VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER 19 MERCER UNIVERSITY. MACON. GEORGIA APRII^J. I9B7 Mercer Asked To Expel Any Posing For Playboy Committee Debates Coeds, Newspaper, Movies RcpriiUtd from the Chrfatian In- on record as approving a The executive committee dn. Mareh 19, 1987 edition. resolution that if a student were appeal came after extended By Jack U. Harwell. Editor to pose for Playboy, that grilling of Mercer president R. Mercer University officials student be expelled from Kirby Godsey over Playboy's were urged to expel from school Mercer University.'* visit to Macon last week to any student who might pose for Mr. Claytor said: “It is photograph Mercer coeds. Playboy magazine. important for us to go on record. The visit followed a recent The appeal came from Geor­ It is redemptive. It is discipli­ listing of Mercer as one of the gia Baptist Convention execu­ nary." top 10 “party schools" in the tive committee, meeting at Francis Tracy of Harlem nation by the soft-core pom Baptist -Center in Atlanta last opposed Mr. Ciaytor ’s motion, magazine. week. saying: ‘Tm in favor of what he Dr. Godsey was also ques­ The committee approved, by But I am against directing tioned about recent issues of the vote of 54-20, a resolution the trustees to take action that Mercer student newspaper. The submitted by Robert Clayton of is clearly illegal. There are Mercer Cluster, which con­ Rome. much less expensive ways to tained ads for the Playboy It urged the committee to "go make a point." Continued on page 6 An Interview With Three of Mercer’s Playboy Models ., By Baxter Gillespie These girls were among the Skippers and asked if 1 went to This week The Cluster ones in the slumber party. Mercer. interviewed three of the eleven Cluster: How did you find out Susann Meadows: I held the Presidem Kirby Gothey girb who posed for Playboy. about the modeling job? Cluster up to a mirror. ^ According to these girls, there Lel4e Read: from the Macon Cluster: When did you were two girls who posed nude pap)er. he (David Chan) put an contact the photographer David Thousands Of Students and nine involved in a slumber ad in the paper with the times Chan. party theme pho^ session. and dates...they also came in Susann: The last day (for May Lose GSLs Next Year interviews! we could...March tenth. By tiaa Jean Silva as harsh as it is." explains Dr. Cluster: Describe the inter­ (CPS) — As many as four of Richard Rosser, president of the view process. every 10 students who have National .Association of Inde­ Susann: We had to fill out an Guaranteed Student Loans may pendent Colleges and Universi ­ envelope and a photographer not be able to get a GSL for next ties. release. year, financial aid experts how Davis, among others, now Lelee; It was a form with are saying. thinks new student aid “needs Birthdate, eye color, major, More than half the “inde­ tests** - which for the first time hobbies. pendent** studenu - those who make GSLs less available to Nancy Fesler: It asked how are financially on their own students from families with we would pose...nude, semi­ will lose all or part of their GSLs annual incomes under $30,000 nude. clothed...we all put for 1987-88. adds Dr. Jerry " are “much too stringent" and clothed. Davis of the Pennsylvania that needy students might have Susann: Not me (laughter)...! Higher Education Assistance to live “in the back of Chevys" put semi-nude but that was Agency (PHEAA). which in in order to afford school. changed when they decided to early March reassessed the The average GSL borrower do the Party thing. „ impact on students of new aid wUl lose $1,200 to $1,300 next Cluster: What did your rules going into effect this year. school year. Davis says. “It’s parents and friends say? The impact, in fact, seems to hard for students to come up Letev: My mom said it was be much more dramatic than with an extra hundred dollars a cool and that it was neat. educators predicted last Octo­ month.” Susann: My mom is going to ber, when the new rules Students themselves only buy a hundred copies. emerged in the Higher Educa ­ now are getting the bad news. Lelee: .My mom wants me to tion Act of 1986. “This is really going to hit get everyone to sign it. “I don’t think anyone expec­ people when they apply for aid Continued on page 10 ted the new needs anaiysiato be > Continued on page 13 ------------ 5------------- ------------- Changes In Cultural Arts This Week Graduation Festival To Be Held At Mercer PAGE 4 PAGE-5 PAGE 15 / PAGE 2 MERCER CLUSTER APRIL 3, 1987 Slightly Of^ Campus ‘Rolling Stone’ Names A New Northwestern Upholds Tenure Police Find My.stery Toilets In A ‘Ultimate Slu School’ Denial Of Anti-Contra Professor U. Texas ‘Shanty ’ In its annual college issue, the magazine President Arnold