I i I I ppl 1 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT IP I OFBRAZEAUNO.77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING fl 96 05 09 1 1 f 1 I If MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 96 OS 09 TIME: 10:00 AM PLACE: M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCBL CHAMBERS Page Nos. Call to Order Present 1. Addition to and Adoption ofthe Agenda 1-13 2. Adoptionof the Minutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting of 96 04 25. 3. Businessarising from the 96 04 25 Regular Council Meeting. 4. Emergent Items 5. DELEGATIONS/APPOINTMENTS 19 10:00 am - Public Hearing Re: Bylaw No. 264-96 14-17 10:15 am - Canada World Youth - Janie Steinbeck 10:30 am - Phyllis Kobasiuk - Parkland County 11:00 am- Ratepayers Concerns 6. PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND LANDS MATTERS 18-20 A) Application for Redesignation from Ag I to Rural Industrial - Pt ofSE 1/4 7-49-7-W5M - Report and recommendation attached. 21-22 B) Notice of Public Hearing - County ofWetaskiwin - application details to be provided 23-27 C) Drayton Valley Requestfor Access Approvalonto Ring Road - Report and recommendation attached 7. PUBLIC WORKS MATTERS 28 A) Purchase ofPlotter - Report and recommendation attached. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -2- 96 05 09 29 B) Paving ofTwp Road 492 and Range Road 81 - Report and recommendation attached. 30 C) Approval for TenderAdvertisement - Correspondence attached. 8. FINANCE MATTERS 31-32 A) Cash Statement andInvestment Summary forMarch, 1996. - Statement and Summary attached. 33 B) 1995 Audited Financial Statement - Separate handout 34-47 C) Municipal Affairs Financial Indicators - report attached 9. GENERAL MATTERS 48-49 A) SummerYouthProgramming - Correspondence from the Society for the Coalition of Rural Representatives from Breton and Buck Creek attached. 50 B) Canada Day Celebrations - Correspondence from the Drayton Valley and District Chamber ofCommerce attached. 51-53 C) Senior Citizens Week - June 2 - 8, 1996 - Correspondencefrom the Seniors Advisory Council attached. 54-57 D) Provision of M.D.Services by Hamletand Community Groups - Report and recommendation attached E) WileyWestContractReview/Approval - Summary oftenders to be provided after submission deadline 58-85 F) Ground Ambulance Services Task Force - report and recommendation attached 86-93 G) Pembina Valley Regional Ambulance Authority Statement - report and recommendation attached COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -3- 96 05 09 94-102 H) Pipeline Location Concern - A.Vogel - report and recommendation attached 103-119 I) BIG Request for Letter ofSupport for Canada Community InvestmentPlan Application - report and recommendation attached 10. CORRESPONDENCE//ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 120-132 A) Correspondence dated April 24/96 from Municipal Affairs regarding new economicdevelopmentstrategy. 133-134 B) NewsReleasedated April 18/96from the Governmentof Albertaregarding Native Gaming. 135 C) Correspondence dated April 23/96 from Warrenand Candis Bryanton regarding an access road. 136-138 D) Correspondence datedApril25/96fromMunicipal Affairs regardingthe Local Authorities Election Act Questionnaire. 139-140 E) Notification of Annual GeneralMeeting for the West Central Airshed Society. 141-143 F) Memo datedApril30/96regarding Motions to Adjourn. 144-145 G) Correspondence datedMarch25/96fromBrownlee Fryett regardingchanges in their staff. 146-149 H) Correspondence dated April 19/96from the AAMD&C regarding the radio licensing fee structure. 150-152 I) Correspondence datedApril24/96 from the AAMD &C regardinga scholarship program. 153-156 J) Minutes of Reeves' Meeting datedApril24/96from the AAMD & C Spring Convention. 157-159 K) Correspondence dated April 24/96 from the AAMD& C regarding Bill 34. 160-161 L) AAMD &C Municipal NewsHighlights datedApril24/96. 11. COUNCILLOR'S REPORTS 12. ADJOURNMENT pi MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICD?AL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE pi M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON THURSDAY, 96 04 25. CALL TO ORDER Reeve W. Tweedle called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. PRESENT W. Tweedle, Reeve J. Starling, Councillor M. Schwab, Councillor B. Guyon, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor L. Johnson, Municipal Manager K. Robinson, Recording Secretary T. Fleming, Supt. OfPublic Works W. Lind, Supv. OfSupplies and Services Others T. Trudeau, Western Review A. Vogel, Ratepayer Ron Rookes, Mark Colburn ADDITION TO Addition to and Adoption ofthe Agenda AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 216-96 Moved by B. Guyon to adopt the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of96 04 25 with additions as follows: 9. K) Auditor's Letter L) Request for Loader a) M) Rocky Rapids Cemetery N) Roadside Cleanup O) Assessment ofVacant Lands P) Beaver Control Program Extension Q) Parks Contract r Move In-Private Session to 1:00 pm. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTION OF si MINUTES Adoption of Minutes 217-96 Moved by J. Starling to adopt the minutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting of96 04 11 amended as follows: Page 10 - "L. Johnson reported that representatives from Olds College were scheduled to attend the next ASB Meeting." This sentence is added to the last paragraph. