TABLE 31 DESCENDANTS OF MILBERRY HORN AND JOSEPH PHILIPS (See Table 27) J. 1. 5. 1. 8. MILBERRY HOHN-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Dec. 4, 176-J,.; d. ncar Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 19,1851; m. Edgecombe Co., N. C., 1785, Joseph Philips (b. l!~dgecombe Co., Oct. 81, 1768; d. ncar Nashville, Tenn., :Mny 22, 1822; removed 1791 from Edgecombe Co., N. C. to Davidson Co., Tenn.). Children: . I. Mary (Polly) Philips-b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Sept. 6, 1786; d. Apr. 1818; m. Apr. 29, 180-j., Jesse Wharton (lawyer; twice Congressman and later U. S. Senator; s. of John and RhodlL Wharton of Albemarle Co., V n.). Children: 1. John Overton Wharton-b. Jan. 28, 1805. 2. Joseph Pltilips Wha.rton-b. Oct. 10, 1806; m. Caroline ---. Chil- dren: .IJ. ~..J 1. Hobert Wharton-m. Maggie Davis. Several children. 2. Belle Wharton-d. unmarried. S. Anne Wharton-m. Mr. Buchanan. Several children. 4. Emma Wharton-m. 1st, Mr. Price; m. 2nd, Mr. Harper. 6. Mary WhlLrton-m. Bailey Pcyton. Several children. 8. Hhoda Ann Wharton-b. July 7, 1809. 4. Sarah Angelina Wharton-b. Feb. 25, 1811; m. Col. Jack Green. Child: 1. Wharton Jack Green-m. 1st, Esther Sargent Ellery; m. 2nd, Mrs. Addie Currin Davis. Children of 1st marriage of Wharton Jack Green: 1. Sarah Green-Baltimore, Md., and Newport, R. I.; m. 1st, Pembroke Jones; m. 2nd, Henry Wal­ ters (b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 26, 1848; ed. Har­ vard Univ.j largest stockholder A. C. L. R. R.; Chmn. Bd. A. C. L. and L. and N. R. R.; exten­ sh'e art collector; s. of W. T. Walters and Ellen Harper). 2. Caroline Green-unmarried. S. Mabel E. Green-Wilmington, N. C.; m. George Blow Elliott (b. N or£olk, Va., Mar. 22, 187S; cd. Va. Mil. Inst., and Harvard Univ.; Pres. and General Counsel A. C. L. R. R.; Episcopalian; s. of Warren G. Elliott and Margaret Blow). Chil­ dren: 1. Mabel Elliott-b. Sept. 9, 1900; d. Mar. 24, 1915. 2. Margaret Blow Elliott-Baltimorc, Md. j m. John Adams Hambleton. Children: 1. John Adams Hambleton II. 2. George Blow Elliott Hambleton. 341 342 THE BATTLE BOOK s. Esther Ellery Elliott-Wilmington, N. C. 2. Sallie Philips-Davidson Co., Tenn.; b. Edgecombe Co., N. C., Aug. 1, 1788; d. Davidson Co., Tcnn., 1858; m. Davidson Co., lleb. II, 1807, William Wil­ liams (b. Halifax Co., N. C., Apr. 15, 1776; d. Davidson Co., Tenn., Mar. 6, 1862; lawycr and planter; grad. 1799, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.; re­ moved 180·1- to Tenn. Ilnd purchascd Evans grant of 6,1-0 acres on Gallatin Pike near Nasln'ille, which remained in hands of family until 1929; Elder Presby­ terian Church; s. of Elisha Williams and Sarah Josey). Children: 1. Elizabeth (Betsy) Williams-b. Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 2, 1808; d ..Mar. 2'J" 1826; m. 1\Iar. 10, 1826, Evander McIvcr. 2. Martha Hunter (Patsy) Williams-b. Davidson Co., 'l'enn., Nov. 29, 1809; d. Nov. 8, 1888. 8. Charlotte Philips Williams-b. Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 26, 1812; d. Nashvillc, June 21, 1887, m. Nashville, Dec. 25, 1860, Col. William B. A. Ramsey (b. Knoxl'ille, Feb. '1-, 1799; d. Nashville, Apr. 27, ]874). No children. 