WEDNESDAY,APRIL 18, 2018 Inside: 75¢ Farm bill may relax pesticide rules. — Page 4B Vol. 90 ◆ No. 15 SERVING CLOVIS, PORTALES AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES EasternNewMexicoNews.com Barbara Bush brought plainspoken style to DC ❏ Former first lady The wife of the nation’s 41st to succeed Ronald Reagan. Adams and mother of John Quincy as her “hero.” president and mother of the 43rd Mrs. Bush died Tuesday, accord- Adams. In the White House, “you need a died Tuesday at age 92. brought a plainspoken, grandmoth- ing to a statement from family “I had the best job in America,” friend, someone who loves you, erly style to buttoned-down spokesman Jim McGrath. She was she wrote in a 1994 memoir who’s going to say, ‘You are By Michael Graczyk Washington, displaying an utter 92. describing her time in the White great,”’ Mrs. Bush said in a 1992 lack of vanity about her white hair The Bushes, who were married House. “Every single day was THE ASSOCIATED PRESS television interview. and wrinkles. on Jan. 6, 1945, had the longest interesting, rewarding, and some- HOUSTON — Barbara Bush “What you see with me is what marriage of any presidential couple times just plain fun.” Her uncoiffed, matronly appear- didn’t hesitate to tell people that you get. I’m not running for presi- in American history. And Mrs. The publisher’s daughter and oil- ance often provoked jokes that she her trademark pearl necklaces were dent — George Bush is,” she said Bush was one of only two first man’s wife could be caustic in pri- looked more like the boyish presi- fake. Americans liked that every- at the 1988 Republican National ladies who had a child who was vate, but her public image was that dent’s mother than his wife. Late- thing else about the snowy-haired Convention, where her husband, elected president. The other was of self-sacrificing, supportive first lady was real. then vice president, was nominated Abigail Adams, wife of John spouse who referred to her husband BUSH on Page 5A FIELD TRIP Detention center contract approved ❏ Commissioners’ vote on contract with HB Construction Inc. was unanimous. By Jamie Cushman STAFF WRITER [email protected] CLOVIS — The Curry County Adult Detention Center project will move forward after a contract with HB Construction Inc. was unanimously approved at Tuesday’s Curry County Commission meeting. The project, which includes the construc- tion of a new sally port, medical unit and additional housing, will cost about $11.6 million, down from the original bid of $12.2 million after the commission approved 13 cost-saving measures at its April 3 meeting. Curry County Manager Lance Pyle said construction on the project will begin next month. Officials have said they expect the Staff photo: Jamie Cushman construction to last about 17 months. From left, Ivana Loya-Avila, 5, Delaney Hodge, 5, and Lincoln Jackson Family Center preschool teacher Dolores Chavez Commissioners unanimously approved, check out the buffalo during a field trip to Hillcrest Park Zoo on Tuesday. They picked a good day for the outdoor venture, though Commissioner Angelina Baca was with temperatures near 90. Forecasters say today’s highs will be in the upper 60s. not present. Also at Tuesday’s meeting (all votes 4-0): ■ The commission approved five change orders associated with the new county road barn project. The changes include the removal of a shower, modifying the electri- Officials vote to remove stop signs cal service to be underground, switching a wall from sheetrock to plywood and the ❏ Roosevelt residents remove stop signs from an intersection. County Manager Amber Hamilton added addition of a new water meter and hose bib. Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato that all first responders she spoke with Facilities Maintenance Superintendent issued complaints drivers requested that stop signs on Roosevelt Road approved of the removal of the stop signs. Ben Roberts said the change orders will add 7 at the intersection of Roosevelt Road S be The commission’s response, however, $684.40 to the cost of the project. weren’t stopping anyway. removed after receiving complaints from was not as unanimous. ■ The commission approved a resolution county residents that drivers were not stop- “If you know you’re gonna stop, you setting fees for the reproduction of docu- By Eamon Scarbrough ping anyway. gotta stop. If you’re worried about some- ments and electronic media. Pyle said the STAFF WRITER “We believe that the people on S, if we body running it, wait another second. It’s only changes to the fees from the resolution [email protected] remove the stop signs, will know that now gonna be the same thing. But I do believe adopted last year were the addition of a $10 they have to wait on traffic. Before, they that stop sign (on Roosevelt Road 7) helps fee for a duplicate proof of insurance form PORTALES — After receiving concerns thought the stop signs would stop them, but slow the speed of traffic on that road,” com- and making the