The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 3-14-1957 Maine Campus March 14 1957 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus March 14 1957" (1957). Maine Campus Archives. 2490. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus/2490 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 6?, 1957 THE MAINE CAMPUS see the Published Weekly by the Students of the University of Main* ey action Vol. LVIII Z 265 Orono, Maine, March 14, 1957 Number 20 iurnament ;tate Prep it Orono. coaches. Elect re largel William Law Senate President s of this y the Um- Rush Violation Will Fill Out Ity man- Annual Chest Campaign Begins winter Sunday; al direr- Gives Sigma brought Nu Collins' Term 'skull In- Theme Is 'Dollar Bill For Good Will' By Jim liumlielton Bridgton $100 IFC Fine William ntral In- Law, an off-campus mpus to Only Benefit Drive senior, was elected president of By John Littlefield the rs. Sigma General Student Senate Tues- Nu fraternity was fined'Will day big sport $100 for Feature Coffee, night. Law will serve out violation of drinking the hose own rules during unexpired term of Reginald rushing at a meeting Prizes, G. Collins, eluded an- of the lnterfraternity And Contest who resigned at the Council last Senate meeting. last night. Us Murric MacDonald In winning the weeks it At the same time a previous charge election, Law edged out Richard Barter year. against Sigma Nu of housing fresh- "A Dollar Bill for Good Will- by seven votes- 26-19. Gene Carter, men overnight during the rush period is the slogan of the University the other nomi- nee, withdrew ittlefield was dropped by the Council. Good Will before the elections. Chest Campaign dur- Law Previously Announced ing the week was an unsuccessful candi- of March 17. This date for Senate Both charges were announced at is the only President in campus- benefit drive on cam- wide elections last the last IFC meeting. At that time pus. spring. Sigma Nu was Later in the meeting Tuesday granted a stay because The Good Will Chest saves students night they had only learned Douglas Pelletier, Senator from of the charges the bother and expense of giving to South the Apartments, rocked previous afternoon. a multitude of charities. the Senate with a five-point proposal As a result of the Council's action Kickoff Coffee for determining student opinion on credited religion Sigma Nu became the fourth Univer- The drive Kickoff Coffee will be SERVICE G000?—.4 University courses. sity fraternity to draw a $100 IFC March coed and a waitress at the 17 at 7 p.m. in the Bangor Union seem to find it so as Mrs. Katherine Rankin, • fine for drinking violations during secretary to the Pelletier's ideas, contained in a pre- Room of Union. Dean of Men, and Campus Poliee Chief "Steve" Gould this year's rushing period. try their pared statement handed to the press The other This year prizes will be awarded hand at "bar tending." The dean's secretary and Chief Gould were three houses. Beta and all Senators before the meeting, Theta Pi, Phi groups which attain the highest per- rehearsing their parts in next week's Good Will Chest Drive. Gamma Delta, touched off lively discussion. and Sigma Alpha Ep- centage of the total amount received (Photo by Raphael) The silon. were fined at Senate was split on whether to the IFC meeting in the campaign. Last year the fac-4— vote two weeks ago. on the motion at that meeting Kappa Sigma was ulty gave the most money per capita. or to barred from Intramural ; delay it until "all interested persons" competition A dinner will be given for the high- / for could be invited to testify. a similar rushing period violation est men's and women's group. 'Open Line Proves at that same meeting. Costly' In the end the Senate make During the campaign members %oted to Ls Discussion of the council's action follow Pellet keg recommenda- of the faculty will perform vari- banding .:gainst Kappa Sigma at the last meet- tion and table hi.: proposal ous chores at the fraternities until (Continued their next e, wait- on Page Eight) such as waiting on tables, seep. To University Officials meeting. Law, new Senate president, said ing floors, etc. The SRA will the pro- ow you posal "would definite!, sponsor a Mr. Campus Chest By Ed Damon versity's telephone bill was be de- padded bated" Luckies 'Campus' contest. somewhat as a result. at that time. Positions Practical jokers—or perhaps Curtis, Pelletier's five-part Students can vote March 19 at the who was somewhat embar- program first t High- penniless