Local 237 NEWSLINE HERHO OT O R D B O L F A T N E O A I M T A S T N E R R E S T N I November 2010 Vol. 44, No. 9 R AT THE NATION’S Keeping the Faith CAPITAL Bring It On: U.S. Workers Stand The Fight for Workers’ Rights In Solidarity, Hundreds of thousands of people from across the nation, including hundreds of Teamsters and Local 237’s contingent, con - verged on the National Mall Oct. 2 to rally for Call for Greater Good jobs, justice, education, equality, and other threatened progressive causes. The march, sponsored by One Nation Working Together, included more than 300 organizations: One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, unions, human rights groups, civil rights groups, environmentalists and religious With Liberty and Justice for All. groups. The mighty gathering sought to ener - gize and educate voters before Election Day. Continued on page 5 Photos by Calvin Sewer LOUIS SYKES , Superintendent SHERRY POWELL , School Safety Agent L3 Howard Consolidated, Brooklyn St. George School, Staten Island ”I had to be here. As union workers we have “I am here because of jobs and my retirement. I to make a difference.” need to make that money now so I can retire.” ZELLA KYSER FERGUSON , Supervisor of MAUREEN RENWICK , School Safety Agent Caretakers, Latimer Consolidated, Flushing Queens South Payroll, Jamaica “I need my job and my benefits to survive liv - “We need to save jobs and the union needs to keep ing in this economy. The union has done great fighting to keep members gainfully employed. I’m living paycheck to paycheck to rear three things for me. We have to think of the future.” grandchildren and a nine-year old son.” Election Results, page 5 2 NEWSLINE, November 2010 Local 237 Member Services UNION HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE OFFICES, 5th Fl. 216 West 14th Street Gregory Floyd, President A Message From New York, NY 10011-7296 Richard Hendershot, The President 212-924-2000 Vice President LOCAL 237 DIVISIONS Ruben Torres, Secretary-Treasurer CITYWIDE DIVISION , 2nd Fl. Donald Arnold, Director PERSONNEL , 5th Fl. Peter Gutierrez, Deputy Director Edmund Kane, Director and Al Soto, Law Enforcement Chief Negotiator Going Forward with Strength Amid Setbacks Director POLITICAL ACTION & Randy Klein, Assistant Director all it a tidal wave, call it a revolution, country strong, and we deserve to be treated LEGISLATION , 5th Fl. but there's no doubt the Republicans fairly by our employers and our government HOUSING DIVISION , 2nd Fl. Local 237 protects members’ stormed back into power in Congress officials. We are the ones that this economic Remilda Ferguson, Director rights by helping to sponsor leg - C and the national stage on Nov. 2. U.S. Voters, collapse affects most, not the people responsi - islation that is important to mem - Brooklyn, Queens & Staten ble for it. bers, and by opposing initiatives upset about the economy and the bickering in Island Washington, took their anxiety and frustration Business interests continue to blame fi - James Giocastro, that would hurt members. out on incumbents by handing the House to nancial shortfalls on the influence of unions Deputy Director Patricia Stryker, Director Republicans, as well as several seats in the on the government. Unions like Local 237 GRIEVANCES/DISCIPLINARY LONG ISLAND DIVISION Senate. fought long and hard for the basic rights given PROBLEMS , 6th Fl. 1727 Veterans Memorial Some believe that the election was a refer - to them under the state constitution, and the For grievances and job related Highway endum on the President. No doubt, many of loss of tax revenue has led to proposals to re - Suite 308 problems, first contact your shop the nation's problems were beyond President duce public workers’ pay and benefits . But Islandia, NY 11749 steward and/or grievance repre - that does not mean the unions should take 631-851-9800 sentative. If they cannot resolve Obama's control — especially two wars and a John Burns, Director the issue, they or you should trillion dollar deficit, courtesy of the Bush ad - sole responsibility for the sacrifices needed to Benedict Carenza , contact your business agent. ministration. Add to this the conservatives’ fix our state. We are willing to participate in Deputy Director Mal Patterson, Director of blockade of everything put forth by Obama discussions with city and state officials and John Sepulveda, Grievances and Hearings and the Congress — even legislation that they the public to find a solution that will work Assistant Director Todd Rubinstein, Esq. themselves had earlier advocated! Their aim for all New Yorkers, but we will fight against Long Island Welfare Fund: Grievance Coordinator was, and is, to bring Obama down, regardless any proposals that single out public employ - For information on the various Debbie Coleman, Esq. of the cost to the American people. ees. funds call 800-962-1145 Grievance Coordinator Some voters felt that the