INTERNATIONAL MINERAL & MINING INVESTMENT Mining for economic and industrial development Conference 2021 www.madini.go.tz | MINISTRY OF MINERALS 1st Edition Tanzania Mining Industry on the Verge of a New Era Years of Tremendous Growth THEME: “Mining Sector for Stable Economy and Sustainable Development” Karibu Tanzania, the home of Tanzanite EDITORIAL CHIEF EDITOR Prof. Simon Msanjila Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Minerals CONTRIBUTORS Asteria Muhozya - Ministry of Minerals Francis Mihayo - Ministry of Minerals Nuru Mwasampeta - Ministry of Minerals Tito Mselem - Ministry of Minerals Steven Nyamiti - Ministry of Minerals Edwin Ndetekela - Ministry of Minerals Nelly Mtema - TSN Abdallah Msuya - TSN GRAPHIC DESIGNER Abubakari .W. Kafumba - MAELEZO PUBLISHER Tanzania Standard Newspapers - TSN CONFERENCE SPONSORS International Mineral and Mining Investment Conference 2021. All rights Reserved. Reproduction whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission. Opinions expressed in the International Mineral and Mining Investment Conference 2021 are not necessarily those of the Editor or publisher. All reasonable care is taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but editor and publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or ommissions in articles, advertising, photographs or illustrations. Unsolicited Manuscripts are welcome but cannot be returned without a stamped, self addressed envelope. Welcome Note from Minister for Minerals Doto Biteko t is my great pleasure to wel- income, create stable relations sector and eventually raise the come all players and other key between mining stakeholders economic value of mining and Istakeholders to the Internation- and the community. Apart from mineral activities. The theme of al Mineral and Mining Investment that, the Conference aims at get- this years Conference is Mining Conference 2021 that will be held ting direct experience from differ- Sector for Stable Economy and from 21-24 February 2021 at the ent stakeholders who have wide Sustainable Development. In our Julius Nyerere International Con- knowledge in mining investment website, specifically for the con- vention Centre (JINCC) in Dar es and mineral value chain and gain ference, you will find various links Salaam City. a common understanding of the that helps you get more informa- management of the mining sector tion, including the registration The 2021 Conference is a continu- and maximise benefits from the process. ation of other mining conferences extractive industry. held in 2019 and 2020 and will be Therefore, I welcome you all to maintained every year. The 2021 conference is expected to Tanzania, a country with condu- present a highly acclaimed pro- cive investment environment, in- The aim of establishing this Con- gramme with more interactive, ed- cluding good geological setting, ference is to create a platform for ucational and networking events. political stability, international- discussing the Mining Industry in ly competitive legal framework Tanzania, achievements, oppor- The Conference aims to bring key and fiscal regime, vast untapped tunities, challenges and deliber- players together to discuss and mineral resources, access to geo- ate solutions to different obsta- link up one another business, un- graphical resource database with cles hindering the development derstand market demands, and adequate and updated informa- of the sector in order to increase standards required to increase tion and infrastructure devel- its contribution to the national Tanzanians' participation in the opment such as power railways, roads, ports and airports. i It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to the Tanzania’s Third IInternational Mineral and Mining Investment Conference 2021. The theme of this year’s Conference is “Mining Sector for Stable Econo- my and Sustainable Development”. Indeed, the 2021 Conference focus- es on the mineral sector’s transpar- ency and explores the link between the mineral sector development and poverty reduction by linking Welcome Note from with other sectors of the economy. As we meet here today, global min- Permanent Secretary eral markets are beginning to be Prof. Simon Msanjila affected by the world economy’s continuing uncertainty. Investment in Tanzania and Im- here at Julius Nyerere International Minerals play a key role in support- pacts of Mining to the Indigenous Convention Centre. ing consumer needs. However, in will be presented by Mark Bristow, some cases, mining activities have the President of Barrick Corpora- Next year’s Conference theme will generated very limited benefits for tion. be communicated. We are confi- producing countries in terms of dent that your attendance will fur- economic growth and poverty re- Members will consider best prac- ther strengthen the