and phoneless students "commends the Union by giving a penny. rassed by the w hole affair, said this SRA" for their work Are Now Available —took advantage of the Univer- marked on the religious subject, ; world Forty percent of the donations are the -first time in the 27 years and asks for sity-provided press phone at that phone a special eight-member it's be- Prof. Brooks W. Hamilton, head for campus emergencies. Theta Chi has been there." committee to Alumni Field to the tune "make recommendations of the Student-Faculty Publica- received .51.500 from the fund last of about The phone i• pros ided by the concerning following credited religion courses." te . • s Committee, has announced November after their house was de- $24 Maine's final foot- Universk• Athletic department ball game. Nov. y good- that the positions of Editor-in- stroyed by fire. Another 40 percent 3. for the con'en ience of the press Four committee members would be chief and Business is given to the World (luring the football season. students appointed, PIED to Manager of University The Maine Campus learned from one by each faith the Value Campus u ill become Service, an international student re- Faculty Manager of Athletics Ted "I can't say it's students," Curtis group, and the other four would be said, Lucky sacant following the issue of lief organization. Curtis that the telephone in the press "but someone was having a field faculty members appointed by the day for himself." st-tast- NIII re h 28. Other Allocations box at Alumni Field was not dis- /( ontinued an Page Five) Students interested in filling Other allocations are: Save the connected until Monday. Nov. 3. these positions may send their Children Federation. 4 percent; Na- In the interim someone "got letter. of application to the Com- tional Scholarship Service and Fund wind" of the "open line" and mittee on Publications, Fernald 2 for Negro Students. 2 percent; United put it to good use, perhaps to 1001AI Hall. Negro College Fund, 2 percent: Mis- while away a few hours talking All applicat• st he filed cellaneous. 10 percent. to a distant sweetheart. March 20. (Continued on Page Five) At any rate (toll. that is) the Uni- 'Oedipus' Opens Wednesday The Maine Masque Theater's third for actions he commits unknow- ,fenciee production of the academic year, ingly?" "Oedipus The King." will begin a Oedipus is horn ss ith a prophecy four day run in 1.ittle Theatre at from the Oracle of Delphi 8 p.m. March 20. that he will murder "The his father and marry his Masque has for many years mother. contemplated a production of Sopho- cles' tragedy "Oedipus Tyrannus," Written b) Sophocles in the mid- but not until this year has it taken fifth centur) B.C.. the pla) is con- this step," Professor Herschel 1.. sidered by man) to he the most per- Bricker. director of the Maine Masque, fect tragedy written. stated. One of the more prominent 'the play, one of the oldest and parts (I. to r.) )1,ra Coolthilaii, of a Greek drama Lois A are!. Gro•tchen 'kicker,. most famous of Greek tragedies. will is the chorus. The Susan chorus. which is supposed (Photo by Raphael) feature Sally Wilco\ and Bradford to represent the people, is made Sullivan in the lead roles of up of twelve per- Jocasta sons. and Oedipus. FIliot Rich Set For will take Chorus 'Stampede Stomp' the part of Creon. members in the Masque pro- duction are Jan F. Adlmann. Harold The cast arc fast "becoming" Maine students '.sill don their Entertainment will their Amrhein. Michael Arnold. Barbara he provided by characters. and with each rehearsal dancing shoes and party clothes Broadhead. Da'. id Brow it. .1.hornas three of Maine's clubs. The Square they "achieve increasing fmcc again this %%eekend truth in their Georgacarakos. C hristina Grey. Dan- for the Dance Club with K I(; OEDIPUS — Bradford portrayal of the horror-stricken annual Penny Natalie Shea. chair- pup- iel Jacobs. Bruce McDtiffie. Paul Para- Carnival festivities. , *tithing' will play the part of the pets of the Gods that Sophocles man: the Modern Dance Club dy, Everett Sanborn. and Marcella M. The program, sponsored by the with king in the next Maine Masque created." according to James W. Anita Frisby, Shibles. Women's Athletic Association, chairman: and the .0"•• theatre's presentation of the fa- Bartishok. instructor in speech at the will Set designs for "King Oedipus" are take place Saturday from Tumbling Club with Dianne Watson. - Greek tragedy, "Oedipus University.
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