jr:.. u *# °o,. ie VOI/IIME xrti. f.AFr TWftAS. CT.ARR COUNTY. NEVADA, SATURDAY. yg|Hl1JARY^rigl7 NUMBBB5 COURT HEARIN6^ . Provide State Auditor Witliamson-Thompson WRECKEDTH6HIE A bill providing for a stats auditor Wennesday evening, January 31, along foe lines mentioned in the gov­ 1917, at six o'clock, Hiss Zoe Thompson, CIVIL MATTERS ernors message ia being prepared by LINCOLN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. theAttofney-general and will be pre­ Thompson, of Baraboo, Wis., . waa HIS FIREMAN sented, probably in the assembly in the Born Fe»b. 12. 1809 united in marriage to Mr.. James Mnrder Cases ^JPl™-^ near future, according to a statement Williamson of this city,' at the resi­ John DaYts Loses Life made by Gov. Boyle, ^MzM dence of Mr. and Mra. C. P. Squires. Withers and Peter Piantoni I ' The bill wiil be similar to* the act Rev. Percival 8. Smithe read the mar­ .Jack Dalzcll Badly Injured presented to tbe legislature of 1913. It riage servige in the presence of a few Go March Term^H will provide for the appointment Of a intimate friends of the contracting . in Cajon pass state auditor, who, among other duties, parties. The bride waa attired in a Tuesday morning Jan. 30, at / 10 will be required to Install and check blue tailored suit and carried lillies of Last night, a light engine of the Salt O'clock, Judge Chas. Lee,Horsey open­ botb state and county accounts. The the valley. After tbe ceremony din­ Lake Route, bound from Summit to ed the Jauuafy term of the district governor believe* that a substantial re­ ner was served, following which the San Bernardino, turned over on the court. After appointing Miss' field duction of the expense now incurred pleasant evening was apent about tiie Cajon Pass grade, killing the fireman,. Adams as court reporter for the term, will be brought about by this system. open fire, telling stories and singing John Davis and seriously injuring Jack Judge Horsey proceeded to call the old songs. *J vvy^* '"yf^Trf*-' DalzelL the engineer. The derailed calendar and set for trial such- -matters The bride fnr several years has been engine was lying across the track when as were ready "for trial. / •*S|g|ft« the faithful and efficient secretary of Santa Fe train Hoi. 3 came upon it. In the case State vs Beatrice With- Extreme Old Aga^S ths Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce It is reported that Davis was instant­ ers, the colored woman charged with and during her residence here bas en­ ly killed by being caught under the Through tbe courtesy of Ed. Von­ ' Ihe murder of her. husbsr/d,. attorneys deared herself to many friends. The engine. Dalsell suffered a broken arm Tobel, we hays a copy of '<The Blade", Busteeiif jihr}. BrepTy inter/posed a demur groom has been a resident of Vegas for and, other injuria* snd was removed to published at Fairbury, Illinois. The is- ^_LtheinjoriuaUu.il.—This was argued] about-two years, coming here from the hospital, in Los Angeles. sue contains the obituaries' of two by the attorneys, on Friday, and over-! Caliente,. He is an operator in the Engineer. Da—ell is well known in colored people who died the same week, ruledby th** court."/ The defendant! employ of the Western1 Union Tele­ Vegas, having resided here for several both of whom were over/117 years of thereupon entered a pier, of tnot gttllty.} graph Company and is very highly re­ years prjor to moving to San Bernar­ age and both of whom/were born in and thecase wiw- ijetii for trial before a j garded by all wbo know.bim. dino, liavis, the dead fireman,' waa slavery. :? "'y ^f3-"^^_@ jury Tuesday_Mai<.S 20. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson have taken also at one time running out of Vegas- Stephen Young died Jeh. 18tH. He The murder charge against Peter a cottage at the corner of Second and All trains were delayed several hours was born in~if!00/ or' 1801^ the exact Piantoni took theraame course as the Bonneville streets where they will be by tbe wreck. *date-bein|^Bn«rl_in.-:-y * *_•'..*." •:lr^-y -Wlthetn c—eandf trial waa act for-Fri- at home, to their friends. WO are Mrs. Sophia Lancaster was born Nov. day,-March 23. / pleased io join with many friends** in 18, 1799 and died January 1,6, 1917.' The E. B. Carrol and p. Allman, charged hearty congratulations. with robbing yra outfit car off J. W. deaths of these two who had lived to Committee Reports the age of nearly six score years, at ' .mark, entered pleas of guilty, and*-on almost the same tiara, waa a remarkable Prof. Bernard Street, chairman *JO£- Friday aft'er/idon 'were sentenced to coincidence. - tbe committee on community Christmas not-less thap.ono year hor-TOore than Western Mines Company tree, has made his report on mon'ey five years ip the state prison W. R. Letton and other Los Angeles collected and the expenditures as Civil majfters receiving the attention mining .men bave started, active de­ ings and to - strike argued and taken follows: . 