sheriff’s office fees consis- from residents, conducting traffic studies they would blow through the stop signs as missioner Shane Lee said. tent with other departments. and debating extensively, the Roosevelt they tried to go through the intersection,” he County Commission decided on Tuesday to said. SIGNS on Page 5A JAIL on Page 5A Forecast: Today Thursday Friday Index Calendars..........................2A Puzzles..............................6A Reach us at: High: 67 High: 69 High: 59 Classified ..........................6B Markets ............................3A (575) 763-3431 Comics ..............................5B Obituaries..........................3A Low: 40 Low: 44 Low: 42 Voices................................4A Sports ............................1-3B PAGE 2A ✦ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 LOCAL THE EASTERN NEW MEXICO NEWS Events calendar Farwell voters to consider Today Blood Drive — 9 a.m. to 12:30 ■ Richard Schwartz Faculty p.m. at Clovis Wal-Mart. Saxophone Recital — 7 p.m. at Information: 575-625-9743 the ENMU Music Building. Free ■ Model Train Show — 9 a.m. admission. Information: 575-562- to 5 p.m. at Clovis-Carver Public improvements to schools 2377 Library. Information: 575-763-9687 ■ Guitar Restring and BY THE STAFF OF THE NEWS uted by the district. Independent School District for the con- Thursday Recycle Event — 10 a.m. to 5:30 The brochure also points out projects struction, acquisition, renovation and ■ Preschool Storytime — 10 p.m. at Tarpley Music, 1713 W. FARWELL — Voters in Farwell are may be completed in any order and “are equipment of school buildings and facili- a.m. at Clovis-Carver Public 21st St., Clovis. Musicians can going to the polls to consider $9.4 mil- subject to change as District needs are ties in the district, other than: construc- Library. Information: 575-763-9687 bring in their old electric and lion worth of improvements to school assessed and refined.” tion of a new building for the vocational ■ United Blood Services acoustic guitar strings to be recy- district facilities. Waldrop said he does not know of any agriculture program and administration Blood Drive — 10:30 a.m. to 3 cled and replaced for free as a part The election is scheduled May 5. organized opposition to the bonds. office area and a new field house, and p.m. at the Eastern New Mexico of Playback, D’Addario’s national The ballot will include two separate “Most comments have been positive,” also other than renovation and equipment University Campus Union Building. recycling program. Information: Information: 575-625-9743 [email protected] bond questions: he said. “Obviously not everybody is of the existing: vocational agriculture ■ ■ ■ Page Turners Book Club — Here We Grow — 11 a.m. to Proposition A, which would provide going to be happy, but most feedback has program building, the administration 6:30 p.m. at Clovis-Carver Public 1 p.m. at Wheatfields Senior Living $6.15 million for construction and reno- been positive.” office area and junior high locker rooms; Library. Book: “The Nightingale.” Community, 4701 Prince St., vation to the high school, junior high, Waldrop said there aren’t any other and, the levying of the tax for payment Information: 575-763-9687 Clovis. Attendees are invited to elementary school, roof replacements funding possibilities the school district thereof. ■ ENMU Spring Choral plant in the community garden and and a heating/air conditioning replace- could explore if the propositions don’t ■ Proposition B — The issuance of Concert — 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the share their stories. Information: ment and other projects; pass. $3,230,000 of bonds by Farwell ENMU Music Building. Free admis- 575-762-8700 ■ Proposition B, which would provide Early voting begins Monday and will Independent School District for the con- sion. Information: 575-562-2377 ■ First Responders $3.23 million to construct a new voca- run through May 1 at Farwell’s school struction, acquisition, renovation, and Appreciation Day — 11 a.m. to 2 tional ag building and other projects. administration building, 705 Sixth St., equipment of a new building for the Friday p.m. at High Plains Harley- Superintendent Colby Waldrop said if from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CDT). vocational agriculture program and ■ United Blood Services Davidson, 4400 Mabry Dr., Clovis. both propositions pass, property taxes Voting on election day, May 5, will administration office area and a new field Blood Drive — 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free food, door prizes, and special would increase by $0.392 per $100 valu- take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CDT) at house, and renovation and equipment of at Wheatfields Senior Living recognition of first responders. ation ($0.257 for Proposition A and the Farwell Community Center, 201 the existing: vocational agriculture pro- Community, 4701 N.
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