. 1 1; 5 financial nmicle INCLUDING Bank and Quotation Section (Monthly) State and City Section (semi-Annually ) Railway and Industrial Section ^Quarterly) Street Railway Section ee (^Jf ) Entoroii according to Aot of Congrass, in the year 1005, by WILLIAM 1?. Dana Company, in the otttce of librarian of Congress, Washington, I). C. A weekly nomMMr entered at Host office. New York, ai second-clam mutter— w ii.liam B. Dana Company, Publishers. 7B}< Pine St,, N. Y. VOL. 81 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1905. NO. 2100. II ee/: enduuj Sept. 10 Clearing* o.t Inc. or %\xt (Chronicle. 1905. 1904. Dec 1903. 1902 PUBLISHED WEEKLY. +17-7 ol Subscription—Payable in Advance Boston 139,943.741 118.938,?!)! 121.342.251 120,391.923 Terms I'rovidence 6,508,000 6,181 ."I") +53 6.980,100 6.4*5,000 For One iear $10 00 Ilurtford 3, nao. Ton 2,441.705 --240 2.208.660 2,881.665 --20-2 J/or 8is Months 6 Oil New Haven- 8,824,208 1,860,377 l.6i 1.740,962 - -13-8 >o turopean .-ubscnption (including postage) 13 oo Spnmrfleld 1.741.H44 1.580,443 1 1-7,016 1,280,6 --10 European 6UbscripUon Six Months (including postage) 7 50 Worcester 1,444,460 1,302,007 9 1 483.294 1.598,275 Portland 1,770,630 1,624.902 +8 4 I £03,884 1.842.551 Annual Subscription in London (including postage) £2 14s. Fall Kiver 799.1147 546.960 +353 770,614 902,228 6n Months Subscription in London (including postage) £1 lis. Lowell 474,645 482.311 -16 460.636 488,932 432.316 +04-5 537,724 Subscription includes following Sections— New Bedford 711,893 558.835 Holyoke 426,030 439 949 — 99 I'll, 720 885.376 and Quotation (monthly) I State and Citt (serai annually) Bank Total New England. Io0.016.lu7 185,772,811 + 17 1 137,842,176 143.483,816 Railway and Industrial (quarterly) | Strkkt Kailway (3 times yearly) Clneaeo 198,026,160 171 632,686 + 160 169 361,125 157,070,502 Terms oi Advertising—Per Inch Space Cincinnati 22,631,450 25.181,400 — 10 .. 20 3U.00f 21, 655.800 Cleveland — 15.686 492 13.415.4S7 + 16-0 14 847,762 17,494,622 Transient matter per inch space (14 agate lines) $4 20 Detroit 16.196,223 10,980,105 +20 10 068,010 0.536.005 Two Months (8 times) 22 00 Milwaukee 8,114,548 9.940,663 — 16-4 8 715.757 6.762.037 -7-4 Three Months (13 times) 29 00 Indianapolis. 0,700,870 7.244,398 6 137,941 5.275.199 Six Months (20 times) 50 00 Columbus. 4,890,800 4.701,1)30 +2-1 4 ,289.000 4,533 550 +2-2 Twelve Months (52 times) 87 0* Toledo 3,853.283 3,709.626 4,167,473 3.156 551 I Peoria S;228,905 3.152.393 +24 1 2 911.552 3,121,255 +15-8 CHICAGO OFFICE—Pliny Bartlett, 513 Monadnock Block. Grand Rapids 2,217.678 1,914,685 1 836,948 1,723.776 Dayton 1,934.178 ],89li.6S3 -1-20 1 742.228 1,490,682 LOXDO.N OF* ICE—Edwards & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C. Kvansville 1,620,888 1,208.511 +31-8 1 ,223,767 1,155,675 -10-7 WILLlA.n B. DANA COMPANY, Publishers, Akron. 466.200 622.800 728,100 758.5' ID Springfield. Ill 762,296 771,OSS -13 771.114 664 100 617,759 427,804 +44-4 602,381 Fine Street, Corner oi Pearl Street, Youngstown 553.202 Kalamazoo 810,242 786,8-i4 +3-1 670.636 460.772 523,74s 493,953 +6"l 577,213 446.600 Post Office Box <>.'5S. NEW YORK. Lexington , Canton 491.731 521,280 —5-8 5S5,5o5 4^8,911 Rockford 547.728 477,160 +14-8 440 6s6 887,045 S|M-ingfleld. O 375,812 324,756 +15-7 376,779 348,030 Bloctnington 402.987 392.590 +2 6 368,676 206.999 CLEARING ROUSE RETURNS. yu'ncy 314,835 301,663 +33 395.2S7 238.540 Decatur 305.816 371,326 — 178 250.725 244550 The following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates .Mansfield 345,992 227,048 +521) 217,771 215.689 260,800 • Jacksonville .. 