'S*K; fSslllSls of tbe court are as follows: velopment on their property adjoining -under advisement-by the codrt. Donations received for Community ~ -Georg»0rdwayvs*-' WattsrjJ='0rdwa"' the townsite of Eldorado, recently ^ac­ Walter M. Brown vs Nathaniel H. Christmas Tree, WW.,;. -r- Dec reel o f d i vorce for p 1 a i n t-iff. Pe- Wheeler—Judgment and decree of lore quired from Leonards & Martin*. - This Left from last y—ur JJj'^lSS 77 fendant Ordered to pay $20 per month closure for pff. hy?—r_itt j^- • v ,. - group consists of the Chicago, San Diego and otber claims and is consid­ L.A. to B. of R. T. 5 00 i* for^care^f infaint child— -^ •'*:'. '*- Walter M. Brown vs Dupont Cupper ! 6 T. G,' Brice vs W—. A. Taylor—Trial Mines Co.—Judgment and decree of ered one of the beat in the field. A o. R. c. •~k£hi-' S °° 6 which.was begun last 'term of court, foreclosure by default. shaft 600 feet deep, will be sunk and a L. A. tQ.O. B. C. ^^3 ix%7 JW cross cut run to the vein whieli is ' very, waa regarngj}. The motion of defendant Colorado-Nevada M. & A. 60, VB Parent-Teacher Association 5 50 well defined. Samples of ore taken B. of L. F. & E. 5 00 for a' continuation--was denied. M.' Chas. L. Dennison, Martin J. Heller from the croppings of thia ledge were Latter Day Saints Church ,, -10 00 Geo./ Wadey, .las. C. Phelps and P. H. anS R. G. -Walker—Motion to strike very rich. - IMethodiat Snuday School— «T00~ Springer were galled te taatify for argaed and -lal—u under, advisement by Altar Society, Catholic church 5 00 plaintiff in rebuttal, and the case waa tbe court. G. I. At-of B. L. E. -^S* 5 0" taken under advisement by the court. Sidney Stevens Implement Co., vs P.J. Sullivan tfj^^^j- ' 1 50 Peter Buol,and I. C. Johnson vs Geo. W. C. Bowman—Demur sustained. Jiffroachffi§ Mamaee MTT I g, Mi'1*- -.j-*- '• 1 00 A. Fayle—Demur argued and sustained Plaintiff given 20 daya to amend eon> • Dr. W. E. Ferron of the Laa Vegas High School 7-75 by the court. Plaintiff ! -was given plaint and defendant 10 days additional, Pharmacy, left Friday for Salt Lake B. of R. T. 10 00 wave to amend and .defendant allowed to answer. City. The important business which Mesquite Club 5 00 ten days from- date.of. filing amended _ Andrew Eggertsen vs Arta L. Eg. called him north at this time is his L. V. Volunteer Fire Dept. 10 00 complfynt to answer, . gertsen—Demur argued snd taken un­ marriage witb Mies • Ruth Cooper, Eastern Star 10 00 Peter Buol and I. C. Johnson vs der advisementy»g^p IK:7'-;.^ ; ,, , daughter of Mra. William Payne Cooper, Elks ^jS'' j "' "~^™*" "soTKT' Harry Josephs—Demur argued. \*,jy Dora Belle Cooley vs Frederick H. wbich will,be solemnized - Wednesday, JJ—:6fK- 15 00 Est. of Chas. A. Hopkins, deed.— Cooley—Decree of divorce for plaintiff. February 7- at tne Episcopal church. Odd Fellows %^^^ 20 00 kLeo A. McNamee appointed adminis­ Richard Busteed vs J. J., and P. H. j Salt Lake. ,.. Eagles ' •— . rrr *g= trator with the will annexed. W. E. Mahoney—Motion to retax coats ari/ued The, bride to be is a very popular and B. of L. E. )21 50 .HawKhis, vvm. 3. Park" and Peter Buol and costs fixed by court. 108 l^s^iix^lm&^ masfy&a, charming'girt,* and we congratulate Masons 20 "00 ; appoi n tedSqwn-aisors. - Martm H. Phillabaum vs Ada Philla- our fellow citizen noon his good fortune. Total 1329 02 Est. of Mair^Hprvath, deed.—W. R. baum—Decree of divorce for pff. \ ffite&r Since Bs /fat' Ffecticti Ths newly weds ». will travel Jo San Thomas jafipnlnteSs^xecutor of the will. ~^&1 '•f.'Xtil—ore" va fatnV wiimnfAg: Ex penditurosTn connection— Francisco and lioa Angeles for -their witb tree and program—-. •—$99 48 L WTrllmn l.nipheysCn,, yf Board | Decree of divorce for pf**. .• • 7" honeymoon and expect to be at home Spent for relief 72 37 of Trustees of St^faomS^chool EBa State vs (ioeman—Set "trial for Mon­ in one of*; the Rockwell cottages on Total $171 85 trict—JMotion for judgment onjplead day March 26. Editor's Waste Basket Moving Undesirables Third street in this city about Feb., 15.
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