Canadian Rail No115 1960

Canadian Rail No115 1960

) crha ews Report P.O. BOX 2222.. STATION "B" MONTREAL 2.2 . QUEBEC NUMBER 115 .........III ... '" -------------------------------OCTOBER 19601960 TENT E N YEARS OF CRHA TRIPS. To obserobserveve ouro ur tenth anniversarya nni versary of rail trips,t rip s, we illustrateillustrate this month our firfirsts t special railrailwayway train, consisting ofof CanadianC anadian NNationalational dieseld ies e l -e-elecl e cttricr ic unit car 15837 anda nd a passepassengernger car, wwhichhich ranfran fromromMon Montrealt real ttoo Huberdeau, H u ber deau, Que.Que. anda nd retreturnurn on OctobeOctoberr 1, 1950.1950 . L ') f~R.H,~~ ~~~Y_1L~~D~J~E2 ~~£~_~~ ------NOTICE---------- OF N1EETING:N1EETING----- : The OctoberOctober MeetMeetinging of the AAssociationssociation will be held ( in thet h e McConnellM c Cormel l EngineeringEngineering Buildinging ata t McGMcGillill University,University, Univer­ sity StreetStreet ata t .i. .."" iltonilt o n Street.Street. Use the Milton StreetSt reet entrance. The meetingrne e t'in g will ta""t a r. ; place on WednesdayWednesday, OctoberO ctober 1212th,th, 1960 at 8 :15 PM. Mr. O.S.A.O .S.A. Lavallee will give an illi lluustras t r att ede d talk entitledentitled "Cra"CraigeU-igeU- . achieachie,, BefBdoreo r e and After" whichwhich will i ncorporaten c orp o r ate ororiginaliginal photographsr aphs taken on the line of the CanadCanadianian PacPacififici c RailwayRailway iinn the westwest about 188018~.. As usual, membersrne mber s are invited tot o bringbring guestguestss and prospecprospectivetive new membersrne rribe r s to ththisis meeting.rriee t 'in g, The rroomoorn numbern urnb e r willw ill be postedt ed ata t ttheh e door. ASSOCIATION NEWS The SeptemberSepternber meeting m eeting , at whichwhich ' MrMr.. Frank LewLewinin showeds h o w e d colour slidess lides whichwhich he had taken on a visit to the Union of SovietSov iet SocialistSocialist RepublicsRepublics ini n 1958,. was one of the mostrrios t interestingi n t e r e s t i n g pprogrammesr o g r-arrirrres we have had inin recent months.rrionth s , HisHis visitv i s i t was madernade when tourists were first pepermittedr rrrirted inintoto thet h e U.SU.S.S.R..S.R. two yearsyears ago , and there were manyrriany features of railway and othero ther interestinterest to thoset h o s e in attendancea ttendance ata t this spsplendidlendid show. ParticularlyParticularly noteworthy was thet h e extensiveextens ive use ofo f steams team locomotivesIocorriot i v e s on the railways, innclud clud i ngn g vvari~coloured a r ie c o Iou r e d 2-8-4s2-8=4s of large propoproportionsr tions butbut lighlightt construction. Mr. Lewin'si n's non-railwaynon- railway ppicturesictures were alsoals o splendidly chosen,chosen, sshowingh owin g viewsv iews i n the five pprincipalrincipal cititescit ites which he visitedv i site d , includingi n clu d in g manyrnariy impressiveimpressive buildings.buildings . At thet h e SeptemberSepterrrbe r 'Lrrrmeeting,e e t irig , the following pepersons rsons were introduced,introduced, o:ekl ,;i' L . iir r nan l'S s proposed for electi<:>~election to regular merribersi1.iprriernbership at the OctoberOctober meeting:rne e t 'in g ; \. ~ . Mr.M r . J .B.B . PoPorteousr teous MrMr.. WilliamWiLl i arn T • StewartStewart The of thet h e MembershipMem ber s hip CommitteeCornrrri tte e,, Mr.M r . SStephen tephen Cheasley,Cheas Iey , wis:heswishes toto remindr e m i n d the membershiprne m b e r s h i p that,that, withw ith t heh e s tarttart of a new season of CRHA meeting activ­activ­ itity,y, now is a veryvery appropriateappropr iate timetim e tot o b ringr ihg" new membersrrierrrbe r s i n tot o CRHA. The contin-corrtin-. ued growthgrowth of ouro u r AssociationA s sociati on iiss an end which should be thet h e goal of everyeve r y -rnmembererribe r ; and subscriber.s ubscr iber. The IInterprovincialRailw,aynterprovincialRailway .(RollingR o l lin g Stock commitcornrrrit t ee)e e] iiss busb u sililyy pputtingutting thet h e two QuebecQuebec RailwayRailwa y cars tot o ltftbed"b e d " forf or t heh e wwinter;inter; manymany membersrne m.he r s are aware thatt h a t the cars are storedstored for us , on a ttemporaryernpor a r y basis,basis, throthroughugh the kind iinterestntere s t ofof the Canada Gr­C r:­ eosotingeos ottng : CompanyCcrripany ata t Delsolson,n , Que.Q ue.,and, and workingworking papartiesr ties assemblea s s erribl e theret h e r e nearlynearly every '., ".SaSaturday.turday. Work ini n hand incluincludesd e s papaintingint ing the roofsroofs .ofof thet h e twot w o carscars , alsoa l so the under- . body equipmenequipment