Weber said tenure Police patrolling the protest shanty, says.Colorado Mountain College is now shouldn’t “shield those who seek to which has been victimized 'oy vandals 12 “the ultimate ski school” In the nation, abridge the freedom of others to speak, times in 1987, said that sometime between supplanting the University of Colorado. and then announced he wouldn't grant midnight and 2 a.m. on March 12, so­ “That’s crazy,” groused Mami Berg tenure to Asst. Prof. Barbara Foley. meone snuck in and set up three toilets of CU’s ski team office. “All kinds ol Foley had disrupted an April, 1985 in the structure. people come here to ski.” campus speech by contra Adolfo Calero There were no witnesses, Students Deny Putting LSD In Coffee Vanderbilt Alums Claim Some Credit At Appalachian State ’s Snack Bar N.C. State Basketball Coach For Chrysler’s Latest Buy Stephen G. Travis, 26, on trial for Jim Valvano Gets A Bargain Rental In 1985, a Vanderbilt U. business grad allegedly lacing coffee pot contents with The Raleigh (N.C.) Times reported last students’ group project suggested “acid,” testified he and codefendant T. week that Valvano’s JTV Enterprises Chrysler buy American Motors, says O. Phillips had never been serious about rented the campus’s Reynold’s Coliseum Mark Williams, a member of the group. carrying out a “threat” that was intend­ last November for just $75, a 93% sav­ Their professor, however, didn’t think ed as “a humorous thing.” ings off the normal $1,000 a day rental the notion — which Chrysler in fact Police arrested Travis and Phillips last rate. fulfilled last week'when it announced it Mayafter seven people who had consum­ Valvano was taping a commercial for intendedto buy AMC — was a great one. ed some of the coffee from the pot in a local Hyundai dealer. Vanderbilt, Williams recalls, “gave us question complained of dizziness and a B-f, but Lee lacocca gave us an A.” hallucinations. Texas-EI Paso Students Petition To The Best Excuses A Rash Of Rapes Plagues Oust Accused Criminal From Dorm In the latest edition of' 'Campus USA ,' ’ Michigan State The El Paso district attorney dropped professors recount the most outlandish MSU officials hired more police and charges against Dwight Meyers, 19, for student explanations for why thgx^ere urg^ women notto walk across campus sexual assault on an 18-year-old woman, late for class. Among the alone until they find the people responsi­ but Barry Hall residents circulated a peti­ Stories Ever Told: ’ ’ ■' ble for 10 reported rapes in and around tion anyway asking Dean of Students Jose the campus since late December. Avila to evict Meyers. central MICHIGAN UNIVERSI­ San Diego State, Illinois and Tennessee “He’s still the same toward girls,” TY: A student said he’d been at the doc­ - all reported multiple - though probably complained student Christy Vasquez, who tor because he’d had an allergic reaction unrelated - rapes during fall semester. started the petition, “He’ll still try to to a deer he’d just killed ona hunting trjp. Separately, a Kent State study found 25 make advances and he still makes'crude . UNIVERSITY OF SANTA CLARA: percent of the women in college nation­ comments.” A marketing professor says a student once wide from 1983 to 1986 said they’d suf- told her her dog ate the diskettEon which ^ fered attempted or actual rapes. Amy Carter Escapes Brown’s she’d stored her paper. ' ^ Discipline, But Not The City’s TEMPLE UNIVERSITY: A student U, Penn. MBAs Sabotage Job Former first daughter Amy Carter and asked to leave early for spring break to Interview Schedules 19 Brown University cohorts were put on attend his sister’s wedding. In Fort Some newly minted masters of business probation — as opposed tobeing suspend­ Lauderdale. at Penn’s prestigious Wharton business ed or expelled — for disrupting a Feb. 13 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS: A college have been crossing out names and trustees meetingto demand Brown sell its woman had to leave early for springbreak inserting their own names on interview stocks in firms that do business in because “my father is flying me and some schedules for corporations coming to segregationist South Africa. of my sorority sisters to the Virgin Islands campus to recruit this spring, placement But as last week’s verdict was announc­ in his corporate jet. He doesn’t want to office Miriam Craig reports. ed by Brown’s undergrad counseling pay the pilot overtime, so we have to '' Craig says some students also have rip­ Joard, the city of• Providence, Rhode leave early in the morning.” ped out notes of what qualifications the Inland towed Carter’s car away because recruiting businesses want, i^umably to she had not paid $335 in parking tickets.
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