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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 9-14-1967 Kabul Times (September 14, 1967, vol. 6, no. 141) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (September 14, 1967, vol. 6, no. 141)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1578. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1578 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,.. ' '. , \. ,: , \ ,, .. .' '. , . , ,. ,, , , , , , , . .. , . '1 ,, , , ,- .. ,. '- f'll~ '~'" \ SEP'i,.EMBER 13, 1~ ~\: \ , PAGE 4 'Ir TJiE KABUL TIMES . ,;; ,' 1;, .', il , _-l.-! " o,<":G"i'11 ',\ . I '::.:;1,~.~' ~ • , . , cwcijl1i',lI9.n~.: __fot.Prscise, .. l' .1' • " , , ",I"F' '''~t'~"'TI' 1V~lcl1r ",:' ~t$~IO~:1'~':15~,!,>tJ:ME:'·NEW~~i:IN' , '. , , . - , '" \~! ~) f;;~, j,t'"';r'!"~ (\,'/~\' ~ ~, BR11}F" :.l I I,' I .D.-tA.. fJ':,\,.. ;" J "" j , I, ", ,j I ;.'{ : ' ·t·n~,,)·n monum~ you .• -, .. "":::-..:11''''' , 'I,}(AB L;. Sept13 (Bakhtar)+-Dr,' for the .countr:!.'slilstor!Col ·1 , .' ~Jl ~, '.,~' ~U, ~.L~, ~t!dUV4Iif J~li, e~ts {L',~ C u form'cr' direclor- and l1'e mQllument. In Herst 1. I j .' (, .: • ~ •••• \ .! ... D::..,;;,,''':i. S':fi.i~·I.t--·' ",~ of ibC 1itforpral,on Dcpartment. of l*ad thc projecl.' n)~lstl ~tI:: ~II' ",Io9lU) I y, '" ·ll:adio,IAf8hanlst1lIl. bas been appol· ,. ~.,-- ,,• II 'I KINSHASA, ,Sept. 13, (Tus) the resolution on Southwest il \',. 1'"":,, nlei! ad~lsor lo.the Information and KABUL, ·Sepl. 13 (Bakhlar)od'r hove .. ~ -In the resolution on apartheid Africa demanded the speedy es­ WASHINGTON, -Sept. -,13 '(R~u'- Cullure 'Ministry: The Import and screenong of fJlms ~at;llshment .., " and racIal wscrunlnation 10 of United Nations ,erl---lp-diOD OepulY Prime Min,sler Jalali· returned 10 Kabul' earlier. were' dJscussed at a meetiog of thc 'I~ administration qver tliat tern­ _, South Africa, the participants 10 Morarjl'Desai appealcd yesterday this -jeor ,'after spending .~eral, advisory;cclp,misslon of the Cultural "'IlN II'R the OAU ministerial session str­ tory and denounced the South for eontinniag aid 10 help Itldia In years 10 tbe Soviel Ublon working' Affairs Dcpartineat of the Ministry African goveFIllllent for the poll­ ongly denounced the govern' a fmol haul lowards economic slab- lor hiS Ph.D. ot fnformation and Culture yesl~r- • PRICE AF. 3 ments of certain We.tem coun­ ey of apartheid and creation. of ,ltty. ' day. tries for political, econoD:'Jc and Bantustans in Southwe-t Afnca. Pro'ld~d a "satisfactory" aid now HERAT Sept. 13 (Bakhtor}-Re- The meeting deCided Ih.t the CuI- I 1 Inllitary cooperation with the The resolutIOn demanded that could, be maintained for 19 or 12 .toration of the mausolcum of Kh· lure Departmcnt sbould prepare a the United Nabons Security racialist authllritles of the re­ years. ~'we' shall be able to dispense owajn Abdullah Aosarl began yes- drart of regulation. governing the Ca~ro _~~I!~_nt' ~~"res public of South'Afrlca. CouncIl should fulfil Its mission with fOreign aid Iherearter withoul terday. imporl of fims and running of Ctn- Paper G'ives Details,Of They demanded that African on thIS question. Jeopardising our prospects. for future IThe eoslcrn arch of Ihe mousol- emas NAUROZ CARPET ,N~_ states observe the boycott of the The resolutIOn on special qu growth," he saId in a speech prcps- eum whIch dates back to the Tem- ~'oup ,·rla~' Edition esbons suggested setting up a EXPORT COMANY 'Amer's Alleged' '. South African regune and expos­ red fot a Washington luncheon. urid period IS in .danser of collap&- KABUL. Sept. 13 (Bakhtarl--:-Pro­ ed the maneouvres of SOuth Af­ commiSSIon for SUpervtS10n and CAIRO. Sept 14, (DPA).-Cai/ officers and 400 elite troops, intend­ DesaI. here for talks WIth U.S. of- mg' .ald Shohl Bye M051amandi, fessor Mathieu, professor of law in ed .to take Over the East Comman­ Of 'Holy Koran rica WIth the aun of • bnblOl'. arbItration whIch will work till • - ro's semi-otftcial ne\vspaper AI ficials, said he wanted to correct director of the Archeology Depar1­ Paris University, and president of In .. Augus~t TASI;IKEJNII',\r\l~Pt. some Afncan countries. The re­ the next OAU ministerial ses­ KABUL, 5e'pt. 14,- few Ahrom yesterday revealed de­ do ,en .27 to fbrcc Nasscr > 14; (Tass) ­ sion In AddIS Ababa next Febr­ reporls of gloom and doom" about ment. • the French aflmation team working days, archeologlsls will re.ume Uteir tails of an alleged putsch ptan !o tlcced~ t'o this Condltions'~ Preparatory; \vdrk hal been star­ solution pointed to the need of with Ihe Facully of Low and Polt· uary. IndIa whIch he claImed pr.ovided • He said hiS deparlmenl has