anda nd runningnn in g gear. TheTherere is also some glassglass to replacereplace,, in order to makerrrak.e thet h e carc a r interiorsinteriors s how-proofhow - proof whilewhile they are sts t oredo r e d outside.o ut s ide. ThoThosese interestedinterested in givinggiving a hand shouldshould callc all M r.r . Lavav alleellee ata t CR.9-8822. The AssociationAssociation has nownow been advisi seded thatt h at t heh e CanadCanadianian PaPacUicc if i c Railway is hol­ dingd ing fforo r deliverydeliv e ry tot o CRHA, fourfour woodenwooden passenger-trr-t raa in carscars , ttoo wit:w it : Baggage Car #3987, b uuilti lt i n 1910;1910; CoachCoac h #1554 builbui ltt in 1912;1912; .Instruction.Instruction CarCar #56, formerlyfo rmerly the . observatobservatiion-o n-pparloa r l o uur r carc ar "Malaha"M alahat "," , bbuiltuilt ini n 1893;1893; and OfficialOffi cial CarCar No.1No.1,, built by Crosss seenn betweenbetween 1868 and 1871 , formerlyf orm erly St.St. Lawrence & OttawaO ttawa Railway car No.9. The Baggage CarCa r iiss ata t Wesstt on ShopsShops i nn_'::"!;_!he _~! ~~ ~~:'~;_~h e othero ther carsc ars are ata t Angus Shops.Shops . *"~'~Will '~ Wil1 youyou beb e withw ith us onNovemberonNo v ernber 6tht h , when;'ewhen ~e rre-enact e v enac t thet h e LastLast Spike Ceremony?Cer erriony ? C.R ~H .A. '. NeNewws $ ReRepor po rtt ~~,.,..1...;.9_6 19 6__ 00..-.,, ___ P as..e 53_ . FARNHAM - CENTURCENTURY~OLD Y ~OLD RAIL CENCENTRETRE • ••••••••••• ••••• by OrnerO mer S.A. LaLavalleevallee . TheThe townt own of FarFarnham,nham , Que.,Q u e , , situateds itu a t ed a bbooutu t forty miles easte a st ofo f MontrealM ontreal on thet h e ( j Canadian PacPacificific ,Railway'sRai Iw a y I s . throught h rou gh rouroutet e tot o thet he MaMaritimes,rit ime s , isi s a railwayr ailway communitycommunity of moremore thant h a n oneo ne hundredhundr ed years'y e ars' ststanda n d ing.n g . ThThee townt own,o isi s thet he headquartersh eadqu art. ers ofof thethe Can-Can- adianadi an PaPacificcifi c Railway'sRailway 's FaFarnhamr nham Divis.ion,D i v i s.i on, wwhoseh o se a ,rea coversc o v e r s alla ll CPR lineslin es easte ast of thet h e SaintSaint LawrenceLawre n c e RiverR iver ini n ththee PrProvinceov ince of Quebec.Q u ebe c . ItIt ppossessesossesses an extensiveext ens ive yard,yard , includingin clu d i ng enenggi nen e terminalt e r m in a l anda nd rerepairpa ir facilities,facilities, carc a r repairr e p a ir tracks,t r acks, with thet he divisionaldivisional headqual;'tersh e adquar ter s housedhou s ed in a modernm odern., stations t a tion buildingb u ildin g whichwhich wasw as openedo pened inin 1951. It isi s nownow nearlynearly oneo n e hundredh u ndr ed and twtwoo yearsyears sisincen ce thet h e first rrailwayailway wasw as opened into thist h i s community,commun ity , beginningb e ginning an erae r a whichw hich saws aw rail lines radradiatei ate inin eighte igh t directions,d i r ectio n s , liklikee spokes of a wheel,w heel, ini n allaU diredirectictiono nss of thethe Easternmastern. Townships.Townshi p s . ForFor a considcons i d e rablrablee peperrio.iod.,d; Farnham waswas thet h e headquartersheadquarters ofof the SouthSout h Ea.sterns tern Railway,Railw a y , ana n extensiveextensive railsy.stemr ail systern .whosew ho s e papartsr ts now formf o r m sectionss e ctio ns oLbothof .b o th Canadian PaPacificcific anda nd CanadianCanadian NaNat­t ­ ionalionalrail rail lines ini n easterneas t e r n Quebec.Qu ebec. SS&:G EngineHo. , ItIt was in thet h e yeary ear 18531853 thatt hat thet h e SStanst~t a n s t - N R R A F F SER d ScaleS cal e approximate.a pprox imate. OSAL Del. ~~~-E_~~~~-E_<!. !I" .- StansSt a nst ead.e a d , SheffordSh e ffo rd &&: Ry. shewns hewn ththus:u s: -,I----1r-I--~+-, , I I I SouthSou t h EasEast erne rn RailwaRailwayy ""Ii Ii 1,\\ ,\'I 11\1II " IIII Montrt reeal.a l, PortlandP o r tland &&: BostonB o s ton RyR y .o Ii11 II ~ ~ l()( )( LaLakeke ChamplainCham p lain &&: SSt:'.!--_'::~E~~S t :. .!--_':.~ E ~ ~ S ~~_ _JJ~~~l -lIl~<;.ti~s.tionon Ry.R y. I11IItlllllllllHI 1111 1111 111 11 1 ead,e a d , ShSh effbrdffo r d &:& ChamblyC hambly Raili lwayway waswas incorporatedi n c o r p orated to se rrvvee,, essentially,e s s e n tia lly , thet he threet h ree countiescomit i e s encompassedencompassed by t heh e railwayrailw ay's' s name.narne ,· TheThe s (luthero uthe r n countiesc o u nties of QuQue1:;>ec,ebec, bobor­r­ deringd e rin g on neighbouringneighbouring NewNew EngE n gl and,a n d , had beenbeen a re;:tsr e a s of h e avya v y sesettlement,ttle ment, eveneve n at thist h i s earlye arl y time.

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