14 TITE MOKXING OHEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAT 8, 1917. - 24 games postponed, of which 18 were mens. Broda was successful in hook- in the National League and eight in ing both, the first weighing around 22 CHANCE'S SERAPHS the American. Going back still an G1BBDNST0 BE SEEN pounds, while the second tipped the PORTLAND TRAPMAN other year the records show that the scale.s.. at 15 pounds. On arrival in first weeks of the 1915 season were Portland Broda presented one to satisfactoryirrom the baseball weather Fi.her, and now Ben is' telling all his ' standpoint, but early in May the major friends what a wonderful time ho had TO MEET BEAVERS and 'minor leagues ran into a long, IN ACTION TONIGHT landing his royal chinook. IS HIGH AMATEUR rainy spell, with the result that 45 - games were postponed during the Ilrst TACOA WINS AIXTII STRAIGHT a price that's three weeks of that month. The growing demand among the magnates for a later opening of. the Tigers Get' Early Lead on Great Blue-rock- Six-Gam- yearly perlnant races appears to be s little enough for e - Middleweight Cham- Away Game. J. W. Seavey Series With Peer-- based upon the experience with un- Boxing Falls and Tuck Breaks 146 suitable baseball weather during the TACOMA. May 7. Tacoma routed Ore- less Leader's Men Starts past three or four seasons. pion to Meet Al Sommers Kimball in the first Inning of today's Out of 150 at game and-- held the lead all the way. so perfect a hat This Afternoon. in Six-Rou- nd Bout. The final score was 5 to 2. It was the gon State Shoot. ninth successive win for the Tigers. Great Falls outhit the Bengals. 11 t 5. you it. SOX BLANK SENATORS but could not bunch their blows. Hes- know ter relieved Kimball In the first and pitched fine ball. Score: SUNSHINE IS PROMISED FAST MATCH IS EXPECTED R. II. E. - R. H. E. IMPROVED WEATHER AIDS Tacoma 5 5 llGreat Falls.. 3 11 0 ri;tii bests johnsox in pitching Batteries Bonner and Stevens; Kim DUEL, 1 TO O. balk Hester and Byier. , i. Rainy Weather Cats Profits Here Mnff Bronson to Mix WHJi Harry Seattle 6, Spokane 5. In Team Event, Squad From Port- Gordon Indians Outplay Tigers and Win, 4 to 3. and Klsewhere, Too American Casey, of Seattle Wing and Mc- SEATTLE. May 7. With the score 5 land Gun Club Takes Honors. Athletics Easy 4 of for Yankees. Carthy to to in Spokane's favor in the last L. II. Kctd High Professional, Association on Rocks on Ac- Ollhooley Suffers Injury. Battle for Feather- the ninth. Carman brought a man in $3:52 with a single to right and Goldie sent With Almost Perfect Score. Hats weight count of Rain and War. Title of Northwest. Carman In with another safety to deep May 7. center. Score: WASHINGTON. Ruth battled R. H. E. R. H. E. w!th Walter Johnson in a pitching duel S tcday and won his sixth successive Spokane 5 7 llSeattle 6 10 Taclflc Coast T.easne Standings. game. Johnso'n held the visitors into Mike Gibbons will make his debut Batteries Schorr, Webb and Bald- SALEM. Or.. May 7. (Special.) Im- W. L. Pet. I W. L.. Pet the eighth, when Scott doubled and in Portland tonight. The name alone win; Strand and Sullivan. proved weather conditions, with plenty Exn Fran... 20 12 .6251 Portland ...14 16 .467 of sunshine, no rain, and marred only 15 IB .441 went around on Thomas' bunt and tells a story. It is useless for one to PaJt Lake.. 18 12 .610 Vernon fly. Vancouver 4, Butte 0. by an annoying wind, aided the con- Oakland .. .15 17 .4681 Los Angeles 13 19 .406 Kuth's long Score: go into detail about what he has ac- testants in the second day of the Ore-Ka- n Yesterday's Kesnlts. R. H. E.I R. H. E. complished and no one knows Just what VANmuVEO. B. C. Mav 7. Vancou- - State Sportsmen's Association Bhoot Ko tamei played; traveling day." Boston.... 1 4 lWashingfn 0 2 0 is rver shut out Butte today. Score: to improve their scoring over yester- Batteries Ruth and Thomas; John he capable of doing. The middle- V Today's Schedule. weight boxing champion R. H. E. R. H. E. day. I.on Angeles at Portland. 3 P. 11. son and Ainsmlth. will box Al Butte..'... 0 7 sjVancouver. 4 8 0 James W. Seavey was high amateur halt Lake at San Francisco. Sommers six rounds in the main event Batteries Hydorn andi Kafora; Rojas ut day. breaking 146 out versus Vernon Los Angeles. of a six-bo- for the . bluerocks Oakland at Philadelphia 4, Xcw York 9. card at the Broadway and Cad ill an. of 150, while L.