AFR/RC53/18 Fifty‐third Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa Johannesburg, South Africa, 1–5 September 2003 Final Report Fifty‐third Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa Johannesburg, South Africa, 1–5 September 2003 Final Report World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa Brazzaville ∙ 2003 AFR/RC53/18 © WHO Regional Office for Africa (2003) Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. Printed in the Republic of Congo CONTENTS Pages ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................. viii PART I PROCEDURAL DECISIONS Decision 1: Composition of the Subcommittee on Nominations ......................................... 3 Decision 2: Election of the Chairperson, the Vice‐Chairpersons and the Rapporteurs .... 3 Decision 3: Appointment of members of the Subcommittee on Credentials ..................... 4 Decision 4: Credentials .............................................................................................................. 4 Decision 5: Replacement of members of the Programme Subcommittee ........................... 4 Decision 6: Provisional agenda of the fifty‐fourth session of the Regional Committee ... 5 Decision 7: Agenda of the one‐hundred‐and‐thirteenth session of the Executive Board ..................................................................................................... 5 Decision 8: Method of work and duration of the Fifty‐seventh World Health Assembly ................................................................................................................ 5 Decision 9: Choice of subjects for the Round Tables in 2004 ............................................... 6 Decision 10: Dates and places of the fifty‐fourth and fifty‐fifth sessions of the Regional Committee ............................................................................................. 7 Decision 11: Nomination of representatives of the African Region to the Policy and Coordination Committee (PCC) of the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) ............................................................................................. 7 Decision 12: Nomination of representatives of the African Region on the Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board .................................................................................. 8 Decision 13: Qualifications and selection of the Regional Director .................................... 8 Regional Committee: Fifty-third session Page iii RESOLUTIONS AFR/RC53/R1: Macroeconomics and health: The way forward in the African Region............................................................................................................... 10 AFR/RC53/R2: Strengthening the role of hospitals in national health systems ................ 11 AFR/RC53/R3: Injury prevention and control in the African Region: Current situation and agenda for action..................................................................................... 13 AFR/RC53/R4: Women’s health: A strategy for the African Region................................... 14 AFR/RC53/R5: Food safety and health: Situation analysis and perspectives .................... 16 AFR/RC53/R6: Scaling up the interventions against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.............................................................................................................. 18 AFR/RC53/R7: Vote of thanks .................................................................................................. 20 PART II REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE Paragraphs OPENING OF THE MEETING ............................................................................................ 1–36 Statements by guest speakers ...................................................................................... 34–36 ORGANIZATION OF WORK ............................................................................................ 37–45 Composition of the Subcommittee on Nominations ...................................................... 37 Election of Chairpersons, Vice‐Chairpersons and Rapporteurs ................................... 38 Adoption of the agenda...................................................................................................... 39 Adoption of the hours of work.......................................................................................... 40 Appointment of members of the Subcommittee on Credentials ............................ 41–45 THE WORK OF WHO IN THE AFRICAN REGION 2002: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR (document AFR/RC53/2)........................ 46–140 General programme development and management .............................................. 48–75 Health systems and services development................................................................ 76–87 Prevention and control of communicable diseases ................................................ 88–101 Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases........................................ 102–113 Page iv Regional Committee: Fifty-third session Family and reproductive health .............................................................................. 114–123 Healthy environments and sustainable development ......................................... 124–131 Administration and finance ..................................................................................... 132–139 Adoption of the Annual Report....................................................................................... 140 CORRELATION BETWEEN THE WORK OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD AND THE WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY ................. 141–165 Ways and means of implementing resolutions of regional interest adopted by the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board (document AFR/RC53/3) .......................................................................................... 142–154 Agendas of the one‐hundred‐and‐thirteenth session of the Executive Board, the Fifty‐seventh World Health Assembly and the fifty‐fourth session of the Regional Committee (document AFR/RC53/4) .......................................... 155–158 Method of work and duration of the World Health Assembly (document AFR/RC53/5) .......................................................................................... 159–162 Evaluation of the implementation of resolution WHA51.31, Regular budget allocations to regions (document AFR/RC53/14) .................................................. 163–165 REPORT OF THE PROGRAMME SUBCOMMITTEE (document AFR/RC53/7) ................................................................................................. 166–253 Macroeconomics and health: The way forward in the Africa Region (document AFR/RC53/8 Rev. 1)............................................................................... 169–182 Strengthening the role of hospitals in national health systems (document AFR/RC53/9 Rev. 1)............................................................................... 183–192 Injury prevention and control in the African Region: Current situation and agenda for action (document AFR/RC53/10 Rev. 1) ..................................... 193–202 Women’s health: A strategy for the African Region (document AFR/RC53/11 Rev. 1)............................................................................. 203–216 Food safety and health: Situation analysis and perspectives (document AFR/RC53/12 Rev. 1)............................................................................. 217–227 Scaling up interventions against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (document AFR/RC53/13 Rev. 1)............................................................................. 228–246 Eradication of dracunculiasis in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC53/INF/Doc.1) .................................................................................. 247 SARS preparedness and response in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC53/INF/Doc.2) .......................................................................... 248–249 Regional Committee: Fifty-third session Page v Qualifications and selection of the Regional Director (document AFR/RC53/15) ........................................................................................ 250–253 ROUND TABLES (documents AFR/RC53/RT1, AFR/RC53/RT2, AFR/RC53/RT3) ................................................................................................................. 254–259 DATES AND PLACES OF THE FIFTY‐FOURTH AND FIFTY‐FIFTH SESSIONS OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE (document AFR/RC53/17) ............ 260–261 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE (document AFR/RC53/18)
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