Inventory No: SBR.912 Historic Name: Weston Aqueduct Section 1 Bridge Common Name: MDC Access Road Bridge over Sudbury Reservoir Address: Weston Aqueduct City/Town: Southborough Village/Neighborhood: Fayville Local No: 7-6 Year Constructed: Architect(s): Gill, T. H. and Company Architectural Style(s): Arch Filled Spandrel; Arch Barrel Dressed Voussoir Use(s): Other Engineering; Other Transportation; Utilities Other Significance: Engineering; Transportation SBR.F: Sudbury Dam Historic District Area(s): sbr.i: Water Supply System of Metropolitan Boston Nat'l Register District (1/18/1990); Nat'l Register TRA Designation(s): (1/18/1990) Building Materials(s): The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available in digital format at this time. The MACRIS database and scanned files are highly dynamic; new information is added daily and both database records and related scanned files may be updated as new information is incorporated into MHC files. Users should note that there may be a considerable lag time between the receipt of new or updated records by MHC and the appearance of related information in MACRIS. Users should also note that not all source materials for the MACRIS database are made available as scanned images. Users may consult the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M-F, 9-5. Users of this digital material acknowledge that they have read and understood the MACRIS Information and Disclaimer (http://mhc-macris.net/macrisdisclaimer.htm) Data available via the MACRIS web interface, and associated scanned files are for information purposes only. THE ACT OF CHECKING THIS DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED SCANNED FILES DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING A DEVELOPER AND/OR A PROPOSED PROJECT THAT WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT, LICENSE OR FUNDING FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY YOU MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM TO MHC FOR MHC'S REVIEW AND COMMENT. You can obtain a copy of a PNF through the MHC web site (www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc) under the subject heading "MHC Forms." Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc This file was accessed on: Saturday, July 09, 2016 at 5:34: PM I set. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY • HecO M unicipal i ty: fooo^'borooojo D i s t r i c t ; 3 O Street name/Rt. #; MDC acceso road ; ; Over , Street name/Rt. #; JDod'ourvv/l^ea-ec-MO\r spiUuugg, OVooa"foroolc Bridge key #; HDC 3P>4 Q7<b too Photo ##s: 14<V. ?Y7 tfW. o-4 Bridge plan #; * (jCY^ Common/historic name; Oeci-ioo 1 bndcg CKR nom) Current owner: 23.0 O- 5-^) UTM coordinates:_ AA3HT0 rat ing; 5e.o (\o T - q ^ ********************************************** National Register status (insert date) % F i e l d rat ing: Entered; l-\6-qo Potent i al : $ ^ , rgN E l i g i b l e : Non-el igible: % * Date bu i l t (source): N *********************************************************************** CH"R.aom) * Date(s) rebu i l t (source) Bui lder (source):_ Designer (source); ? preoucriecl Me^TO-NN^crclSeujeraae1 ^^^ ery^negnoa-sWCr nom^ ************************************************************************ Structural type/ materials: HI C-**) L-i>pan, fdled-opao.dreJi, concreW barrel arch. sW>e faced, regular o\onc ^outoc*r?>, couroed Qjaoci^ doWUr ©paodrel faoo^, ©Wchll^ p r o ^ e d o ^ coping course . <Z.-pvpe »c-on igusicxi mil- no evndence seenaoT~o preoer^ce/ciboe^ce of reirfarcioo^ Overal l length; 4o' Deck width/layout; \G.g>' ool-lo-oU Skew: Main un i t , # spans; 1 lengths: so' Approaches, # spans; lengths; - Plaque; no locat ion : - I A l t erat i ons , unusual features , comments: I .. • i jjfrThere io coo-fuoior) in 4h<£ HD^VV r^.corcio ao TO"!KC; proper olruclure. "the "bndae HisWteo oWoto 4K*o as tj-gO-Sj. j W cun-eol pnoT-oota, aoibjxbzx.de. al leaol a=> far ao Ho^, call 4VMO one of 2. bridcg-5 owen ao t>-20£4. ("ibe oiber one toe'tOo T-^O/Woodland "Rd.) "and Abe prini-ooL £voe t>-gp-&A a* U^fcrcxD\cT<.d./vWacbooeH' AqoedocV. OlQpa of ^cl\ue leaicac^ 4nrooqV» t)W oparxirel . *-* a. cxio-iribo^rjo^e-ierDeoi- \n 4he SudburuTJarT) Rit>\or»cTKo\ric\ of 4Wt** W &W &c^\^ S e v e r n oC V\eVopolAaipoUtan ^)oo\o(Dooioni " Wemscnc4Wrrraihc. monmuHipTe1 3ie. properlprcperi^y inorDi^^Vo D Visual quality (bridge and setting): High / Average Low_ Site integrity: Retained • Violated Describe: A handoome li4\le. brides. , a hnrroooiooo eWroerA in -nr, irt\^reopwe landscape seftioa. beioco 4f>«. earVn- filled. tSodborM~ba.vr>. Olher r>eo-cta»o"3iCjoi _a\one g modem concreW black, buildmap 4o C)G <3ce incoocj-ootfa. 