CONDON GAZEffE, MAY 24, 1864. said Joseph William Thrapp, who ia now~the surviving only to the claims of which they shall then have.had notice; executor of the 'said John Collins,- at the offices of his and further, that they will not be liable for any'part of such Solicitors, Messrs. Burgoynes, Millies, and Burgoyne, assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have situate at No. 160, Oxford-street, London, on or before the had notice.—Dated this 23rd day of May, 1864. 7th day of July, 1864, at the expiration of which time the CHARLES RIVINGTON, No. 1, Fenchurch- said surviving executor will distribute the assets of the said buildings. John Collins among the parties entitled thereto, having re- WILLIAM CHADWELL MYLNE, Esquire, Deceased. gard to the claims of which the said surviving executor shall Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Victoria, then have had notice, and will not be liable for the assets, cap. 35, intituled "An Act to further amend the Law of so distributed, to any 'person of whose debt or claim the said Property, and to relieve Trustees." surviving executor shall not then have notice.—Dated this OTICE is hereby given, that .ill persons having claims 19th day of May, 1864. N against the estate of William Ohadwell Mylne, formerly BURGOYNES, MILNES, and BURGOYNE, of the New River Head, in the parish of ClerkenweiJ, in No. 160, Oxford-street, London, Solicitors for the the county of Middlesex, and late of Am well, in the county said Joseph William Thrnpp. of Hertford, Esquire, deceased, who died on the 25th day of December, 1863, and whose will was proved, on the 12th ABRAHAM MURCOTT, Deceased. day of February last, in the 'Principal Registry of Her Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23nl Majesty's Court of Probate, by Robert William Mylne,' of Victoria, chapter 35, entitled " An Act to further amend Whitehall-place, in the county of Middlesex, Esquire, Wil- the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees." liam Chadwell Mylne, of Bush Hill, Edmonton, in the said OTICE is hereby given, that the creditors and all county of Middlesex, Esquire, and Charles Rivington, of N persons having any, claims or demands upon the estate Fenchurch-buildings, in the city of London, Gentleman, the of Abraham Murcott, late of Tintern Villa, Leamington executors therein named, are required to send in the parti- Priors, in the county of Warwick, Gentleman, deceased '• culars of their claims to the said executors, at the oihce of (who died on or about the 29th day of October, liitiS, and the said Charles Rivington, No. 1, Fenchurch-buildings whose will, with one codicil, was proved in the Birmingham aforesaid, Solicitor to the said executors, on or before the District Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 1st day of August next, after which day the said executors 16th day of December, 1863, by John Murcott, Martha will proceed to distribute, the assets of the said deceased Cattell Murcott, and Samuel. Umbers, the executors thereof), among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to are hereby required to send in the particulars, in writing, of the claims of which they shall then have had notice; and such claims and demands as aforesaid, to us, the under- further, that they will not be liable for any part of such signed, Messrs. Haynes and Moore, the Solicitors to the assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have executors of the deceased, on or before the 20th day of July had notice.—Dated this 23rd day of May, 1864. next, at the expiration of which time the said- executors CHARLES RIVINGTON, No. 1, Fenchurch- will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator buildings. among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims only of which such notice shall have been given as Mr. GEORGE WHITAKER, Deceased. aforesaid; and that the said executors will not be liable for Pursuant to an Act of Parliament made and passed in the the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person 22nd and 23rd years of the reign of Her present Majesty, of whose debt or claim the said executors, shall not then Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act to further amend the have had notice.—Dated this 20th day"of May, 1864. Lawof Property, and to relieve Trustees." HAYNES and MOORE, Jury-street, Warwick, OTICE is hereby given, that ail persons having any Solicitors to the Executors. N claims or demands upon or against the estate of George Whitaker, late of No 6, Jarratt-street, in the borough of JAMES TULLOCH, Esquire, Deceased. Kingston-upon-Hull, Gentleman, who died on the 13th day Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rU Victoria, (( of June, 186J, intestate, and to whose estate and effects cap. 35,-intituled An Act-to further amend the Law of letters of administration were, on the 5th day of May instant, Property, and to relieve Trustees." "granted to Thomas Whitaker, of the parish of Sculcoates, OTICE is hereby given, that all persons having claims in the borough of Kingston-upon-Hull aforesaid, Captain in N against the estate of James Tulloch, Lite of Montague- Her Majesty's Royal Navy, out of the District Registry, place, Bedford-square, in the county of Middlesex, Esquire, at York, of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, are hereby deceased, who died on the 22nd day of March, 1863, and required to send the particulars, in writing, of their respective whose will was proved on the 23rd day of April, 1S63, in debts or claims, to me, the undersigned, the Solicitor to the the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, s:iid administrator, on or before the 1st day of September, by Jane Ann. Tulloch, Widow of the said James Tulloch, lt!64, after which day the said administrator will proceed to deceased, and Charles Rivington,. of Fenchurch-buijdings, distribute the assets of the said George Whitaker among in the city of London, Gentleman, the executrix and sur- the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims viving executor therein named, arc required to send in par- only of which he shall then have had notice; and that the ticulars of their claims to the said executors, at the Office said administrator will not be liable for the assets, or any of the said Charles Rivington, No. 1, Fencuurch-buildiugs part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose debt or aforesaid, Solicitor to the said executors, on or before the claim he shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 18th 1st day of August next, after which day the executrix and day of May, 1864. executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said EDWARD S. WILSON, No. 6, Whitefriar-gate, deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard Hull, Solicitor to the said Administrator. only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice; and further, that .they will not be liable for any part.of such JOHN HALE FRANCE, Deceased. assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have Pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in the session of had notice.—Dated this 23rd day of May, 1864. Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd years of tbe reign of CHARLES .RIVINGTON, No 1, Fenchurch- Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to further buildings. amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees." OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other •-- GEORGE HENRY HOOPER, Esquire, Deceased. N persons having any debts, claims, or demands against Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Victoria, the estate of John Hate France, formerly of Pall Mall, a d cap. 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of late of No. 1, Park-place-terrace, Paddington, both in the Property, and to relieve Trustees." county of Middlesex, Esquire, deceased (who died on the OTICE is hereby given, that all persons having claims 9th day of April, 1864, and probate of whose will was N against the estate of George Henry Hooper, formerly granted, out of the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's of C •leman-street-buildings, in the city of London, Mer- Court of Probate, on the 5th day of May, 1U64, to John chant, and afterwards of Bloomsbury-square and Great .France, of No. 1, Omega-terrace, Alpha-road, St. John's Staninoru, both in the county of Middlesex, and late of Wood-road, in the county of Middlesex, Esquire, and Jam. 8 Regency, square, Brighton, iu the county of Sussex, Esquire, France Hill, of No. 23, Little Saint Andrew-street; Upper deceased, who died on the 15th day of June, 1863, and Saint Martin's-lane, in the county of Middlesex, -Gas whose wUl was proved, on the 9th day of July last, in the Engineer, the executors therein named), are hereby required Principal .Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, by to send in the particulars of their debts, claims, or demands the Reverend Joseph Mande, of Chirk, in the county of to tbe said executors, at the offices of the undersigned, on Denbigh, Clerk, Charles Rivington, of Fenchurch-buildings, or before the 24th of June next, after the expiration of in the city of London, Gentleman, and the Reverend Robert which time the said executors will distribute the assets of Poole Hooper, of Cambridge-road, Brighton aforesaid. the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, bavin* Clerk, the executors therein named, are required to send in regard to those debts, claims, and demands only of which the particulars of their chums to the said executors, at the they shall have then had notice; and the said -executors office of the.
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