-H- Reid was high pro Theater. Broadway and Stark street. V ' The.. Peerless Leader! PHILADELPHIA. May 7. Falken- - The show will be staged under the almost perfect score TJRNISHERS Le Roy Chance and his Pa- j yJ J Frank berg made his debut with Philadelphia auspices of the Western Athletic Club. - Sc cific Coast League champions will dec- today In a game won by New York. The other five bouts follow: Sportsmen's Asso- Slniingg HATTERS Mc- - BEAT sterling silver set. orate the Vaugnn-etre- et grounds this In attempting a diving catch of 135 pounds Muff Bronson vs. Harry Casey, GUTS PHILLIESfesft Innis' fly, Gilhooley of the visitors of Seattle. I a periect score afternoon, opposing the Portland Bea- - or so. 286 Washington Street six-ga- landed on his left shoulder and broke -'- pounds Weldon Wing; vs. Tex McCar- vers In the first battle of a his collarbone. Score: thy, for featherweight championship of the In the team shoot Squad 4. including series. The weather man promises to R. H.E. y R. H. E. Northwest. FIKST VICTORY IN 13 DATS IS Frank M. Templeton, E. H. Keller and lM pounds Gorman, Seavey, of behave, and if he does it will be the New York. 9 7 liPhiladel'a. 4 6 Joe of Oakland, va BV YORK. JamesvW. all 'the. Portland Learning of this. President Darmodr first time that the P. L. has found Mogridge Nunamaker; Shdi McCool. SCORED XEW Gun Club, captured the trophies, shoot- made him inducements which he could Batteries and 1L'2 pounds Jos Farxell, of Oregon CUy, ing 74 for the team out of a possible hardly things satisfactory along: that line since Falkenberg and Schang. :. Taylor. LIMIT RULE TOPIC resist. Bert 75, to each of winning Snodgrass, is one of best-kno- he took over the management of the 130' pounds Ray Leonard vs. Joe Cum-- Cubs Defeat Pirates, 4 to 1 Braves member the who the Angelic horde. 3, Cleveland 4. mlnga. team being awarded a gold lead pencil. figures in baseball, will soon be As far as one can dope it at a dis- Detroit Shut Out Dodgers. 7 to O Myers C. B. Dodele, of Albany, received the in shape. He will be a big card in the tance. Chance is slated to cart but 17 DETROIT, May 7. Cleveland de Three world's champions will be In Honeyman Hardware trophy for yes- Pacific Coast League, and especially in are the ones who loosely game. troduced to the fans: Mike and Tommy Breaks Right Shoulder. terday's high score. While he tied with Los Angeles. pastimers north. Here feated Detroit in a played Gibbons and Walter Miller, the world's will likely make the trip: Bagby and Boland pitched well but the middleweight George Scripture it was determined Will Pitchers Curly R. Brown. Otis Cran-dal- l. received support Score: wrestling king. Mike 7. won that no shoot-of- f was necessary, as LDarmody Says Each Club HARLEM CLUB IS Hogg, former better Gibbons and Miller bril- NEW YORK, May New York 51SPEXDED Charley Hall. Bradley Jack R. H. E.t R. H. E. started their its game- in 12 days, de- Scripture resides without the state and Ryan Standridge. 4 6 3 6 3 liant careers nine years ago in St. Paul first the last was not eligible to compete Be Handicapped and Pete Cleveland.. l;Detroit 2 1. Gi- for the This Year. Ac- Johnny O'N-eil- There has never been much difference feating Philadelphia to The trophy. Unsportsmanlike Tactics Torces Catchers Walter Boles and Batteries Bagby and Boland, weight Bassler. Cunningham and Spencer. in between them. Yesterday ants Von in the fourth inning when Scores' for today were as follows: by Inf ielders "Gloomy Qos" Gleichmann, nrornlng. after a session at handball. they scored two runs on a triple by Mark Kiddall 133. H. H. Veatch 137. Arvil tion State Commission. Bobby Vaughn, Groehling, Bobby Miller weighed 154 Gibbons 154 ?4 by in Wilson 138. Lewis fJ7, 'Carl (Schilling- - 134, Frank and Burns, a double Kauff and two - .EW YORK. May 7.t Indefinite sus- C. Schultz. Chicago at St. Louis postponed, rain. pounds.. field Score: K. Rs .Kverdlng- 132. F. Templeton 143. E. Iiavis and Joe outs. - H. pension Club HarHIag-ger- t. Will Keller 140, John G. Clemson 102, James VERNON CAUSES GOSSIP oi the Harlem Sporting Outfielders Wade Klllifer, Sommers be able to make It a R. II. E.I R. H. E. W. "Seavey 146, P. F. A 1 4 . v2 6 1 J. Holohan 143. was announced here today by the State Km II Meusel and Rube Ellis. HAP' MILLER IS BENEDICT contest with Gibbons? This is the ques- PhilaMel..
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