![Landlord Comp] His Tenants Are Squatte](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
i • . 4*. n ^tfLkaisdas#**fi''' I Now incorporating Neto 3*. .-<; .«i"-.' VOLUME 1(» NO. 18 Landlord comp] his tenants are squatte Commissioner Duke Holt O'Mara said that theja Bj MARY ELIZABETH DUVFV described] the apartment as has no responsibilitibili y to ''over-utilized," and recommen- the security deposit until the I ed to Marks that he contact the is formally terminated. Coope SUMMIT — The Rent Cow Substandard Housing Board or who has relet the apartment as < mission motioned to dismiss the request an eviction notice from Nov. 1, is due the October rent| \'; complaint brought before the the County Courthouse, He told from the previous tenant. board at last Wednesday night's the landlord, "You have obvious Holt said that in cases such; meeting by Marian Jackson rights for eviction." this the estate can receive the difi against her landlord Frank Marks Marks said, "I don't want ference between the rent due < that he had not given her ade- more money for the apartment, I the landlord and the security} quate notice to quit her apart- just want to get in there to begin deposit. ment and insufficient time to work." locate a new dwelling. Tenants from 390 Morrir In another matter before the Avenue, Phil Schneider and Johp. Jackson* who did not show at commission, landlord Drucilla the meeting, had made a written Gallager, who had spent the pait Cooper wrote to seek their advice two days in County Court battl- request to be allowed to pay a in how to proceed in securing one rent increase to allow her addi- ing their rent increase, were also month's rent due tq her and at the meeting. tional time in which to find a new returning the security deposit to home. Schneider said, "It's been a the executor of her deceased te- long court case, but what it boils Marks, who bought the nant's estate. down to is a condominium con- building 1 Vi years ago and is cur- Cooper and a neighbor version through the back door. 1 rently in the process of discovered that her tenant had respect the free market but to renovating the six units, told the died on Sept. 30. She had a force tenant evacuations or to commission that Mr. and Mrr month-to-month informal lease make the tenants pay the cost of ; Harmon, Jackson's parents, had with the deceased tenant. The ex- the conversion is what is before MAYOR HARTLAUB hoi proclaimed Npv. 28 "Up With People Day'! torteeltyof! rented the apartment for approx- ecutor of the tenant's estate has the court right now." demended the refund of the welcome this fmo and wholesome orgonlwtloi* to town." Up With P« imately 20 years. The couple had of 135 students and staff memoirs from throughout th» world, pas Incorporated m' planned to move into the senior security deposit but has not given O'Mara, who was subpeoned written notification of the ter- to appear in court by the profit organization which alms to encourage understanding among people of all notions ' citizens housing project before educational program involving young men and women from many countries who travel for o ytorondi Mr. Harmon's demise six months mination of the lease. The ques- defendents, spent four days in i mm tion is whether the tenant's estate court. people and places they visit while staging a musical show. These 675 young peole ore seleetejl, ago. Mrs. Harmon was supposed opliconrs annually and represent on averag»of 20 countries and 40 states in Hie United States. Up Hm to stay until August, but Marks is responsible for the rent due to It was nine months ago that Cooper since the tenant's death. Schneider filed a complaint with perform at the Summit High School on Nov. 28 and 29. Families who would like to host these vMloo#<jiWani *ur> allowed her to stay an additional ing their visit to Simmit are encouraged to call 273-3294. Mayor Hortlaub (seated) Is pictured with (fr©m,l#ft to month because of a delay in mdv- the Rent Commission over the Citing a New Jersey statue, rent increases at 390 Morris right) cast member Anne Franco and staff members Pam Weiss and Bob Coates. (Photo by M. E. Duffy:) • * " •- ing to 12 Chestnut Avenue. O'Mara said that upon notice by Marks said that he was anxious Avenue which he calls "un- the executor of the estate, ter- conscionable." The trial between to begins repairs in the apartment mination of the lease takes place since he had already completed the Morris-Glen Investors versus 40 days following its receipt, and Phil Schneider et al is now in its Resident asks ban on mischief night renovations in the units above the rent is paid to the landlord up and below it. fifth month. The defendents to the termination of the tease. began their