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ra BUSINESS Business Arising From the Previous Meeting ARISING None EMERGENT Emergent Items ITEMS None > COUNCDL MEETING MINUTES 96 04 25 Pi PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Matters MATTERS Contract Grader Tenders for Maintenance and Snowplowing Pi Council reviewed the report and recommendation as submitted. Discussion took place regarding the hourly rates submitted versus the *™>i hourly rates incurred by the M.D.^gleet of graders. 218-96 Moved by J. Coombes not to accept any ofthe bids submitted. IN FAVOUR: W. Tweedle J. Starling M. Schwab J. Coombes OPPOSED: B. Guyon r CARRIED SUPPLIES AND Supplies and Services Matters SERVICES Grader Quotes Council reviewed the report and recommendation as submitted. 219-96 Moved by J. Coombes to authorize the purchase ofa 14G Grader for $295,500.00. Funds will be allocated from s> excess funds in the equipment pool reserve, that have remained since the sale ofequipment not replaced in 1993. IN FAVOUR: J. Coombes M. Schwab J. Starling OPPOSED: W. Tweedle B. Guyon CARRIED R. Rookes and M. Colburn left the meeting at 11:15 am. Keyano College Training Program T. Fleming reported that Keyano College has a 4 week program for road construction. They look for work in municipalities for 75% of government rate. R. Matthews arrived at the meeting at 11:20 am. tS) Discussion took place regarding the issue and Council authorized T. Fleming to investigate the possibility ofthem doing some work on the Sunchild Road or another location. T. Fleming is to report back in this regard. Warren Brianton arrived at the meeting at 11:25 am. pi 3 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 96 04 25 RATEPAYERS Ratepayers Concerns CONCERNS AllenVogelattendedthe Councilmeetingto review some of his concerns regardingthe ProposedLand Use Bylaw amendments. r He was concernedwith the following issues: - useof theterm"opinion" andfeltthat the wording shouldbe more definitive - the size of accessory buildingsused in conjunctionwith a farm be increasedfrom 2150 sq. ft. - non-conforming and non-complyingbuildings should be treated in accordance with the Act - applicationsfor development permits should not have to wait for 18 monthsfor resubmission after first beingrefused - lotsizefora CRdistrict no smallerthan4 acres- whataboutfragmented parcels with natural subdivisions. \W\ Councilagreedto take the issues raised by A. Vogel into consideration. A. Vogel asked about whether or not the M.D. would enforce setbacks p) from a road allowance for a pipeline located at LSD 16-27-48-6. B. Guyon requested thatA. Vogel sendCouncil a letterand somelegal documentation to support his claim, andtheywouldinvestigate theissue. IJSI A. Vogel thanked Council for their time. PJ Warren Bryanton attended the Council meeting and reported that he had purchased a quarter ofland with no access at NE 30-48-5-W5M. He requested information regarding how soon an access road would be built. Approximately XA mile ofroad is needed. W.Tweedle statedthat his requestwould be put on the priority list and consideration wouldbe given, but that they could not promisehim that an access road could be constructed this year. RECESS FOR Recess for Lunch LUNCH 220-96 Moved by M. Schwabthat the RegularCouncil Meetingof 96 04 25 recess for lunch at 12:10 pm. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CALL TO ORDER ReeveW. Tweedlecalled the meeting to order at 1:05 pm. PRESENT W. Tweedle, Reeve J. Starling, Councillor B. Guyon, Councillor M. Schwab, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor L. Johnson, Municipal Manager p p COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 96 04 25 IN PRIVATE SESSION In Private Session for the Purpose ofDiscussing the Election Issue 221-96 Movedby B. Guyonthat the RegularCouncil Meetingof 96 04 25 go "In Private" at 1:05 pm for the purpose of discussing the election challenge issue. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 222-96 Movedby B. Guyonthat the Regular CouncilMeetingof 96 04 25 come "Out ofIn Private" at 2:10 pm. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY K. Robinson,T. Trudeau and A. Vogel arrived at the meeting at 2:10 pm. 223-96 Moved by J. Coombes that the necessary steps be taken to closethe challengeto the election issue as directedby r The Honourable Madam Justice C. A. Kent as follows: the MunicipalDistrict is to pay the costs of the Applicant on a solicitor/client basis. IN FAVOUR J. Coombes J. Starling OPPOSED W. Tweedle M Schwab Hflffil B. Guyon DEFEATED 224-96 Moved by B. Guyon that the municipality pay our portion ofthe legal expenses and that our lawyer seek to reduce M.D. costs in the payment ofthe solicitor client costs awarded to the applicant by Madame Justice Kent. IN FAVOUR W. Tweedle B. Guyon M. Schwab OPPOSED J. Coombes J. Starling CARRIED 225-96 Moved by B. Guyonthat as soon as all details regardingthe election process are finalized including the passing ofthe appeal period, the public may be allowed to view the entire file. S) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R. Matthews arrived at the meeting at 2:12 pm. 6 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 96 04 25 PLANNING Planning. Development and Land Matters DEVELOPMENT AND LAND Proposed Amendment to Land Use Bvlaw 109-90 Pi MATTERS L.
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