DAILY PORTLAND ^ ^ ________ _____——I^^^■—————g—^——____________—_^___—_____PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862. VOL. 13. MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1874. PORTLAND, TERMS $8.00 PEHANNIMIN ADVANCt THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS PI K TO LEI. I cultivate EDUCATIONAL. KCTORY. REAL ESTATE. __WANTS._ THE my beds mostly with the spading Published the PRESS. every day (Sundays excerted) by fork, a strong, tempered steel instrument PORTLAND Booksellers and Stationers. for bile,—An elegant Wanted. To Let* with four flat PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., in MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 21, 1874 prongs. Setting this fork mid- HOVT,ftFO<Cia ,N*.01 Middle Street. ResidenceBrick House, well drained, very desirable BOA RD. Pleasant, Front Chamber, suit location. Western end ot the and Se- An reliable man to sell the able lor way between the T. 054 Cngren St. sunny city, ga* active, two persons. AIt*o, Table Boarders rows, drive it to the full At 108 Excuisoe St., Portland. COLLEGE MeGOWAN, hot and cold in win- wanted at BUSINESS bago, water every room, bay 4!) PLEASANT, St. depth, lift and dows, large brick fuiuaee, splendid cellar, wash trays American Horse and Cattle Spice _«el6d2w» THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. throughly loosen the earth. Terms: Pc liars a Year in Eight advance. To admitted at any time when there are Book Binders, with bdt and cold water. to UPHAM & Between rows or Apply Portland and man To Leu Jwo two and a half feet mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- STUDENTSvacancies. All parties interested are invited to GARDINER, Real Estate No- 7 Exchange in vicinity. To the right liberal * WM. A. QUINCY, Koom Printer’* Agents, vance. its merits. 11, inducements will be offered. Address No. 33 Plum Street. apart, this operation disturbs examine into Exchange, No. Ill St. Street. _sel9<12w the roots very For ftill informotion address Exchange STORE Apply to ST. JOHN SMITH. American Pomologlcal H. JT. PERKINS, selSdtf .Society. iittle, il at all. After this au27dlm&w3n> L. A. GRAY, A.M„ liHALL A SUACKFOBD, No. 35 Plow No. 27 Widgery’B Wharf. motion, THF MAINE STATE TRESS Principal. Brick House lor Sale. Wo attach a plunge Street. se!9d3t 129 Summer Street, Bouton. high value to ‘.he efforts anil the fork lightly next to the TABDIVEL. 25 W. 4tflh St.. French roof Brick House No. 122 Cumber- rows, breaking b published Thursday Morning at a land Rev. Dr. To LeU accomplishments of this a on ac- the every $2.50 MLLE.IV. V., re-opens her French, English and THE Street, owned and occupied by .jsociation, crust, and slightly loosening the year, if paid iu advance, at $2.00 a Carruthers. ten finished , Wauled. half of a double Brick compac- year. German Boarding and Day School for Noung Ladies Confectionery. Contains rooms, Sebago House ten rooms, count of the new and valuable varieties of ted soil without J. PERKINS Vnanufactnrer of and gas. Desirable location. FAMILY or suitable for a ONEpleasantly situated on Danfortb No. lifting, and and Children Sept. 17th. S*perior Seven I>. plain __ HORSE, bay black, Street, 33. immediately Kates of Adyebtisino : Inch of advantages. Possession fruit it has to One spaoe» ladies and ten gentlemen are attached to the Institu- and fancy Candice, 0S7 Congress St, Also the SECOND PARISH VESTRV A Lmiy to drive. Address P. F. H., Lock Box given October 1st. Enquire of S. W. brought public notice, and the around the hill break the •ngtli of constitutes a Me. LOT on feet. Real Estate gently surface column, “square.’* tion. No pains are spared to improve in Arts Portland Deer Street, containing 2171 square 2017. ROBINSON, Agent, 205 Middle street. widespread interest it only, $130 first week: 75 cents per pupils This lot cant to _se!9d3t has awakened and sus- lest wound the por square daily and Sciences. jy31d2$m can be had at much leu* than Portland, Sept, 14,1874. d2w you roots starting out near week after; three insertions, or less, $ 1 00; continu- the present owner and on terms to suit the purchas- Wanted. tained throughout the country, by its trans- the crown and retard the ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. Carpenters and Builders. er. to WM. H. JERKIS, growth and dwarf Apply rooms with for To Leu actions Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one St. Augustine’s School for WHITNEY & Pearl op- se4d3w* Estate board, Gentleman, and exhibitions. It Boys, MEANS, Street, Real Agent. and deserves, how- the plaut. In this the Week. $1 00; 60 cents per week after. FURNTS^VEDWire, Child four years old, Address with process operator Keinoved to School posite