Puttin' on my Off to a good Carlstadt Team red hat! start gets support Page 10 Page 6 Page 3 THE COMMERCIAL Heater 25 cents Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,2003 THE NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTH BERGEN COMMUNITY BRIEFS Funding found for Teterboro study Township observes By Michelle Rosa Rayfoeck Municipal Committee, at the Columbus Day NEWS Eon OR NJMC meeting alter the money All municipal offices in the was appropriated. "We have some Township of Lyndhursl will he people who are direct!) affected, closed on Monday. Oct. 13. in AREA — Organizations have and they need that information observance ol Columbus Da\. been formed and legislators lobbied immediately." Trash and recycling will be over the years to locate the funding Also on Sept. 29. the NJMC picked up as scheduled for this necessary lo conduct a comprehen- passed a resolution setting aside the day. sive, independent study to deter- 23-acre Teterboro Woods, located mine exactly what environmental along the eastern boundary of impact Teterboro has on surround- Halloween party at Teterboro Airport in Moonaehic. as ing communities. The pieces at last open space, effective I > preventing Lyndhurst firehouse seem to be falling into place, since any further expansion ot the airport The Ladies Auxiliary of the the Sept. 16 announcement that the in that direction. A one mile pedes- Lyndhurst Volunteer hire Port Authority of New York and trian trail will he huilt through Department will host its annual New Jersey would provide Halloween party on Saturday. remediated wetlands on this prop- $350,000 toward the study. On erty. The trail, which will include Oct. 25. at the firehouse on Sept. 29. ihe New Jersey Dclafield Avenue Festivities picnic tables and a pedestrian Meadow lands Commission bridge, will be Located within close will begin at S p.m.. featuring (N'JMC) passed a resolution appro buffet, fountain drinks and proximity to the New Jersey dessert, and costume pn/es. priating another $150.{MH). bringing Aviation Hall of Fame in Teterboro. the total lo $5<X).(XX). Tickets are S20 per person, Choked up w uh emotion, sold on a first come, first serve The New Jersey Department of Dressel suggested that the new park basis. No tickets will be sold at Lnvironmcnlal Protection (DEP) be named after John Schwartz, an the door. Call 201-935-7277 or has been authorized to conduct an activist Moonachic Councilman 201-935-9981 lor tickets or independent study of the ambient who died of cancer two years ago. information. air quality at Teterboro Airport. "About 25-30 years ago. he DHP's estimated budget for the approached the county with the project is $450,000. Applications for same idea. At that time, the concept The air monitoring study will be was rejected and never went any- Elks' scholarship planned and implemented through where. A few years later, when Phil Applications are now avail the DEP and the NJMC. The inde- Engel was managing the airport, Pictured, left to right, Chairwoman of the Board of Chosen Freeholders Valerie Huttle, able for the 2(104 Most Valuable pendent, comprehensive air moni- the concept was resurrected. It's Freeholder Jim Carroll, County Executive Dennis McNerney, DEP Commission^ Brad Student Scholarship toring study will use new data and Campbell, Gov. James McGreevey and Sen. Paul Sario. w Competition program sponsored always been green on your maps. 1 collection methods, part of which think it would be nice if, when this \ •;•*? •: by the Klks National will include the placement of four Foundation. park is dedicated, his name be asso- Prevention of further expansion of already gotten some of the neces- be conducted at two sites along the air-monitoring devices around the ciated with it." Lyndhurst residents should airport lo test for several pollutants the airport and an environmental sary data," said Coalition co-chair fence line of the airport. Two addi- contact their high school student including specific volatile organic Commissioner Leonard Kaiser impact study — those objectives and Carlstadt Councilman Craig tional monitoring sites will be counselors for applications, said, "Having been involved in this are met." said Coalition co-chair. Lahullicr. "They found levels at established in residential (ran note which must be returned to compounds, carbonyls, oxides of nitrogen, and fine particulars The fight on a number of fronts and Bergen Counly Freeholder and the fence line in 48 hours midweek the airport James Rovi. scholarship chair- sharing the passion of Mayor Rutherford Mayor Bcrnadette that were many magnitudes over "Vfe in New Jersey i man, 779 Riverside Ave., gathering of emissions data is expected to take up to a year. Dressel. I'm happy to introduce McPherson. Speaking for the what was allowable by state and .suBDort to communiiy-b Lyndhurst. before Jan. 9. this resolution." Coalition, she suggested (hat federal standards — for example, such as this Tetcrboro