Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40278-1 - A Woman in History Eileen Power, 1889-1940 Maxine Berg Index More information Index Abram, Annie 10, 115 Bergson, Henri (1859—1941) 58 account rolls 119 Besant, Annie (1847-1933) 90, 93 Adams, Herbert Baxter 7 Beveridge, William (later Lord) (1879-1963) Adams, W. G. S. 163 109, 146, 199 Agathon 59 birth control 45n, 145 All-India Home Rule League 89 Black Death 7, 132 Amritsar massacre 89, 92, 93, 148 Bloch, Marc (1886-1944) 2, 14, 56n., 61, 62, Angel, Norman 147 169,198, 200, 208-17, 221, 249, 250, 252, Anglo-American Historical Conference 166 254, 260 Annales d'histoire economique et sociale 210-11, 251 Bognetti, G. P. 214, 215 Annales school 211, 251 Bosanquet, Bernard 224 Anstey, Vera Powell (1889-1976) 70,157, 168 Bowley, Sir Arthur L. (1869-1957) 144-5,J^2 anthropology 5, 162, 165, 212 Brace, Donald 169, 185 anti-Semitism 60, 61, 236, 240 Braudel, Fernand 251 Apostles 39 Braudel, Paule 194 archaeology 208 British Federation of University Women 135, Armstrong, Edward (1846—1928) 36—7, 65,134 i36n., 177, 178 Ashley, W. J. 166 Brittain, Vera 25-6, 28, 29, 40, 77-8, 80 Ashton, T. S. 252 Brogan, D. W. 163 Atkinson, Mabel 66, 68 Brooke, Z. N. 36, 207 Austrian school of economics 165 Browning, Oscar 85-6 Bryn Mawr College, USA 7,169, 177, 261 BBC 224, 232—4 Biicher, Karl 119, 208, 211 bankruptcy 18 Buer, Mabel Craven 11, 70, 168 Barker, Ernest (1874-1960) 224 Burma 97-9 Barnard College, USA 158, 172, 177, 178 Burns, Arthur 145 Baron, Lily 82 Burns, Eveline Richardson (1900-85) 144,187 Bateson, Mary (1865-1906) 6, 9-10, 115 Bury, J. B. 8 Baynes, Norman H. 214 Beales, Hugh Lancelot A. (1889-1988) 144, Cadbury, Laurence 169, 252 i5<>> i57> *59»160,170,183 Cam, Helen 49, 66, 112-13,168,196,197, Beard, M. G. 'Barbula' 38, 78, 153, i55n., 209 240-1, 251 Bedier, Joseph 62 Cambridge University 8, 35, 38, 76, 77, 141 Beggs, Mary 234 degrees for women 108-9, H0? J42 Behrens, Betty 252 Camden Society 112 Benedictine rule 119,121 Canada 107 Bennett, H. S. 85,134, 250 Cannadine, David 10, 12,195, 248 Bennett, Judith in., 7n., 8n., ion. Cannan, Edwin 145, 146, 182 Benson, Stella (1892-1933) 174-5, X79 Cantor, Norman 8n., 260-1 Berenson, Mary Pearsall Smith (formerly Mrs Cape, Jonathan 169, 252 Frank Costelloe) 50, 51 Carpenter, Edward 91 285 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40278-1 - A Woman in History Eileen Power, 1889-1940 Maxine Berg Index More information 286 Index Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander M. (1886-1966) Dalton, Hugh (1887-1962) 52n., 145, 146, 252 162-3, 239, 24° Carus-Wilson, Eleanora (1897-1977) 180, 214, Davenport, Frances 247 250 Davies, Emily 27-8 Catharism, Order of the Beguines 126 Davis, E. Jeffries 160 Catholic Revival in Davis, H. W. C. 224 Ceylon 121 Davis, Natalie Zemon 1, 251, 260 Chibnall, Marjorie 253 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes (1862-1932) China 4, 99-107, iO5n., 151, 171-2 35-6, 72, 83, 85n., 102-3, IO5>Io6 Cistercians 