Pre-Kindergarten Round 2 Directory 2011-2012 School Year Page 1 FortranslatedinformationaboutpreͲkindergartenadmissions,visittheDOEwebsiteat www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK.ApplicationsmustbesubmittedinEnglish;please usethesampleapplicationasaguidetohelpyoufillouttheEnglishapplication. ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϰϠϋ ϝϮμΤϠϟ ˬwww.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK ϢϴϠόΘϟ ΓέΩϹ ϲϧϭήΘϜϟϹ ϊϗϮϤϟ ΓέΎϳί ϮΟήϧ ϚΗΪϋΎδϤϟ ΪηήϤϛ ϢΟήΘϤϟ ΝΫϮϤϨϟ ϡΪΨΘγ ϮΟήϧ ˭ΔϳΰϴϠϜϧϹ ΔϐϠϟΎΑ ΕΎΒϠτϟ ϢϳΪϘΗ ϦϴόΘϳ .Δοϭήϟ ϞΒϗ Ύϣ ϒμΑ ϝϮΒϘϟ ΔϴϠϤϋ ϝϮΣ ΔϤΟήΘϣ .ΔϳΰϴϠϜϧϹ ΔϐϠϟΎΑ ΐϠτϟ ΔΌΒόΗ ϲϓ Ēp-ĒïnđĉñđĘùŪ ĘĂ ĆĒþŪĉ aĂĕĒĀþ þÿƟ ĊđĘĆĉ öĂƟ www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreKLJïđĂđĠ Ēûoi oĘĠąčđiù ĺĀðĔĂÞ äĘąĀĂăt aąċƟi iáĘĉĒöĘþ ăĕĉý ïĉĘþ ĎĘą; iáĘĉĒö äĘąĀĂăt ăĕĉĘý čĎđĠþđĊđĘĆ aĂĔgĎ ïĘĉ ĂćĂđĔ äĘąĀĂătDž ĒĂĘĀŪċĂ ĒĎĘċĘą ąƟąĎđĉ ïĉĂÞĔ བ㽕ᶹⳟᅌࠡ⧁䣘পⱘЁ᭛䊛㿞ˈ䂟ᶹⳟᬭ㚆ሔⱘ㎆キ˖ www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreKDŽᖙ䷜䘲Ѹҹ㣅᭛฿ᆿⱘ⬇䂟㸼ˈ䂟ᇛЁ᭛⬇䂟㸼 ῷᴀ⫼ᣛफˈᐿࡽ㞾Ꮕ฿ᆿ㣅᭛⬇䂟㸼 PouraccéderauxinformationssurlesadmissionsenpréͲkindergarten,visitezlesiteinternetduDOEà www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK.Lesdemandesd’inscriptiondoiventêtrefaitesavec lesformulairesenanglais.Utilisezleformulairetraduitenfrançaiscommemodèlepourvousaiderà remplirlesrubriquesduformulaireenanglais. Poujwennenfòmasyonnanlòtlangosijèadmisyonprematènèl,alesousitwèbDOEanan www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK.Oudwesoumètaplikasyonanannanglè;tanpri itilizeegzanpaplikasyonankòmyongidpouedewranpliaplikasyonanglea. ᾦ㥷㼃G㥏㌂㧊䔎GU UVVjlVwr 㠦㍲G㥶㞚㤦㰖㤦Gὖ⩾G ⻞㡃㧦⬢⯒G ⽊㔺G㑮G㧞㔋┞┺UG㰖㤦㍲⓪G✲㔲G㡗㠊⪲G㧧㎇䟊G㩧㑮䞮㎪㟒G䞿┞┺UG⻞㡃♲G㌮䝢G 㰖㤦㍲⓪G㡗㠊G㰖㤦㍲⯒G㧧㎇䞶G➢G㺎ἶG㣿☚⪲G㌂㣿䞮㕃㔲㡺UG ʰ̴̶̨̨̨̨̨̨̛̛̛̦̬̥̪̬̘̥̖̪̬̖̪̯̯̖̣̦̼̖̪̬̬̥̥̼̌́̏̔̔̐̏̽̐̌(preͲkindergarten)̡̨̦̬̱̭̭̥̌ ̡̨̨̡̨̨̼̖̬̥̖̺̖̦̦̭̜̯̖̬̭́̌̌̌̌̐̔̐̚̚ʪ̨̨̨̛̖̪̬̯̥̖̦̯̬̦̪̌̌̌̍̌̏̌́̚ ̬̖̭̱̌̔www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK.ʿ̨̛̛̛̛̬̪̣̦̖̦̣̖̦̦̌̌́̏́̌̚̚ ̸̶̡̨̡̨̨̡̨̛̛̦̣̜̭̥̼̖̭̪̣̱̜̯̖̪̖̬̖̖̭̯̖̬̌̐́̽̏̔̏̌̏̍̌̌̚̚̚. Paraobtenerinformaciónenotrosidiomasacercadelingresoaprejardíndeinfantesvisiteel siguientesitiowebdelDepartamentodeEducación:www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK. Lassolicitudesdeingresodebenenviarseeninglés.Porfavorutiliceamododeguíaelejemplo provistodesolicituddeingresoparaayudarseacompletareninglésdichasolicitud. ıùû÷ üĨK Ĥĕ DOE &ǩĩĘ ǩĕ 2ûěģęĊě ¸òú ǕĜêôä NJĩě É9ûý ǩĕ ǩęð/7 NJĩě ĝIJ9ûƪ9Şğĕ ÃôŁ ûĞûê ûĨ/Kôĕ ĈĜê NJĩě ÃõĨôƫĞ/ ûĕ ±ģå÷/ģð97 ËNJĩùûêôŁwww.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/PreK 9ģĄý ģĕ ã÷/ģð97 ǕĞģĜĞ ¸òú ǕĜêôä ǩĩĘ ǩĕ ǩĞôĕ ėĜĖě NJĩě ÃõĨôƫĞ/ ģĕ ã÷/ģð97 ĤĞûýôǗě ¸/S ôý 'ǩǖ Ĥě:Ǻ ËNJĨôĕ GûĜĊå÷/ ǩĕ ûĜğǖ9 ǩğŁ/ Page 2 2011-2012 PRE-KINDERGARTEN ROUND 2 ADMISSIONSLCOME to theversal Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) programs provide a nurturing environment where children’s natural curiosity is used as a springboard to learn skills that are necessary for success in school. In Pre-Kindergarten, children learn how to share, take turns and work in groups. They also develop skills that are the foundation for reading, writing and mathematics. All UPK programs are free of charge. Programs can be half-day or full-day. Students with Special Needs If your child currently has an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) for related services and/or Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) services, and you want your child to apply for a New York City public school Pre-Kindergarten program with services for the 2011-2012 school year, you may apply to the programs in this Directory, online, or in person at your local Enrollment Office. If your child has an IEP that specifies Special Class or Special Class in an Integrated Setting and you want your child to receive this service in a NYC Pre- Kindergarten program during the 2011-2012 school year, please contact the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) administrator at the Committee on Special Education (CSE) in your borough of residence. For more information, please visit the following website: www.nyc.gov/schools/Academics/SpecialEducation/Committees. Page 3 PUBLIC SCHOOL UPK PROGRAMS About Public School Universal Pre‐Kindergarten (UPK) Programs Each public school UPK program listed in this directory includes the school's DBN (School Code), the school name, address and phone number. In addition, each public school listed has information on the total number of applicants and seats from Round 1 of the 2011 Pre‐Kindergarten admissions process. This data is provided to help you better understand how families made their choices during Round 1 this year. The directory also provides the number of available seats for Round 2 in each public school program (AM, PM, Full‐Day) for the 2011‐2012 school year. How to Apply There are two ways to complete the Pre‐Kindergarten application; you can apply online or you can apply in person at an Enrollment Office. Do not submit an application by mail. The online and paper applications are the same and you