E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 No. 115 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Also, we entreat You to please give Mr. FLETCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise called to order by the Speaker pro tem- us Your dealing grace: wisdom for our today to thank a dear friend and class- pore (Mr. SHIMKUS). work, discernment for our decisions, mate, Reverend Roy Mays, for his f resources for our responsibilities, and beautifully insightful prayer opening joy for our journey. today’s session of the United States DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER In all these requests, Heavenly Fa- House of Representatives. PRO TEMPORE ther, we pray that Your will be done, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Within the hallowed walls of this and we accept that Your grace is suffi- Chamber, my colleagues and I gather fore the House the following commu- cient. For thine is the kingdom and the nication from the Speaker: to attend to the business of this great power and the glory, forever and ever. Nation. Since the beginning of our de- WASHINGTON, DC, Amen. September 6, 2001. mocracy, we have begun each day’s f I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN work petitioning our creator that we SHIMKUS to act as Speaker pro tempore on THE JOURNAL might know truth and have the wisdom this day. and understanding to rightfully fulfill The SPEAKER pro tempore. The J. DENNIS HASTERT, our duties. As Reverend Mays so elo- Chair has examined the Journal of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. quently stated in his prayer, our cre- last day’s proceedings and announces f ator grants us grace and strength suffi- to the House his approval thereof. cient for our duties. PRAYER Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- The Reverend Roy Mays, III, South- nal stands approved. Reverend Mays continues to be a bea- land Christian Church, Lexington, Ken- f con for everyone who has crossed paths tucky, offered the following prayer: with him or who has made his ac- Dear Gracious Father, for years we PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE quaintance, including people in over 40 have sung ‘‘America, America, God The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the States where Roy ministered as an shed his grace on thee,’’ and in this gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. evangelist, also among the students, prayer we affirm You have done it and FLETCHER) come forward and lead the faculty and administration whose lives we ask You to do it again. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. he has touched during 12 years of serv- As the Giver of grace, we need Your Mr. FLETCHER led the Pledge of Al- ice at Cincinnati Bible College and presence and assistance; Your good legiance as follows: Seminary. For the past 16 years, Rev- favor and great power. For whatever I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the erend Mays has blessed thousands situation we face today, show us that United States of America, and to the Repub- through the congregation at Your strength is sufficient. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Lexington’s Southland Christian On the day following my diagnosis indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Church as the senior executive asso- with myeloma cancer, You gave me an f ciate minister. insight for experiencing grace in the metaphor of a railroad track, one rail ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Additionally, it is said that the char- represented healing and one rail sym- PRO TEMPORE acter of a person is reflected in the bolized dealing. I was invited to em- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- countenance of one’s spouse and chil- dren so it is with Roy and his lovely brace Your grace and endure my race, tleman from Kentucky (Mr. FLETCHER) keeping both rails parallel or I would will be recognized for 1 minute. There wife of 28 years, Beth, and his two chil- wreck. Your part was to establish Your will be only one 1-minute until after dren, Amanda and Ryan, who reflect purpose and supply Your power. My the joint meeting of the House and the grace and peace engendered by mu- part was to pray and persevere. Senate. tual unconditional love. For all of the Members of this House f Even after being diagnosed with mul- and those they represent, we implore tiple myeloma cancer in 1999, Reverend You to please touch us with Your heal- WELCOMING THE REVEREND ROY Mays continues to touch the lives of ing grace, forgive us when we have for- H. MAYS III those around him, refusing to allow his gotten You, lift us up when we have let (Mr. FLETCHER asked and was given testimony to fade and his countenance You down, deliver help to those who permission to address the House for 1 to dim, even when struggling to over- are hurting, and provide peace for minute and to revise and extend his re- come persistently failing health. He those who are in pain. marks.) stands humbly but firm with God, and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5409 . VerDate 31-AUG-2001 00:40 Sep 07, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06SE7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H06PT1 H5410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 6, 2001 with God’s help of peace and persever- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. ance during the most trying times of ARMEY); DASCHLE); life. Through this example, countless The gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. The Senator from Nevada (Mr. REID); others have received hope. WATTS); The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. In this House, we pray alongside Rev- The gentleman from California (Mr. KERRY); erend Roy Mays that we might be COX); The Senator from West Virginia (Mr. touched with both our Father’s healing The gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ROCKEFELLER); grace and dealing grace. We are in- HYDE); The Senator from Washington (Mrs. spired by Reverend Mays’ unflagging The gentleman from North Carolina MURRAY); faith and his steadfast confidence in (Mr. BALLENGER); The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- God’s plan for all. The gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIN); Mr. Speaker, it is with deep apprecia- KOLBE); The Senator from California (Mrs. tion that I recognize Roy Mays, not The gentleman from California (Mr. BOXER); only for his service to us here today, DREIER); The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. but also to countless others across our The gentlewoman from New Mexico KENNEDY); Nation. (Mrs. WILSON); The Senator from South Carolina f The gentleman from Texas (Mr. (Mr. HOLLINGS); BONILLA); The Senator from Delaware (Mr. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The gentleman from Texas (Mr. BAR- BIDEN); PRO TEMPORE TON); The Senator from Vermont (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The gentleman from Utah (Mr. CAN- LEAHY); Chair desires to make an announce- NON); The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. ment. The gentleman from Missouri (Mr. LOTT); After consultation with the majority GEPHARDT); The Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. and minority leaders, and with their The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. NICKLES); consent and approval, the Chair an- BONIOR); The Senator from Texas (Mrs. nounces that during the joint meeting The gentleman from Texas (Mr. HUTCHISON); to hear an address by His Excellency FROST); The Senator from Idaho (Mr. CRAIG); Vicente Fox, only the doors imme- The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. The Senator from Tennessee (Mr. diately opposite the Speaker and those MENENDEZ); FRIST); on his right and left will be open. The gentlewoman from Connecticut The Senator from New Mexico (Mr. No one will be allowed on the floor of (Ms. DELAURO); DOMENICI); the House who does not have the privi- The gentleman from Arizona (Mr. The Senator from North Carolina lege of the floor of the House. PASTOR); (Mr. HELMS); Due to the large attendance which is The gentleman from California (Mr. The Senator from Indiana (Mr. anticipated, the Chair feels that the LANTOS); LUGAR); rule regarding the privilege of the floor The gentlewoman from New York The Senator from Texas (Mr. must be strictly adhered to. (Mrs. LOWEY); GRAMM); and Children of Members will not be per- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. The Senator from Kansas (Mr. mitted on the floor, and the coopera- REYES); BROWNBACK). tion of all Members is requested. The gentlewoman from California The Assistant to the Sergeant at (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD); f Arms announced the Acting Dean of The gentleman from Texas (Mr. the Diplomatic Corps, the Honorable RECESS RODRIGUEZ); Jesse Bibiano Marehalau, Ambassador The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The gentlewoman from California of Micronesia. ant to clause 12 of rule I, the Chair de- (Mrs. NAPOLITANO); The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic clares the House in recess subject to The gentleman from California (Mr. Corps entered the Hall of the House of the call of the Chair. BACA); Representatives and took the seat re- Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 7 min- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. served for him. ORTIZ); utes a.m.), the House stood in recess b 1100 subject to the call of the Chair. The gentleman from New York (Mr. During the recess, beginning at about SERRANO); The Assistant to the Sergeant at 10:48 a.m. the following proceedings The gentleman from California (Mr.
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