4. Henry Williams-b. Dal'idson Co., Tenn., 1\1ay 8, 1814; d. 1826. 5. William Williams II-Davidson Co., Tenn.; physician; b. Davidson Co., I~eb. 25,1819; d. Davidson Co., Feb. 12, 1888; grad. 1889, Nash­ ville (Tenn.) Univ.;, taugllt male academy 8 yrs.; grad. 1845, Louis­ ville (Ky.) Medical College; located Hendersonville, Sumner Co., Tenn.; Presbyterian; m. Sumner Co., May 10, 1849, Elizabeth Don­ elson (b. Sumner Co., Aug. 25, 1880; d. Nashville, Aug. 80, 19] 8; d. of Daniel Smith Donelson and Margaret Branch). Children: 1. Margaret Williams-b. Sumner Co., Tenn., ~Iay S, 1850; m. Davidson Co., Scott Davis (b. Wilson Co.; d. Franklin Co.; s. of John R. Davis and Caroline Penelope Hunter). Child: 1. Bessie Williams Davis-Nashville, Tc.nn.; b. Win­ chester, Sept. 28, ] 877; Unitarian; unmarried. 2. E,'ander Williams-Memphis, Tenn.; hardware mercllllDt; b. Davidson Co., Dec. 15, ] 855; m. Elizabeth Bate, d. of Humphrey and Tyrce Bate. Cllildren: ]. Bate Williams-Memphis, Tenn.; hardware mer­ chant; b. Memphis; unmarried. 2. Elizabeth WiHiams-d. aged 7 years. 8. Sallie Williams-Madison, Tenn.; h. Davidson Co., Sept. 22, 1859; Presbyterian; m. Davidson Co., Dec. 21, 1886, Nicholas Sumner Love (b. Davidson Co., Sept. 15, 1859; s. of Nicholas O. Love and Janc Sumncr). Children: 1. William Iverson Love-Madison, Tenn.; b. Oct. S, ]887. 2. Daniel Donelson Love-d. infant. 4. Willillm Henry Williams-Davidson Co., Tenn.; farmer; h. Davidson Co., Mar. 16, 1861; d. Davidson Co., Apr. 22, 1897; unmarried. 5. Emma Williams-Nashville, Tenn.; b. near Nashville, Apr. 14, 1866; Presbyterian; m. near Nashville, Mar. 2, 1897, Dr. William Louis Dismukcs (b. Jones Bend, Mar. SO, 1850; s. of Paul Dismukes and Elizabeth Burks). No children. TABLE 31 343 6. Eula Williams-Nashville, Tenn.; b. near Nashville, Nov. 17, 1867; Presbyterian; m. Nashville, I·'eb. 17, 1889, Rob­ ert Vaughn (b. Nashvillc, Aug. 10, 1856; d. Nashville, Dec. 29, 1928; A. B. 1876, Univ. Nashville; LL. B. 1877, Cum­ bcrland Univ., Lebanon; 1892-1902, Atty. Gen., Davidson Co.; 1906-18, Clerk and Master, Davidson Co.; owned and occupied old Vaughn homestcad in 11th Dist., granted by state of N. C., Feb. 16, 178,10, to John Thomas, a paternal ances­ tor; s. of Michael Vaughn and Emma Augusta Baxter). Children: J. Elizabcth Donclson Vaughn-b. N ashville, Tenn., Sept. 19, 1890; d. Nashville, May 28, 1891. 2. Emma Baxtcr Vllughn-Nasbvillc, Tenn.; b. Nash­ ville, July 8, 1893; ed. Ward Seminary, Nash­ ville; m. Nashville, Oct. 6, 192], Joel Battle Fort II, s. of Joel Battle Fort and Sallie D. McKay (Scc Tablc 88). No childrcn. 6. Mary Wharton Williams-b. Davidson Co., Tenn., Sept. 5, 1821; d. Mar. 21, 1889; m. Dr. Porter. No children. 7. John Wharton (Jack) Williams-b. Davidson Co., Tcnn.; m. 1st, Miss 'Pennington of Tenn.; m. 2nd, Anna Fletcher of Ark. C~ldren of 2nd marriage of John Wharton Williams: 1. Susan Williams. 2. Elliott Williams-m. Mattie Rozzell. Children: 1. Margaret Anna Williams-m. Frederick Small. Cllildren: 1. 1\1 artha Small. 2. William Frederick Small. 2. Elizabeth Williams. 8. Sallie Philips Williams. 8. Joseph Philips Williams-b. 1824; d. 1846. 9. Maria Graham Williams-b. 1826; d. 1853; unmarricd. 