THE METAL MARKET - "ihh may rrvme- mm a wwiK of m(lfnt rtemirtrri arlvrsnistna: 1 Ittern uml be Slew Tat xlrcr--. n. Nee Vis lea .. Bflrujitg imt$ 37TH YEAR f 30EL PASO, TEXAS. TUESDAY. JANUARY 16, 1917. ENGLISH SECTION--FOURTEE- PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS MEDIATION CONFERENCE RESULTS IN TRIUMPH FOR MEXICANS LAWSON HURLS BOMB INTO CAMP OF INVESTIGATORS; UNCONDITIONAL RECALL OF - SAYS HENRY TOLD HIM ABOUT STOCK GAMBLING POOL PERSHING EXPEDITION IS Treasury SonrkrLaw President Wilson, Secretary of and of ZIMMERMAN SAYS Mentioned in Inquiry. REliUMMENDED TIJ PRESIDENT SECRETARY NAMED "Leak" M100 ENTENTE REPLY a aBstta9 Carranza Representatives) Convinced Mr. Wilson Will at AMONG PROMINENT MEN IN BARS FURTHER Once Order Withdrawal of American Troop and Send Ambassador to Mexico City. v Ikn. PEACEMOVE. ttttttW Commission Adjourns Without Any Agreement for Adjust BkL SCHEME TO RAID MARKET ment of Questions PeraMhfj, but American Member In Particular It Preclude Any An Decline to Admit Its Complete Failure. nouncement by Berlin of Con ÉtWW Designed to Answer Secretary Tumulty Also Mentioned as Being Among Those sBBBbV atsm diliont. Associated prcas. Terms Set Forth in Answer to New York, Jan. It The Mexican Ameri- Who "Received His Bit" in Connection With Advance can Joint commission which railed to er- President Wilson's Note 01 TRKTAnO f'ONt EVTION TO or Is- Information on President's Peace Note. red an adjustment the queeunn at imVCLl'DE WORK THIS MONTH. ' sue between Mexico and Uie Cnltcd State By Associated press Is Foreign Minister Declares Door after e series tr conference that began Otieretaro. Jan. ir. The ConsJJuUonal as- .Statímínr Promritlv Denied bv Chairman Henry Are Not Finally Closed to Later Ef four months ago. was formally dissolved sembly adopted articles today providing lite fodiy. tila I Uie Mexican congress shall meet on Reiterated by Lawson, Who Tearfully Declares He Will forts Before One Side or Other secretary' Of Ihe Interior Lane and the nr the American commis- Stoptembcr I, and that its regular tesalnns SBatTBswea Is Completely Crushed; H other members Not Permit Himself to Be Made "Goat." anj Hm sion. Dr. J. n. MoU and Judge nebrtra shall not extend beyond Deramber 31. Faith in Teuton Troops. orsv. (Old the Mexicans that they had Another article makes a vote of recommended to President Wilson the dis- Uie members or both houses of congres patch to Mexico or Ambassador Fletcher necessary to presi- Ht Associated knew Uie naiur by Ilie .Initial rtO. To override tne veto of Uie Pre. or Uie troops Jan. 15. --Thorn W. complete tlie sensation, ihv.-i.- went on to siic!sled Press. and the withdrawal Amerlran dent. WuhlnrtoD. Ui rrom haled before the houm- ruin com- charge that Paul M. Warburg, or th fed- Herlln. SutHUiy, Jan. It. Wireless the chihuahua. The delegates dereated an effort to piare mittee to tell what he knew or had heard eral reserve board, had knuwledge or the sorlsled Press via ssayvltle) Ir. Alfred Mexican Problem Reierts President. the i;n of Mexico under uie government snout á stork market leak on iTrnident leak machinery; repeated a rumor that ajiPj WM .linmeriiian. Uie Herman foreign minister. Ii... Americans impressed upon ihe or a board or conumsHioners, instead or Use InriirnM-rrtb- today Wilson's peace not? or he punt calmly Count von BeniaTorfr, I he Herman ambassa- Associated Pn lhat in Mexicans with the dissolution nr the ayuntamiento, or free board or aldermen, Ins reply to that declared today that tin- congressman w!m dor, bad made two millions in tlie stock upln oil Ibe .entente President commission, the Mexican problem revert- which has governed the city since IsgL Wilson' peses note the possibility for told him a cabinet orrirer. a senator and market, and gave out a 111 ul known bsrs to WITson They were rare-fil- l The assembly decided, arter considerable Ihe present or tlemiMt steps to ed Presideni a were engaged m a stock iriambimg men whom he Uiought should be questioned. rurther Mex- debate, that its sessions must be conclud- banker bring pear's. In particular, he not to leave in the minds of the pool. wa none other lian Representative The committee promptly issued subpocnaes iboul said. the president Wilson ed January SI. in accordance with the de- ' II precluded any announcement by icans conrlcuon thst H. L. Henry, chairman or the committee. ror all or lliem. direct would sccept the recommendation an cree under which ll was convsmed. Many iiennany or her eondiuons. In answer to thst delegates Involve Secretary MoAdoo. Secretary Tumulty Rrreires "Hps Bit." a. ei diplomat would be sent to asserted during the discussion re- the icrnts set loitli it Uie litest entente edited It Then heroic his hearers had time to Mr. l.awson said lio had b en told that Mexico