116 Dixon, Elizabeth 9,115 Clapham, Antonia (god-daughter) 245 Dopsch, Alfons i55n., 209, 211, 215 Clapham, John Harold (later Sir) (1873-1946) Downs, Elizabeth 'Pico' 38, 78, 79, 245 8, 85,107-8, 167, 169, 193-4, 199, 207, Dreyfus affair 57, 60 210-16, 229, 239, 240, 252-6 Dunlop, Joyce 70 Clapham, Margaret 84, 85,167, 194 Durand, Marguerite 60 Clapham, Michael (later Sir) i54n., 167 Durbin, Evan 153,159, 163, 190, 239, 240 Clark, Alice (1874-1934) 9, 11, 26n., 67, 70, Durkheim, Emile 59 135,143. 25O Dyer, Reginald (General) 90, 148 Clark, G. Kitson 6n., 8n. Clark, G. N. 169, 191, 252 Eberstadt, Rudolf 211 Clarke, Peter 12 Eckenstein, Lina 9,10, 114 Clegg, Benson William (grandfather) 17, 20, Ecole des Chartes 37, 38, 55, 61, 62 23,37 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Clegg, Henry (uncle) 16, 18 62, 251 Clegg, Ivy (aunt) 20, 23, 73, 168, 193 Economic History Review 157, 158,166-8, 210, Clegg, Lilian (aunt) 20, 23 221 l l Clio, muse of history 1,133, 246, 257, 262 Economic History Society 166-9, %9> 9& clothes 4, 30-2, 35, 51, 64, 81, 85, 107,154, 254 Women's Committee xiii, xiv Clothworkers Scholarship 27 eugenics 22, 53 Cole, G. D. H. 204 Coleman, Donald Cuthbert (1920—95) 12 Fabian Women's Group 66n., 67, 68 College de France 56, 58, 62 fabliaux 126 Congress of Vienna 78,183 fascism 211, 214-15 Cornell University 177 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Anderson 26, 4m., Costelloe, Karin (1889-1953) (Mrs Adrian 53, 54 Stephen) 38, 41, 50-5, 60, 76, 82, 140 Fawcett, Philippa 41 Costelloe, Ray (Mrs Oliver Strachey) 50-3, Febvre, Lucien 56n., 61,166, 194, 210, 211, 124-5 212 Coulton, Gordon George (1858—1947) 8, 36, feminism 9, 54, 7m., 115,135n., 139, 143, 152, 73—5, 83—5,102, 108, 113, 116,122—3, 161, 261 128, 133-9, I5IJ J53> 200, 209, 210, 252, Firth, Sir Raymond 146, 194 254 Fisher, F. J. ('Jack') (1908-88) 144^, 151,157, Council for the Preservation of Business 161, 183 Archives 160 Fletcher, C. R. L. 224 court rolls 202, 247 Ford lectures 3,197-9, 208, 218-20, 252-3 Courtney, William J. 8n. Forster, E. M. 83, 98 Cowell, John (godson) 245 Fox, Ruth (Mrs Hugh Dalton) 52, 82 Creighton, Dr Mandell 6 Foxwell, H. S. 182 Crittall, Elizabeth 243, 244 France, Anatole 61 Crommelin, Constance (Mrs John Masefield) Freeman, Edward 111 41 Fry, Isabel 41 Crouzet, Francois 249 Cunningham, William (1849-1919) 8, 33, 70 Gaitskell, Hugh (1906-63) 153, 163,190, 238, Curtis, Lionel (1872-1955) 191 240, 245 customs accounts 160, 259 Gamble, Jane Catherine 27, 76 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40278-1 - A Woman in History Eileen Power, 1889-1940 Maxine Berg Index More information Index 287 Gamble Prize 76 Hawgood, J. A. 163 Gandhi, M. K. 89-94 Hayek, F. A. 146, 165 Ganshof, F. 216 higher education for women 6,14, 25, 27-9, Gardner, Alice 138 3°> 32-3, 76, "4> I2i-2, 135-6, i4O-3> Gargoyle Club 154-5 177-8 Garrett, Margaret Lois 'Margery' (Mrs Hill, Bridget 6, i22n. Dominick Spring Rice) (1887-1970) 21, historian-citizen 