Conference’s duction. Indeed, despite the prog- tices in the whole range of mining complementarity. ress achieved since 2000, some sector issues, the challenges they mining activities still have adverse face in addressing these issues and Tanzania looks forward eagerly to social and environmental conse- proposed measures to enable them the outcome of this year’s Confer- quences for the communities living to exercise better governance. ence sessions. We see it as a key next to extraction sites. advisor on best practices in mining I am convinced that the discus- to advance capacity in developing In this context, this Conference’s sions will be an essential step by our country as well as on global activities aim to improve the min- the Government to build capacity policies that may affect the mining ing industry’s governance so that and support good governance in sector. the sector makes a substantial the mining sector. contribution to sustainable devel- Let me assure you that Tanzania will opment. The Conference is inclusive, bring- continue to provide its steadfast ing together participants from all support to the Intergovernmental Since its inception in 2019, the Con- mineral value chain links. It is the Conference’s activities on Mining ference has focused its work on only event in the mining sector and Sustainable Development. reviewing and discussing emerging during which leading mining com- best practices in mining-related is- panies, executives from the private I wish you successful deliberations. sues, be they social, environmental sector, high ranking policymakers or economic. and activists from civil society in- Thank you. teract freely. It is one of the most The previous meetings provided an highly attended events in Tanzania, opportunity to prepare for the de- with about 1,500 participants an- liberations related to mining and nually since its inception. investment in the mineral sector framework. The major achievement We would like to thank those of has been the successful amedment you who will be participating in the of the Mining Act (2010). One of the Conference, and invite all of you to key substantive topic in this year’s join in the next one, which will take Conference is Large Scale Mining place on the same dates next year ii ii GET TO KNOW TANZANIA’S MINISTRY OF MINERALS he Ministry of Minerals (MoM) The Ministry oversees five insti- Twas established under the Pre- tutions: The Mining Commission, sidential Order published GN The Geological Survey of Tanza- No. 143 dated on 22nd April, 2016. nia (GST), the State Mining Cor- poration (STAMICO), Tanzania Ex- The Ministry is mandated to for- tractive Industries Transparency mulate and monitor the imple- Initiative (TEITI) and Tanzania mentation of mining policies; Gemological Centre (TGC). mines, geophysical and Geolog- ical Survey; Mining Commission Vision affairs; value addition in mining To be a leading and reputable industry; local content in mining institution in managing mineral industry; Small Scale Mining De- resources for contribution to the velopment; performance improve- national economy and wellbeing ment and development of the hu- of Tanzanians. man resource. Mission The Ministry is also mandated to To manage mineral resources ef- monitor extra ministerial depart- fectively and efficiently through ments performance, Parastatals sound policy and legal frameworks Organization, Agencies, and Proj- for the benefits of Tanzanians. ects Operating under the Ministry. iii Why Mineral and Mining Investment Conference? n February 22 and 23, 2020, service providers and companies EXPECTED BENEFITS Tanzania Ministry of Minerals involved in mining, mineral pro- organizedO the International Min- cessing and export. 1. To promote investments in the eral and Mining Investment Con- mining sector. ference 2020 with the theme 3. To discuss and gain a common “Sustainable Investment and Part- understanding of the mining sec- 2. Increase investment capital in nership”. tor’s management and maximise the mining sector from local com- the minerals/mining benefits. mercial banks. The Conference presented a high- ly acclaimed program with more 4. To share and gain understand- 3. To enhance the participation of interactive, educational and net- ing on the linkage between the private sector in extractive sector working events where the indus- export procedures used and the value addition chain. try key players came together at ICGLR certificate. 4. To improve the extractive indus- Julius Nyerere International Con- try linkage with other key sectors vention Centre in Dar es Salaam 5. To bring mining players from the for national economic growth. – Tanzania. Government, private sector and specifically mining industry and 5. Improved for mining, processing Over 1500
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