Bay Vialemba NBC inc 22 1.71 ).46 VkhataBay'khata Bay N'khata Bay PeninsulaTBD me 21 ).80 1.34 11 Aqiw-Fish TechRep Issue No: 2, Nov 2003 cocky bottom substratum (Ribbink et ci., 1983). The P. zebra was the most abundant (24.27%) while transects were each 25 by 2 metre covering a total within the Cynotiiapia genus, C. afra comprised area of 50 square metres while the radius of the about 55% of individuals observed in the genus point transects varied depending upon the distance followed by C. chinyamwezi (42.3%) (Table 2). at which individuals of all fish species could accu- The species which were endemic and limited to rately be identified. The numbers of fish counts specific sampling sites depicted low total relative covered by point transects were also expressed per abundance while those which were widespread 50 square metres. The depths sampled were 2 m, 5 and found in large numbers at most of the sam- m, 10 m and 15 m where majority of mbuna are re- pling sites showed high abundance values. Pseu- stricted (Ribbink et al., 1983). dotropheus is the commonest genus of mbuna and The data on mbuna abundance and distribution as such it has highest abundance (Reinthal, were subjected to several analyses in order to draw 1993). inferences. Means and percentages were calculated to Overall, the distribution of the genera by depth determine species composition per depth per genus indicated that Cynotiiapia was common at 5 m for for all the sampling sites. Species diversity was meas- C. afra and 15 m for C. Chinyamwezi. Labeotro- ured in terms of species richness and species even- pheus,Labidochromis,Melanochromis, and ness using the EcoSim version 7 software (Gotelli Petrotilapia genera were most abundant in shal- and Entsminger, 2001). Species number in rarefied low bottoms (2 and 5 m) than in the deeper water samples was calculated as an indicator of species (10 and 15 m). Among the Pseudotropheus, P. richness. The probability of an interspecific encounter zebra and P. zebra "cobalt" decreased in their (PIE) was calculated as an index of species evenness numbers with depth while P. zebra "red top" in- which gives the probability that two randomly sam- creased in numbers with depth (Table 2). Similar pled individuals from an assemblage represent two observations were noted by Ribbink et al. (1983). different species. Similarity of species composition between sites was Species diversity determined using Dice coefficient. The species data The number of species observed varied consid- were coded into presence -absenceand Dice Coeffi- erab1'' among the sites (Table 1). Thumbi West cient was calculated using the formula: Island harboured more species than any of the sited sasIipled in Mangochi District. Although lo- Dc =2a/(2a+b+c) cated in remote area from the Department of Na- where Dc is Dice Coefficient for sites i andj, tional Parks and Wildlife offices, Maleri and Na- a is the number of species present in both sites kantenga Islands have maintained high number of I andj, species comparable to those of Cape Maclear. b is the number of species present in site i but Similar observations were made for the Nkhata not available in sitej, Bay populations.
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