The· Newark Post ' "OLUME XXVII NEWARK, DELA WARE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1936 NUMBER 10 ewark Retains Court Title ASSERS'DATE FOR P.T.A. JACKET P RED MEN MEET DEADLINE NEARS REPEAT TRI'UMPH MAY MART SET GREAT CHIEFS BY COMMIITEE AT WILMINGTON FOR CANDIDA TES SNARECROWN REED OUTLINES M"A.rc:n~~IRlh~!~:led I N~nB!..~:':!d ~:!:~!y SENIOR PLAY TO ASPIRANTS TO AS EDGEWOOD LINCOLN'S PLAN SUPPER of ~oUPSUCCESS NEWARK~~:~~ THERE BE STAGED SOON COUNCIL HAVE QUINT FALLS "Wh,. tho ,;;;;p;.;;."d 'm"",ip" P'm fm' tho M., M.rt••• m""' W. ,,,.k Oliph ••t. p"t G".t D.d". tho "p.bI, di,.~"" of Mi" TO FILE SOON tion plan lost out, Lincoln then an- affair which will be held at the New- Sachem of Delaware, welcomed 600 Rebecca J. Hess, the Senior Class of Chalm ... and Egno, uP;vol" "'",d hi. f.m". 'm"",I""" "'k Hi.h S,h", ,. M., 16. w," m'moo" ..d ' i.it,,, .t • R,d M,.', tho N,w"'k Hi.h S,h", wHi , ..,. Soldiers Into 33 - 27 proclamation," stated Professor Henry drawn up at a business meeting of dinner in the New Century Club in its annual production in the High Setback Clay Reed, assistant professor of Mrs. Leon H. Ryan, general chair- Wilmington last Saturday night. School auditorium. "Skidding," the No Change In Origin~l List COMPILEC GREATR MARK history of the University of Delaware, lowin a supper given last Thursday In attendance. were sev.enty-five selected play will be produced Wed- of Hubert, Wollaaton and Richards R'p,al onque.1 ell"lere· d whenLi.~,.·. he "mpdelivered.... '.., his ,maddress.. """,. on ",m.,.. g T""'.members N,. and 23 ...fnendsd Mi.",. of Minn G""iI.ehaha Ap'iInesday, 8 April" p",.i".I, 29, at 8.30 .." instead••,"'. of SECRETARY TO RETIRE Last Year;G Drop Two plan and its relation to Delaware in Committees were appointed to aid No. 17, Degree of Pocahontas, I. O. The pl'oceeds of the play will go C . h - P-- R Lone ames • mdi, bro.d",t m, WDEL ,. i. tho ' ....,' •• oat ,f thi. no.,1 .f· R. M.. 'f " m.k. 'p 'h. f ..d. f" of Polke Activ;tiea By "The Roamer" Monday evening. fair whch was started last year as a NewarkN'~"k. guests included members of the annual Senior Class trip'~" to.o" Wash . Unnmg am repares eport Manager Charlie Cole's Yellow- This address was sponsored by means for procuring funds for school the Propagation Committee, who are ington, which wiII take place some For March joek, ' b"k.to", w,... ,.1, " .n· C,.. h·, Brid., Gh'pt" D. A. K. • " ."d,. M"g.. ,it, B.II'.g. Th.'m. Gh"dI,. tim, i. M.,. Littl. 'h.... "'-;;;;- ..d i. tho ,,,,,,, .,h,,· b,illi.. t "".. I.,t night b.· it, p ..t i. th, ..", .. I ,d."",.. 1 M,". LM. H. R,...... ,,~ ,h.i,... d Ed.. Boow. ,f Mi'MI. G,,",II. ..Skiddi ..... th, "I"t,d pl., i, • p'Ii".. ' ,it"" .. " th, d"dli" f" fOl'e a packed house at the State program which is being sponsored by Iman , will be assisted by an advisory and Albert Lewis, Orville Sidwell and fresh, sincere picture of American candidates seeking places on the New­ "'moo,. Elk',n. wh", • b... Ii.g th, ""on.1 "g~i'''ion. iii.. A. B. b",d. ,"mpo",d ,f RI,h.n! G,~h. V... h. H".,II".. 'f Mi."h ... "mil, IIf.; .h,wi•• th, wm',i" ,f ..k G""" d,.• w, d,,.,.. Th, , .., Edg.w" d A,,,.. , t ..m w" ..nt E ..Un .. ~, "",m.. "LIn"I.·, G.. I,t" E. D... , ..,. J. , ..ton T'i",... d ,,,ok B.lli'g. P", G,,,, .. , Id·b. hi ..", m'th" wh, " f,,'" h'" fm' ,m" ,,,k,,, " pi .., th," dm.. 10 • 33·27 d,f.. , i. • .".t .11. "igi.. , ..loti .. to tho ,,•• "" poob· D".h,,',. J'''ph M,V.,. Robort V. S.. h,m ..d ."".... , ,f tho S.. to ,d " , ..' ..d with th, mod,.. ton. n.~, .. th, b.II,t, ..d ••t no" , m",d .,hibi"... '.m w"' diff'".t foom th, ,no fi ..II, Lo.i ...d L". H. Ryon P"'P"'"'' Gommi"". d.. "" 'f h" ,hild".... d • . tho S.t"'d.,. EI~".. " "h.d",d f,,' Th, ""'00, .m th, N.w"k .." .•d'pt'" "'t" th, Gi." W... H, b,· Th, f,II ,wi'g w,,', ,h,,,. to h"d Th, p""i,., ,,,.k,, 'f 'h, ,.~ m,th,d, ' "d b, h" i. ,t"i.h"•. T."d.,. Ap'iI 14. :::!::~ ~:;:£!:::~~::~~~~1f:~i~: :,~~!~;~1~~'~:~;i::~t£:':~~:;g:: ::: i;';;:":' :,~,~::;;t;,:: ,~~~: .;~~ f:;,~::t!