136-7 23, 26, 31, 34, 38, 41-8, 52, 54, 60, 63, historiography 1, 61,116, 2O2n., 203-5 65-6, 68, 77-8, 81-2,107,109,140,178, history 181, 215 archival based 6, 134,137 Gasquet, Cardinal 74,116 comparative economic 113, 136, 159, 202 Gay, E. F. 169 economic and social 3, 5-6,10,12, 75-6, Geddes, Patrick 89 116,130,134-5, 138, 140,148-51,164, gender 1, 2, 5, 8n., 9, 11, 32, 77, 81, 89, 94, 166, 167, 200, 217, 248 119-20, 129,181-2, gothic revival no George, Mary Dorothy Gordon (1878-1971) legal-constitutional 112-13,115,134,202,205 11, 26n., 70, i6on., 250 legal-manorial 113,134, 203, 206 German historical school 7, 70,114, i89n., literary synthetic 113,130—4, 137 202, 207, 211-12, 224, 246 medieval 3, 5, 6,10, 61, 64-5, 86,110-23, Gierke, Otto von 202-4 11511., 124, 130-9 Gilchrist scholarship 38 municipal 6, 115 Gildersleeve, Virginia 136,177 narrative 134, 246 Ginsberg, Morris 146 nationalist 137 Girton College, Cambridge 9, 27-34, 3%> 7^> 'new' 134, 138 79, 81 relation to social sciences 4, 8, 9,162—3, J^9 chaperones 32 religious/ecclesiastical 7, 10, 74-6,103, corridors 29 113-15, 121,152 dons and history tutors 32 scientific 112,138 gyps 28 world 136-9 jug 29 history tripos, Cambridge 35 Gittings, Jo Manton 181 Hitchcock, Curtice 185 Gooch, G. P. 184 Hobhouse, L. T. 146, 224 Gorton, Neville 65 Hobson, J. A. 256 Graham, Rose 7, 115,116 Hodgkins, Winifred Howard 30, 81 Gras, N. S. B. 169 Holy Roman Empire 201, 204, 235-6 Gray, Howard L. 169, 218 Holtby, Winifred 40 Gregory, Sir Theodore E. G. (1890-1970) Hong Kong 99 146, 162 'Honorary Powers' 87, 184-5, *86 Green, Alice Stopford 194 Huillard-Breholles, Jean Louis A. (1817-71) Green, J. R. 8, in and Mme 56 Hutchins, B. L. ('Bessie') 11, 66n, 67, 68, 71 Halevy, Elie (1870-1937) 59 Hyett, V. A. 169 Halevy, Florence 59, 194, 244 Hyslop, J. 169 Halifax, Earl (E. F. L. Wood) 239 Hall, Hubert (1857-1944) 68, 71, 72, 73,156, India 87-98 157, 218 Industrial Revolution 10, 151 Hammond, Barbara (1873-1962) 8, 11,136, Institute of Historical Research 168 151,176, 194 Institute of Pacific Relations 172, 175,179, Hammond, J. L. (1872-1949) 8, n, 136, 151, 183, 228 176, 229 Institute of Sociology Conference on Social Hanseatic League 209, 221 Sciences 163, 190 Hanson, Lucy 138 International Federation of University Harris, Jose 10 Women 135-6,177—8 Harrison, Amy 67 International Historical Congress 166 Hassall, A. 224 internationalism 130, 135,151-2, 200-2, 211 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40278-1 - A Woman in History Eileen Power, 1889-1940 Maxine Berg Index More information 288 Index Japan ioo, 104-5 London School of Economics (LSE) 9, Jex-Blake, Katherine 34, 81, 82, 108 65-73, 77, I(>8,123-4, 136* i4o-7> 166, Johnston, Sir Reginald Fleming (1874-1938) 210, 212 4, 101-2, 171-6, 178-9, 192 economic history courses at 155-6 Jones, Emila Beatrice ('Topsy') (Mrs Peter family allowances 145 Lucas) 45, 60 socialism and Fabianism at 147 Jones, Emily E.
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