presentation ^tfnin The property must be vacated week In court. "» - 'NN* Mark* told the commission and possession reverts back to the that Jackson continued to occupy landlord in the five days which Scftjfifitter said, "The trail has the apartment with her children, taken its toll on both sides, but _ to "take tfie contra! of many youth think it's a lark, but parents. follow the termination of the the situation has gotten out of discuss the mm ...., and told him that she couldn't lease. we're committed." mischief night away from the leave. When he refused to lease kids." control." Municipal Youth Out the apartment to her, she asked Suzanne Ballantyne stood Councilwoman Judith McLen- Council and the Safety Commit- to remain until Nov. 1. Marks O'Connor retires from Rent Commission before the Council and recalled don suggested that kids not be tee. said that since she moved into the last mischief night when "20 high unit, the number of occupants SUMMIT — After many years meeting, "you will be sorely school boys stood on our lawn has incresed to five people in the of dedicated service, Commis- missed and we are genuinely with eggs and spray paint and one bedroom apartment. He sioner Gerald O'Connor has ad- sorry to see you go." One com- threatened to trash our newly- Humanitarian Violet Carter complained that the apartment is vised the mayor that he does not missioner optimistically joked, painted house." She also told of overcrowded and the bathroom wish re-appointment at the ex- "maybe we could refuse his re- the damage at Franklin School as overflowed into the apartment piration of his current term on quest." where windows were smashed below whose ceiling he had the Rent Commission in O'Connor told the commission and a trash can was set on fire. repaired and repainted. December. This creates a vacancy that he was sorry he could not Councilman Murray Ross was Community worker and friend and effort to helping animals," in the private sector of the com- keep on as a commissioner but able the empathize with Mrs. to stray animals, Miss Violet said Doris Buchanan who worked He told the commission, "I mission. assured the board, "Just give me Ballantyne since he almost lost Carter, 71, of Summit died Nov. with her at the Animal League. don't have tenants, I have squat- Gerald O'Mara told O'Connor a buzz if you need help and I'll be control of his car while driving 14 in Overlook Hospital. "I never remember her turning ters." at last Wednesday night's right down." along Mountain Avenue when eg- Services were held Nov. 17 in down the chance to help an Trinity Episcopal Church in animal. She gave a great deal of Cranford. Arrangements were her life to helping save stray Hobart Avenue made by the Dooley Funeral animals." Home, also in Crandford. to be resurfaced Miss Carter was a secretary for She was also a member of the SAGE of Summit for 10 years Azure Chapter 87 Order of the before she retired in 1984. After Eastern Star, Cranford, and Beta SUMMIT — A section of Sigma Phi. Hobart Avenue, from Beacon her retirement, she served as an Road to Route 24, will be closed active volunteer for SAGE in the She is survived by a brother, for resurfacing on Dec. 1 for Meals-On-Wheels program. Charles W. Carter; and a sister, three to four days. Mrs. Betty C.Meyer. The Reeves-Reed Arboretum For many years she was presi- and the Beacon Hill Club will be dent of the Summit Animal Memorial contributions in the only two properties involved League, where she found homes Miss Carter's name may be made by closing the road and they have for stray animals. to the Summit Animal League, been notified, according to "She was a wonderful person 690 Fairmount Ave., Chatham, Councilman Murray Ross. who gave a great deal of her time N.J. 07928. Student scavengers wreck homes SUMMIT — High school Captain Lonnie Davis said ap- city, areas which they suspected seniors participating in an unof- proximately 40 instances have would be the targets of such ficial "scavenger hunt" are been reported so far, "but the pranks, but it was impossible to suspected of vandalizing local reports are still coming in." patrol every street 24 hours-a- homes last weekend. Py mid-week, he reported that day. From Saturday night to early six youths have been apprehend- A resident of Fernwood Road Monday morning, tires were ed in connection to these in- told The Summit Herald that the slashed, car windows and house stances. tires on both of the family's cars lights were smashed, and license The areas hit the hardest dur- were slashed on the side with a plates, house numbers and street ing the weekend spree were the icepick, making the tires impossi- signs were stolen.
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