0 History of bridge and site: 1 Sources: Cnndoce Aenfcioo eiiaW, "VfaiWr f^pU^utji^m of Me\copotiUr,~boCflor> " -\hema.Wc Piano Ho Uoo(t> T b e r a e o £, A^toct, 'TheWder "Ooppk 'ou^Aenr, o f tleWr^^nlbaof or> , ie4"0-lH2£" Summary statement of significance: One of Abe o\des\ of \be V77 concrete arch btndojo Co? a\ leaol -spa^ curcenMaJ •Vo e*ioA in 4he. MWD dcctab-aoe. one of veru^ztrtxe ^rou^> of 4he \57 ; d a t i n g TxroiTo > •Vhe firoV decade of -the ?C>— c. Of uoeerWin eryoaneecirvo sioriif vca^ce in \\ s e l f , but* a. uoe\\- p r e o e r u e d , Kaodaomelu. fioiohed jo4ear^a^e\emeoT aCihe HT£-lioVed Oodboru^ TJarn l\»tAoric~l)lCnrtcl. One of ^ acoup of Co •Similexr> ^one-faced concrete arch brtdc^es in 4he database boili ba fhe Metropolitan SNaW/WaW 6\ t b e u o e r a a e r^toard beVuoeen ROo and \qoo (C-WyV8, C^Bo-R, NS-17-1, Y S H 7 - 3. NM-8R-Z5 are 4be o\bert>). Statement prepared by: f). A U p p e r Date: Field survey by: t>.-Hooper, MTPW Uiolonc"bndQa 'Spgcioloi Date: 8/£q/qo 3 6 i d 12. MHD HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY BRIDGES ALREADY LISTED IN THE NR — MHD CONCURRENCE M un i ci pal i ty On/Over BDEPT# Bridge: -tDou\oboroijcjr> H^C acceaa r o ,u>an t-ZO'ZA has previously been reviewed by the Massachusetts H i s t o r i c a l Commission and was l i s t e d i n the Nat ional Register of H i s t or i c Places on i-is-^o* • A f t er a review of a l l known bridges of comparable s t ruc t ura l type i d e n t i f i e d i n the MHD statewide bridge database, MHD now s i g n i f i e s i t s concurrence with that l i s t i n g . Comments; * UoWd as a. coolnicxi-ioa elemeol iO \he S'^dWjr^Tj>n.cY> U i t >ior\c.~bioir»cl c£ Abe. \NaW Supply S^jAem oC MeiropolA a.o lito-Aoo -IherrrcxVic r>Qrni02xVior». eric^r^noo^ \a<Ji ao irnecArcA pad a. rvitupr- ecyD^eerioc^corrvpU,*.. Prepared by: 0-iTs.oper Date: g-<vq^ MHC INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET -- MHC Inventory scanning project, 2008-2009 (SZQZ^) MACRIS NO. Sfi£-«H"2-. MHC INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET - MHC Inventory scanning project. 2008-2009 ~£A>> MACRIS No.^&^.^^ BRIDGE Inventory Form # NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY OPINION TO: Betsy Friedberg RETURN TO REVIEWER DATE 4/15/97 FROM: W. Smith DATE TOWN: Southborough PROPERTY : (S-20-24) MDC access road over Sudbury Reservoir spillway, Stony Brook (MHD NO. A N D ADDRESS) COMMON/HISTORIC NAME: Section 1 Bridge Does this property meet the criteria for National Register eligibility? Individually YES A s a contributing element in a YES X National Register District? N O N O X Located within, or adjacent to a YES historic district or potentially N O eligible historic district? A . Criteria A . Events More information needed YES B. Lives N O C. Characteristics D. Information B. Level Local State National Statement of Significance or w h y not eligible? 1903 One Span,, filled spandrel, concrete barrel arch bridge. Stone faced. Stone voussoirs, coursed granite ashlar spandrel facing. Very early and finely finished bridge. Bridge is a contributing element in the Sudbury Dam Historic District of the W a t e r Supply System of the Metropolitan Boston thematic n o m i n a t i o n The bridge was determined a contributing element to the National Register Historic D i s t r i c t on 1-18-90. Determination of Eligibility Letter W r i t t e n Filed in E R F i l e (Date) The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin, S e c r e t a r y of the Commonwealth Massachusetts Historical Commission May 16, 1997 Peter C. Markle Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Massachusetts Division 55 Broadway, 10t h Floor Cambridge, MA 02142 RE: National Register Eligibility, Fourteen Bridges Dear Mr. Markle: Staff of the Massachusetts Historical Commission have reviewed fourteen historic bridge inventory forms prepared by the Massachusetts Highway Department.
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