~:{,i'~~;~~:h~;;:::!i' :~:'::::~::I~: ~;,:: ,:i:~:~i:: :f;~/;~:';:i: ':::id~::' :~:':::: neve r been recorded heretofore in the the nationalb I government had no right Mart program: p\izes, Mrs. J. Fen- States, Impl'Oved Ol'd el' of Red Men, and inte)'esting performance, combin-/ . e 01 allcancles thus far. The as- hi ,,,' , f 'h. loop. to • , ...., hI my m' .., • t ..t wh ". R,b",ton ' Dougherty; O. B... , mamusements,.. ; '"PP". M"Mrs.,' wh, " ..d,d • w.... i,g ••• i.. , ' h, ing humor with pathos and a deli- "p."t,plrants, ad ... """ m. en, come from three limaxi ng a ca mpaign wherein they it existed. He hoped to get the states spread of continental propaganda in ciouEly garnished philosophy. lost bu t two game in thirteen starts, to rid themselves of slavery on their Carleton E. Douglass; refreshment America. "Skidding" is more significant than Charles G. Hubert, a member of the Jackets made a garrison finish to own initiative by making it easy for stands, Mrs. William Hamilton; The propaganda "i reaching frui- the average comedy. It is life. the Council, is asking for re-election ove l'thl'ow the sturdy Edgewood com- them to do so. He proposed that the booths and posters, Jack Mohr; deco- tion in the lives of frustrated men and f l'om the Eastern District; Herman bine twice in succession after the Gas national government but the slaves rations ; MI·s. James Barnes and Mar- women who are swall owing continen- Dupes Gasoline Dealer; Wollaston, a member of the body ~I ake l' had bu il t up an nnmarred of the states willing to emancipate gal'et Dennis ; pony rides, Lee Lewis; tal nostrums as the panacea for all To Face Court On Charge from 1933 to 1935, is again asking reco rd in league competition. them. Negroes thus freed should be races, DI·. Robert Price and Thomas ill s," said MI'. Ruland. Irving Kendell, Hockessin, who was for the Support of voters in the Mid- pl,,- ;;:" :::::;t Ch"alm"ers,, :' :and"~,::~:'::::.~~~g Egnor on the pivot- and;:~';;;:d,,"~~:~d:hi:h:.~~~:d'h~::'':t most humane way of ending war bingo::~~·:;.i:~k:~;t':::::, Mrs. Robert T,ci',::;'·;.t~,'::; Jones; and Lilley,M;;'~:~' both of Elkton, ;:':'::i'~h'~Past Gre!lt ::';'::~:geda~h~ut:~:~i~en, ~aCsh~Is'~~ in~\~~c~~:t;~~~; former years, C:~~iX:t:n is the f~l: lone !:h:~~~ candi- thc same fo rmation t hat spelled de- and saving Jives. It would have cost publicity, J. H. Rumer, Sachems of Maryland. ered before Police Magistrate Daniel date in the Western District. feat for a powerful P erryville team about two billions of dollars to free After the bu sin ess meeting there The meeting, presided over by Thompson Monday on an added count Members to Retire last rear-again proved too potent the four million slaves. War when it was a playlet presented by the pu- Geroge Lee Brown, Great Sachem of of obtaining goods under false pre- O. W. Widdoes, Sr., present mem- fOI' the opposition to stop. came cost two million a day-less pil s of the social science department the Great Council of Delaware, was ::~~Ie,s~f ~:e ~:~e:~:id S!;;;o~:e c~~.~ bel' from the Western group; and Edg'w,od w'" ..'h·", i."p.bt, of ,h.. h." • d.,'. fi.h" • • w,,1d p., 'f 'h, " hool ""tI,d. "Th, MoI"'g ,,,.. d.d b, R,d M.. "d P~,h"""" ... '500 b.. d. WHIi.m J. L,., ... Middl, Di.t"i" putling the quietus on the play and for a ll the 1800 slaves in Delaware. Pot." members of Delawarc, Pennsylvania, According to testimony offered at I'epl'esentative, stick to their early Chal mel' and Egnor li terally ran wild "Lincoln attempted to try his Included in the cast were Iris Maryland, and New J ersey. the hearin g, Kendell obtained a quan- announcements that they both plan to in thc two-game series. 'l'he former scheme of compensated emancipation Wakefi eld , Agnes Owen, Irene Smith, A dance fo ll owed the dinner. t ity of gasoline at the TI'yen Filling retire temporarily, at least, from the I'egistel'cd 13 markers last night, in Delaware, for she had the small est Jesse Wood, Jane Roberts, Jack Door- Station, 114 Elkton Road, and drove political field. while the latter was hitting the rim number of slaves of any state. A dan, Bertha Pappas, Soreta Pa'Ppas, away without paying for it. It is MI'. Richard!, an ex-member of t he for nin e val uable points. Faro was scheme was evolved by which Dela- Christo Laskaris, Peter Drobeck, Paul Rector Snatches Thesis thought t hat he was driving a stolen State LegislatUre, received two bad top man fo r the Soldiers with ten. ware was to free its slaves during the Skillma n, Marylee Schu ster, Valen- From Smouldering Blaze CUI' at the t ime.
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