HOULUTUMUTURUS009788714B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,788 ,714 B2 Krueger ( 45 ) Date of Patent: Oct . 17 , 2017 (54 ) SYSTEMS AND METHODS USING VIRTUAL 8 ) Field of Classification Search REALITY OR AUGMENTED REALITY USPC . .. .. .. .. .. 351/ 200 - 246 ENVIRONMENTS FOR THE See application file for complete search history . MEASUREMENT AND /OR IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN VESTIBULO -OCULAR (56 ) References Cited PERFORMANCE U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (71 ) Applicant: Wesley W . O . Krueger, San Antonio , 4 ,817 ,633 A 4 / 1989 McStravick et al. TX (US ) 5 , 180 , 907 A 1 / 1993 Udden et al . (Continued ) (72 ) Inventor: Wesley W . O . Krueger , San Antonio , TX (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 73 ) Assignee : IARMOURHOLDINGS, INC ., San WO WO 2013117727 8 / 2013 Antonio , TX (US ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Allison et al, Combined Head and Eye Tracking System for U . S . 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