Carrick Academy Parent Council Monday 21st May 2012 at 7pm Meeting Room, Carrick Academy In attendance Keith Webster, Head Teacher, Sina Currie, Chair, Derek Hogg, Sharon Robb, Brian Connelly, Diane Shearer, Becky Fleming, Alison Purdie, Susan Paton, Averil Connolly Apologies Janet Limond, Gordon Brown, Hugh Paterson, Craig Alexander, Debs Creedy, Alan Thom Minutes of Previous Meeting Proposed by Susan Paton, Seconded by Becky Fleming Head Teacher’s Items Staffing – Interviews will take place this week for PT Guidance post. There are six candidates and five have acting PT experience. Interviews for 0.6 post vacancy in Computing will be by the end of this month 3 Vacancies now Teacher Art 0.9 FTE (for one year) Technical 0.8 FTE Teacher Modern Languages 0 .4 FTE (for one year) School has been unsuccessful getting a probationer for Modern Languages. Fiona Normancel, Modern Languages has applied for flexible working 4 days per week for one year only. Senior Clerical Sara Morgan visiting school 22nd May to begin post on 6th June. She is currently in Girvan Primary. Terry Ward Clerical Assistant in Office is retiring end June. Brian Auld Technical Technician retiring end June Vacany for Janitor post – interviews to be carried out before summer break. Finance Budget confirmed for this year – no significant change. HT delighted there is no reduction given the current economic climate. The school has been awarded an additional one off lump sum from the Scottish Government to support CFE. Amount to be confirmed. It has been agreed with the Directorate that the school can negotiate use of the monies to decide how it is spent. Keith feels that the use of development time for staff would be beneficial for the school but this might not be possible given the current shortage of supply teachers. CfE Keith confirmed South Ayrshire were well ahead with the CFE plans. Two new information leaflets – info for learners to go out to S 1-3 pupils and second leaflet (info for parents) to go out with summer newsletter to parents of new S 1-3 pupils as their youngsters will be sitting the new type of exams. Answers to questions to the many questions are starting to come. Keith is happy with school experiences continuing but it’s about embedding the new qualifications structure. It will take a lot of hard work to set in place and the leaflets will assist in explaining this. Ongoing discussion/debate re new examination structure. Unions on a work to rule 35 hr week – unsure how big the effect will be. Could impact on the extra-curricular activities. It will be the teachers choice whether to do the activity or work to rule. EIS not part of this yet. SSTA union are doing this. Self Evaluation – Parent Survey Keith pleased 300 surveys issued , 21% return rate. Despite there always being areas for improvement, overall there were good results. The last question showed 90 % were happy with the school. Parent Consultation Sina said the Parent Council didn’t come out well from the survey. Discussions took place as to how the message of CFE and communication in general re events etc could get across to parents. It is felt that there are plenty of avenues for parents to access but there is an inherent lack of interest. The same people support the Parent Council, and those that complain will continue to complain. It was suggested that Parents’ Night be a better opportunity to raise Parent Council awareness. The information is here if parents want it. It was also suggested a table/display board at Parents’ Night/Awards Ceremony be put in place to promote the Parent Council. It could also show how the money had been spent and the events that had taken place. Diane will make a display for the board. The regulations of the licence for the Race Night did not permit advertising the event as it was outside the club membership. A club can only advertise internally. It was felt that a different location be sought to avoid this problem, ie Carrick Centre? Straiton had a Psychic Ladies Night. This raised £700 and had great attendance. It was suggested there were alternative evenings planned. Sina going to respond to survey to go into newsletter to re-enforce to parents how they can get access to information. Pupil Survey Keith confirmed 82% of pupils enjoyed learning in school Keith read out stats – pleased with the results. Only 25% said Pupil Council keeps me informed. Return rate was 276 pupils but they are sat down to complete it. News Summer Concert Won’t go ahead this year. Annual Awards Ceremony moved to different date Wednesday 20th June. Brian McInroy is retiring in June. He is a former pupil, and former part of the SMT in Carrick and is a Guest Speaker at the Ceremony. Robert Dunsmuir and Ann McCrindle will present the prizes. Exams Invigilator impressed with pupil behaviour. School pleased with attendance at exams. New timetable for new S2-4 starts Wednesday 6th June. New S 5/6 Monday 11th June. Interviews for School Captain and House Captains will take place early June. Great job done by existing Captains. P7 Parents’ Night 12 June 6pm. There will be CFE input on the night. Wed 13 June to Fri 15 June - P7 visit. Activities Day 25th June. Department reviews will be carried out prior to end of session. Rugby boys – successes and opportunities have been marvelous this year. They got to the final in Melrose and the Ayrshire final with Marr College. Rugby girls - won Scottish Shield at Murrayfield – 66 primay sevens came for the rugby taster – school can only take maximum of around 40. Moving rugby into 3rd year. Full time Development Officer has been appointed with Carrick Rugby Club. Football - 1st year boys won Ayrshire League Cup against Prestwick Academy. Boat launch yesterday – great project for pupils and is linked to the curriculum. Comenius partner schools- pupils coming here, our pupils are now in Tenerife. Trip to Peru Berlin trip end June Many day trips Science been to Culzean – English Department to Burns Centre Bee keeping trip Philippa asked re Modern Language teacher – cant offer Advanced Higher German Got probationer for Geography Didn’t bid for English Probationer Some combinations of subjects not being able to be accommodated cannot satisfy -every individual request. Individual youngsters can access courses at other schools – particularly in sixth year. Remote learning- Carrick involved in pilot for this through Physics Dept with Girvan Academy. The technology is in place but there are other issues to consider. Harry Garland visited the school to discuss additional staffing for next year. Two of the challenging S1 pupils are currently being educated off site. Keith pointed out we are living with inclusive education and he is doing his best within the parameters he has. Brian Connelly offered to speak to Brian to keep awareness up as it’s felt school should not bear cost to educate them. Fundraising Requests for Funding Support Requests in – varying responses to requests Need to look at ways to distribute monies – Some requests only support a small amount of pupls Peru, Culzean, bees and English dept Decide as a group – Bee Keeping only 3 pupils but feel its worthwhile but other trips were pointed out the Council had supported and only a few pupils had been involved. Funds are sitting at £1200 plus in bank – It was agreed to give some to Bee Keeping – as the pupils would be representing Scotland. Carrick round table have money – suggested Bee Keeping write to them for support. Discussions took place about how a system of fairness and consistency for the money could be implemented. Look at value it brings back to school – for the project Keith said trust fund available for pupils who could not fund a trip. It was agreed that pupils should be fundraising too before the Council agree to assist. Bee Keeping- £1600 cost of trip – for 4 pupils – give- £ 240 Science – Culzean £240 to benefit entire first year – (English and Science) English were asking for monies for books. Sina not received request. This was to be chased up and if appropriate £240 given. Correspondance Raising awareness for CfE cards. Raising parental awareness. AOCB Brian Connelly pointed out the Awards Ceremony was well attended and the Council should look for a slot to talk then, i.e., a captive audience. It was agreed there would not be a formal handover of some of the cheques but pictures of this would be put on the display board. Keith going to mention Parent Council in his HT report at Awards Cerenomy. Date of Next Meeting AGM September 10th .
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