should only submit one application. Apply Online The online application is available at www.nyc.gov/schools/PreK. If you complete the online application, an application receipt and results notification will be emailed to you. Online applications must be submitted by 11pm on Sunday, July 31. Late applications will not be processed. If you do not have a computer at home you may complete an application on a computer at one of the many New York City public library locations. Access to computers is available with a free library card. To sign up for a library card, you must provide proof of address. To find a library in your area, call 311. Apply In Person Visit your local Enrollment Office to fill out a paper application or work with a counselor to complete the online application. Enrollment Offices are open from 8am to 3pm, Monday through Friday. The deadline to apply in person is Friday, July 29 at 3pm. Late applications will not be processed. For a list of Enrollment Offices, please see page 6. Application Checklist Before you submit your Pre‐Kindergarten application, review the following checklist: Visit schools to determine travel time from your home; there is no transportation provided by the Department of Education for Pre‐Kindergarten students. Consider the length and times of programs; there are morning programs (AM), afternoon programs (PM) and full day programs (FD). Do not use abbreviations on the application. Include your apartment number on the application (if applicable). List only those schools you are interested in having your child attend; if your child is offered a placement, it will be to one of the schools that you list on the application. Twins/triplets: If you are submitting an application for twins or triplets and you want the twins or triplets to attend the same school, you should complete one application and list each child’s information in Section 2 on the application. Siblings: If you want your child to attend his or her older sibling’s school, you must list the older sibling’s school in Section 3 on the application. Keep a copy of the completed application for your records. Page 4 PUBLIC SCHOOL UPK PROGRAMS Eligibility Children born in 2007 who reside in New York City are eligible to participate in UPK programs that are offered by the New York City Department of Education. Admissions Priorities Siblings will be given first preference for admission to all Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs in public schools. This means that applicants who have an older sibling currently enrolled at the school to which they are applying will receive priority for admission. A sibling is a brother or sister (including half-brothers, half- sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, foster brothers, and foster sisters) who lives in the same household as the applicant. Preference will be given in cases where an applicant’s sibling is currently enrolled in a school and will be in a grade ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade next year. Applicants with siblings will be admitted according to the following order of priority: 1. Zoned applicants with a sibling who will be in K – 5th grade at the school in 2011-12; 2. Then to applicants with no zoned school (or whose zoned school has no Pre-Kindergarten program) living in district, with a sibling who will be in K – 5th grade at the school in 2011-12; 3. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living in district, with a sibling who will be in K – 5th grade at the school in 2011-12; 4. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living outside district but in borough, with a sibling who will be in K – 5th grade at the school in 2011-12; 5. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living outside district and borough but in New York City, with a sibling who will be in K – 5th grade at the school in 2011-12. After sibling preference, all other applicants will be admitted according to the following order of priority: 6. Zoned applicants; 7. Then to applicants with no zoned school (or whose zoned school has no Pre-Kindergarten program) living in district; 8. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living in district; 9. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living outside district but in borough; 10. Then to applicants zoned to another school, living outside district and borough but in New York City. If you apply in Round 2 and you received an offer in Round 1, your application will only be considered after new applicants and applicants from Round 1 in your priority group who did not receive an offer are considered. All Pre-Kindergarten applicants that received in offer in Round 1 must submit a Round 2 application to be considered for a new offer. Admissions Policies . There is no guarantee of a placement in a Pre-Kindergarten program. If there are more students applying than there are available
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