President had lost touch with the people, especially work - Better News in New York RETIREE DIVISION , 8th Fl. CIVIL SERVICE BAR ing-class people anxious about their jobs and Here in New York, the election news was Provides a variety of pre- and ASSOCIATION , 6th Fl. mortgages. Congress was unable to unify and somewhat better. Many pro-worker candidates post-retirement services, includ - 212-675-0519 make their case to the public. endorsed by our union were elected. Workers ing pension and health insur - Gloria Johnson, Esq., President ance counseling to members. We must not forget that while Obama may had major victories in two key statewide elec - Aldona Vaiciunas, (Pension counseling by appoint - not have succeeded in solving all our prob - tions: attorney general and comptroller, prov - Office Administrator and ment, Thursdays only). General lems, he is not the cause of them. The current ing that in New York, at least, organized labor Grievance Coordinator retirement counseling and economic crisis was caused by uncontrolled has significant power. John Picucci, Esq., retirement planning series dur - Wall Street speculation, resulting in the col - On a more troubling note, Governor-elect Grievance Representative ing spring and fall. lapse of the banks and the housing market. Cuomo has used combative language when CSBA Welfare Fund 212-807-0555 Obama actually followed through on his cam - talking about dramatic changes he plans to Nancy B. True, Director Alicare 212-539-5117 paign promises to fix health care, reform the bring to labor relations in the state. He says COMMUNICATIONS, 8th Fl. LOCAL 237 DEPARTMENTS banking industry and provide federal assis - he wants to bring back government to the Tania M. Lambert, Editor tance to kick-start the economy. Sometimes people, but he must realize that union work - (Citywide and Housing) Local 237 Newsline there is a political price to pay for doing the ers are mostly the very people he is talking Website: www.local237.org SKILLED TRADES , 2nd Fl. right thing, and Obama and Congress paid about. I hope our new leaders can pursue Donald Arnold, Director EDUCATION, 8th Fl. dearly. their reform plans while maintaining a sense HEALTH AND SAFETY , 2nd Fl. Provides a variety of training The surge of corporate-backed candidates of balance and fairness. We are reasonable Donald Arnold, Director and educational advancement was a major blow to Obama and the labor people, but we are not afraid to fight for what Diane Stein, Coordinator opportunities for members. movement. The Teamsters were the first of is right. MEMBERSHIP, 2nd Fl. 212-807-0550 many unions that campaigned strongly both The voters spoke this month. In the com - Provides membership services Frederick Dunn, Director for Obama’s agenda and pro-worker candi - ing months, it will be the unions' time to have and records, including address USEFUL NUMBERS dates. Unions all over the country spent our voices heard. Together, we can bring New changes. FOR PRE-RETIREES heavily. Unfortunately, the national climate York and all of America to a better and Laverne White, Administrative Manager NYCERS (New York City this year was too strong for us to stop the po - brighter future. litical tide. The new Re - Employees Retirement System) B WELFARE FUND, 3rd Fl. i l publican leadership in the l K The Fund administers the eligi - By Mail: 335 Adams St., Suite r e House has already vowed s s bility, enrollment, disability, 2300, Brooklyn, NY 11201-3751 e optical and death benefits In Person: 340 Jay Street, to take every opportunity directly by the Fund’s in-house Mezzanine, Brooklyn, NY 11201 to damage the labor move - staff, as well as prescription Gen’l Information: 347-643-3000 ment in order to protect and dental programs indirectly. Outside NYC toll-free: their own political inter - 212-924-7220 877-6NYCERS ests in the next election Carnell Joyner Jr., Director cycle. We must be pre - NYCERS Internet LEGAL SERVICES, 4th Fl. www.nyclink.org/html/nycers pared to stand up and de - Lawyers advise and represent fend the rights of workers NYC Department of Education members on covered personal to unionize, to fight for Retirement System legal problems, including domes - policies that favor working 65 Court St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 tic relations (family court pro - families, and to have ac - ceedings, divorce and separa - 718-935-5400 cess to good health care tion), purchase and sale of a pri - Social Security Administration mary residence, wills, adoptions, and education. 800-772-1213 credit and consumer problems, tenant rights and bankruptcies. NY State and Local Retirement Unions Not to Blame 212-924-1220 Systems Union workers should Office Hours: 518-474-7736 not shoulder the blame for Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the situation that America Mary Sheridan Esq., Director finds itself in today.
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