Park. MORRILL’S CORNER, First still Special one third additional. Franklin Family terms M. F. C., Press Office. sel8<l3t* DEERING, ever, higher commendation for its ear- moves Notices, Daily AT Class Dwelling house, nine rooms, with all backwards before his work, Under head of and “Auction Topsliam, Me, Desirable Properly No. 44 Free nest working “Amusements,’* modern improvements, garden and stable. and long-continued efforts to introduce 00 three insertions Rt. Rev. H. A. D. Oscar L Sale. Handy clean as he goes. A little practice will ena- Kales’’, $2 per square per week; Neely, D., Visitor, Dye-House. Street lor Partner Wanted, to horse and steam cars. Inquire ol C. E. MOR- or less $1 50. B. A., Rector. Send for circular. oclOtf 04 Union Street.* among ijrchard'sts and fruit cultivators Billings, POSTER’S Dye Honse, TWO STORY House in order. Heated by a RILL, near or W. H. Portland, gener- ble him to the work with Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State good good manufacturing business, established in piemises, JEKltlS, perform rapidity* A turuace and piped for gas. with a good Stable 1866. Good Ad- null dtf ally. the Press” (which has a circulation in IN mechanic with capital preferred. Unly best, and, consequently, the and it will be found no means large every part and and lot containing 8500 feet of land. Inquire dress Box 1697. By of the State) for $100 for first Mr. t. NIEBEBG. Furniture—Wholesale Retail. square selGendlw moat tediot^. per square insertion, of DR. on tbe premises, or JOHN C. profitable hinds of fruit. It has and 60 cents A No. BROOKS, To Leu giveD, It is not or to work per square for each subsequent inser- WALTER COREY CO., Arcade, PROCTER, 93 Street. seld3w necessary proper around tion. a graduate of a German and of Exchange Wanted. year a list of those fruits which university professor 18 Free Street, LET, two unfurnished rooms on 2d floor. Also by year, after tbe hills with a trowel. It is tedious Address all and who ha# been teaching in hire and in- communications to philosophy history GEOKOl A. No. 56 Ex- a Furnishfcd from 6 to 12 months. TO several furnished rooms, at No. 4 Cotton trial have been Portland tor a and litera- WHIX’NEIT, For Sale. House, street, patient found worthy of gen- as PUBLISHING CO. year the German language of all TO The Western or central of the City pre- wo doors from Free Street. au3dt t jurious it destroys roots used for tbe ___PORTLAND with lessons change St. UphoUteriiijg kind* part sup- ture, great success, will Degin his for No. 42 Pleasant Street. For ferred. of JOHN O. PROCTER. eral as well as all the new done to order* particulars Inquire sepl5tf. adoption, varieties port of the If a dandelion classes aud single pupils. He also intends to open a at the house from 3 to 5 P. M. plant. of dock school HOUSEapply Houses to Let. which bore marks of this meth- for boys and girls in German, Latin, French, au29 dtf promise. By is found close to the BUSINESS CARDS. to the German Furniture and House Furnishing Hoods. Wanted. growing up plant, re- Geography. History, etc., according Portland Real Estate Company’s Blocks, on od, the labors and and of cor. watchings waitings move the earth half a system. For best relerences, information and terms HENJ. ADAMS, Exchange and Fed- YOUNG man, as Bill Clerk, in a wholesale IN Carroll and Pine Streets. Long leases will be foot away apd work apply to eral Street*. FOR SALK JLuse. One to learn the business if desired. of the individual have been J. B. MATHEWS & A wishing pre- given Enquire experimenter very cautiously up, bare the root of CO., ferred* m own hand P. Box laying the HOOPER A' Old Pont of situated on the west side Address, writing, O, jy21dtf MATTOCKS & FOX. 6 FREE STREET. EATON, Office, LOT vacant land, materially diminished, anil the fruit culturist to Wholesale Dealers in First Quality Street. Sts. 1063. se!2dtf intruder a depth sufficient to room fe2eodlm* Exchange A of High, between Pleasant and Danfortb, of give of 61 feet and is about 194 to-day can his labors on the orchard L. F. HO ITT, No. 11 Proble Street. Up- This lot has a front about House to Let. begin for ja firm grasp and draw it out. It is use- State of Maine dove to order. feet and plans have been drawn by How, for a with such well Roofing Slate, holstering deep, No. 53 near Park. In- tried and reliable varieties as Mass. Institute of block or seven or nine and convenient resi- WANTED Spring Street, less; to cut it off near the surface. Technology. genteel of GEO. E. 84 Commercial NO. 119 COMMERCIAL STREET Fall Entrance 23 and 9 a.m: dences, and adapted for the same. Enquire ot HOUSEquire DAVIS, St will almost warrant success.
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