and tleneral Pershing's force that. wat Impossible to complete the la- sprung; lev that Uie cover rrom the shock, Lawson one Malcolm McAdcxC tlie secretory' brother, be withdrawn, but Ihe IntlmaUon that he bor of assembly by that dato. sensation after another by declaring Uiat knew ..i the leak.' as did C. B. Barney and Dees Not Ktttally Cldse Door. would do so was conveyed. to wa Sec- y.tmuiermuin howeveV, TRAIN SJKBYICK IN o the cabinet officer rererred company and Stewart O, tilhboney. or new Dr. assertod, hit Look Full Diplnniallr Relations, ' as H. or the answer or entente to the for ii mu. Mini. retary AfrAdoo, that the banker York. A Mrs. Rntli Thomason VlnconU, lmWKÍKrvr?BtC sj-v-r- l the president In ptte of the Americans' care, however, nest to In did not finally and completely close the Mex- l llney Flake, or New York, and that he this city, lie aald, bad declared him the Mexicans hail little dmibt tonight Haauniption of terrina over the i I door lo errori ror peace before one that the presence or her attorney, that Secretary Islof full diplomatic relations between the two ican canlrai and Mexico Northwestern wa Tumulty "received his bit" ami that W. W. ymmoQ government soon ihe on island in feature or yesterday's 1 would or correspondí The foreign niliilator. In ihe course or a be Prlcei one the White House ..i that unlet unexpected compllcaUon la tin tllunlon m Nortliain ge ror Tumulty with the Associated A STAGE IS SET FUR mu,' wa "the between convertstlon Pre gris. American troop would Mexico. rreight arrived eelrrday after- Plin-- y last nlglit. dmiareii, although be withdrawn noon and other." n Hu rrom Mexican territory within a few days over Uie Mexico NorthweftUrn, and .reren ad id previously with reluctance, thai :t was lmposible for was the hanker he The probability such action was Inclmt two n eight trains and a passenger train a ornear, and Arch- him to give a more derlnite or of over as dominating rabluei - tialement ed in the report or the which Uie Mexicirr central arrived late last given him CAMIIVETTF DIOGS LIFE OF ADMIRAL the- - peace program ot tin- central powers last meeting ibald s. White, he said, had this was telegraphed to Oenenii carranre night or early this morning. INAUGURATION OF Iban li.il Imllrited In the declarations of information. i , Otieretaro While there have been trains at Intervals, Lansing Confers, Willi Barueh. Dr. inn Uie rlwneeiloi-- Mrxlraaa Pleased Wfth Resulto. railroad traffic ha been practically blocked Henry was said by Lawson because the lierinan terms were such dial paat Representative the unsolicited prnriiulgitlon l.tils chairman or the Mexican for Uie Uiree weeks on account of Itlm at of. them In Cabrcr. or eo to have told lb: confeiepces Uii WHITE SLAVE GEORGE DEWEY AI lark Arrangement have been mtd. the r moderate details, arter what he char-a- i c.iiunilsslnn. and Ignacio Bonillas and GOV. preceded the opening or in. leak investí by which. the have now FERGUSON i lied as 'the aspiring program of con hertn J. Ptnl. the oilier members, said they railroads secured gallon of reports connecting uie cabinet rod enough to haul deal and dlsmifUM-rmen- t by expected to leave within a week or ten rltys traffic approaching banker add senator, and also hud outlined the normal. ofricer. entonte, would he Interpreted by the en Tor Mexico ,Mr Cabrera and Mr. Bonillas tokt biro of reports thai Secretary Lansing A Jarsje or peaxengrr rrom Ch- IS GRADUALLY tente powers a a sign of will resume plsee as member or l number had been' seen confiirring with Bernard CONVICTIONS waknos and their City. a as di- ihuahua Jlmrnex and adjacent towns State Capital Overflowing With the Wall .operator said to of desire for peai-- at any cot. Crrini' cabinet and Mr. Pant Baruch, street the., government were aboard Ih passenger traba, having have made a cleanup un the tailing market I'libllc-a- l Inn Would llrleal Purpose. rector general of railways. Frienda Administration to Uie been forced to leave by condition whim of which accompanied Uie peace note. I'iiblirtiiui ur ihe pavee lerm or the Vithwnhstandlng dissolution nf Uie commission, they expressed tnemaelvei aa they describe aa Intolerable. They repon Attend Ceremonies. Lawaon declared Henry bad asked him UPHELD EBBING AWAY cenital imwer therefore would dereel lis villa must ring a large fares to tba moun- on to prcas his rharg every piirpoe, said Dr. Zimmermsmi. The pleased with the result, pointing nut that patriotic grounds nut an tain west of Cblbuabus cuy for a new At no time, the Bo Ion financier lestlfleu foreign min ster expressed doubt whether with the withdrawal at the Amen troop the mdn Object of Crrens In sendlnr them campaign on a large scale, and that Uta Special to the Momma; Times.
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