300,415 +152 180.503 206,253 that the total bank clearings of all the clearing houses of the Jackson 221,434 221,961 — 16 197,781 152.008 93.460 92,462 +1-1 60,82 I 74,903 United States for the week ending to-day, September 23, have Ann Arbor Fort Wayne 748.136 Not Include d in to tal. been $3,547,974,336, against $2,519,659,309 last week and South Bend 473,825 Not include a in to (al. 287,599,936 201.268.510 + 10-1 252,069.065 238,810,649 12,031,003,444 the corresponding week last year. Total Mid. Western San Francisco 46,935,146 34,607,831 +856 33 511,770 80,156,757 Los Angeles 11,436.010 7.105,497 +610 6.692,162 4,725.872 Clearing*—Returns uy Telegraph. Seattle 5,001, OOi 5,286.011 + 116 4.257,661 4,964.569 1905. 1904. P. Cmt. Week Ending Sept-ember 23. Salt Lake City 3,830.848 2,532,738 +.J t 6 3,087.396 3,312,630 Portland. 5,231,674 4,907,027 +6-6 3,908,500 3.635,228 New York 1 1.208.77 3,756 998,850.763 +30-0 Spokane 8.437.8'.0 2,799,170 +22 8 2,208,400 1.805.179 Boston 109.309.314 93.152.705 + 173 Taeoma 3,527,439 2,207,4 +50 8 2.001.787 1.155.508 1 863,953 498.675 +7-3 538,000 633,080 Philadelphia 111,365.103 91.122.683 +2 -8 Helena 626.845 643,902 + 15'8 525, 3',)0 469,385 Baltimore 20.967.096 16, 143,954 +29-9 Fargo Sioux Falls 407.022 337,320 +20,-8 261531 233,772 Chicago 170.7O0.il62 145.43S.455 +17-4 82,197.508 60.8J5.651 +351 57 030,702 51,391,980 8L Louis 42,5>i9,097 44.088,700 —3-4 Total Pacific +4-5 New Orleans 10.lbl.779 11.827.784 —13-0 Kansas City 25,371,216 24.274,418 23,132.701 21.673,498 Minneapolis 19,886,081 20,152,362 1 — 1 15.420,764 15 051.767 seven cities, 5 days $1,763,868,607 Sl.100.925,034 +25-9 Omaha 8,541,694 7,7 19.930 +10 7338,816 7 117,222 6,493,548 6.111770 +0 5 786,010 5,685.778 Other cities. 5 days 838,972.864 887.564,231 +13-9 St. Paul — St. Joseph. 3,726,733 4.636.0 loo 4,890,260 4.592.,-90 6,931.891 5,747,570 +20 1 4,928,480 5.027,387 Total al! cities, 5 days *2. 1 02,84 1.471 S1.698 489.285 +23-8 Denver 2,593,312 2,277,350 +13;9 1.001.861 2.027,952 All cities, 1 da j- 445.132,705 802,614.179 +33-9 Des Moines Sioux City 1,536,325 1,282,816 +1M-8 1,053,540 1,698,038 —40-1 Total all cities for week... *2,547.W74.iJ36 *2.031.003,444 +25-4 Topeka 575, 108 960,861 1,415.630 1.488,628 Davenport 798,010 811,008 —1-6 785,421 1,006,181 Wichita 1,011,029 1,000,000 +1-1 645.893 607.085 The full details for the week covered by the above will be Colorado Springs... 5u0,17 9 505.376 + 12-U 319,789 511,410 Cedar Rapids 513,411 333.401 +15 3 given next Saturday. We cannot furnish them to-day, clear- Fremeat 212,463 202,301 +5-0 156,61-1 136,453 ings being made up by the clearing houses at noon on Satur- Paefclo Not include d in ^o tal. Total other Wost'rn 78.757,003 76,031,750 +3'0 68,395,339 67.427,298 day, and hence in the above the last day of the has to week St. Louis 53,752.207 50.525,235 +6-4 49,106,590 45,325,187 be in all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. New Orleans 12,743,296 13.583.693 —58 12,182,521 12.009,302 Louisville 11,290,301 9,876,098 +13-3 9,^78,931 8.491,760 We present below our usual, detailed figures for the previous Houston 12,233,565 8,975,504 +36 4 6 697.175 7. ?95, Mil Galveston 6.208,000 6,020,000 +234 4,500,000 4 sir,, 500 week, covering tlio returns for the period ending with Satur- Richmond. 4.567.3-0 4,681,616 —03 8,844,986 8,634,219 6,542,627 107 5,287,056 5.145,863 day noon. September 16, and the results for the corresponding Savannah. 7,239,312 + Memphis 3,728,261 3,522,554 +56 :.' 35:1.326 8.661 309 - 2,832,1411 +33-4 2.607,0-5 is 1 week in 1904, L903 ana 1902 are also given.
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