study and "We look forward to developing The Coalition for Public Health some creditable information on the Environ, the company that the carcinogens arc supposed to be in continue the fight on the national Sacred Heart hosts and Safely, a 12-community non- Coalition had commissioned to do the neighborhood of one part per level for standards that protect pub- environmental impact of the air- profit organization, has been work- Family Beefsteak port, " said Mayor Fred Drcssel of the preliminary 48-hour study that million, but it was more like one in lie health and the environment." Sacred Heart Association ing since the late 1990s to accom- was completed in 2001. be a thousand." said Campbell. Moonachic. who heads the plish these same objectives "We'd will sponsor a Family Beefsteak Hac ken sack Meadow lands involved in this larger study. DEP Commissioner Bradley Night on Friday. Oct. 24. from 7 like to commend the Commission. "They know the area, they've Campbell said air monitoring will p.m. to 11 p.m.. at the Elks Club, 247 Park Ave.. Lyndhurst. Baskingers of Clifton will host the event. Tickets are $30 South Bergen becomes battleground for county candidates per adult and $14 per child 5-12 years of age. For more information, call Bergen County's Board of Chosen Freeholders has three open seats, and a great deal at stake. Maria Sancilio at 201-460-8388 The current leadership, all experienced private professionals, is challenged by two former or Phyllis DcLuca at 201-933- 9416 before 8 p.m. freeholders and a longtime councilman from South Bergen. There are charges of mismanage- ment and poor ethics from both sides. Has the current leadership opened up county govern- Tickets available for ment, or created a closed atmosphere? Are they breaking the status quo, or serving as a AC casino bus trip mouthpiece for a powerful political organization? These are the difficult decisions faced by Commissioner Paul Passamano Jr. announced a trip the public before stepping into the voting booths next month. to Showboat Casino in Atlantic City on Thursday. Oct. 23. open to any township resident 21 Valerie Vainieri Huttle "1 ran to put a human face on evenings. Believe it or not, people years of age and older. By Mtch*H« ROM Rarytwcfc county government, bring it out watch. It gives them an opportunity Tickets arc $15, with a coin NEwsEprron and make it visible. County gov- to see what's going on. and since return of $14. For further infor- ernment was a closed club of white we've been on TV, we've been see- mation, call 201-804-2482. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES males. Our department heads show ing more people at the meetings," Freeholder Chairwoman the face of the county now We've Huttle said. "We've been taking Subscribe now Valerie Vainieri Huttle really changed the face of govern- our meetings on the road. For for $10 a year Huttle resides in Englewood ment." she said. example, the EnCap issue. We met with her husband Frank and two Governor McGreevey appointed in Lyndhurst so those people (Out of state, $12). daughters, Alexandra and Huttle to his transition team in wouldn't have to travel all the way Call (201) 438-8700 Francesca. She runs a family 2001. She served on the committee to Hackensack to talk to us." owned and operated business in charged with developing the goals Huttle has sat on the North Bergen, the Vainieri Funeral and agenda for the State Economic Community Oversight Board at Home. She has served as president Development Agency. Bergen Regional Medical Center and director there since 1981. "One of the first things I did during her first two years of ser- TomasPadilla In January 2001, Huttle was was lo start videotaping our meet- vice, promising. To provide vigi- sworn into office as Bergen County ings - using the students from the lant oversight of the privately man- Freeholder. Two years later on Jan. Bergen County Academies who aged county hospital. I worked to 2, 2003. she was unanimously cho- need the experience - and airing have a union nurse appointed, to sen as the first ever Chairwoman them on public access channels. speak for those people who under the County Executive form Yours is Comcast Channel 12, and of government. our meeting airs at 6: IS Wednesday SEE DEMOCRATS PAGE 5 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES their friends and families." Randall been silent on, like the Xanadu pro- Elizabeth "Lisa" Randall also served as vice presideacfaf the jasVMich they've endow*" sbe As a former New Jersey New Jersey Sports and Exposition QfrComnmtalltaDtr Assembly woman, Randall voted to Authority, was NJ Commissioner Randall was an Adjunct Published at cut New Jersey's sales tax. She was of Banking aad Insurance, NJ Professor of Public Policy aj Bergen County Counsel in the Deputy Attorney General, Assistant Ramapo College aad sits oa the 251 Ridge Road • Lyndhurst Schuber Administration.
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