lou­ work on the sife of Al Khanoum, of former Egyptian VIce Pre­ The plotters had assumed that ted In Tashkent, UzbekIstan s effectIve lOtematlonal acllon "Ihe klDd of image of IndIa tbat has nchod II gcneral restoration pro)ecl lIcoi Science ef Kabul UDlverslly agamst the apartheId regime The resolubon On refugees sug­ Takhor province, where the Aniou sident and Deputy Army ChIef Nasser would gIve in to aVOId capital, for a new edltiun of Ko- been in the American press in Ibe yesterday met Juslice Minister Dr. and Kokcho rivers meet. Excavations of Staff FIeld Marshal Abdel and came out 10 support of the gested that OAU members I a blood bath, Al Abram, contin­ ran , past few months 'I • , Mohammad Ehson Tbroki. have revealed at this slle a vast· Kanm Amer. programme of aSSIstance to vic­ should ratIfy the 1951 United ~ ued. It WIll be a COpy of the holy He said India hsd been pIctured I At the meeting Mathieu express­ . wAsurlmTON, September 14, (Reuter).- Greek-type city which ei<l,ted dur- ,According ~ the /.luper, the ltms of racial dlscrunmatlOn 10 Nabons convenbon On thiS ques­ They were also going on the book Issued here in 1911 10 com­ Briefs ed hIS readmess for any -advisory Takeshl Watanabe, president of the Oedgllng Asian Development centuri~ Preslden~ South Africa. bon and the 1967 United Nations here as "country which has suffered World ing the Ihlrd and second 'putsch was not to be directed assumption thot Nas­ pllal1,ce WIth the orthograp'}jy of protocol supplemerlting this coo' not onlY from bad 1uck but also from servltes which may be needed by Bank, abnounced yesterday he was stepping up- etrol'ts to "obtain ond was mhoblted by people 01 specifically at President Gamal ser would do everyth_ng to tM great calIph Arab fnformabon mtnlsters WIll vention bad management," and as a nahon the Ministry, additional' lending resources from 'western countries, Greek stock who come to central Abelel Nasser, but rllther aImed avoid anything that could wea­ A resolution on this was pas­ meet 10 the 1'uDlslan town of Having dIscussed Ethiopia's "alternatmg from one cnsis to ano­ Ije told a press comerence here the lO-month-old bank needed Asia wllh or after Alexander. ,lit forming a revolutionary voun- Iken the inner front ana the Ar- \ sed at on expanded se~on of suggestion about an agreement ther •• Blzerta on September 27 to dis­ KUNDUZ, Sep' 13 (B~khlar)­ Last year the excavators discover-- ell and a new regime. my because the Israeli troops' the PreSidium of .the EccleSIas­ SchOol 'cuss a plan for Arab Informa­ more funds that could be lent to Asian members on epncessional ot R.eform or convention on extradition of "'ndia IS one~scventh of Huma· Two literacy courses were opened ed a vaat C\lurtyord girded by por- The information was the re­ • presenCe along the Suez Canal. tIcal Board of Mosletlls, Qf Cent­ tIOn tasks, espeCIally In the coun­ terms, in addition to its planned commercial-rate loans based on politIcal cnminals, the ministeN ntty yesterday In Kunduz prisons 10 tlcoe. with beautiful stone columnst suit of mvesbgations being cor­ ral AsIa and Kazakb,stan. tnes It was announced here mark InternatIonal LlIeraG:Y day, ItS $1,00 mil1i\ln authQrised capital. (Gonhn""d from page 1) deCIded on a motion from the The mamlcnance: of pohtlcsl and 'I -' We Otter To Our Customer Watanabe said the bl'nk, though order to eslljbllsb a good credit a tomb, unfortunately pl1lagell, ot a ned out against Amer and a The sessIOn pOloted ,Ql,lt .1l:tat yesterday The courses arc laught qy the qUlrcd to treat him in accordance Moroccan represtntative to en­ economic stabih1Y to Ihls segment New And Antique Carpets at It hod made no loona sq for. had standing In, the financIal community. high magistrate, two Greek Inll- number of other dismIssed high the board'.s publlshiqg.,llF\ivI(,es contnbu~ head master of the primAry school crlptlons and a statue In .Ione of a Army offtcials, among them for­ With educational principles preYs· large thIS question and agreed of humamly IS In Itself a BONN, Sept 13, (DPA) -The Low Prioes and Dltfetent Sizes received severnl inquirIes in the In addition to its 19 Asian mem- Faisal To TeU US have conSIderablY broudclled in lent elSewhere. and make every ef­ a convenbon should be sisned lIOn of no small value 10 Ihe world or Znkhel th Kunduz, Sunntullah Opposlte the Blue Mosque, Sbare agricultural and Industrial fields. bers, Ihe bonk has 12 non-relrional ala man, wearing the diadem, met" War MIOIster Shamseddir, the past few years 'The Koran next meetmg, of the NATO nuC­ large of w,tally or prle.thood.
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