10. Evnnder McIver Williams-b. 1829; d. 1855. 8. Rebccca Philips-b. Edgecombe Co .• N. C., Apr. 16, 1790; d .•July 1792. 4. Martha Philips-b. Davidson Co., Tenn., Dce. 11, 1792; m. Sept. 24, 1809, Thomas Martin (For descendants, see Tablc 82). Ii. Charlotte PhiHps-b. Davidson Co., 'fenn., NOl'. 25, ]795; drowned in Cum­ berland River, July 23, ] 811, while nttcnding Priestly Springs School. 6. Hcnry Horn Philips-h. Davidson Co., Tcnn., Scpt. 5, 1797; d. Oct. 4, 1816; unmarried. ..t. Margnrct Thomas Philips-b. Davidson Co., 'fenn., Sept. 80, 1799; m. 1815, Josiah Frederick Williams (For descendants, see Table 88). 8. Joseph Hooper Philips-b. Davidson Co., Tcnn., Jan. 2, 1808; d. 1808. 9. William Duncan Philips-Davidson Co., Tcnn.; planter (See his likeness and picturc of borne on page prcceding Tablc 27); h. Davidson Co., June 10, 18040; d. Davidson Co., Junc 15, 1879; cd. Rev. Thomas B. Craighead's Academy; m. 1st, ] 825, Susan B. Clark, d. of Thomas N. Clark of South West Point; m. 2nd, 1828, Eliza Dwycr (See likeness on page preceding Table 27; b. Dub- 844 THE BATTLE BOOK lin, Ireland; d. DI1\'idson Co., 'fenn., J872; d. of Daniel Dwyer, merchant of l~ranklin) . Children of 2nd marriage of William Duncan Philips: 1. Sarah Philips-d. young. 2. l\filbrey Catherine Philips-Nashville, Tenn.; b. Davidson Co., Feb. 8, 1833; Catholic; Dl. Nashville, May 5, 1858, William Perkins Hard­ ing (b. Sept. 18, 1822; d. Nashville, Sept. 16, 1908; son of 'I'homas Harding and Elizabeth Waller). Children: 1. Madge Bosley Harding-Nashville, Tenn.; b. Nashville, Feb. 27, 185'1.; unmarried. 2. Mollie DeMovillc Harding-Fort Worth, Tex.; b. Nash­ villc ,Tenn., Oct. 18,1859; Episcopalian; m. Nashville, Nov. 240, 1885, James Hilliard Polk (b. Nashville, Jan. 8, 1842; d. N 0\'. 27, 1926; Capt. C. S. A.; captured, imprisoned at Camp Chase, Ft. Delaware, Morris Island, and later under nre of his own guns for 6 weeks off coast of Charleston; last of "Immortal Six Hundred"; s. of George Washington Polk and Sally Leak Hilliard). Children: 1. Harding Polk-Washington, D. C.; Major Caval­ ry, U. S. Army; b. Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 16, 1887; grad. 1910, U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, N. Y.; served as commissioned officer in U. S., . Mexico, l>hilippines, and France during the World t I War; Catholic; m. Burlington, Iowa, Dec. 29, I 1910, Marie Esther Fleming (b. Burlington, Dec. r 5, 1887; d. of John Joseph Fleming and Mollie Bracken). Children: 1. James Hilliard Polk-b. Batangas, Phil­ ippines, Dec. 18, 1911. 2. John Fleming Polk-b. Burlington, Iowa, Aug. 11, 1914. 8. Mary Gertrude Polk-b. Burlington, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1916. 4. Harding Polk II-b. Leavenworth, Kans.,. Apr. 18, 1921; d. Leavenworth, Aug. 19, 1921. 5. 1'homas Harding Polk-b. Leavenworth, Kans., July 20, 1922. 2. George Washington Polk-Fort Worth, Tex.; law­ yer; b. Fort Worth, Nov. 18, 1888; grad. V. 1\1. I., I.exington, VIl., and Univ. Tex., Austin; attended Columbia Univ., New York City; Capt. Artillery, World War; m. Chicago, Ill., Dec. 28, 1912, Ade­ laide Eliznbeth Roe (b.

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